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[IK] Corvis U. Discreet Investigation & Retrieval Union: Last DM Post 1/8 14:45 EST


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Alain speaks to the shorter of the two gatekeepers, who sighs deeply. "Aye, we did well enough. During Longest Night we had a bit of a skirmish with the dead-uns here. They took one of me kith with them, although not a single one of 'em manky corpses got into da main house. We made sure of dat. During the occupation tings were pretty quiet around 'ere, as dat git of a Mayor shut us down. I know sod-all of why he did that. But when those bloody Skorne arrived, we made sure to give 'em a right welcome."

At this he straightens up and sticks out his chest, patting his greataxe with pride.

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Alain nods knowingly.

"Aye. I know few who have not lost something dear this winter. I am sorry to hear about your kith member."

Alain smiles slightly.

"But hope is on the horizon. The Fusiliers have done a solid deed in keeping a relative calm, and now that Tempenfest has arrived, I'm sure your business will increase."

With brow furrowed in annoyance, Alain sighs. "But I can't say that I feel right so long as the Cathedral lies in rubble, charred by such a vile act. I think that, be you Morrowans or not, the Cathedral is truly a sign of Corvis' strength. Until it's spires shine in the setting sun once more, things will not feel quite right."
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First Post
Your group makes its way down the cobblestone path to the main building. Two carriages stand to the left of the entrance, emblazoned with two emblems, their horses happily being fed apples by a small stableboy. Large, polished iron double-doors loom before you, the face of a laughing satyr set in bas-relief. As you approach it, they open soundlessly onto a large foyer. Proceeding inside you find that the walls are covered in mahogany wood, and two enormous chandeliers hang from the high ceiling. An enormous rose-colored marble fireplace lines the far wall, giving the room a warm, rich glow, flanked by statues of scantily-clad women. To your left, a few steps lead down to an enormous open gaming room. Over a dozen circular tables are scattered about, with chairs and stools arranged around them. To you right is what looks to be a bar of some kind.

Througout the building you see scores of house employeers, dealers, runners, waiters, overseers, bartenders, in addition to the now familiar trollkin guards. As it is still early in the evening, there are only a few guests here. Most have gathered over in the tavern area for drinks and food, while a few have started making their way over to the gambling tables. Judging from their dress they are mostly from Corvis' merchant and noble elites, with a few tradesmen thrown in. Many of the wealthier-looking men are escorted by young women wearing expensive-looking dresses and jewelry, who smile warmly at their companions.

As you are taking this all in, a tall man with long brown hair and a full beard approaches you, flanked by four of the guards. He is wearing leather armor and a greatcoat and has a rapier at his belt. "Greetings, ladies and gentleman, I am Artis Cosgrove, Master of this House. I don't believe I've ever met any of you before. Welcome to our establishment. May I help you find anything?" After this he bows to you all, and reaches out to kiss Alanna's hand.
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Marthasa feels a flush of jealous rage. Is my hand not worthy of being kissed? "We seek the lady Edrea Lloryrr," she says coldly, enough to make a Northener shiver.

Karl Green

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Alaios O'Aodh, human sorcerer

Crossing his arms, Alaios stands where he is and nodding at Marthasa statement, thinking to himself Cute little knife ye have their laddie


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Jackson nods politely to Mr. Cosgrove as he continues to take in his surroundings.

So this is what wealthy people do with their money. I would rather have a nice new gun, I could probably hold onto it longer.


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Alanna Morwyn (2 lvl Gun Mage/1 lvl Arcane Mechanik)

Alanna nods and gives a small curtsie to the master of the house as he takes her hand.

"Good evening Master Cosgrove. As Lady Marthasa says, we are here to meet with lady Edrea. Would you be so kind as to take us to her?" Alanna's speech is formal, but warm, reminding him that Marthasa is a lady of station as well as a priest. "The sooner we can finish our business, the sooner me can partake of your house's hospitality," she addes with a winsome little smile.


Alain gives a slight bow, tipping his hat to the gentleman.

His eyes roam the room, drinking in the opulence. Although it appears they are among few the guests to have arrived, he carefully looks at the other visitors and employees for anything out of the ordinary.

I still have no confidence that we are safe until that book is completely out of our possession, he thinks to himself. Better to be careful and keep our wits about us.

Edit: spelling (again :( )
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First Post
Taking a small sip from his glass, Cormyck sighed as the warm amber fire spread through his body. Smiling and nodding at the inane comments of the pompous merchant at his side his eyes suddenly focused on the small group that had just entered the Gaming House and were now talking with Artis Cosgrove.

Good, Cormyck thought to himself, they made it. That book is quickly becoming a bloody curse, and the sooner its in someone elses hands the better for all of us. Oh no ... What has Marthasa all upset now? Patience woman, patience! This is not the time to make Cosgrove upset or to draw attention to us.

Taking advantage of a pause in the merchant's morbid analysis of cotton fiber lengths as it relates to the price of ladies undergarments, Cormyck gracefully bowed, voiced some vague apology, and slipped away from the bar.

His plan to arrive early for the meeting and to watch for any possible trouble had so far proven fruitless. Cosgrove's usual efficiency and attention to safety appeared to be continuing this evening as well.

Discreetly signaling his companions, Cormyck began to wander in their direction. His plan was to follow them and keep an eye on the reactions that their appearance provoked.

Hopefully we can be in and out quickly. Cormyck thought. With that shipment of cotton due to arrive at that merchants warehouse on the morrow, the gold for the payment should be in his office this night.

<ooc> Search (+6) check for reactions
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Alain's aging eyes notice Cormyck working his way slowly towards the group, his greatcoat draped over his slight shoulders. Good chap, he thought. I was wondering when he would show up. He felt a bit safer knowing that the area had been looked into by the young Rynnish student. Cormyck's sharp eyes and quick wits had noticed things that the party had missed before. Alain breathed a quiet sigh of relief, then turned his focus back to Cosgrove.

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