D&D General "I'd like to run (or play in) an all ___________ campaign." (+)


From the pit of the 9th
In 3e we had an all dwarf party! It was fun! Of course the dwarf wizard was quite novel at that time…

Now? I think a campaign with humans and all nontraditonal races would be intriguing…

Cities of goblins and tieflings in a part of the world seen as dark and dangerous…heck maybe throw in yuan ti cities!

In more hospitable areas, cities of humans and dragon born (in place of elves and dwarves…)

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I had this idea:

An all-Dragonborn party.

They're all one of the five Chromatic colors (Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White) and have been assembled for a mission directly from Tiamat.

The party also has a Kobold member who thinks he's equally important but is actually just tagging along.
Love the concept - I would play them against type and have them want to get the job done, because it's Tiamat and all, but they're actually really nice people so...

Except maybe the kobold. That guy completely buys in.


Except maybe the kobold. That guy completely buys in.
D&D going all-in on Kobolds being dragon-obsessed was such a good choice.

Alternatively My previous idea except it's an all-Kobold party and since not all of them had the right colors they used paint to compensate.

They think they're on a quest from Tiamat but they were actually just nearby when she was giving the quest to the Dragonborn and thought she was talking to them.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
I had this idea:

An all-Dragonborn party.

They're all one of the five Chromatic colors (Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White) and have been assembled for a mission directly from Tiamat.

The party also has a Kobold member who thinks he's equally important but is actually just tagging along.
You know, if you had them all be metallic dragonborn bards, then they could be DRAGONFORCE 🎶 🎵


Last fall, I ran a one-shot all-rogue game as a birthday present for a player who just loves rogues. I used Kobold Press's adventure "Mhalmet Heist," and I made five pregen characters using a mixture of official and third-party/homebrew subclasses. It was a great success! The only thing I'd change if I do it again is that I'd throw in a few more magic items to reduce the incentive to play the Arcane Tricksters (we had two, with different spells).


I don’t remember all the details, but back in the mid 1980s, the D&D Competition at one of the UK GenCons featured an all half-orc party. We had been shrunk to tiny size by a wizard and dispatched into his drainage system to retrieve a lost magic ring.
I’d been partying a bit the night before, so recollection is vague!


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I’ve done a couple

All Magical Swordfighters - everyone was a late teens student at an academy based in Cardiff in the year 1636 ER (the Era of Ravens, so named for the Morrigan’s act 1636 years ago of bringing failing magic back into the world by making demigod children with Mordred ap Uther after helping him defeat his half brother) it is a world of Empires in a tenuous peace, and the Academy of Ddraig Goch is part of keeping that peace by bringing in students from across the known world.
The PCs are all memebers of a “Chimneys” team, which is a sort of parkour rugby game.

All Monsters - Every PC was some kind of classically “monstrous” race, dealing with a world ruled by the “pretty races”.

What I'd love to do:

All Paladins of different orders: You’re on a quest, and the idea is to make a group of Paladins as different from eachother as possible without multiclassing.

All Rogues as secret operatives on a job that goes wrong, and then they gotta escape, and figure out what to do next

Voidrunner's Codex

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