[IC] Return of the Runelords - Old Doom Shopping Trip - About eight days ago


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Black figure went through the market, his staff clicking or thumping into the ground depending on where he was. He looked over many stalls and in the end ended up with a pretty big bundle. But essentially, it boiled to a tent and some food for him and the animals.

Druids kit includes cooking utensils, 5 days ration, animal feed for 5 days and assorted adventurers things...
14gp 44lbs

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Druids kit includes cooking utensils, 5 days ration, animal feed for 5 days and assorted adventurers things...
14gp 44lbs
OOC: Which after the flask leaves me with about 2gp (1gp, some silver and some copper, but I will list it in character sheet tomorrow along with animal changes.)

How can I upgrade the animals without class features? What would it take to make the pony advanced?

Voidrunner's Codex

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