D&D General "I'd like to run (or play in) an all ___________ campaign." (+)


I like the idea of themed parties but I find that a lot of players really dislike having ANY shared backstory with their fellow party members which sucks because I think being a clan of "primitive" nomads would be cool. One player could be a barbarian, the other maybe a fighter, perhaps a druid serving as a shaman and a ranger as a hunter?

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I like the idea of themed parties but I find that a lot of players really dislike having ANY shared backstory with their fellow party members which sucks because I think being a clan of "primitive" nomads would be cool. One player could be a barbarian, the other maybe a fighter, perhaps a druid serving as a shaman and a ranger as a hunter?
I was in a GURPS game years ago where we all played brothers/half brothers by 3 or more different mothers. It allowed for some less ... useful characters because we were all family. One was a deep roleplayer whose character was an cloistered alchemist with no combat skills whatsoever. Because we were in a bad place - wanted for a frame-up - two of us, the warriors, including me, would "train" him every night in camp by basically hitting him. He would tell us to stop and our response was "stop us" until he realistically put points into combat skills. BTW, the character was miserable but the player loved it.

a door you open and then realize you don't want to go through it...
I feel like a lot of adventurers have opened a door and then wished they hadn't.

Re: all X campaigns, I'm not usually a fan, but for purposes of the plus thread, I would say I'd be happy to play an all-Cleric group and indeed have played an all Speciality Priest one in 2E, which was fun. I'd also be happy to play all X race so long as the race was sufficiently interesting to me and not vanilla as hell (so nothing from 2E PHB). All Dragonborn could work, for example.

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