I'd Buy That for a Dollar!


I stolled into my PayPal account and found, to my surprise, I have $1 in there. What in the blue heck can I do with $1 PayPal? Granted, I could transfer it into my banking account but, a 5-8 day waiting period to put $1 in checking...meh.

I'm at a loss. Any suggestions? Any great $1 products out there? Anybody want to do something for a buck?

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Mystery Man said:
We could forward the dollar back and forth to each other until its all gone. :)

That's funny.

As far as charity goes...really, $1? I mean, I'm all for helping, but $1?


That's Latin for "cool"
Wyn A'rienh said:
If everybody gave a single dollar, think how much money that would be ...

$6 billion. Hmmmm. If a pizza costs $11 could buy 545,454,545 anchovie pizzas!



Hey, about the $1. I wouldn't donate it. I doubt $1 would even cover processing fees. You'd just make work for your chairty. I'd swagger on over to rpgnow.com and buy a slick pdf. Or I'd wait a few weeks and buy the Katrinia Relief PDF from Dog Soul. You'll have to add to your $1 more likely than not though.


For 75 cents you can download a past episode of Fanboy Radio, a comic book talk radio show broadcast out of Texas. Great show!......Uh, if you're into comic books, that is. ;)

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