Unearthed Arcana Impression of the U/A Psi Knight in play

It rather exaggerates the inequality though (con doesn't work with anything apart from concentration checks and fire genasi Produce Flame), and it could be fixed by limiting the feat to mental stats. Yeah, I know that would hit the strength version too, but it makes sense thematically.

Concentration checks are not ability checks; they're saving throws. Specifically Con saving throws. So Wild talent (Con) doesnt apply (but Bless and nearby Paladins, do)

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Concentration checks are not ability checks; they're saving throws. Specifically Con saving throws. So Wild talent (Con) doesnt apply (but Bless and nearby Paladins, do)
Quite right, I was desperetly looking for something Wild Talent (Con) did. They answer then, is it does nothing. Which makes it quite considerably worse than any sort of Resilience.

Yeah, Wild Talent (Con) has minimal utility, unless your DM has a penchant for calling for Constitution checks.

The Metabolic Control feat would be a better selection for a Constitution boost. Frankly even then, I am not sure Metabolic Control is worth a feat selection, unless you want to raise your odd numbered Constitution attribute and already had proficiency in Con saves.

The Catnap spell, is not worth the cost of a feat selection, even if the Short Rest effect occurred 10x Faster, and took 1 minute instead of 10 minutes.

Soul Blade, subclassed rogues are going to be great at skill checks. Beyond the Expertise and Reliable Talent class abilities, a Soul Blade can add their Psi Talent die to any ability check that they have the Wild Talent feat for, and if they still fail the check, add their Psi Talent die again through the Psi Bolstered Knack subclass ability.

Jedi don’t need the Suggestion spell, Obi-Wan was a Soul Blade with Expertise in Deception and Wild Talent (CHA).....”No really, my good Stormtrooper, these are not the droids you are looking for”. 😀

Psionic builds are going to be very feat intensive. Must be lots of variant humans on Athlas.


Wild Talent: Body. You can apply your Wild Talent to Strength and Constitution checks, saves and damage rolls, and increase one of them by 1.
Wild Talent: Speed. You can apply your Wild Talent to Dexterity checks, saves and damage rolls, and increase it by 1.
Wild Talent: Mind. You can apply your Wild Talent to Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma checks, saves and damage rolls, and increase one of them by 1.

When using a psi die to boost a save, the die is reduced if the save succeeds regardless of what you rolled.

That is closer to balanced (between them).

A funny thing is that characters who are psionic who take wild talent get less than those who are not, because psionic characters are also using the die for their own purposes.

If Psi Replenishment uses "stacked" it would be the opposite I think.

That is technically true, Shroomy. Yet based off how many CharOp builds on the internet, advise taking the Resilient feat multiple times; I would venture a guess,that the rule that a feat, can only be chosen once, is, in fact, one of the more oft forgotten rules.

Wild Talent and Tower of Iron Will, as written now, are Top Tier Feats..almost must have.

A Champion subclassed fighter, with Wild Talent (Dex) and Remarkable Athlete could be competitive on Dex based checks and skills with no actual proficiency in Dexterity skills.
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If Psi Replenishment uses "stacked" it would be the opposite I think

That is true, and I made the exact same point in the U/A feedback. The wording is vague:

If you have a Psionic Talent die from another source, such as a class feature, you don’t get more than one die; use only the one with the largest starting size.
Psi Replenishment. As a bonus action, you can calm your mind for a moment and restore your Psionic Talent die to its starting size. You then can’t use Psi Replenishment again until you finish a long rest.

Does using only the highest Psi Talent die, mean that one in effect also loses the Psi Replenishment for any subsumed Psi Dice?

It does make Psionic dice more like Pact Magic and Caster Level vis a vis Multiclassing.

I'm pretty sure that as it's written today, you can only take the Wild Talent feat once.
Yes, feats can only be taken once unless it states otherwise in the description (PHB p165). Resilient has "you can take this feat more than once" in the description.

As for psionic talent die, you can never have more than one - it's pretty clear from the text, but it wouldn't hurt to have it spelled out.

Psi Replenishment, I would rule works the same as features like Channel Divinity - if you get a feature with the same name from multiple classes you use whichever is best, they don't stack.
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Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Yes, feats can only be taken once unless it states otherwise in the description (PHB p165). Resilient has "you can take this feat more than once" in the description.

Are you sure? I just looked (because I thought I remembered differently) and the only feat in the PHB that can be taken more than once is Energy Adept. Resilient specifically does not have the text allowing it to be taken multiple times. I haven't checked the errata yet, but that's my next step.

This is the Resilient Feat per the 10th printing of the PHB:
--- ----
Choose one ability score. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain proficiency in saving throws using the chosen ability.

Unless it is hidden by an Illusionary Script spell, I am not seeing verbiage indicting the is eligible to be selected more than once.

As I stated before, not being able to select a feat more than once, (unless specifically excepted), is an oft overlooked rule.

Voidrunner's Codex

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