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D&D 5E Inappropriate breasts on female monsters

You seem to be characterising everyone on one "side" of the issue as a monolithic group with a desperate agenda. I appear to be on the "side" you are criticising, in as much as I think it's worth examining this sort of issue, and yet I haven't heard of most of the stuff in your post, let alone got on board with some agenda/masterplan.
I haven't characterized anyone anywhere, actually. I'm talking about the movement itself. I have no idea what any individual associated in any way with the movement might think unless they come out and say so.

Nice try, though. The strawman was always a favorite tool of the polezniye duraki. And if you're trying to dismiss my whole post because you're making up some kind of strawman conspiracy element to it, you might want to not also point out that you don't even know what my argument is because you don't know what "most of the stuff in my post" even is. That certainly doesn't lend itself to strengthening your credibility.
I still think representation of women in gaming bears scrutiny and thought. Just because other media arguably takes it further, it doesn't mean as gamers we can't look at what's going on in our own backyard, as the saying goes. Taking your argument to its logical conclusion, we should only ever be bothered about, or examine, the most extreme examples of a phenomenon.
Please enlighten me. Sketch out for me exactly how "my" argument leads to this logical conclusion. Please be sure and use actual logic when you do so. I've always preferred dialectic.

Of course on topics of this nature, I tend to always get sophistry instead. But since you have deduced some logical conclusion to my argument to which I'm unaware, which is supposedly unrelated to the strawman caricature of my argument that you tilted at in the first paragraph, I'm very curious to see the logic. I make no claim at being a master of following all logical threads to their logical conclusions.
Sigh way to just completely trivialize feminism.
In the examples I noted above:
  • Mike Resnick and Barry Malzburg refer to a lady of their mutual acquaintance by using the shockingly demeaning language of calling her "a lady." For this they are pilloried and called sexists.
  • It leaks out (by a cuckolded ex boyfriend) that Zoe Quinn had been sleeping around with gaming journalists for favors. In fact, it later become abundantly and undeniably evident that there is widespread corruption between developers and journalists related to sex for favors, so that gamers can no longer trust anything that the gaming journalists say. Many in gaming journalism don't even bother denying it, they just seem to be surprised when poor, dumb gamers actually object to their obvious collusion and corruption. When gamers point this out, they are called sexists. (See this link for a nice completely evidence based summary of the whole affair. Be warned; the youtube user who posted that uses a fair bit of salty language.)
  • Umbran tells me that I need "new senses" because I can't see my own rampant sexism inherent in preferring that female characters of a humanoid variety come with obviously sex-specific visual cues as to their sex.
  • And of course the following:
Take looking sexy yes Beyonce uses her looks and her femininity as tools as well as her voice to get ahead in the music industry she is choosing to do that. And yes feminism is okay with that the issue we have as feminists is when it become required that all female singers have to be sexy and strut themselves to be successful.
She doesn't have to be sexy and strut. She wanted to! She gloated about it! It was the very act of simulating pole dancing that was applauded as an expression of feminism! You've got that totally wrong; it wasn't necessary. She was already successful beyond most singers' wildest dreams. She did it because she wanted to.

Frankly, feminism doesn't need any help from me in being trivialized. It's managed to become a laughing stock all on its own without any of my input.
My issue with dragonboobs has nothing to do with feminism or sexism I simply prefer them not be so human in nature because that is more interesting to me.
And that's a perfectly valid take on the idea. I prefer that HUMANOID characters have HUMANOID characteristics. Apparently that makes me a sexist.

Also, to be pedantic, dragons are, of course, not reptilian. There are no six-limbed reptiles, for one thing.
As for the the thing with SFWA I have read a lot of people sides on this and I think in some ways there was an over reaction but I also think the original authors were insensitive as well a lot of blame to go around.
Read the actual article in question. Go to the primary source, not just "a lot of people sides." They weren't insensitive and the only blame to go around was to the shrieking harpies who decided to pillory two relatively upstanding professional authors, who also happened to be sympathetic to feminists! Read what Reznick's daughter has to say about the affair. That was as clear a case of made-up, fake outrage as you could possibly find. It's so absurd that if it didn't actually happen and if I didn't actually see it, I wouldn't have believed that it could be true. It's a parody of feminism as fake-outrage for fake offenses. It's a caricature of it. And yet... it also actually happened.
As for your comment about feminism not having any real injustice left to fight well it is impossible to get into that here with the restrictions of discussing politics.
Most likely. But again; read Helen Smith's Men on Strike and Christina Sommers The War on Boys before you make the attempt rather than assume that just because you've been fed a line for a long time in an incubated bubble that therefore it must be true.
OMG, I really can't believe you just said that. So is it your opinion that anytime any woman says something is sexist they are just "desperately trying to make stuff up to be outraged about in an attempt to stay relevant" or is this based on something I missed? Because it comes off both insulting, Misogynistic, AND Dismissive of half the opions in the world...
Holy crap, that was some EPIC LEVEL strawmanning there. I think I'll cut and paste that from my email notification just so I can refer to it repeatedly when needed when demonstrating how not to ever attempt any discussion.

