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I'm a murderer

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BlackMoria said:
Your immediate concern is if Red has posted a "bloodbond" contract with the local assassins guild.
I love this idea, one of my players is wanting to go assassin and we were thinking of how best to institute an assassin organization. Now I've got an organization with a good cover for not being actively hunted down.


First Post
Aye, that be some quality murder lad, though its a shame about the horse. Personally I would have made sure to drag it where wolves and other carnivores might find it or dispose of it through more firey methods. I also would have made sure to light a camp fire over the resently deceased as it would obscure the resently dug grave and prevent anyone from disturbing the corps.

Three things to think about.
1) He is an adventurer, his profession of choice carries a tremendous fatality rate. He is a prime example of this, having already been left for dead once.

2) So long as no one saw the argument, you should be save. Though setting up an alibi for the incident and another suspect for the crime would be wise ideas.

3) Perhaps this incident is what drive your character towards good, and away from otherwise hedonistic habits. It might become your secret guilt, that thing that forces you to become better than you are simple to divorce yourself from it.

Not to say you can't commit murder and still be good aligned.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Toras said:
1) He is an adventurer, his profession of choice carries a tremendous fatality rate. He is a prime example of this, having already been left for dead once.
Speaking of - can you be sure there wasn't a deeper reason he survived the first time?


First Post
What you need to do now is to quit town as fast as possible drawing as little attention to yourself as you can. Preferably, disguised as something else.

Then you need to start a new life in another town. One way you can do this is to kill yourself (or die as a result of adventuring) and have a druid reincarnate you as some other race. That way you don't have to have an alter self or illusionary magic up all the time.

If you do choose to stay in the town you will need to kill your horse and maybe the innkeeper. The horse can talk via a speak with animals spell and the innkeeper was the last person that saw Red alive. Also you may need to start a forest fire or do some targeted anti-plant measures to kill any plants in that area. Those plants may rat you out to the first druid that comes along.

My evil PC would probably find a way to turn the innkeeper into stone and then bash the statue to dust. That way you can simply clean up the mess with a whiskbroom. You might think about doing this to Red's dead body also. Remember, speak with dead will dog you forever. Also you can animate his corpse to get rid of this problem.

Finally, I would try to divine Red's friends and try to gauge if they are the kind of people that would come after you or not. If they are, you will need to eliminate them before they eliminate you.

That means targeted scrying and then killing them one by one when they are completely unaware. Do this ASAP. Remember you have the jump on them since they won't be expecting you. When they find out Red has been killed they will put up the defenses and it will be much harder.

Hmm, if they are adventurers too you may ambush them when they are fighting some creatures in some tomb somewhere. Change the EL of their encounter to unwinnable. Or hit them after the 4th encounter before they can rest. Then you would let the monsters loot and hopefully eat their corpses. Ah, the fun of being an evil PC never stops.


First Post
When Red approached me he told me he'd been in contact with two of my old adventuring friends and that he'd gotten a share of 1 000 gp from each. I found that hard to believe but said nothing. He also mentioned he would "go after the dwarf next". Apparently there were four of us back then. I invented the dwarf; I said that I never would've left Red for dead hadn't it been for the dwarf presenting Red's charred head for us. Red promised to take the subject matter up with the dwarf. (We were role-playing and creating past events in dialogue).

So basically, Red's got three contacts. Two of which he already has relieved of substantial amounts of money. I know very little of these two people but I could always "remember" them and their habits. The dwarf has returned to his mountains somewhere. The dwarf is just as greedy as I am.

The innkeeper is still around. Luckily Red checked out as we left the place so the innkeeper has no questions for himself. However, the innkeeper is a loose end should anyone come to him with questions. I will have to deal with him.

Maybe the guards saw us leaving together that day but it's a busy gate so I don't think so. Not unless the DMs haven't got anything else to go on.

The main problem is Red's horse which pretty much points out his grave. Sure, I can always hope for coyotes or orcs to eat the carcass but Red's saddle and the horse's skeleton will remain. Of course if someone finds the grave and exhumes Red they will most likely also find the note; which implies Red's a thief. Maybe the graverobbers will leave him be. Who knows?

As for fleeing: I don't want to leave town due to positive meta-gaming. I don't want to split up the group and the campaign is city based in Pelgaryn. I will come up with a reason to stay. Maybe just for the comfort of having friends nearby.

Atonement: I will show remorse but I will stay greedy. I.e. I won't give away my money to charity for it's the money I protect. However I will go slighty mad for a short spell and then return to my senses with a slight shift in personality. I haven't decided which way yet. It will be decided at the spur of the moment.

Becoming an assassin: No, I won't become an assassin. I will stay in my chosen profession. I won't make murdering a habit but I might kill again.

Bloodbond contracts: Great idea! I'm going to get one for myself. I know how to find the assassin's guild in town.

Hand of Evil

While your plan was a good one, it was way too complex, should have stabbed him in a back street and it would have gone un-noticed, another murder on the poor side of town, happens all the time, no one sees anything. Now you have all the questions hanging out there, a murder in the woods, outside of town, where merchants travel, where the farms are, where it does not happen all the time, where there are people that demand protection. You know that horse will bring buzzards, then rangers because big animal deaths brings a greater number of buzzards and that always attracts attention.

Makes me wonder how evil your DM is...Red could have been an informer to some BBG, who now is wondering if his plan of EEEEEVIL has been found out and is thinking about moving his time table up. Red, could have a family member. Red may even come back, zombee, ghost, mmmm.

I kind of hope your DM is reading this. :lol:

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