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Insight's "In the Shadow of Giants" [IC] - Prelude to Danger!


First Post
Gregor continues to plod cautiously towards the burning wagons, still taking in the scene and trying to decide how to proceed.

He mutters "Hrm...best to approach cautiously, whatever set them on fire might not be done burnin'"

Standard: Move
Move: Move
Minor: mutter.[/sblock]

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First Post
Seeing his allies rush forward, the deva cursed under his breath, "Didn't we just say we'd stick together..." as he continues forward, although not with the same reckless speed that Corrin did, rather trying to stay closer to Gregor.

Round 3:
Minor: n/a (passive perception is 20)
Move: Move 30'
Standard: Move 30'


First Post
Under that implacable helm Saben's eyes widened in shock as situation began sliding into focus. Somewhere in the back of his mind a voice warned that something dangerous must have caused this, but it was drowned out by his headlong rush toward the fire. All he knew was he had to help these people.


Passive Perception: 19
Move & Standard: Double Move: Run, in the direction of the nearest injured person.
Minor: none



Sorry I wasn't quite sure from your previous update whether you wanted another round of actions or not.

[sblock=Ministats]Saben- Male Half-Elf Paladin 10
Initiative: +7, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 21
AC:30, Fort:20, Reflex:22, Will:22 -- Speed:5
HP:89/89, Bloodied:44, Surge Value:22, Surges left:12/12
Action Points: 1
Powers -
Enfeebling Strike
Virtuous Strike
Divine Challenge
Githyanki Silver Longsword
Summoned Gith Plate Armor

Valorous Smite
Hold Fast
Astral Thunder
Sacred Flame
Call of Challenge
Second Wind

Majestic Halo
Name of Might
Ray of Reprisal
Wrath of the Gods
Lay on Hands
Lay on Hands
Lay on Hands
Githyanki Silver Longsword
Heavy Shield of Eyes


Full character sheet[/sblock]
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Once he is close to enough to hear the screams and see the flames still raging, Brant begins cursing under his breath, and picks up the pace, trying to get closer before it's too late for him to help anyone.

[sblock=ooc]Passive perception: 17
Move action: run forward
Standard action: run forward[/sblock]


Crossing the Yoirwood
- Round Five -

Since it doesn't look like there's anyone/anything hostile between him and the fire, and he doesn't actually have any spells that are useful for firefighting, Corrin just runs for the burning wagons.

Ah. Wagons. They're wagons.

Olcan whimpers, hackles still raised. The fire makes the rangy wolf
nervous. The wolf draws closer to Amos and the big man flicks at glance and a thought at the wolf, Be easy.

His heart - hammering since he'd heard the screams - feels squeezed as the burning folk come into view. Amos pours on the speed and is glad that Saben is in the lead. Partly because folk tended to respond better to the kindly halfbreed paladin than to the hulking halfbreed ranger, but mostly because the man's gift would be needed it seems.

He shoulders his bow on the run and hollers at the panicky, scurrying figures ahead, "Lay down! Lay down and roll!"

Still wary, the cagy tracker peers at the surround brush. His and Olcan's senses had often kept their little band on the better side of surprised over the years. But Amos didn't like to think about the times that he'd allowed himself to be distracted. He didn't like to think about it, but he couldn't help it, either.

Amos and Olcan's keen senses scan the woods and the scene.

Gregor continues to plod cautiously towards the burning wagons, still taking in the scene and trying to decide how to proceed.

He mutters "Hrm...best to approach cautiously, whatever set them on fire might not be done burnin'"

Seeing his allies rush forward, the deva cursed under his breath, "Didn't we just say we'd stick together..." as he continues forward, although not with the same reckless speed that Corrin did, rather trying to stay closer to Gregor.

Under that implacable helm Saben's eyes widened in shock as situation began sliding into focus. Somewhere in the back of his mind a voice warned that something dangerous must have caused this, but it was drowned out by his headlong rush toward the fire. All he knew was he had to help these people.

Once he is close to enough to hear the screams and see the flames still raging, Brant begins cursing under his breath, and picks up the pace, trying to get closer before it's too late for him to help anyone.

- Standard: Run 7 (35ft)
- Move: Run 7 (35ft)

- Minor: Put away bow.
- Move: Run 8 (40ft)
- Standard: Pack Awareness, Amos 35, Olcan 32

- Standard: Move 5 (25ft)
- Move: Move 5 (25ft)

- Move: Move 6 (30ft)
- Standard: Move 6 (30ft)

- Move: Run 7 (35ft)
- Standard: Run 7 (35ft)

- Move: Run 7 (35ft)
- Standard: Run 7 (35ft)

This is the last round for this, as you'll be on the map for next round.

Seeker: 0
Corrin: Seeker +2 (10ft)
Gregor: Seeker +3 (15ft)
Amos/Olcan: Seeker +4 (20ft)
Brant: Seeker +7 (35ft)
Saben: Seeker +11 (55ft)


Crossing the Yoirwood
- Round Six -

[sblock=The Map]Please let me know if you have any trouble seeing this. I posted it in PDF, which was the best way for me to do so on EN World. You may have to zoom in to read the icon tags.

