D&D General "I'd like to run (or play in) an all ___________ campaign." (+)


All Monsters - Every PC was some kind of classically “monstrous” race, dealing with a world ruled by the “pretty races”.
Love this one.
All Rogues as secret operatives on a job that goes wrong, and then they gotta escape, and figure out what to do next
This makes me think of an all semi-rogue party. They all have to be at least a rogue multi-class. Each on is secretly working for a different organization as a spy, even though they are ostensibly part of the same thieves' guild/gang. All of the players think they are playing the one secret agent, but they are actually all secret agents.

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Filthy Casual (he/him)
All Bard, All the Time.

Dibs on T-Shirt guy.
A friend and I have joked about doing an all-bard party of "monstrous" humanoids and basically playing Gwar. Our calling? Summon Gor Gor.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Love this one.

This makes me think of an all semi-rogue party. They all have to be at least a rogue multi-class. Each on is secretly working for a different organization as a spy, even though they are ostensibly part of the same thieves' guild/gang. All of the players think they are playing the one secret agent, but they are actually all secret agents.
Hell yeah. A leverage style campaign could also be fun.


From the pit of the 9th
Everyone’s ideas in this thread have had the singular effect of making me want to play!

I think a warlock campaign could be interesting. My pals would not go for it…it would be neat to see different strengths of blade boon, tome and chain working together.

It would never happen in my group but a fun thought even before thinking of all same/different patrons…4 elements of the genie pact as one odd idea…maybe doubling down with genasi…

All different patrons would be colorful too…fiend and celestial being hardest to rationalize but interesting…


I’ve done a couple

All Magical Swordfighters - everyone was a late teens student at an academy based in Cardiff in the year 1636 ER (the Era of Ravens, so named for the Morrigan’s act 1636 years ago of bringing failing magic back into the world by making demigod children with Mordred ap Uther after helping him defeat his half brother) it is a world of Empires in a tenuous peace, and the Academy of Ddraig Goch is part of keeping that peace by bringing in students from across the known world.
The PCs are all memebers of a “Chimneys” team, which is a sort of parkour rugby game.

All Monsters - Every PC was some kind of classically “monstrous” race, dealing with a world ruled by the “pretty races”.
Back in the '90s there was a GURPS Fantasy adventure that took place in a Wizard's Tower. Said wizard had just died and all the PCs were his entourage - Familiar, Elemental, Imp, animated skeleton, etc. - trying to figure out what to do next. It was designed to show off a recent book which had templates for all sorts of monstrous PCs.


Trust the Fungus
I have put a lot of thought into Gestalt games where one "side" of everyone's progression is locked to a single class or a tight family of classes. But I've never actually run one.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
an all-ranger party would be interesting to see run, between their subclasses and their fundamental half-caster jack of all trades base it's possible for them to specialise in many different directions so you'd probably still get a very versatile party out of em.


Our next scheduled 3.5 campaign, with my grown son Logan DMing, will be a party of all templated PCs, given that we're all from the same city that once a year plane shifts to a random plane and thus anyone born there that year has been infused with whatever particular energy that plane gives off. I'll be running a fiendish human cleric (born when the city was on Hades), with other planned PCs consisting of a half-vampire elf ranger (born when the city was on the Negative Energy Plane), a shadow human druid (born when the city was on the Plane of Shadow), and a celestial [race undecided, possibly human] sorcerer (born when the city was on Mount Celestia).

I'll be a cleric of Boccob, God of Knowledge, and I'll be trying to figure out why the city plane shifts to where it does, and if there's any way to possibly "steer" it to where we want it to go.

Logan's calling this future campaign "The Middle of Elsewhere" - but we have to finish up our current Wednesday night campaign first.


Campaigns for me have to be at least a couple years to get the name, and sticking to a narrowed focus like that might get old in that time frame.

I do however occasionally run what I call "theme adventures" for just such a purpose. Early in 5e I ran a Questing Knights adventure (10 sessions I believe). Everyone had to be a knight in shining armor, and use a different 5e option to create it. Part of this was for mechanical comparison, part a fun theme thing. (One character is always allowed to be the odd one out, as long as it fits. Some someone could have been a non-knight supporting character, like a monastic priest or a minstrel.)

We ended up with:
-Battle Master Fighter
-Devotion Paladin
-War Cleric
-Hunter Ranger

I think all were human except the cleric (aasimar), but there may have been a half-elf. The ranger leaned into a druidic "old faith" concept contrasting the others a bit. The characters were 10th level.

Others I hope to run include:
-An all monk/martials artist one
-One where everyone plays a Small character (one dwarf is allowed too)
-An all cleric one where everyone worships a different deity


I'm sure with the entire Outer Planes to explore (a new plane every year, with multiple plane shifts over the course of the campaign), we'll manage not to get bored with the premise.


Voidrunner's Codex

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