Archon Basileus
First Post
An inconspicuous arrival. That was the request of the Duke for the heroes. Not an easy task, granted, since their exploits would be known around Wellington’s capital,Wallis, at least among travelers by now. And travelers were not such a rare sight these days…
After the disaster that befell the land, many sought shelter around the walls of the fortified city. No one knows why it was spared the disaster of the ascendant star. Perhaps the gods took pity on it, perhaps they wanted to protect the Wellington bloodline for unknown purposes, or perhaps they wanted mortals to have a chance for redemption. No one knows for sure.
This is why it is said that the Duke made a choice. A choice to believe in redemption. A choice to believe in second chances. Vying to lift the curse that brought his domain to the brink of destruction, he called out for heroes capable of climbing the perilous steps of the Teraphim Sanctum, seeking out the answers he could only guess. He called out to the four corners of the known world… He called out… for you.
The day’s at an end as you reach the inner walls of the strange tower city of Wallis. Within, you’re taken to Galean’s Keep, one of the three vertical fortresses built by the Teraphim at the heart of Vallis. It’s strange walls, a mix ofstone and metal, hold ancient runes of unknown meaning, glowing lines thatgrant a mystical atmosphere to the place. As soon as you arrive, you are taken to the Hall of Records, a vast room placed several stores above the city, within Galean’s Keep. There, amidst books and scrolls of ancient lore, Lord Conrad, Duke of Wellington and High-Overseer of Caer Vallen, last of his line, receives his guests.
Sat in athrone, glancing at texts upon texts that cover a large table, the Duke, a manof his forties, rests sunken, silent eyes upon the gathered party. His seneschal is the one who speaks first.
“The Duke welcomes you, heroes, and thanks you for the generosity of landing strength tohis cause! We shall accommodate you soon. But first His Grace asks for a formal introduction.” – the seneschal falls silent as he observes the recent arrivals, not even out of their traveling clothes. The Duke falls into his chair, a restless, pale figure sunken in furs as his vigor slowly gives way to exhaustion. Before him lay the knowledge of many schools of theurgy, religion and magic. Nature meets necromancy, Teraphim and gods share space with demonic names and physiology tomes, all summed up in the blackness of the Duke’s tired gaze.
[Welcome! Please, introduce yourselves!
@industrygothica @hafrogman @Charwoman Gene @Greenmtn @Shayuri
An inconspicuous arrival. That was the request of the Duke for the heroes. Not an easy task, granted, since their exploits would be known around Wellington’s capital,Wallis, at least among travelers by now. And travelers were not such a rare sight these days…
After the disaster that befell the land, many sought shelter around the walls of the fortified city. No one knows why it was spared the disaster of the ascendant star. Perhaps the gods took pity on it, perhaps they wanted to protect the Wellington bloodline for unknown purposes, or perhaps they wanted mortals to have a chance for redemption. No one knows for sure.
This is why it is said that the Duke made a choice. A choice to believe in redemption. A choice to believe in second chances. Vying to lift the curse that brought his domain to the brink of destruction, he called out for heroes capable of climbing the perilous steps of the Teraphim Sanctum, seeking out the answers he could only guess. He called out to the four corners of the known world… He called out… for you.
The day’s at an end as you reach the inner walls of the strange tower city of Wallis. Within, you’re taken to Galean’s Keep, one of the three vertical fortresses built by the Teraphim at the heart of Vallis. It’s strange walls, a mix ofstone and metal, hold ancient runes of unknown meaning, glowing lines thatgrant a mystical atmosphere to the place. As soon as you arrive, you are taken to the Hall of Records, a vast room placed several stores above the city, within Galean’s Keep. There, amidst books and scrolls of ancient lore, Lord Conrad, Duke of Wellington and High-Overseer of Caer Vallen, last of his line, receives his guests.
Sat in athrone, glancing at texts upon texts that cover a large table, the Duke, a manof his forties, rests sunken, silent eyes upon the gathered party. His seneschal is the one who speaks first.
“The Duke welcomes you, heroes, and thanks you for the generosity of landing strength tohis cause! We shall accommodate you soon. But first His Grace asks for a formal introduction.” – the seneschal falls silent as he observes the recent arrivals, not even out of their traveling clothes. The Duke falls into his chair, a restless, pale figure sunken in furs as his vigor slowly gives way to exhaustion. Before him lay the knowledge of many schools of theurgy, religion and magic. Nature meets necromancy, Teraphim and gods share space with demonic names and physiology tomes, all summed up in the blackness of the Duke’s tired gaze.
[Welcome! Please, introduce yourselves!

@industrygothica @hafrogman @Charwoman Gene @Greenmtn @Shayuri
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