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Immortals Handbook - Epic Bestiary (Epic Monster Discussion)


First Post
A neutronium cube, if again my math is correct, is an 80,000 HD construct which I'll round off to about ECL 26,000/CR ~17,400.
It would have a construction cost of 1,737,300,000 gp... let's see what else I can infer...

Hmm.. not much, but now I'm curious. I want to see it made. I think I have a project for today.

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First Post
N Macro-tiny Construct
Init +79; Senses low-light vision; Listen +80 Spot +80
Languages Unknown
AC 39,961, touch -39, flat-footed 39,961
(-128 size, -1 Dex, +80 gravtic mastery, +40,000 natural)
hp 80,000,480 (80,000 HD); DR 1500/-
Immune magic
Fort +26,746, Ref +26,745, Will +26,746
Speed 5,621,108,587 ft. (1,124,221,717 squares)
Melee 2 slams +60,238 (491,520d10+286, average 2,703,646/20x2)
Space 1,250 ft.; Reach 1,250 ft.
Base Atk +60,000; Grp +60,398
Abilities Str 582 (+286), Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
SQ Accretion, construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 1500, gravitic mastery, immunity to magic, low-light vision, magnetar, superluminal, unearthly construction
Effective Class Level 26,110

Accretion (Ex):As the neutronium golem; Strength check (DC 40,296).
Damage Reduction (Ex): Neutronium has a natural hardness of 1500.
Fast Healing (Ex): As the neutronium golem.
Gravitic Mastery (Su): As neutronium golem
Heat Aura (Ex): The area surrounding this nuclear battery radiates intense, blistering heat, as the neutronium golem.
Immunity to Magic (Su): Neutronium cubes are immune to all spells and spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance.
Magnetar (Ex): As the neutronium golem
Pulsed X-Ray (Su): As neutronium golem; 40,000d1000 divine fire damage (average 20,200,000).
Reconfiguration (Ex): The diamond cube can reconfigure itself once each round as a free action. Creatures engulfed by the diamond cube may, once each round as a full-round action, attempt to escape from the cube with a successful Intelligence check (DC 35). Success indicate they escape the cube, exiting the cube's fighting space into an open square of the cube's choice. Failure indicates they remained trapped within the cube. Failure by 20 or more indicates that the engulfed subjects not only remain trapped, but during their escape fall prey to some form of trap or ambush, and suffer 20d6 Slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, fire, or electricity damage (cube's choice). There is no save to negate this damage. Further, as long as the cube has half or more of its hit points remaining, it heals 80,000 hit points of damage each round it reconfigures itself.
Sentinels (Su): At the behest of it's creator, once per round, as a free action, a diamond cube can manufacture 1 diamond sentinel, 2 diamond cubes, or 4 diamond guardians.
Starquake (Ex): As the neutronium golem.
Superluminal (Ex): As the neutronium golem.
Unearthly Construction (Ex): As the neutronium golem.


First Post
All right, Mercury Cube it is:

Mercury Cube
Macro-Tiny Construct
Hit Dice: 8,320d10+640 (46,400 hp)
Initiative: +17
Speed: Fly 670' (Perfect)
Armor Class: -35 (+17 DEX, +1 dodge, +65 natural, -128 size), touch -110, flat-footed -53
Base Attack/Grapple: +6,240/+6,329
Attack: Slam +6,170 melee (30d10+57 plus Poison and Sharpness)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +6,170 melee (30d10+57 plus Poison and Sharpness)
Space/Reach: 1,250 ft./1,250 ft.
Special Attacks: Crush, Poison, Reconfigure, Sentinels, Sharpness, Tractor Beam
Special Qualities: Construct Traits, Damage Reduction Half/Bludgeoning , Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Magic, Indissoluble, Low-Light Vision, Quickness
Saves: Fort +2,773, Ref +2,791, Will +2,773
Abilities: Str 124 (+57), Dex 45, Con - , Int - , Wis 11, Cha 1
Environment: Any
Organization: Army (mercury cube plus 500 sentinels)
Challenge Rating: ???
Treasure: -
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -


Crush (Ex): Colossal-sized or smaller opponents standing on, or adjacent to a solid surface struck by the mercury cube's Slam suffer 60d10+85 damage (instead of 30d10+57). The Poison and Sharpness effects remain unchanged.

Indissoluble (Ex): The mercury cube completely heals all damage (except Acid damage) at the end of every round, as if it had infinite Regeneration. If reduced to 0 hit points (or less) by any means other than Acid, the mercury cube is not destroyed, but only out of commission and incapacitated until the end of that round. It starts the beginning of the next round with its full hit points. The mercury cube cannot be destroyed by brute force, only delayed.

Poison (Ex): Targets wounded by the mercury cube must make a Fortitude save (DC 4,170). Primary and secondary damage are both 1 point of damage to every ability score.

