[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)


Seeing a bucket of water relatively near the burning door, Surina runs to pick it up, preparing to throw it at the fire. "Is there a pump or the like in here for wAter to fight the fire? She asks of the townspeople who are still awake.
OOC: by my count getting to aa12 uses up all her movement this round. Next round she will run to burning door and throw the water, unless something major happens. Still on vacation--second family wedding tomorrow, then a day or two to get home)
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Note: I've removed from the images any kobolds nobody is observing. Now that Keth and Z are running toward them, their exact locations should be unknown to the characters.

As you run around the corner you hear the bowman above you whisper down to you. "I can't see them anywhere." Just past the edge of the kitchen wing of the inn, you can see a faint glow. (Perception check, please.)

The figure you saw wearing a hood was tall, taller than a man. It was certainly not a kobold. (When you turn the corner, no enemies will be in immediate sight. A perception check will be needed.)

Everett and Perin
Everett shakes the priest who wakes up. "What happened?" he asks.

Unseen but there's plenty of shouting
The non-combatants (violet circles) behind the bar hear about the fire and rush toward the stable. Two bowman coming downstairs joins them. (They were gray upstairs but they are purple downstairs). The mayor rushes over to the sleeping defenders and starts to wake them up.

Surina rushes to the bucket (move action) and picks it up (object action) and she dashes to the fire. (She can use a standard action to try to extinguish the fire next turn with an attack roll. Standard Str or Dex attack roll.) Behind her the men who haven't succombed to sleep are forming a bucket brigade. One of them calls out to unseen non-combatants, "Hurry, the fire is at the far end." Ominously, Surina hears someone else closer to the main room door say, "Oh no." "What Mical?" "Just keep going, the fire's more important."

[sblock="ground floor"] Leeds Inn first floor.png[/sblock][sblock="upper floor"]Leeds Inn second floor.png[/sblock]
Okay, players are up.
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Keth peers around the corner and just at the very edge of his dark vision he can see the tall figure about 55 feet away as well as one maybe two kobolds. They are standing 10-20 feet away from the stables. Of greater concern (perhaps) is the light flicker of flames on the stable wall 65 feet away. One of the kobolds seems to be dowsing the flames but then the flames flare brightly and you're thinking that's not water he's spraying on the fire.

"No, we'll bring the buckets to you." Someone says, "There's no other help. They've all..." At this point you have reached the end of the stables on the south wall and can see into the main room of the inn. Everyone but one young girl near the bar has "... fallen asleep."

leeds inn sleeping.png


OOC: finish of turn - Move 20' towards single kobold, end up O9
Action: Dodge

Keth secures his shield and brings it up in front of him. And then he cautiously starts towards the fire slinging kobold. As he moves he doesn't take his attention away from the man and his two kobold companions, even daring to challenge them.

"I don't know who you are friend, but I can't say much for your choice of traveling companions." the half orc says glaring at the kobolds from behind the shield.

"Friend?" says the seven foot tall figure. "You are alligator among turtles. Go home alligator. This place belongs to us." His speech is stilted. Common is probably not a language he speaks often. He also has a very sibilant lisp.
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"Sleep spell!" Everett shouts. "Wake that one!" He says pointing at Perrin. He peers out the window to see if there are any more coming.

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