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Insight's "The Shadow of Set" - IC Thread


He who dazzles shines bright in the blowing, staggering heat of the Blasted Desert. His arms raised in pride, no perhaps warning, at the coming of his glory. Slowly, but with a certainly, He Who Shines gains strength, passing through the Blasted Desert with an alien potency. They whisper his name at Ombos, and at Esserit, and the nomads who dare blaspheme to breathe the name of the Lord of the Desert soon become one with the sands, never again to raise a hand against He Who Shines.

His coming a portent of things to come, foretold by recent events in the shining jewel of the coast, the port city of Majoor. Our heroes will be the first to learn of his coming. But that would have to wait. For now, our heroes are blissfully unaware of the coming storm, their hands full with other, more pressing tasks...

Group 1: Droban, Isphet, and Avardis
This crew has been involved in Majoor, mostly revolving around Isphet the Moneylender's efforts to recoup his gambling debt. Droban's been looking for work, and responded to Isphet's post on the wall of the Twin Scimitars Guild (the local "adventurers' guild"). Isphet and Droban were briefly hired to assist the local militia in tracking down some camel thieves who were hiding in the desert. On that mission, Droban and Isphet met Avardis, who was stranded at an oasis (and briefly captured by the camel thieves). The three returned to Majoor following the completion of that mission, and have struck up a conversation regarding future endeavors.

[sblock=Group 1]
Whispers in town seem to reinforce what you have seen. People are getting sick at an alarming rate. Thyrite priests see this as a sign of the coming of a great evil. They point to their scriptures of great plagues blighting those unworthy of Thyr and his glory. Others are concerned that the water supply may be tainted. Whatever the reason, the people of Majoor are definitely getting sick, and the rate of infection is rapidly glowing to epidemic status.

The locals call this illness "The Crimson Curse". Its symptoms include painful boils and sores. As the curse/disease progresses, the boils erupt, oozing blood, pus, and other fluids. Eventually, the subject dies, normally in a macabre display that leaves the corpse little more than a bloodied pulp.

Since many of the town guards have fallen ill (or become cursed, depending on who you ask), Majoor's defenses are weakened. Many fear that an invasion is imminent. Among the more conspiracy-minded, some believe the events to be tied together. It is possible that the town guards may be recruiting new guards to replace the sick and dead.

Another related problem is that, with the word spreading of Majoor's sickness/curse, caravans are no longer all that interested in trading with the city's merchants. This has had a chilling effect on Majoor's economy, and town officials are wrestling with ways to deal with this downturn in trade.

A crazed local named Hasan the Blind has been seen around Majoor's bazaar, spouting diatribes against Majoor's sins. Rumor has it that Hasan was once an honored priest at the Temple of the Sun. Hasan claims that he alone holds the key to curing the town of the Crimson Curse, but of course, no one pays heed to the words of a madman.

You are all currently in Majoor and with no employment at the moment. What do you wish to do?[/sblock]

Group 2: Asad, Dirk, and G'Sharn
Dirk and G'Sharn met recently while fighting the same group of scorpitaurs in the Blasted Desert. These scorpitaurs had threatened caravans passing through the desert to the northern tradepost of Hale. In dispatching the scorpitaurs, G'Sharn and Dirk discovered that the foul beastmen had also intended to attack the nearby monastery, so the heroes traveled to said monastery to warn the monks (in case other scorpitaurs were also in on the future attack). The monks told G'Sharn and Dirk of one of Asad, a member of their order who had gone into the desert, and asked that G'Sharn and Dirk find Asad and give him aid if possible. Dirk and G'Sharn have just located Asad near an abandoned oasis, where he found evidence that a cult dedicated to Set may have made the oasis their home for a time.

[sblock=Group 2]
Having made each others' acquaintence, and having searched the abandoned oasis for clues left behind, you learn that a group calling itself the Ophidian Hand used this oasis for a base until probably a week ago. The other clues you find are charred firepits, some dead livestock, the bones of probably three or four humanoids (you are not certain of the exact origin), and the scraps and ruins of a dozen or more meals. Based on the clues you've found, between 20 and 30 men used this place as a base of operations as recently as a week ago.

You have heard rumors among nomads and merchants passing through the Blasted Desert that the Ophidian Hand is a cult dedicated to the evil god Set. None in civilized lands would dare openly worship such a creature, but it is not all that uncommon for outcast groups to find solace in the piercing winds and coarse, hot sands of the desert. Thyrite clerics and Muirite paladins wouldn't dare scour the desert, endlessly seeking such bases, when Majoor offers such fine comforts.

Tracks of the Ophidian Hands exodus from the abandoned oasis are old, and likely unreliable. Still, it would benefit everyone to at least track down these evildoers and if nothing more, warn Majoor of their existence.

As you are readying to head out, Asad stops among the skeletal remains, a sparkling glint in the blistering heat of the sun's caress catching the monk's eye. A ring! Asad crouched down to pick it up, matching it with the ring in his possession. What could this mean?

As Asad considers the ramifications of this discovery, Dirk warns that a sandstorm is coming from the north. Better to find shelter soon. G'Sharn points out that the sandstorm might well wipe out the cultists' tracks.

What do you wish to do?[/sblock]

All right. You all have a number of possible threads to follow. I'd appreciate it if the two groups could keep each other somewhat in the dark for now (hence the sblocks). I promise this separation won't last forever.