Quickness (Su): The mercury cube is supernaturally fast and should be treated as if constantly Hasted. This gives it an extra attack when Full Attacking, a +1 bonus to attack rolls, a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.

Reconfiguration (Ex): The mercury cube can reconfigure itself once each round as a free action. Creatures engulfed by the mercury cube may, once each round as a full-round action, attempt to escape from the cube with a successful Intelligence check (DC 35). Success indicate they escape the cube, exiting the cube's fighting space into an open square of the cube's choice. Failure indicates they remained trapped within the cube. Failure by 20 or more indicates that the engulfed subjects not only remain trapped, but during their escape fall prey to some form of trap or ambush, and suffer 20d6 Slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, fire, or electricity damage (cube's choice). There is no save to negate this damage. Further, as long as the cube has 23,200 or more hit points remaining, it heals 8,320 hit points of damage each round it reconfigures itself (though this is largely irrelevant in the face of its Indissoluble ability, it does heal Acid damage and is therefore not completely pointless to the cube).

Sentinels (Su): At the behest of it's creator, once per round, as a free action, a mercury cube can manufacture 1 mercury sentinel, 2 mercury golems, or 4 mercury guardians.

Sharpness (Su): Any attack by the mercury cube scoring a natural 20 (and confirming the critical hit) will sever one of the opponent's appendages. Roll randomly to determine which appendage is severed. For humanoids roll a d12: 1-2 head, 3-4 left arm, 5-6 right arm, 7-8 torso, 9-10 left leg, 11-12 right leg. Creatures with multiple heads, more limbs, tails, or wings may add extra variables. Creatures with appendages too thick to be severed with one blow are unaffected by this ability, though it is conceivable that multiple Sharpness attacks on the same appendage could still sever it (DM's discretion).

Tractor Beam (Su): Once per round, as a standard action, the mercury cube may attempt a ranged touch attack at +6,130 to hit against any foe within 17.5 miles. If this touch attack hits, the foe must make an opposed strength check against the mercury cube or be pulled 1250 ft towards the cube, +50 ft per 5 points by which the cube exceeds the foe's result. Foes pulled into the mercury cube's square are engulfed within it and cannot easily escape (see Reconfiguration ability, above).

It's tough for a monster with a negative AC to be scary, but I think the Mercury Cube accomplishes it...
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First Post
And to show another example, since I actually went to the trouble for myself to work out Plutonium Constructs other than the Golem, the Plutonium Cube:

Plutonium Cube
Macro-Tiny Construct
Hit Dice: 9,600d20+640 (192,640 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: Fly 480' (Perfect)
Armor Class: 9,546 (-1 DEX, +9,665 natural, -128 size), touch -119, flat-footed 9,546
Base Attack/Grapple: +7,200/+7,293
Attack: Slam +7,133 melee (15d10+61 plus 1,200d6 Fire)
Full Attack: Slam +7,133 melee (15d10+61 plus 1,200d6 Fire)
Space/Reach: 1,250 ft./1,250 ft.
Special Attacks: Berserk, Crush, Fiery Touch (1,200d6), Meltdown, Radioactive Aura, Radioactive Burst, Reconfigure, Sentinels, Tractor Beam
Special Qualities: Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 8/ - , Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Magic, Low-Light Vision, Unearthly Construction
Saves: Fort +3,200, Ref +3,199, Will +3,200
Abilities: Str 132 (+61), Dex 9, Con - , Int - , Wis 11, Cha 1
Environment: Any
Organization: Army (plutonium cube plus 500 sentinels)
Challenge Rating: ???
Treasure: -
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -


Berserk (Ex): When a plutonium cube enters combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that its elemental spirit breaks free and the cube goes berserk. The uncontrolled cube goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller than itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread more destruction. It no longer obeys its creator, and the creator is thereafter treated like any other being engulfed in its innards (if within the cube at the time, see Reconfigure below). The cube cannot manufacture more constructs (see Sentinel, below) once it goes berserk. Potentially the worst consequence of a berserk plutonium cube is that, once it goes berserk, the cube has a 1% cumulative chance per round of spontaneously undergoing Meltdown (see below) as a swift action on its turn.

Crush (Ex): Colossal-sized or smaller opponents standing on, or adjacent to a solid surface struck by the plutonium cube's Slam suffer 30d10+91 damage (instead of 15d10+61).

Fiery Touch (Ex): Plutonium, as a metal, naturally puts out large quantities of heat- the larger the quantity of metal, the greater the heat emitted. Any plutonium construct is therefore constantly surrounded by an aura of flames as the air itself burns near the creature, and deals additional Fire damage with every melee attack it makes. The plutonium cube deals an extra 1,200d6 points of Fire damage with each melee attack.

