• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

I'd Buy That for a Dollar!


I stolled into my PayPal account and found, to my surprise, I have $1 in there. What in the blue heck can I do with $1 PayPal? Granted, I could transfer it into my banking account but, a 5-8 day waiting period to put $1 in checking...meh.

I'm at a loss. Any suggestions? Any great $1 products out there? Anybody want to do something for a buck?

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Mystery Man said:
We could forward the dollar back and forth to each other until its all gone. :)

That's funny.

As far as charity goes...really, $1? I mean, I'm all for helping, but $1?


That's Latin for "cool"
Wyn A'rienh said:
If everybody gave a single dollar, think how much money that would be ...

$6 billion. Hmmmm. If a pizza costs $11 could buy 545,454,545 anchovie pizzas!



Hey, about the $1. I wouldn't donate it. I doubt $1 would even cover processing fees. You'd just make work for your chairty. I'd swagger on over to rpgnow.com and buy a slick pdf. Or I'd wait a few weeks and buy the Katrinia Relief PDF from Dog Soul. You'll have to add to your $1 more likely than not though.


For 75 cents you can download a past episode of Fanboy Radio, a comic book talk radio show broadcast out of Texas. Great show!......Uh, if you're into comic books, that is. ;)

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