Pathfinder 1E IC - Tideruler: The Fall of Laholt


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I don't know Goliath personally, no. But I was asked to meet with him at the aqueduct there. I am Moss. And see there, someone is coming." little dragon starts descending toward their goal.
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Daxio looked down as they approached the aqueduct and spotted a beautiful brunette. He flashed a smile. “This is already beginning to look up,” he commented.

He landed on the pavement and ran a hand through his handsomely unruly dirty blonde hair as he approached the woman.

“Good afternoon, Beautiful One,” he greeted, giving a courtly bow. “Daxio Flynn, at your service.”

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 122/122 NL: 0
AC: 19 FF: 14 T: 15
CMD: 20
Fort: 10 Ref: 10 Will: 13
Armed: Dagger
Arcane Reservoir: 9/15/day
Consume Spells: 5/5/day


Spells Prepared
0 (9): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic
1 (4/4/5): Burning Hands, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Magic Missile, Vanish
2 (4/4/5): Darkvision, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility
3 (4/4/4): Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Suggestion, Fly
4 (4/4/3): Charm Monster, Confusion, Greater Invisibility
5 (4/4/2): Dominate Person, Hold Monster
6 (2/2/1): Mass Suggestion

Spell Book:
0: All
1: Burning Hands, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Featherfall, Grease, Liberating Command, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Silent Image, Vanish
2: Darkvision, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility
3: Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Suggestion, Fly
4: Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Confusion, Greater Invisibility
5: Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Hold Monster
6: Greater Dispel, Mass Suggestion

"Excellent, Mr. Flynn, you can find my laundry at the Stag and Crown Inn where I'm staying. My travel clothes have plenty of mud stains from my journey here." Zyara says with a straight face, though perhaps a hint of levity in her eye. "Unfortunately, that also means you are not the person I am seeking. A satyr named Goliath. Do you, perhaps, know of him?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Moss lands at the edge of the aqueduct, crouching there as some painted gargoyle. He cocks his head at the humans, studying their interaction. "Mating rituals immediately upon meeting? No wonder they are everywhere." he thinks to himself.

After several seconds, he drops from the sight of casual passer by, hiding until needed.


First Post
A crowd was moving through the city of Alessia. At its center was Aranel. She was followed by this sort of cometary halo; gawkers fascinated by this strange and beautiful creature, but who dared not get too close. For her part, Aranel did nothing to encourage nor discourage them. She was quite used to this.

[sblock=Aranel] e1bd47725e67705c7894cf870afeab8e.jpg[/sblock]

There was a time, perhaps, when the idea of attracting this much attention would have mortified her. The changes wrought at the great wyrm's bones had been more than skin deep. Even as that which was elf or human in her smiled at their antics, another inner voice was puffed up and regarded their 'adulation' as only natural. It had taken Aranel time to come to terms with the fact that this 'other' voice was still herself, not some ancient alien presence. She had changed, and was as much dragon as she'd ever been an elf, or a human. What that meant...well...she was still working on that even now.

Aranel was tall for a woman, the scaled scalp of her head six and a half feet off the ground. With the extra height of the delicate horns curving up away from her temples, perhaps seven feet. Of all Aranel's features, her face was perhaps the least changed. She'd always been pretty; her face showing the best of her elven and human heritage...but now her eyes were bright yellow with their sclera tinted red. Her skin was an iridescent shade of red as well, but when the light caught those tiny, almost invisible scales she shone like gold. From head to foot she was garbed in finery, from the silk cloak embroidered with draconic runes in gold around the trim that fluttered behind her in waves of violet and gold, to the soft hide boots she'd had custom fitted for herself, that had gold filigree worked into the black leather. Jewelry hung about her, gold earrings, silver rings, a tiara or headband of breathtakingly worked gold and platinum strands all interwoven with a sapphire mounted at her forehead, bracelets and if she'd walked out of a cave wearing a dragon's hoard. And under her loose tabard of deep blue was her armor; chainmail so thin and fitted that it seemed to be almost painted onto her, shining a similar shade of red and gold as her own skin, with a protective cuirass that hugged her curves nearly as tightly as the mail itself and pauldrons of molded metal adorned with claw-like spikes.

Yes, she was used to making a scene.

Aranel paused on entering the town to get her bearings, then headed south. Goliath was said to be at the aqueduct there. However, she paused on her way upon encountering a small knot of individuals nearly as outlandish as herself.