Meltdown (Ex): Upon its destruction, or when it "goes critical" during a berserk period (see Berserk, above), the magic holding the plutonium of the cube together fails. When this occurs, the entire construct spontaneously explodes in a thermonuclear detonation. Creatures within 384,400 feet (72.8 miles) of the cube when it undergoes Meltdown take 19,200d4 Force damage from the blast wave, 9,600d6 Fire damage from the heat, must make Fortitude saves (DC 4,805) or be disintegrated (19,200d6 damage), are buffeted by hurricane-force winds, and finally take 1,600 points each of STR, DEX, and CON damage from radiation poisoning. The save DC is CHA-based.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A plutonium cube is immune to all spells and spell-like abilities allowing spell resistance. Also, certain effects function differently against the cube, as noted below:
  • Cold effects heal the cube instead of damaging it, and reset its Berserk chance to 1%- but also Slow the construct for 1 round per spell level.
  • Fire effects damage it normally, but also Haste it for 1 round per spell level.
  • Radiation effects deal no damage, but increase its Berserk chance by 1% per spell level.

Radioactive Aura (Ex): A plutonium cube constantly puts out enormous quantities of radiation due to the properties of the metal. Creatures within 24,025 feet (4.5 miles) of the plutonium cube must make Fortitude saves (DC 4,805) every round to avoid radiation poisoning. This radiation poisoning deals 400 points each of STR, DEX, and CON damage.

Radioactive Burst (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, a plutonium cube can emit an intense burst of concentrated radiation as a free action. Creatures within range of its Radiation Aura (24,025 feet; see above) are affected, and the burst penetrates all barriers less dense than lead. This deals 2,400d4 points of damage to the affected creatures.

Reconfiguration (Ex): The plutonium cube can reconfigure itself once each round as a free action. Creatures engulfed by the plutonium cube may, once each round as a full-round action, attempt to escape from the cube with a successful Intelligence check (DC 35). Success indicate they escape the cube, exiting the cube's fighting space into an open square of the cube's choice. Failure indicates they remained trapped within the cube. Failure by 20 or more indicates that the engulfed subjects not only remain trapped, but during their escape fall prey to some form of trap or ambush, and suffer 20d6 Slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, fire, or electricity damage (cube's choice). There is no save to negate this damage. Further, as long as the cube has 96,320 or more hit points remaining, it heals 9,600 hit points of damage each round it reconfigures itself.

Sentinels (Su): At the behest of it's creator, once per round, as a free action, a plutonium cube can manufacture 1 plutonium sentinel, 2 plutonium golems, or 4 plutonium guardians.

Tractor Beam (Su): Once per round, as a standard action, the plutonium cube may attempt a ranged touch attack at +7,199 to hit against any foe within 17.5 miles. If this touch attack hits, the foe must make an opposed strength check against the plutonium cube or be pulled 1250 ft towards the cube, +50 ft per 5 points by which the cube exceeds the foe's result. Foes pulled into the plutonium cube's square are engulfed within it and cannot easily escape (see Reconfiguration ability, above).

Unearthly Construction (Ex): These constructs are fashioned by gods and similarly powerful beings. They have d20s for hit dice and maximum hit points per hit die.
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Heh, this 'cube' concept really hit it off. Perhaps we should string together Golem Categories for more size categories. (Not too many are really needed, but with the hit die scaling and different powers, it could help 'fill in' CR gaps for epic level encounters since some golems will get stronger than others.)
It might be noted that these golems become increasingly unrealistic at these sizes. Evidently a time lord is no match for a 1250' cube of Plutonium. (The meltdown ability damage will probably get 'em)


That's actually incredibly realistic. Afterall, how many weak and pathetic creatures (humans) come up with excruciatingly powerful ways (nukes) to destroy themselves.

It might make sense given the amount of damage caused, but a Timelord, a being who IS a Universe, Could potentially be torn appart by a 'cube'. (Now, if that cube was from the Timelord's own universe, it won't work, but if another timelord has a bunch of them...)


Here's an interesting question/thing to consider...

Deities are "Immune to all natural effects".

The Plutonium Cube's firey touch and meltdown is (ex).

Are deities thus immune?

I think deities are just immune to mundane environmental effects. The Plutonium Golem's powers are creature abilities, and thusly he is not immune. (Otherwise one could argue that creatures are 'natural' and other garbage)

Hey all! :)

Okay, I just got my print copies of the Immortals Handbook - Epic Bestiary: Volume One and the first thing I want to do is apologise to everyone for the mistake with the cover. I'm absolutely gutted. I just sent Mongoose an email requesting they fix it as soon as possible. If they don't then I may have to consider looking elsewhere because its just not good enough and borderline disrespectful to the people buying it and to me. :(

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