Also; a heads-up; "feminism" and "female" are not equivalent. When you assume that feminism-your interpretation of feminism at that--speaks for all women, you are insulting, demeaning, and bullying them all at the same time. And you call me insulting and a misogynist, as you try to dismiss me out of hand without even (apparently) understanding a word of what I typed because it had key words in it that you didn't like?

Like I said; if we can't have a discussion about feminism in gaming while keeping sophistry out of it, and maintaining a dialectic level discussion, we're all wasting our time.
please tell me when I want the only 4e race in the PHB that gets a + str to appear female so I can make str based female characters with it... what is the cake in the anology? what is it?

please tell me why Any of this is about remaining relevant?
I have literally no idea what you're even talking about here.
I thought #gamergate would fall under the politics off topic, but if I was wrong I will let you know why I disagree with this too, but I really don't want to get that derailed...
There may well be various opinions to have on #gamergate, but the facts of the situation are not really a question of opinion. See the link above.

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Why does this surprise you? the dwarf females with beards argument was started in ancient days and still rages whenever someone is imprudent enough to bring it up. How people visualize their fantasy worlds is very important -- to them. Look at the D&D5 halfling debacle.

It's interesting (not "surprising") because I think there's more to it than the simple facile answer of "boobs". I've been seeing an uptick in older posters in general; it just happened to cross the threshold of comment-worthy in this particular thread. Rehashing the same arguments gets old; people who've been participating in those arguments for 10, 12, or more years have generally established their positions, worked out most of the kinks, and know each other's stances. People don't come out of retirement just to post in retread threads like this; they post in threads like this after they've come out of retirement. There's also a high number of new posters; if we assume this thread is reply-bait (which I agree it is), then it can be interpreted as a sampling of the site users at a period of time. And this thread's sampling is interesting.


Warning: my answer is based on Discovery channel I am not expert... even though I have two very nice B cups...
The way I understand it, in monkeys there are but cheek and but cleavage to attract a mate. When we stood up and became erect (ok, I have to be childish with that word in this context :blush:) we need a cleavage on our fronts...
edit: witch makes it a perfect example for this thread... it is a visual cue evolved to be short hand for attractive woman...

Humans generally have permanently exaggerated visual sexual characteristics. The penis is significantly larger than that of any other primate, and breasts are more prominent. We lack any specific cues to indicate fertility, and are sexually receptive pretty much all the time, not just at fertile periods or annually.

Edit: First I have to look up cow sternums, now it's gorilla penises. :erm:
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Umm..is there any way we can get this thread back on the rails and talk about the OP's comments about creature creation?


Mod Squad
Staff member
If the "wrongness" is that you've created some art, fiction, or media that some people find distressing

Nope. That's not what's wrong in this case. The issue is not, "that distresses me". The issue is, "that perpetuates the mindset that supports discrimination".

I disagree that there's any moral impetus to necessarily "correct it if at all possible."

Fine. "Correct if reasonably possible." How's that?

Let's put it this way - having boobless dragonborn going forward isn't going to cost WotC a bajillion dollars (or even noticeable money), is it? The artist isn't going to say, "I'm sorry, but I have to charge you double for them without boobs!" Their sales will not drop noticeably. So, why not just do it?

Simply put, while taking steps to correct such distress is indeed a virtuous action, it's above and beyond the call of moral duty

Yep. But when you're trying to make the world a better place, even in a small way, by definition you have to ask people to behave better than they already do, now don't you? If you accept the status quo, no directed change is possible.

Elf Witch

First Post
I haven't characterized anyone anywhere, actually. I'm talking about the movement itself. I have no idea what any individual associated in any way with the movement might think unless they come out and say so.