Her welcoming smile as she moved out of the cloud of onlookers was as fiercely, overpoweringly warm as the desert sun at noon.

"You must be here for Goliath as well,"
she surmised. "I'm glad. The situation here is dire, and we will all be glad of allies before it's done."

"I am Aranel Amandine, from Ra'haria Laman, though I represent a broader coalition of elven communities who wish to extend their support to Alessia in this troubled time. The draconic woman hesitated, then added, "I realize the troubled history of Alessia and my people. It's why I came alone. We felt that a full contingent of foreign elves all arriving at once could be...misconstrued. And of course, my elvish heritage is not the first thing people tend to notice when seeing me." She smiled again.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Rustling from above comes on the trail of Aranels introduction and flap of wings follows. Small dragon lands in front of her on all fours before standing up to all of its two-and-a-half feet height. The difference could not be more striking. This creature, while not ugly, was by no means impressive or beautiful. Small, obviously draconic, with impressive armament of teeth and claws, but without majesty of a true dragon.

(OOC: wait for couple more feats :) )

"Aranel! You came too! Whatever is causing this will be eradicated in the name of Apsu, the true dragon. How are you? How did you come? Who called you?"

After quick chitter, the dragon crouches down and somewhat composes himself.
"The tribe is saved! And no demons are following us anymore. You changed."

Archon Basileus

First Post
The meeting under the aqueduct brings a strange sensation. The region is known for the downfall of man and the rise of the most savage communities of elves and satyrs that came on its wake. Villages around hush stories of nocturnal visits from strange lovers, leaving prenant, heartbroken women behind, as well as young damsels robbing men of their will to live after offering a day of love under the sun. The entire region seems to be under a heavy spell, no doubt the result of the feeric presence of the new inhabitants of ravaged Alessia.

Even here, under a forgotten ruin, the eerie feeling of Fey presence still reaches. The woods stand vigilant as the beasts make their own hovels around, far from the influence of mankind.

[Ok, go on! I just wanted to add some flavor description! Feel free to role introductions and so on!]

"Greetings, I am Zyara Kyloni, a humble traveler. Dark portents have led me to Laholt and this morning I discovered a Satyr named Goliath would be able to tell me more." She says to the elf woman. "Do you know Goliath? I have never dealt with him before."



Daxio’s face broke into a grin. “Are you offering me access to your knickers, then, milady?” he parried back artfully. “My, my! How forward! I am pleased!”

Jude glanced around the area. “I am very familiar with Goliath,” Jude said. “We did much carousing and wooing of beautiful ladies such as yourself in my more formative years, and he might have taught me a few spells when we weren’t drunk, hung over, or...entertaining.”

They were interrupted by the arrival of a beautiful woman with an entourage of followers.

“Well, today seems my lucky day,” Daxio said with a bright grin. “Two beautiful women come to me!” He gave a bow obviously perfected in the great courts of Laholt. “Daxio Flynn, milady, counselor to kings and princes, fulfillment of the dreams of many a highborn lady,” he said with a roguish grin. “You seem to have gathered quite the party.”

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 122/122 NL: 0
AC: 19 FF: 14 T: 15
CMD: 20
Fort: 10 Ref: 10 Will: 13
Armed: Dagger
Arcane Reservoir: 9/15/day
Consume Spells: 5/5/day


Spells Prepared
0 (9): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic
1 (4/4/5): Burning Hands, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Magic Missile, Vanish
2 (4/4/5): Darkvision, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility
3 (4/4/4): Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Suggestion, Fly
4 (4/4/3): Charm Monster, Confusion, Greater Invisibility
5 (4/4/2): Dominate Person, Hold Monster
6 (2/2/1): Mass Suggestion

Spell Book:
0: All
1: Burning Hands, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Featherfall, Grease, Liberating Command, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Silent Image, Vanish
2: Darkvision, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility
3: Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Suggestion, Fly
4: Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Confusion, Greater Invisibility
5: Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Hold Monster
6: Greater Dispel, Mass Suggestion

"As long as you return them properly cleaned, your enthusiasm for sweaty knickers is not my concern." Zyara retorts. At the mention of carousing, Zyara casually runs her fingers along a series of short, linked rods draped over her shoulder like a bandoleer. A wider handle can be seen at the end of the sectioned whip. Their banter is interrupted by the arrival of the elf woman.

Refocusing on the task at hand, she says, "I wonder how many others have answered the call for this problem."

Voidrunner's Codex

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