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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness


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Kacela remains quiet at first as they walk through the corridor. Then she says, "I owe you an apology, Jihahna. I have been foolish, and arrogant, and the cost of my mistake has fallen on you. I...am deeply sorry."

"I tried to teach you of the Force, but I am no master yet. Your eagerness to learn, and the regard you held me in...appealed to me. To my ego. But you are not a youngling raised to the Code who can be taught by someone like me. You have a lifetime of things to unlearn. You need an experienced hand."

She stopped walking then and turned to face Jihahna. The calm mask slipped a bit, and there was pain in her eyes, and fear. "Please try to stop calling on the Force, until we can get you to someone who is qualified to help you."

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The merc took the liquor offered to him and tipped back for a long pull before returning the bottle to Jihahna with a nod. When Kacela arrived and spoke with Jihahna the merc raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the unconscious ithorian but remained silent as the pair leave the room...


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna's mouth appeared to initially open in protest before she closed it. She looks down, a smile appearing on her face. Her sad eyes glistening from the pain and exhaustion from the day were at peace.

"I was always taught by the bounty hunters and the pirates that the Jedi were arrogant. Maybe some are, but your humility Kacela is.... Well, I never thought such humility could exist. But...

She raises a pointer accusingly at the Jedi. Her face turning into a scowl.

"Don't you dare doubt your actions! Do you not remember the pain I was in? The suffering? I asked for you to help with that. I didn't realise before, but I've always used the force to help me in my times of need. I don't know why it chose me, but if it wants me to follow this path I will!"

She throws her hand to her side, her voice softens with a warm smile. "Do you honestly think it was all your ego and not a gut feeling you had at all that brought you to help me? If it was, don't you see? If it was all about your ego, then training me was a mistake!"

She pauses for effect and comes a little closer to Kacela, her eyes watering, she lowers her voice to a whisper. "Truth is, you're an outstanding Jedi. Your humility.... You KNOW you made the right decision with me, helping to take away my pain, but still you're willing to accept the POSSIBILITY that you were wrong. That's the difference between Jedi and Sith. That's why I know, you did the right thing. Every fibre of my being tells me you did. I can't quite explain it in words..."

She takes a step back... Her volume returning.

"Well, that's what I think... In layman's terms. So, in regards to your request, I'll gladly accept. But don't be so sad in asking me! I bet it comes at some point as a part of Jedi training right? Not relying on force powers, but trusting in the force itself? That's something i'd try and teach if I had a student... I'm nowhere near Jedi material yet Kacela, I know that, but I want to learn. The way I see it, I will treat it as a part of my training."

She steps over to the doorway to peek at the others before turning back to Kacela for her reply.


Perception regarding the 'others' (Jihahna's current internal speak for 'prisoners ')
_: 1D20+4 = [14]+4 = 18

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First Post
"It was not a mistake that you be trained," Kacela said, taking a deep breath. "But it was a mistake for me to do it."

"Jihahna...I'm not blind. I know you have been drawing on your anger. Even as you fight the Sith, you are in danger of following the trail they have blazed. A better teacher could help you avoid this. She would know what to say to you right now."

"But I don't. Other than...please stop. You should go to a Jedi Temple...seek true training. Seek someone who can help you in a way that I can't. Before it's too late."


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna nodded slowly as Kacela spoke. "I agree with you Kacela. I will stop for now. I'll wait for further training. As for drawing on the dark side. I guess part of that is going to be about getting my anger in check."

She takes a deep breath once more before continuing.

"With my anger, I always used to draw on it in the past Kacela, but, I was also pretty far gone back then. I wasn't nearly as connected to the force as I am now. In fact, maybe the fact that I was scared of it and used to suppress it helped to protect me? As my connection has been growing, the strength of my emotions has been fluctuating."

Jihahna pauses again for a moment, leaning against the wall. She crosses her arms, looking down at the ground pondering.

"I think I... I need to be careful, but at the same time i've. I've been there, done that. It's not a part of me I can erase. I have to accept the ugly side of me, but at the same time, I just want you to know how much I get from doing the right thing, being the better me...

She raises her mechanical hand in front of Kacela as if revealing a precious gem.

This arm represents healing and forgiveness to me. It came from the destruction of my original arm, but the original arm was set to kill, to steal, to take from others. It had to be sacrificed in order for me to move forward. I mean it didn't LITERALLY have to be, but that's how I've decided to view the matter...

My new arm, was born from that same payment in blood. It's a symbol of the mercy I showed as well as the mercy that was shown to me...

Jihahna paused a moment before finishing. "This arm is my favourite. It's a reminder of the time I found that there was more to life than credits and power. It reminds me of who I really am.

I'll do my best not to call on the force for now Kacela. I'll try harder in rejecting the dark side. It's just going to take some adjustment...

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First Post
While the two Jedi discuss training, the Outlaw Gambit flies back over the mountains and towards Footfall. Arriving less then an hour later, Vivian Rell, the Republic Survey Supervisor is there to greet you. So are Halina Yass and Gall Doogota from Czerka Corp.

"The earthquakes have stopped an hour or so ago. Can I take that to mean that you succeeded?" Vivian asks with a smile. Gall also seems pleased but once again Halina did not. Maybe she was always in a bad mood?


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

After landing, Jihahna's face becomes stern.

"Kacela, the others we have here. Should we leave them on the ship with a guard for now? Or do we show them to Czerka?"

Jihahna yawns and stretches, before jumping on coms and asking the others if she can make a quick query. She repeats her question to any of them in person.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The gand, quietly sitting cross-legged in the navigator's chair up to this point, breaks its concentrated study of the strangeness spinning through the screen of the (contaminated?) datapad lying in its lap...

slur jumble-drone mumble click "Prisonners of the Galactic Republic?"

OOC: How do you want tohandle breaking/interpreting the Infinity Gate data, GreenKarl? Also see my upcoming post in the OOC thread

Once outside:
"The earthquakes have stopped an hour or so ago. Can I take that to mean that you succeeded?" Vivian asks with a smile. Gall also seems pleased but once again Halina did not. Maybe she was always in a bad mood?
drone slurr clicketty hum jumble "The Crater Wyrm lives but sleeps." reports the gand when nobody else volunteers, her attitude litteraly radiating unhappiness, for those who can tell such things... Still, she tilts her chitinous head to Gall Doogota, the right side of it still marred by that horrible, near-death injury: gutttural clack jumble-whirr clicketty hum-whirr jumble click "This humble one believes mining should be able to resume with a few precautions?"


First Post
"The prisoners should be transferred to the Republic," Kacela opines, "But I don't know that we have the means to do it...or the authority. They may have to stay here until a transport can be arranged."

She nods at the Gand and adds, "Mining could resume potentially, but the issue of the Kwa needs to be pressed. Czerka will have to be willing to work with them, and compensate them for any terms they grant."


Jihahna exits with Kacela and this Gand, taking the 'others' with her, then tacks on a small addition to conversation herself.

"Yeah, they should follow through with their end of the agreement, providing safe locations for Czerka to (yawn) mine in safety. In the meantime, I could do with a looong shower and sleep."

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