Anything with a 'triangle' symbol is difficult terrain. The trees are also difficult terrain and also provide cover. The areas of flame around the wagons will damage you if you enter them or start your turn there. The wagons themselves are also difficult terrain.

The round flame symbols are the people on fire. They are a mix of humans, half-elves, elves, and dwarves. They are not part of the combat and do not fight. They are part of the skill challenge (see below).

Before you is a scene of mayhem as two burning wagons continue to crackle with raging flame. Surrounding the wagons are coniferous trees, both large and small, areas of low scrub, and bits of granite jutting from the uneven ground.

Running around the open area are six humanoids on fire, screaming in pain and agony. Beyond the wagons, you can see a pair of Skeletons hauling goods from the burning wagons. An undead Eladrin appears to be directing the skeletons. At your approach, the Eladrin points in your direction and commands the Skeletons to attack!

Seeker moves closer to the fray, although still ensuring that his allies are in a position to protect him from the skeletal foes.

"You want to stop, drop, and grab some wet leaves to try and smother the flames, no...not the dry ones!" Seeker calls out to the closest human torch, trying to remember anything useful about the natural world.

"Can some of you help those people? I don't think I can do much good there. I'll see what I can do about our non-living friends." Corrin says.

Then he moves to try and get a clear view of the creatures and get within spell range of them. But it's clear to him that if he wants to act quickly, he'll have to attack through the flames.

"This may be overkill, but it ought to work..." He says, readying a spell. And then lightning arced from his dagger to the nearest skelleton. It wasn't all that accurate of a blast, despite being a spell designed to work through cover, but at least it should do something.

"Mother of--" Amos hurries forward to the first flailing, wailing person, bellowing still, "Lay down and roll, ye damn fools!" If they don't listen, Amos will 'help' them to the ground, as gently as possible.

Olcan paces out beside Amos, golden eyes fixed on the advancing skeleton. A deep, rumbling growl rips around his bared teeth.

The undead eladrin, his skin a red pallor, his eyes rose-colored, glides forward, as if his feet aren't even touching the ground. He looks at the skeletal figures around him and then to the incoming heroes. He seems anxious for battle. The eladrin hefts his greataxe, dripping with someone else's blood.

Gregor approaches slowly, moving in front of the group, sizing up the foes. He falls into a defensive stance, motioning to his allies to form up around him if the skeletons decide to engage.

Seeing the dwarf approach, Eldranth unleashes a pair of ethereal, bleeding swords that float from the eladrin's position to harry Gregor, slashing the dwarven warrior and threatening to do so again! He commands the skeletons to strike!

Both of the skeletons hauling treasure from the wagons drop what they're doing and stomp towards Gregor's position. They raise wiry limbs and strike!

Brant's gaze takes in the wagons, victims and enemies in a sweeping motion. Inventive swear words are sent towards the undead intruders, but otherwise they are dismissed for the moment. With an explosive grunt, he pushes himself to his limit, closing the final gap between himself and one of the flaming figures.

Keeping his axe clear, he barrels into the figure, attempting to knock it down and smother the flames with his cloak.

"Get down!"

While Gregor kept the attackers busy Saben moved to help the people caught on the other side of the undead menace. It was only with immense self-discipline that he was able to move past the first victim he came to, trusting that his comrades would see to them. Skirting a burning wagon he moved quickly and when he came to the pair of burning travelers he dropped his sword and reached into the magic bag he carried. Yanking his bedroll out of the impossibly sized satchel he threw the blanket over one of them and tried to smother flame.

[sblock=Initiative Count]
This is the first round of actual combat. Please state your actions from your point on the map.

26. Seeker: 1d20+12=26
24. Corrin: 1d20+10=24
20. Amos: 1d20+10=20 (+)
17. Gregor: 1d20+4=17
17. Eldranth: 17 (-)
16. Skeletal Hauler: 16
14. Brant: 1d20+6=14
13. Saben:1d20+7=13

Please state whether you are participating the Skill Challenge (see below). Doing so requires a Standard Action. You would still have a Move Action and a Minor Action to use apart from the Skill Challenge.

[sblock=Actions, Round 6]
26. Seeker:
- Move Action: Move 6 (O42 -> I39).
- Standard Action: Skill Challenge (Nature): SUCCESS! (1/6 vs. 0/0).
Minor Action: Monster Knowledge Check (Religion): SUCCESS!

[sblock=Monster Knowledge - Skeletal Hauler]
Name: Skeletal Hauler Tough
Type: Medium Natural Animate
Keywords: Undead
Powers: Slam (Melee Basic Attack)
Resist/Vuln: Immune to Disease and Poison; Resist Necrotic.

24. Corrin:
- Move Action: Move 6 (O40 -> I34).
- Standard Action: Serpentine Blast vs. Skeletal Hauler (K25): MISS! (16 dmg on miss).

