D&D 5E (IC) (OneShot) JustinCase's Within The Circle

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Gorir, ready for the stream of poison, has a hand before his mouth and nose, which helps to filter the smelly substance. He manages to keep out enough of the stuff to keep going. The stream of poison from the ceiling continues unabated, however, while Gorir stands on the second pressure plate.

Nothing else seems to happen.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: Alright, in effect the following sequence was triggered, counting from where you came in: Plate 3, plate 2, plate 1.


Goblin lair
Round 0

“Well, that didn’t work,” Magdalena murmured, stepping off her plate. “Let’s try 1, 2, 3?”

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 8/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 0/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.



After a cough and a snort Gorir takes his weight off the plate and waits for the first plate to be depressed before adding his own weight to the second plate.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]AC: 18 (Chain and Shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 11/11 HD: 1/1d8

Conditions: Blessed (add 1d4 to attack rolls and saves for 1 min)
Concentration: Bless 10/10

Warhammer: +4 5ft 1d8+2S
ShortSword: +4 5ft 1d6+2P
Light Crossbow: +2 80/320ft 1d8P

Warpriest 2/3 per long rest

SPELLS: Cantrips
Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying
level 1: 1/2
Bless; Command; Healing Word; Sanctuary[/SBLCOK]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Pressing the plates in the order in which they were encountered, Traubon puts his weight on the first - nothing happens. Then Gorir presses the second, and like before, a spurt of poison erupts from the ceiling, but the dwarf is ready for it and knows how to keep from breathing in the foul stuff. Then Magdalena presses the third plate.

Three thing happen at once. The door back to the throne room reopens, allowing the smelly poison to disperse. At the same time the torches that line the wall are extinguished, leaving only Magdalena's handheld torch to light the corridor.

And also the large marble door slides open, revealing a small, circular room with no other doors.

This snug room is dominated by a giant serpentine altar. The altar has been cast from copper and resembles a coiled serpent, its hood spread over a waist-high podium, stretching all the way to the ceiling. A golden bowl, dagger, and a large leather-bound tome rest on the podium.

serpentine altar.png



Carefully, without moving his weight Gorir examines the alter from where he is, racking his brain for anything he may have learned about a serpentine religion.

Religion check: 1D20+3 = [12]+3 = 15

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]AC: 18 (Chain and Shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 11/11 HD: 1/1d8

Conditions: Blessed (add 1d4 to attack rolls and saves for 1 min)
Concentration: Bless 10/10

Warhammer: +4 5ft 1d8+2S
ShortSword: +4 5ft 1d6+2P
Light Crossbow: +2 80/320ft 1d8P

Warpriest 2/3 per long rest

SPELLS: Cantrips
Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying
level 1: 1/2
Bless; Command; Healing Word; Sanctuary[/SBLOCK]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
James studies the room meticulously, all the usual spots, then the rare spots, then the impossible spots. He finds no pressure plates, no trip wires, no collapsing ceilings, no other forms of traps. Not a thing. Except - wait, that tome on the altar; there is a simple lock on it and by accident James' eye falls on the tiny needle hidden in the lock mechanism. No doubt a needle dipped in a potent poison!

When Gorir thinks about serpentine religions, his first thought is that there is a race of snake people called yuan-ti; a coldhearted folk revering the most ruthless aspects of snakes and reptiles. There are stories of a great but depraved yuan-ti kingdom in the distant past, and disguised yuan-ti trying to topple other societies in order to replace them with their serpentine way of life. As far as Gorir knows, however, those stories are mostly myths and are set in warm faraway places.

The other option he can think of is a cult devoted to some fiendish, snakelike evil, such as a marilith. The violent and chaotic nature of such a demon, however, seems at odds with the long term dealings the Baron has had with the mysterious Circle.


OOC: Oh I the book is closed abs locked shut I thought it was open as in the picture.

James wonders if he could simply snap the needle with his dagger as opposed to fiddling about with his thieves tools.

Voidrunner's Codex

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