D&D General "I'd like to run (or play in) an all ___________ campaign." (+)

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Watching Delicious in Dungeon makes me wonder how you'd build a party based around cooking.

None of the subclasses really seem to fit and I'm not sure if reskinning some of them would help.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Watching Delicious in Dungeon makes me wonder how you'd build a party based around cooking.

None of the subclasses really seem to fit and I'm not sure if reskinning some of them would help.
For some reason in our GURPS games, when we talked about "party balance", the only topic that always came up no matter the campaign setting - who's going to take some points in Cooking.

If D&D was to get serious about the "Exploration" pillar, they'd need mechanisms for cooking!


For some reason in our GURPS games, when we talked about "party balance", the only topic that always came up no matter the campaign setting - who's going to take some points in Cooking.

If D&D was to get serious about the "Exploration" pillar, they'd need mechanisms for cooking!
In our GURPS game we just have a Cleric who creates food. Sometimes we just eat rocks.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
All-halfling campaign with at least one person with the Chef feat?
Your AD&D campaign there in a nutshell: Iron Rations Chef
Every episode, the halflings have to track down the exact spice and exotic ingredient as mandated by Chairman Brandybuck; then they do a collective chef-ing check
TBH, sounds like it would work better in 4e with a Skill challenge every session


I think an all Barbarian campaign would be interesting, especially if pitted against "civilization."

A somewhat less serious version might have them be a mix of tabaxi, haregon, aarakocra, leonin, lizardfolk and other "animal-headed" humanoids.
You could loosen that up a little to barbarian/druid/ranger and have a nice little anit-civ campaign.

Voidrunner's Codex

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