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If you could create a brand new d20 game...

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I sort of created a mish-mash monstrosity of d20 CoC, d20 Modern, Grim Tales, and RPGO's Blood and Vigilance.

It worked out pretty nicely for a Pulp Supers sort of thing.

My "standard" game is D20 Dark*Matter, which involves d20 CoC, d20 Modern, Grim Tales, and, well, the old Alternity Dark*Matter book, along with a different magic system.


Greg K

I only know is that it would utilize the following

EnWorld's Element's Of Magic:ME or True 20's magic system
Green Ronin's Psychic's Handbook
RPG Object's Blood&Fist
Action Points
Armor as DR
Class Defense Bonus
Damage Save or WP/VP


d20M's Basic/Advanced classes mixed with: the skill list, Extra-Effort, Hero-Points, Complications, autofire, and minion damage rules form M&M2e; Psychic's Handbook rules as a basis for F/X; and skill stunts, tokens, reserve points, and feat mastery from Iron Heroes. I'd then cull as many good feats and talent trees form as many products as possible.


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Start with the d20 Modern core system.

Add the Mecha rules from d20 Future with a fair bit of tweaking; remove the Eastern-centricity from them, clean up a lot of the inconsistencies, scrap all the existing gear and make new ones with an eye to what a bunch of rednecks could conceivably build. Incorporate Mecha Power Cores from the get-go. Use Craft checks, time, and possibly even XP instead of Wealth as the main balance points for mechs and mech gear.

Borrow & build upon the martial arts feats, maneuvers, and masteries from Blood & Fists; just the ones that relate to wrestling. Create a new style of wrestling for mechs.

Create about a half-dozen new AdvCs and a handful of Starting Occupations inspired by "redneck" flavour.

Get some nice art, package it up, and sell it as a game called Rednecks & Mechs.

Yeah... that sounds good. Real good.


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Starcraft d20 or diablo d20. I mean if SC was d20 thats 3 races and several classes ya know. I think it would be fun to play starcraft in rpg form and I've seen this done several times on some pbp forums but the games started strong and then they died a few days later.

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