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[IK] Corvis U. Discreet Investigation & Retrieval Union: Last DM Post 1/8 14:45 EST

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Four large trollkin burst into the room, dressed like the other guards you have seen patrolling the grounds, a large truncheon in one hand and a military pistol in the other. They quickly survey the room, noting the bodies and the destruction your battle has caused.

The tallest one lowers his gun slightly and turns to Alain, who is the closest group member to him. He looks at the paladin's greatsword with some trepidation, "Now, now, father, don't do anyfin you'll regret. If us all jess calm down a wee bit 'ere, I'm sure we can figger all dis out." As he speaks, the other trollkin guards begin to fan out, weapons still at ready.


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With a look of shock and indignation Cormyck stands up and adresses the guards in a cultured and authoritative voice. "Good sirs, I'll tell you what has happened ... these Khadoran ruffians attempted to rob myself, and my companions ... here in your establishment! I did not know that you now allowed thieves and cutpurses into this Hall! I always believed that at least while I was here that I could drink and gamble in safety! Is this not the case?" Straightening his jacket and exagerating a limp caused by his thigh wound, Cormyck staggers over and eases himself over towards the nearest chair. "Perhaps I need to seek out a new establishment to frequent, and to let my friends and teachers at the University know about this fiasco?!"

<ooc> I would say Bluff, given that I am trying to not only disguise my "background", but also place blame on those who cannot speak for themselves. The best kind of foe IMHO. :heh:
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Alanna Morwyn

Amost as quickly as it had started it was over. Alain and Cormyck took down the last Khadoran in a flurry of blows and the room went silent except for the moans of the unconcious and wounded. Holstering her magelock pistol, Alanna took a second to replace the spent round of her Pepperbox, then holstered it as well.

'I hope these khadorans have some coin, I hate having to replace rounds with my own money.' It was a cruel thought, one that suprised and startled Alanna. 'These men probably had families, ones they will never come home to.' A pain of guilt pulled at her as she assessed the cost of human life for the book they had in there possession. Alanna had faces animals and creatures that would cause most grown men to wet themselves in fear, but killing people was still very new to her. Creatures and animals were one thing, taking a man's life, even when he is more than willing to take yours, was quite another.

"Is it really worth it?"She muttered to herself.

Alanna's contemplation was soon cut off by...

Four large trollkin burst into the room, dressed like the other guards you have seen patrolling the grounds, a large truncheon in one hand and a military pistol in the other. They quickly survey the room, noting the bodies and the destruction your battle has caused.

The tallest one lowers his gun slightly and turns to Alain, who is the closest group member to him. He looks at the paladin's greatsword with some trepidation, "Now, now, father, don't do anyfin you'll regret. If us all jess calm down a wee bit 'ere, I'm sure we can figger all dis out." As he speaks, the other trollkin guards begin to fan out, weapons still at ready.

Fighting the instinct to draw Alanna slowly moves her hands away from her pistols. Her fight was not with the Trollkin and there had been enough bloodshed today.

With a look of shock and indignation Cormyck stands up and adresses the guards in a cultured and authoritative voice. "Good sirs, I'll tell you what has happened ... these Khadoran ruffians attempted to rob myself, and my companions ... here in your establishment! I did not know that you now allowed thieves and cutpurses into this Hall! I always believed that at least while I was here that I could drink and gamble in safety! Is this not the case?" Straightening his jacket and exagerating a limp caused by his thigh wound, Cormyck staggers over and eases himself over towards the nearest chair. "Perhaps I need to seek out a new establishment to frequent, and to let my friends and teachers at the University know about this fiasco?!"

Thankful that Cormyck had spoken up the petite young woman turns away to collect herself. There would be time later to talk to Marthasan and ask for absolution, but for now there was a job to be done. By the time she turned back to face the group they would see the strong minded, quick witted, and daring young lady they were accustom too.


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Taitzu beat me to the punch. Did we find anything prior to the trollkin's most unwelcome arrival? Oh ... and I updated my post above.


Alain casts a fierce eye towards the trollkin, but lowers his pistol, placing it back into his holster. Cormyck seems to have things under control with these brutes, he thought. He takes a quick glance at each of the party, concerned as to how everyone had come through the combat. Alain noticed Alanna facing away from the party. He moved to her side, and asks in a whisper, "Are you well, child? I did not see that you may have been hurt." Alain had taken a liking to the young woman, and his concern was evident in his voice.


First Post
Alanna Morwyn

Alanna gives Alain a little smile and tucks a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. I was a nervous habit of hers. While stuffy and rather boring at times Alain had a good heart and reminded Alanna a little of her father.

"I'll be fine...thanks." she smiles a bit more and changes the topic. "Lets go give Cormyck some help. He looks a bit in over his head...as usual."

Alanna walks over to the Trollkin and looks up at what appears to be the head guardsman, giving him an innocent little smile.

"As my friend here has said, we arrived to meet a friend of ours and were attacked by these men. They through flash grenades into your bar and started shooting up the place. We were only defending ourselves and tried to keep the damage to a minimum." Her tone is very matter of fact without being rude or abrupt, after all she is tell the truth.
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