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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Paths of Legend: Resurrection


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"I'll try," the monk says with a smile. "Where will we be laying her body to rest?" he asks while walking outside with the dwarf, not bothering to help carry the body.

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"I'll try," the monk says with a smile. "Where will we be laying her body to rest?" he asks while walking outside with the dwarf, not bothering to help carry the body.

"South. Hour's walk," said Kowl. "They won't bother with the body, wouldn't want to sully their pretty thin hands on the body of a dwarf they wouldn't, but I 'pose they'll allow a cairn or a burning."

He walks a moment, seemingly un-slowed by the weight of the body on his gait, eyebrows wired together in either annoyance or deep thought. "Don't make a damn bit o' sense, eh? Duergar have their own minds about them and hate the world of the living, but this don't feel like that sort of thing, do it?"

OOC: General intelligence check (make it wisdom if you prefer), anything I've heard about duergar operations, movements, politics, etc. while in prison? Or even on the outside? 1d20+2=7


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Peregrin nods to the dwarf's words. "I do not understand, either. Perhaps this one has turned away from her people's ways and was genuinely concerned? Turning away from one's evil brethren is more common than would be expected, if the applicants at the monastery are anything to go by."

The halfling is quiet for a while, pondering the situation, before adding, "I must admit that attempting to kill Astor was a rather misguided way of showing that concern. Do you think she was in league with the orcs?"


Annika and Donall are rebuffed by the half-orc barkeep, "This ain't no inn. This place is for drinking and eating and for miners, quarrymen and soldiers and their guests at that. You outsiders bring nothing but trouble." He harumphs and then softens his tone, "Bah. You can sleep by the fire if you help me clean up." The half-orc glances at the ratkin, wrinkling his nose, "You, too, I guess."

Kowl doesn't recall anything specific about duergar as he and Peregrin reach the graveyard. As he sets the duergar's body down, he notices a small grey stone with black veins literally embedded in her abdomen. The stone begins to glow with an eerie, ghostly white light. There is a pulse of energy and everything goes black...

Kowl is suddenly on the battlements of Silvergard Castle, looking down at a horde of demons scrambling their way up the mountain side toward the castle. Archers wait nervously next to him as Lord Muzdum holds his hand raised, about to give the order to fire.

Peregrin is suddenly standing by the black obelisk in Silvergard, the memorial to those who sacrificed their lives during the Shadow War, including his parents. There is a crack in the obelisk and an eerie, ghostly white light emanates from the fissure.

The dwarf and halfling come to their senses only to face another nightmare. The duergar, still quite dead, is moving. Worse, the graves all around them are beginning to shift, as if their occupants were struggling to free themselves.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
After regaining consciousness, Peregrin rubs his somewhat aching head, looks around, and rubs his eyes. Looking again at the movements around him, the halfling slowly grabs his kamas and drops down in a defensive crouch. "I suppose this is part of the dwarven burial ceremony?" the halfling whispers jokingly to Kowl.

OOC: Can I make some sort of check to see if the shining grey stone has anything to do with what's happening? A wisdom check or something?


Donall Harkness, Human Ranger


Donall took a look in his money purse and decided that a free night in front of the fire for a little cleaning up was not a bad trade. “Well I can accept that deal, mate. Looks like there are plenty of cold nights on the mountain ground in my future.”

True to his word, the ranger helps clean up after the patrons left.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +5 Perception: +5
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 18(15ff) Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +1
Current Conditions in Effect: Quick Draw, Power Attack (-1 Att/+3 Dmg)
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Chakrams: 5/5 Remaining[/sblock]


First Post
A floor by a fireplace would hardly be the worst place Annika had slept, but after so long on the road, she ached for a bed.

"Is there an inn?" she asked the bartender plaintively. "Nearby?"


The Orc's Eye Tavern

The grizzled old barkeep gives Annika a misshapen toothy grin, "Nope. Vedlund ain't used to visitors. Nobody wants to be here. The quarrymen are here because the pay is good. The rest of us are here because somebody has to defend the border from the orcs who sired a bastard like me."

The Graveyard

OOC: Peregrin can make a Perception check.

The duergar woman's corpse has made to its feet, her scorched face twisted into a grotesque leer. The other graves are still shifting and moving and a hand or two has managed to dig its way out.

OOC: Fight or flight? You'll only have the option to flee for one more round.


Donall Harkness, Human Ranger


Donall made conversation, not in a real hurry to sack out.

“Surely everyone has a choice, yeah? Even if the choice is one they don’t like.”

“If the rest of the folks are here to defend the border, I wonder where they stay. For that matter, I wonder where Astor is spending the night.”

[sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +5 Perception: +5
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 18(15ff) Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +1
Current Conditions in Effect: Quick Draw, Power Attack (-1 Att/+3 Dmg)
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Chakrams: 5/5 Remaining[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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