D&D 5E (IC) (OneShot) JustinCase's Within The Circle


“One Goblin?” Traubon asks as he tried to open the claw of the giant crayfish. “Had to be quiet a sickness if the whole town couldn’t run off one Goblin.”

“Did you try fire, or sometimes even a pointy rock, from my experience goblins do not like being hit by rocks, in fact few things do. I wish I had a rock now to bust open this crayfish. There it goes!” Traubon smiled as he broke the shell and started to dig into the meat.

“I’m more than willing to do my part to help Borden and his village,” Traubon said as he shoved the meat into his mouth, “I just think this will be easy work.”

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Gorir listens to the tale plaguing the village, followed by the exchange from the other guests. "Where there is one goblin, there is usually more." Says Gorir. "Though I must admit, my lord Wildhurst, this sounds like something your household troops could easily do. Do you fear there may be more to this?"

AC: 18 (Chain and Shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 11/11 HD: 1/1d10

Warhammer: +4 5ft 1d8+2S
ShortSword: +4 5ft 1d6+2P
Light Crossbow: +2 80/320ft 1d8P

Warpriest 3/3 per long rest

SPELLS: Cantrips
Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying
level 1: 2/2
Bless; Command; Healing Word; Sanctuary


Wildhurst Manor

Magdalena listened carefully to the villager’s plight as she ate her seafood. With her strength, she had little trouble cracking the shell. She sipped her wine before speaking.

“Of course we must help them,” the young paladin said. “Such a thing cannot be allowed to stand. Do you know what kind of illness it was?” she asked the villager. “Did the goblins poison your well, or your grain?”

Bonus Action:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"A mission of mercy and vengeance worthy of the Westbrook name." Thadius says with a nod to the baron. "I am honored to be among those you would trust with dealing out your justice, good Baron Wildhurst. I am in."

The baron nods appreciatively, raising his glass to Thadius.

"Thank you, dear friend. I know such a cause is close to your heart and will gladly accept your assistance."

"Medicine delivery? Seems like a lot of trouble to call is here for something so mundane. I no naughty of plagues either executing a goblin that I can do rather see him see him in irons though, be easier to do alone." James feels that there is more to this than the Baron may be letting on.

"To be frank," the baron says, a hint of anger in his voice, "I do not care if the creature is captured or killed. Just stop him from poisoning the village again."

“One Goblin?” Traubon asks as he tried to open the claw of the giant crayfish. “Had to be quiet a sickness if the whole town couldn’t run off one Goblin.”

“Did you try fire, or sometimes even a pointy rock, from my experience goblins do not like being hit by rocks, in fact few things do. I wish I had a rock now to bust open this crayfish. There it goes!” Traubon smiled as he broke the shell and started to dig into the meat.

"Stopping one goblin might be easy," Borden agrees, staring at the dwarf's unusual eating habits. "No, it is a tribe, and if we strike down Belig, another will poison the water instead."

Gorir listens to the tale plaguing the village, followed by the exchange from the other guests. "Where there is one goblin, there is usually more." Says Gorir. "Though I must admit, my lord Wildhurst, this sounds like something your household troops could easily do. Do you fear there may be more to this?"

Jonah does not visibly react, and the baron glances at him for a moment before addressing Gorir.

"Sadly my personal troops are occupied at the moment, and we cannot wait until the goblins poison the villagers again. Time is of the essence, and therefore I would have you leave for Thistle at dawn."

He looks around the room and adds, "Assuming you all agree to help, naturally."

Magdalena listened carefully to the villager’s plight as she ate her seafood. With her strength, she had little trouble cracking the shell. She sipped her wine before speaking.

“Of course we must help them,” the young paladin said. “Such a thing cannot be allowed to stand. Do you know what kind of illness it was?” she asked the villager. “Did the goblins poison your well, or your grain?”

"Thank you, lady Ambers,"
the baron replies with a smile.

Borden speaks up again. "It was the river, milady. The goblin said as much, and we've never had a need for a well with the river nearby."



Gorir notices the tension his words caused, the baron certainly offered a plausible explanation but Gorir would have liked more information. "Forgive me if I have caused offense my lord. Old, paranoid habits of my mercenary days where we were too often fed to the wolves. I will of coarse help. Saving a village from plague and harassment is the perfect atonement for my past, where I found myself on the wrong side of similar situations all too often.

I pray your forces are doing well in their current endeavor?"
Gorir felt it best to leave it there, offending the Baron more would not do him any favours. Since they were leaving at dawn there was every chance he could glean some information from the servants.

AC: 18 (Chain and Shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 11/11 HD: 1/1d10

Warhammer: +4 5ft 1d8+2S
ShortSword: +4 5ft 1d6+2P
Light Crossbow: +2 80/320ft 1d8P

Warpriest 3/3 per long rest

SPELLS: Cantrips
Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying
level 1: 2/2
Bless; Command; Healing Word; Sanctuary


Traubon’s happy expression dropped some as James mentioned leaving that night, he had just begun to eat and there was ale to drink. “If we are to leave tonight I must make a stop at my place to get some gear, . . . perhaps we should take some food and ale for the journey.”


Skulltop Hillock

“The river? That is good,” Magdalena said. “It means that once we eliminate the perpetrators, the problem will solve itself by going downstream. Still, that would be a difficult endeavor to poison a river,” she mused.

Magdalena looked a bit surprised when the tiefling announced they were leaving that night. “The baron said morning. I do not have my gear, either. And I doubt the villagers would be happy for us to come knocking at their homes in the dead of night. I can send to the church for my gear, though, if we must leave.”

Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Ogre gemstone (Milady)
Black bear pelt (Milady)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"No need to apologize, master Orebelt," the baron says in reply to Gorir. "I am merely frustrated at the goblins that dare to threaten a village under my protection."

When James suggests they leave right away, Baron Wildhurst's eyebrows are raised slightly. "Your eagerness becomes you, master Hermain. However, I expect your companions to be less comfortable travelling during at night. I can arrange for your gear to be brought here before morning, and will provide you with provisions and a warm bed for tonight."

OOC: Assume all possessions on your character sheet are available before you leave, plus enough food for the duration of the mission.

Voidrunner's Codex

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