D&D 5E (IC) (OneShot) JustinCase's Within The Circle


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: Still waiting for Magdalena's perception check.

Thadius and Traubon peer into the darkness and see the creatures shuffling about without discerning their nature or purpose. James and Gorir, however, see that the little bipedal reptilians are digging a large hole in the middle of the path and creating a trap, sturdy enough to carry the adventurers across unless several support beams are dislodged. There are six of the creatures and they are talking amongst themselves in a language you two don't understand.

OOC: These are muckdwellers; 2 feet tall (tiny) bipedal grey lizards.

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“Building a trap on the path?” Magdalena said with a frown. “That can’t be anyone good. Does it matter who it is for? They are obviously highway lizards. We should dispatch them quickly.” She looked ahead.

Perception: 1D20+1 = [4]+1 = 5

Bonus Action:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Magdalena sees nothing more than the others. She hears the creatures talk and gets the idea that she has heard their language before, but it's too far off to understand the words.

OOC: The muckdwellers have not spotted you yet, but if you move forward and wish to sneak up to them, Stealth checks must be made, with advantage because they are occupied with making the trap.



Whoever the trap is for, I am not really willing to leave it here for them." says Gorir "We seem to have spotted them before they us, but I am not one for stealth at the best of times. Perhaps a two pronged attack, with us clanky ones walking up the road, and the rest sneaking up on one flank?"

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]AC: 18 (Chain and Shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 11/11 HD: 1/1d10

Warhammer: +4 5ft 1d8+2S
ShortSword: +4 5ft 1d6+2P
Light Crossbow: +2 80/320ft 1d8P

Warpriest 3/3 per long rest

SPELLS: Cantrips
Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying
level 1: 2/2
Bless; Command; Healing Word; Sanctuary[/SBLOCK]


OOC: No whamies! no whamies!
Stealth [roll0]

Thadius puts his shield on his arm and hefts his morningstar. Quietly he follows James done along the creatures flank.



Magdalena shrugged and looked to Gorir. “Threatening or nonthreatening?” she asked the dwarf, reaching up to the handle of the greatsword on her back, making sure it was clear in its sheath while the others circled off into the trees.

Wanting to get as close as possible before they were spotted, Magdalena still attempted to move a bit stealthily.

OOC: Sorry LOL Can’t pass up having a straight stealth roll rather than at disadvantage, just to see!

Stealth: 1D20 = [10] = 10

Bonus Action:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
As James and Thadius silently move off to flank the creatures, Magdalena steps forward slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible. The plates of her armor move slowly, hardly making a sound, and the human paladin has moved halfway to the reptilian creatures when her metal encased foot steps on a rock. It isn't loud at all, but it is just enough for one of the creatures to look in her direction.

A tiny shriek erupts from it, and the muckdweller points in Magdalena's direction. Soon all of the creatures turn towards her, talking hurriedly, and spreading out as if to prepare to overwhelm the paladin.

Recognising their language as a strange accent of Draconic with curious grammar, Magdalena understands the creatures are startled and are talking about goblins.

"Danger there!"

"Goblins here are now?"

"Trap yet done not!"

"Goblin spy attack!"


OOC: Thadius and James are hidden; I haven't seen any stealth checks from Traubon or Gorir, so if you want please roll them, otherwise I will assume you haven't tried to remain unobserved.

Everyone please roll initiative checks.

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