D&D General "I'm glad to be back playing D&D."

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From the DMG, page 200:
A spell scroll bears the words of a single spell, written in a mystical cipher. If the spell is on your class's spell list, you can read the scroll and cast its spell without providing any material components. Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible.

This is a specific exception to the general rule about magic items that cast spells.


Reeks of Jedi
I thought the Gloomstalker was annoying now they've/we've entered a castle and our Arcane Trickster Rogue at EVERY SINGLE DOOR AND CHEST "I open it/pick it with Mage Hand." I can't roll my eyes hard enough. Why even put generic traps on a chest or door now? Just save us some time.

What is the point of paralysis from Ghouls when the victim gets a straight up 50% (or better) to come out of it? Drow Sleep poison is scarier. STR drain or HP drain from undead? Just get a good night's rest. And don't get me started on Turn Undead (here I though the Wight would be scary) and Heat Metal from the Forge Domain Cleric.

5th ed, man. House rule it to heck and back.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
I thought the Gloomstalker was annoying now they've/we've entered a castle and our Arcane Trickster Rogue at EVERY SINGLE DOOR AND CHEST "I open it/pick it with Mage Hand." I can't roll my eyes hard enough. Why even put generic traps on a chest or door now? Just save us some time.

What is the point of paralysis from Ghouls when the victim gets a straight up 50% (or better) to come out of it? Drow Sleep poison is scarier. STR drain or HP drain from undead? Just get a good night's rest. And don't get me started on Turn Undead (here I though the Wight would be scary) and Heat Metal from the Forge Domain Cleric.

5th ed, man. House rule it to heck and back.
Yes it's said to be very player-friendly. It is less GM-friendly for many reasons- unless the GM is happy to hand out easy feel-good experiences. There's much more of a burden on the GM with 5e.


I find I have to house rule 5e far less than any other version of the game. Well, I can't speak for 4e. But far, far less than 1-3e. And most of my house rules are tinkering.


B/X Known World
5th ed, man. House rule it to heck and back.
Or just don’t play it.

Or lean into what it’s trying to do.

It really seems like 5E wants to be a power fantasy / fantasy superhero game, but it’s bound by tradition to include a lot of stuff even the basic class features obviate. Have someone with a decent WIS, no worries about outdoor survival. Even less of a worry with someone with the survival skill or a ranger or outlander.

Focus on the story and the RP instead of the old-school stuff like monsters and traps. So weird to say that about a D&D game. But 5E just doesn’t handle the old-school stuff well.


Reeks of Jedi
Or just don’t play it.

Or lean into what it’s trying to do.

It really seems like 5E wants to be a power fantasy / fantasy superhero game, but it’s bound by tradition to include a lot of stuff even the basic class features obviate. Have someone with a decent WIS, no worries about outdoor survival. Even less of a worry with someone with the survival skill or a ranger or outlander.

Focus on the story and the RP instead of the old-school stuff like monsters and traps. So weird to say that about a D&D game. But 5E just doesn’t handle the old-school stuff well.

Man, I am trying.


I thought the Gloomstalker was annoying now they've/we've entered a castle and our Arcane Trickster Rogue at EVERY SINGLE DOOR AND CHEST "I open it/pick it with Mage Hand." I can't roll my eyes hard enough. Why even put generic traps on a chest or door now? Just save us some time.

What is the point of paralysis from Ghouls when the victim gets a straight up 50% (or better) to come out of it? Drow Sleep poison is scarier. STR drain or HP drain from undead? Just get a good night's rest. And don't get me started on Turn Undead (here I though the Wight would be scary) and Heat Metal from the Forge Domain Cleric.

5th ed, man. House rule it to heck and back.
If your fun is in making players suffer, then yeah, 5e is not it for you. Try to find the enjoyment in making your players feel awesome. Paralysis is already bad enough, giving auto-crits. Why not let the rogue enjoy their features? Don’t we want to reward players for that?

As long as the players feel like they are in danger, you are doing a good job!
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Reeks of Jedi
If your fun is in making players suffer, then yeah, 5e is not it for you. Try to find the enjoyment in making your players feel awesome. Paralysis is already bad enough, giving auto-crits. Why not let the rogue enjoy their features? Don’t we want to reward players for that?

As long as the players feel like they are in danger, you are doing a goos job!

That’s the problem. It doesn’t feel dangerous.

Where’s the danger when you are invisible 99% of the time in an underdark campaign? Or
Can bypass most simple traps with a cantrip spell?

When any ill you receive is gone after a nights sleep? That’s not danger that’s a walk in the park.
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