Immortals Handbook - Epic Bestiary (Epic Monster Discussion)

Hey Anabstercorian! :)

Anabstercorian said:
Oh my god, who cares?

I care.

Anabstercorian said:
You're finally freaking published, and now you're bitching about this meaningless quibble?

I don't think I 'bitched' about it. I emailed the publisher and told them I was disappointed. I haven't kept on at them (or anyone else about it), its done, I'm over it.

Anabstercorian said:
Stop castrating your own attempts at success with this blind, mad perfectionism! Your production schedule is an utter failure and so too will you be unless you get over yourself and STEP UP.

Okay. :eek:

Anabstercorian said:
I can think of other, better reasons to be embarrased, frankly. MY ASS.

Well if it was I might feel embarrassed. :p

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Hiya mate! :)

paradox42 said:
Just thought I'd confirm here, for anyone who might have been wondering, that the IH Bestiary was on sale at Gen Con in Mongoose's booth- they had it on the shelf with other new releases and it looked to me like they stocked plenty of it in anticipation of interest. I didn't actually see anybody buy one, but I did see the numbers on the shelf fluctuate so sales must have been made.

Cool. :cool:

...provided they weren't just moving the number on the shelves up and down to make it look like it was selling! :uhoh:

I'll know better at the end of September (sales report time).


First Post
Upper_Krust: I seem to remember you saying that Neotic dragons are each based on a different class. Could you cay which dragon is for which class?

Also are Adamic dragons are based of dimensions and Nehaschimics are based on extraterrestrial phenomanon?


First Post
Axolotl said:
Upper_Krust: I seem to remember you saying that Neotic dragons are each based on a different class. Could you cay which dragon is for which class?

Also are Adamic dragons are based of dimensions and Nehaschimics are based on extraterrestrial phenomanon?
The classes are written in the Beastiary, right below each dragon's name.

Howdy! :)

Axolotl said:
Upper_Krust: I seem to remember you saying that Neotic dragons are each based on a different class. Could you cay which dragon is for which class?

As WarDragon mentioned those detailed in the Bestiary have their class just below their name:

Mithral = Draco-paladin
Polychromatic = Draco-sorcerer
Timber = Draco-druid
Titanium = Draco-knight (fighter)

As for the other Epic Dragons briefly mentioned in the book off the top of my head:

Achromatic = Draco-Rogue
Diamond = Draco-Psion

Of the others I think I have changed/swopped them round a few times, I know I have a six legged Draco-monk in the pipeline which should be interesting and a few ideas for the Draco-barbarian. ;)

Also are Adamic dragons are based of dimensions and Nehaschimics are based on extraterrestrial phenomanon?

Yes and sort of.

Nehaschimic Dragons are based on phenomenon either in-between or extreneous to the dimensions. So they either belong to multiple dimensions or none.

A few things I'd like to ask about the Bestiary:

1. What's the current PDF version of the Bestiary? I've got 1.5 and something is nagging me that there's a newer version.

2. Page 4 states that "1 ton = 2240 lbs.", but in nearly all monster entries you use the formula of "1 ton = 2000 lbs." Page 4 is the erroneous one, correct?

3. The example Dire creatures you statted out have no ability score increases (other than from the size increase) from their additional HD. Was this an oversight, or is the Dire template really supposed to NOT give additional ability score increases?

Hello! :)

Adslahnit said:
A few things I'd like to ask about the Bestiary:

1. What's the current PDF version of the Bestiary? I've got 1.5 and something is nagging me that there's a newer version.

The print version is 1.6, the pdf is 1.5. Its not a massive difference.

2. Page 4 states that "1 ton = 2240 lbs.", but in nearly all monster entries you use the formula of "1 ton = 2000 lbs." Page 4 is the erroneous one, correct?

I don't think I ever used 2000 lbs. I may have mistakenly used 2200 lbs on occasion.

3. The example Dire creatures you statted out have no ability score increases (other than from the size increase) from their additional HD. Was this an oversight, or is the Dire template really supposed to NOT give additional ability score increases?


A Large wolf is no smarter than a medium-sized wolf.

Upper_Krust said:

A Large wolf is no smarter than a medium-sized wolf.

Then why do dire tyrannosaurs and behemoth bears get more skill points and feats than regular tyrannosaurs and bears? Simply advancing a creature to twice its original hit dice would make it more powerful than a dire version, going by stats alone. Also, an advanced version of a creature would be an evolved version of a particular strain (which sometimes gets smarter), while a dire creature would be an entirely new strain. Is that how it works?

Howdy! :)

Adslahnit said:
Then why do dire tyrannosaurs and behemoth bears get more skill points and feats than regular tyrannosaurs and bears? Simply advancing a creature to twice its original hit dice would make it more powerful than a dire version, going by stats alone. Also, an advanced version of a creature would be an evolved version of a particular strain (which sometimes gets smarter), while a dire creature would be an entirely new strain. Is that how it works?

Thats something you would have to ask the 3E D&D Designers...and while you are there ask them why a Hill Giant has a BAB as good as a 10th-level Fighter. :D

Upper_Krust said:
Thats something you would have to ask the 3E D&D Designers...and while you are there ask them why a Hill Giant has a BAB as good as a 10th-level Fighter.

My original logic was that if a dire creature's advanced HD gives it extra skill points and feats, then it should also gain more ability score increases (and no, ability score bonuses from size increases don't count as "ability score increases").

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