20. Amos:
- Move Action: Amos move 6 (L38 -> I32), Olcan move 6 (J38 -> G32)
- Standard Action: Skill Challenge (Nature): SUCCESS! (2/6 vs. 0/0).

20. Eldranth:
- Move Action: Move 6 (G19 -> I25).
- Standard Action: Readied.

17. Gregor:
- Move Action: Move 5 (M39 -> to J34).
- Standard to Move Action: Move 5 (J34 -> to G29).
- Minor Action: Activate Stalwart Guard (Stance): Adjacent allies gain +2 shield bonus to AC and Reflex.

Gregor can tell that Eldranth has some sort of aura. Without a skill check of the appropriate type, he can't tell what the aura does.

17. Eldranth:
*** Takes his readied action, now acts on 17 (-) ***
- Standard Action: Uses Blood Blades against Gregor: 33 vs. Will = HIT! Gregor takes 14 damage (HP 73/87). If Gregor moves on his next turn, the Blood Blades will attack him again.

16. Skeletal Hauler (Red):
- Move Action: Move 5 (K25 -> H28).
- Standard Action: Slam against Gregor: MISS!

16. Skeletal Hauler (Blue):
- Move Action: Move 6 (I22 -> F28).
- Standard Action: Slam against Gregor: MISS!

14. Brant:
- Minor Action: Sheathes axe.
- Move Action: Mighty Sprint (Move 9, ignore difficult terrain) Move 7 (L35 -> R28).
- Standard Action: Skill Challenge (Heal): SUCCESS! (3/6 vs. 0/0).

13. Saben:
- Move Action: Move 6 (K32 -> O27).
- Standard to Move Action: Move 4 (O27 -> M23).
- Free Action: Drops sword.
- Minor Action: Retrieves bedroll from bag of holding.

*** Saben spends an Action Point ***

- Standard Action: Skill Challenge (Heal): SUCCESS! (4/6 vs. 0/0).

[sblock=The Skill Challenge]
Part of this encounter involves a skill challenge. In this challenge, the PCs need to deal with wagon guards and passengers who have been set aflame by the attacks.

Successes: 6 before 3 failures
Primary Skills: Endurance, Heal, Insight, Nature.

A success means one of the flaming humanoids' fires is extinguished.


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"Mother of--" Amos hurries forward to the first flailing, wailing person, bellowing still, "Lay down and roll, ye damn fools!" If they don't listen, Amos will 'help' them to the ground, as gently as possible.

Olcan paces out beside Amos, golden eyes fixed on the advancing skeleton. A deep, rumbling growl rips around his bared teeth.

[sblock=OOC]Amos is helping with the skill challenge.

Move: Amos to I32; Olcan to G32
Standard: Skill Check, Nature - 22

Guh... I hope these aren't hard checks.[/sblock]


First Post
Seeker moves closer to the fray, although still ensuring that his allies are in a position to protect him from the skeletal foes.

"You want to stop, drop, and grab some wet leaves to try and smother the flames, no...not the dry ones!" Seeker calls out to the closest human torch, trying to remember anything useful about the natural world, but alas his mind is fogged.

Move - Move 6 squares from O42 to I39
Standard - Skill Challenge - Nature
Nature; Religion (1d20 15=17, 1d20 17=33)
Minor - Monster Knowledge check on enemies (33 from above)

[sblock=MiniSeeker]Seeker—Male Deva Wizard
Initiative: +12 ; Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20
Senses:Normal; Resistances:10 Necrotic, 10 Radiant, 5 Fire
HP: 58/58, Bloodied: 29, Surge: 15, Surges left: 7/7
AC: 24*, Fort: 19*, Reflex: 23*, Will: 25*; — Speed:6
*+1 against bloodied foes, +5 against ranged attacks more than 5 away
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers -
Phantom Bolts
Cloud of Daggers

Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
Orb of Imposition
Grasping Shadows
Color Spray
Tomebound Ooze
Wizard's Escape

Healing Word
Grasp of the Grave
Taunting Phantoms
Mass Resistance
Orb of Impenetrable Escape +3

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First Post
"Can some of you help those people? I don't think I can do much good there. I'll see what I can do about our non-living friends." Corrin says.

[sblock=ooc]He's not trained in any of the primary skills, and they don't key off of Charisma or Dexterity.[/sblock]

Then he moves to try and get a clear view of the creatures and get within spell range of them. But it's clear to him that if he wants to act quickly, he'll have to attack through the flames.

"This may be overkill, but it ought to work..." He says, readying a spell. And then lightning arced from his dagger to the nearest skelleton. It wasn't all that accurate of a blast, despite being a spell designed to work through cover, but at least it should do something.

Minor Action: none
Move Action: Move to I34
Standard Action: Attack the skeleton at K25 with Serpentine Blast (which ignores cover and concealment -- if this was unnecessary, he'll use a different spell, as it's a daily)

atk; dmg; bonus dmg if it's at max HPs (1d20+14=16, 3d10+13=33, 2d6=2) Bad rolls. 16 vs. REF is probably a miss, so 16 damage; 17 if it's at full hit points.

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