Nice try, though. The strawman was always a favorite tool of the polezniye duraki. And if you're trying to dismiss my whole post because you're making up some kind of strawman conspiracy element to it, you might want to not also point out that you don't even know what my argument is because you don't know what "most of the stuff in my post" even is. That certainly doesn't lend itself to strengthening your credibility.

Please enlighten me. Sketch out for me exactly how "my" argument leads to this logical conclusion. Please be sure and use actual logic when you do so. I've always preferred dialectic.

Of course on topics of this nature, I tend to always get sophistry instead. But since you have deduced some logical conclusion to my argument to which I'm unaware, which is supposedly unrelated to the strawman caricature of my argument that you tilted at in the first paragraph, I'm very curious to see the logic. I make no claim at being a master of following all logical threads to their logical conclusions.

In the examples I noted above:
  • Mike Resnick and Barry Malzburg refer to a lady of their mutual acquaintance by using the shockingly demeaning language of calling her "a lady." For this they are pilloried and called sexists.
  • It leaks out (by a cuckolded ex boyfriend) that Zoe Quinn had been sleeping around with gaming journalists for favors. In fact, it later become abundantly and undeniably evident that there is widespread corruption between developers and journalists related to sex for favors, so that gamers can no longer trust anything that the gaming journalists say. Many in gaming journalism don't even bother denying it, they just seem to be surprised when poor, dumb gamers actually object to their obvious collusion and corruption. When gamers point this out, they are called sexists. (See this link for a nice completely evidence based summary of the whole affair. Be warned; the youtube user who posted that uses a fair bit of salty language.)
  • Umbran tells me that I need "new senses" because I can't see my own rampant sexism inherent in preferring that female characters of a humanoid variety come with obviously sex-specific visual cues as to their sex.
  • And of course the following:

She doesn't have to be sexy and strut. She wanted to! She gloated about it! It was the very act of simulating pole dancing that was applauded as an expression of feminism! You've got that totally wrong; it wasn't necessary. She was already successful beyond most singers' wildest dreams. She did it because she wanted to.

Frankly, feminism doesn't need any help from me in being trivialized. It's managed to become a laughing stock all on its own without any of my input.

And that's a perfectly valid take on the idea. I prefer that HUMANOID characters have HUMANOID characteristics. Apparently that makes me a sexist.

Also, to be pedantic, dragons are, of course, not reptilian. There are no six-limbed reptiles, for one thing.

Read the actual article in question. Go to the primary source, not just "a lot of people sides." They weren't insensitive and the only blame to go around was to the shrieking harpies who decided to pillory two relatively upstanding professional authors, who also happened to be sympathetic to feminists! Read what Reznick's daughter has to say about the affair. That was as clear a case of made-up, fake outrage as you could possibly find. It's so absurd that if it didn't actually happen and if I didn't actually see it, I wouldn't have believed that it could be true. It's a parody of feminism as fake-outrage for fake offenses. It's a caricature of it. And yet... it also actually happened.

Most likely. But again; read Helen Smith's Men on Strike and Christina Sommers The War on Boys before you make the attempt rather than assume that just because you've been fed a line for a long time in an incubated bubble that therefore it must be true.

Holy crap, that was some EPIC LEVEL strawmanning there. I think I'll cut and paste that from my email notification just so I can refer to it repeatedly when needed when demonstrating how not to ever attempt any discussion.

Also; a heads-up; "feminism" and "female" are not equivalent. When you assume that feminism-your interpretation of feminism at that--speaks for all women, you are insulting, demeaning, and bullying them all at the same time. And you call me insulting and a misogynist, as you try to dismiss me out of hand without even (apparently) understanding a word of what I typed because it had key words in it that you didn't like?

Like I said; if we can't have a discussion about feminism in gaming while keeping sophistry out of it, and maintaining a dialectic level discussion, we're all wasting our time.

I have literally no idea what you're even talking about here.

There may well be various opinions to have on #gamergate, but the facts of the situation are not really a question of opinion. See the link above.

Not only did I read and actually you know talk to some of the authors who were involved but I read the original post as well. And as I said there was a lot of outrage on both sides. And way to go characterizing the women who spoke up as harpies you do know that male authors spoke up as well? I did read Mike Resnick daughter comments and as I said and I will keep saying that a lot was said on both sides that shouldn't have been said. The article brought out a lot of hidden resentment that many female SF writers and editors had been feeling for a very long time. But feel free to dismiss their views as just being harpies.

