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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Iron Gods



"Hailey, there is something in the water just beyond the creature. There is some sort of marking on the flank and what appears to be a tattered hood hanging form the head. Perhaps it may be one of the previous excursions?"

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Guest 11456

Once Aja was sure that the creature was dead she channeled energy to heal any who were injured (she heals a total of 6 points of damage after two uses). Meanwhile Vandor has found a mostly eaten body of a man in the pool beyond the body of the blindheim. Although the clothes and armor are ruined there is a belt pouch that is intact on the body's hip. Within he finds 42 gp, a silver symbol of a skull and bones shaped like a pick, and two water-tight potions.

[section]Twist fell silent and resorted to listening carefully. He accepted Hailey's help in settling into the narrow southern tunnel, and frowned when Vandor mentioned a pool of water. His frown deepened when the others recovered a partially eaten corpse. Twist shuddered. "A meal for Toady, I suppose," the ratling whispered to no one in particular. He was grateful he hadn't been eaten, as he feared he might have been. Twist settled in to wait for his hour to be up. Olrich had said the blindness would abate after an hour, and so Twist tried to be confident in the human's prediction. His ears pricked at the tink of the glass vials. "Oooh! You found something? What is it?" [/section]



Vandor carefully removed the items from the dead body. He was somewhat surprised to discover over 3 dozen gold coins. The silver symbol confused him. It was unfamiliar but perhaps one of the others would know what it was.

"There is over three dozen gold coins and two unknown potions. More interesting is this odd symbol I discovered. It is a silver skull and bones roughly shaped like a triangle."


Hailey Navarre


Hailey remained where she was in the tunnel, watching in the direction they had yet to explore. She felt better after the healing and thanked Aja. Glad that the "something" found was not an actual threat, she remained relaxed and leaning against the wall with her thumb tucked into her weapons belt.

"I suppose it is likely that another from a previous expedition met an untimely fate. Perhaps that symbol you found holds religious significance. I cannot say that is in my expertise."

"Neither is determining if a potion vial is magical. If they are magical and our spell casters cannot identify the contents, then I could possibly figure them out by a tiny taste."

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30 (20 with Backpack)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3/3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


"I would be willing to take a look at those two potions - in time," comments Olrich as he precisely plunges his dagger into the blindheim's cranium.

[section]Twist winced as his leg throbbed where the toad clawed him. He tested the wound with his fingers. It felt slick with blood. "I'm hurt. I think Toady did some damage when he clawed me. I can't see to be sure, though." [/section]


Hailey Navarre


Hailey looked down at the ratkin and replied, “Naw, it looks your wounds are healed now, Twitch. The blood is yours, though. Do you still have pain?”

After Aja had used her divine healing, the gunslinger was feeling fine. She though that with the lack of sight, maybe Twist was feeling some ghost pain from the injuries.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30 (20 with Backpack)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3/3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]

[section]"What? Oh. No. Guess I'm just still wet from the swim." Twist smiled sheepishly. Having nothing better to do, he asked about the bits and bobs recovered from the pool. "Hey, there weren't any shiny pieces in there, were there?" Hope sprang eternal.[/section]


First Post
Zeta sighed heavily and sat down against a wall, occasionally pressing the backs of her hands against her eyes, trying to see if there was any vision returning.

"Vandor," she said after a moment. "The symbol you saw. Describe it to me again?"

(OOC - What sort of skill roll might identify that symbol from memory?)

Voidrunner's Codex

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