Threads - OOC - IC - RG
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First Post
[sblock=Group 2] Asad stares in shock at the second ring. Thinking back on the story he has heard from the monks for so many years he can only conclude that the bodies here are somehow linked to his family's deaths in the murky depths of his past. He looks in the direction Dirk indicated, aware of the dangers of the sandstorm, but torn by the need to learn about the owner of the ring, and those who killed him.
With a deep breath, his features stiffen in determination as he turns to his newfound companions and points in the direction of the tracks. [/sblock]


First Post
Droban Ironthane

[sblock=Group 1]Sitting at a low table in a seedy tavern, Droban Ironthane slams down his empty mug and wipes a trickle of foam from his dark, braided beard. "Isphet...Avardis...I tell you, it's gettin' to be more than I can take! The constant sunburn is bad enough, now I have to look up and down my own hairy backside every mornin' just to make sure there be no boils! Curse, plague, bah! Whatever it is, it's got my hackles raised, and my nerves frazzled! Give me cool stone and the neck of an orc to hew any day." Droban sighs then, and signals for another mug of ale. "Still and all, I guess so long as we're here, we might as well see if there's aught we can do to help. I hear there may be need of some fresh blood, so to speak, amongst the city guard? Aye, I could do that. Maybe there'd be a chance for some axeblade action thataway too. What say the pair of you?"[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock="Group 2"]
"You're right, and we've not much time," G'sharn says brusquely, staring at the sky. "We need to move, and quickly, if we're going to catch them." His form twists, and blurs, and he drops to the ground in sandcat form with a faint snarl.[/sblock]


First Post
[Sblock=Group 2]
Dirk watches the sand on the ground start whipping around and hurries over to the tracks. He drops to one knee, examining them closely before the wind destroys them. "We must hurry." and with nothing more than that he stands and starts following the tracks.
[sblock=Insight] Not sure if you want me to roll, or you to roll, but I shall roll for his Survival check to follow the tracks. Survival = 13[/sblock][/sblock]


[sblock=Group 2]
Redclaw said:
Asad stares in shock at the second ring. Thinking back on the story he has heard from the monks for so many years he can only conclude that the bodies here are somehow linked to his family's deaths in the murky depths of his past. He looks in the direction Dirk indicated, aware of the dangers of the sandstorm, but torn by the need to learn about the owner of the ring, and those who killed him.
With a deep breath, his features stiffen in determination as he turns to his newfound companions and points in the direction of the tracks.
Rolzup said:
"You're right, and we've not much time," G'sharn says brusquely, staring at the sky. "We need to move, and quickly, if we're going to catch them." His form twists, and blurs, and he drops to the ground in sandcat form with a faint snarl.
Necro_Kinder said:
Dirk watches the sand on the ground start whipping around and hurries over to the tracks. He drops to one knee, examining them closely before the wind destroys them. "We must hurry." and with nothing more than that he stands and starts following the tracks.

Dirk starts to the south, and G'Sharn, in sandcat form, follows, sniffing the air, keeping wary for possible assailants. Asad quickly scans the abandoned oasis one more time, looks to the newfound ring, pockets it, and follows the others.

Sand starts to whip into the air, making it somewhat difficult to see. Dirk and Asad cover their faces with cloth, fighting against the Blasted Desert itself. Even though it is just after noon, the sky grows dark, the sandstorm blotting out the sun itself. Dune after dune traversed, not without difficulty, but the three heroes are persistent enough to see the journey through.

Just when it seems the worst, G'Sharn spots a cave, which seems as fine a place as any to ride out this fierce sandstorm. Asad and Dirk wordlessly follow, and the three spend the next few hours inside the cave as the storm slowly subsides.

Passing the time, Asad, G'Sharn, and Dirk take a look around the cave. Somewhat larger than it seemed outside, the cave turns out to be a series of caverns, fortunately, unoccupied for the moment. From the gathered evidence, however, it seems that these caves were recently used, perhaps for a few days. Strange symbols painted on the walls pique the heroes' curiosity, but none of the three recognize the symbols' origin.

The sandstorm now subsided, Asad, G'Sharn, and Dirk emerge from the cave. The landscape has changed slightly, as it always does during a storm of this magnitude. The tracks, of course, are worn away. Dirk has a vague idea of where the tracks were headed prior to ducking into the cave, but there is no way to know for certain.

What do you wish to do?


First Post
[sblock=Group 2]
'We'll have to trust your instincts," G'sharn says to Dirk as he stares off into the wasteland. "Lacking any other choice, it seems. Still and all, your instincts have proven sound enough for me before. I see no reason why this time should be any different."

He shrugs. "No point in wasting time, either. I doubt that they were able to travel very far in this weather."


First Post
[sblock=group 2] Asad nods his agreement, then quickly looks back the way they came. Fate has erased our separate paths. My future seems linked to yours. He takes another look at the markings on the walls, trying to memorize any that seems to repeat itself more than others then he follows his two new companions back into the dunes. [/sblock]


First Post
[Sblock=Group 2] Dirk nods silently and walks out into the newly shifted sands. Kneeling, he picks up and handful of sand and feels it around in his hand. Looking off into the Desert, he bluntly states "Follow" and sets off after the cultists.[/sblock]


First Post
[Sblock=Group 2]"A man of few words," G'Sharn observes. "An admirable trait, that." Without further word, he changes form and follows Dirk.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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