I don't recall anyone saying you were sexist for your views on dragonboobs I really think you are reaching here.

And again what point don't you get that there is a difference between Beyonce choosing to show her sexuality under her terms and it being forced on her? To put it in gaming terms it is one thing for a female gamer to choose to portray her PC as using her sexuality to further her goals to say her PC dresses in skimpy clothes and having the game only show female PCs like that.

I will tell you when feminism is no longer relevant when we don't have the high rates of sexual assault in our military and college campuses. When we don't use terms like harpies to describe women speaking out. When we spend as much time teaching young men not to rape as we do in teaching young girls how to avoid it. When we no longer feel the need to treat female gamers as some how different than male gamers. When the fake geek girl meme dies in the fire that it deserves too. When female cosplayers don't have to face slut shaming and disgusting comments directed at them by mouth breathers who really need to grow up and how about when we no longer need to say cosplaying does not equal consent.


First Post
Holy crap, that was some EPIC LEVEL strawmanning there. I think I'll cut and paste that from my email notification just so I can refer to it repeatedly when needed when demonstrating how not to ever attempt any discussion.

so now do you want to explain what I straw maned? You said exactly what I quoted, after dismissing that I wanted (and as a female gamer have the right to speak for what I want) dragonborn and atleast most (but not nessaraly all) PC races to visually have ques for men and women...
Also; a heads-up; "feminism" and "female" are not equivalent.
yet when I spoke of female opionon you brought up feminism...

When you assume that feminism-your interpretation of feminism at that--speaks for all women,
quote please, because I even said in almost every place that I have meet women I disagree with...
you are insulting, demeaning, and bullying them all at the same time. And you call me insulting and a misogynist, as you try to dismiss me out of hand without even (apparently) understanding a word of what I typed because it had key words in it that you didn't like?
so when I say I disagree with some women and agree with others that is bullying? :erm::confused: I don't understand. You are right your type something I do not get. What is the point of saying anything about feminism then back tracking that it isn't about feminism?
Like I said; if we can't have a discussion about feminism in gaming while keeping sophistry out of it, and maintaining a dialectic level discussion, we're all wasting our time.
then why not discuss that wotc did testing, and surveys and found that people dis like non anthropomorphic dragon women?

There may well be various opinions to have on #gamergate, but the facts of the situation are not really a question of opinion. See the link above.
well there is some question about how much of it is real and how much is just trash talk... in the end it is an attack on a woman who slept with men, when in the reverse situation (1 man sleeping with 10 or so women) would not be a big deal at all. She may or may not be a bad person, but at the end of the day her sex life is her own...

I'm A Banana

Frankly, feminism doesn't need any help from me in being trivialized. It's managed to become a laughing stock all on its own without any of my input.
Like I said; if we can't have a discussion about feminism in gaming while keeping sophistry out of it, and maintaining a dialectic level discussion, we're all wasting our time.
There may well be various opinions to have on #gamergate, but the facts of the situation are not really a question of opinion.

What Umbran appreciated in his post that you appear to have completely lost is that a discussion of sexism in gaming is not carte blanche to offer your opinion on political movements. Stay on topic. Get sloppy and start swinging the hammer around and trying to hit "feminists" and this will not be a delightful experience. You're relying on moderator judgement and interpretation to stay on the right side of the line here, and if you think you might be skirting that line, we might think you've crossed it. I urge you to err in favor of buttoning up and taking it to the Circvs.

...this goes for #gamergate BS, too. Unless you are laser sharp about your precision in how it applies to this particular conversation, you are likely to step in it.

Of course, this goes for everyone in the conversation. The broader topic is worthy of conversation, but ENWorld is not the place to have the conversation about the broader topic.

Go have it with your wives and daughters and mothers and sisters. And your brothers and your fathers and your sons and your husbands.
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The suspension of disbelief is often helped by the small details that fit in with our notions of reality. I don't have to hand wave everything because I've hand waved one thing. I am coming to really hate the argument "If you can accept this fantastic thing, you should be able to accept that one too."


Seems a very reasonable and germane argument to me. Typically, that "bridge too far" is thinly veiled edition warring with a funny set of glasses and a fake moustache. I hate dragon born because I think they're stupid is a perfectly valid opinion IMO. I hate dragon born despite ignoring fifteen other unrealistic elements because of this one unrealistic element is a much shakier soapbox to stand on.

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