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Insight's "The Shadow of Set" - IC Thread


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Insight said:

What happened to everyone???

Just because I've been away doesn't mean you can't post!

OOC: Yes it does. If the GM doesn't see it, it never happened. ;)

"Might I take a look at that," Avardis asks the halfling. "Hmm.."

OOC: Any chance Avardis recognizes it? Knowledge(Religion), maybe? Or perhaps as a native of Majoor it's something he might have seen before? See, I told you I needed the GM.

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Ilium said:
OOC: Yes it does. If the GM doesn't see it, it never happened. ;)

"Might I take a look at that," Avardis asks the halfling. "Hmm.."

OOC: Any chance Avardis recognizes it? Knowledge(Religion), maybe? Or perhaps as a native of Majoor it's something he might have seen before? See, I told you I needed the GM.

[sblock=Avardis]Avardis easily recognizes the symbol as belonging to the Temple of the Eternal Sun.[/sblock]


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Avardis returns the cloth to G'sharn and says, "Small mystery there." He points to a high cornice of the Temple before them, from which a pennant waves bearing the same symbol. "Perhaps you will find the answers you're looking for."


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Ilium said:
Avardis returns the cloth to G'sharn and says, "Small mystery there." He points to a high cornice of the Temple before them, from which a pennant waves bearing the same symbol. "Perhaps you will find the answers you're looking for."
Didn't say it was a mystery. I said we had business with them. Asad replies.


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"The mystery lies in our having stumbled into the Temple's affairs twice now," G'harn says sourly. "I don't believe in coincidence, not when gods are involved."


The guardsman returns to his post at the entrance to the temple complex, and behind him, a tall, lean man in priestly vestments.

"Na'al al-Hasen," the tall man says. "I am led to believe you have come crawling back to the Temple with news."

The ousted priest scowls. "Indeed, Fahmor," he replies. "They came after me again, those who attacked me on my return."

"Ah, yes, when you lost the Chalice of Arden. I recall that quite clearly, though I confess I have my doubts about the truth to your claims of an attack."

Na'al al-Hasen steps forward towards the representative. "What do you think, priest, that I took the Chalice somewhere? Hid it from the people of Majoor who desperately need it?"

Fahmor looks upon al-Hasen's companions. "Who are these people? Your personal guards?" He laughs with disdain.

"They are my saviors," al-Hasen explains. "I was attacked at the bazaar. The same people as who attacked me in the desert."

"Ah, yes, this Ophidian Hand or some nonsense," Fahmor says. "And what do your friends here have to do with the attack, or this Hand?"

Na'al looks to his new allies. "These brave ones stopped the Ophidian Hand from slaying me, ending the one last hope Majoor has in curing the Crimson Curse."

"What makes you think you have what it takes to cure the Curse, al-Hasen?"

"I believe in the Chalice's power, Fahmor," al-Hasen replies. "Isn't that precisely why I was sent to fetch the Chalice of Arden in the first place?"

Fahmor snickers. "We here at the Temple are not all believers in these stories of the existence of a Chalice of Arden. Even still, those supporters you had were severely disappointed that you did not bring the Chalice back to the Temple."

"As I have said many times, I was ambushed on my return," al-Hasen counters. "The Ophidian Hand. I believe they now have the Chalice. If I could but speak to the High Priest -- "

"No, al-Hasen," Fahmor barks. "Your time here is done. You will have no audience with the High Priest, nor anyone else on the council. You will speak with me or you will speak to no one."

"In that case, Fahmor, perhaps I can make a request."

Fahmor sneers. "Make it quick. I wish to take my leave of you."

"One of my saviors has fallen. With the Crimson Curse and the Night Terrors, I was hoping that perhaps my companions could enter and inter their fallen friend."

Fahmor looks at Droban and the dead Isphet. "I will send an escort. Wait here."

Before too long, six armed guards approach with a litter for the dead Isphet. Fahmor returns.

"Follow us inside, and do not stray," Fahmor instructs.


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In Fahmor's absence, Avardis turns to al-Hasen and asks, "What did you do to earn such ire? It is one thing to propose an idea that fails, but this Fahmor's dislike seems a little more...vehement than I would expect."

Once the guards bring the litter, Avardis helps to place the fallen merchant on it and with Droban's help bears the still form into the temple.

OOC: Slight liberties with Droban, YOA, but as Isphet's companions I figured it would be our job.


Ilium said:
In Fahmor's absence, Avardis turns to al-Hasen and asks, "What did you do to earn such ire? It is one thing to propose an idea that fails, but this Fahmor's dislike seems a little more...vehement than I would expect."

"Fahmor? He is a fool," al-Hasen replies. "He and most of the rest of the priests don't believe in me and my quest to end the Crimson Curse. They had to be convinced, nay begged, to allow me to fetch the Chalice of Arden and end this foul sickness. And when I was unsuccessful, though due to no fault of my own, of course, it gave my enemies an opportunity to pin it all on me and throw me out."

Na'al al-Hasen smiles. "The Temple is not what it once was I'm afraid," he says. "The Temple of the Eternal Sun used to be the Temple of Arden. It has lost its way, and those who cling to the 'old' ways, such as myself, we are... shunned."

"The Temple is more of an edifice than a congregation now," he continues. "Truth be told, I am rather glad to be done with the place. If I could find others like myself, those truly dedicated to Arden and to benefiting others, that would be my new home. Until such time, I am left to shepherd lost souls to the light."
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Fahmor and his retinue escort Na'al al-Hasen and the heroes into the Temple of the Eternal Sun. The Temple is a large step pyramid structure, with gardens and statuaries forming a semi circle in the promenade leading up to the grand temple entrance.

Once inside the temple, you marvel at the immense grand worship chamber. The room, lit by hundreds of small candles, must reach 35ft in height and is a good 55ft on all four sides. In the center, stairs rise to a large stone platform, upon which is a single black altar. At the altar, a pair of white-robed priests watch you enter.

While you marvel at the grand worship chamber, the deceased form of Isphet the Moneylender is taken by litter into an adjoining chamber.

A tall, gray-bearded priest wearing white and gold robes approaches the group. "Good day, gentle folk," he says. "I am Taliq ibn Akhwan. Welcome to the Temple of the Eternal Sun." He looks to Na'al al-Hasen. "Ahh, al-Hasen," he continues. "I see you have returned. What is your business here?"

"Grand Master," Na'al says, bowing in the tall priest's direction. "May the light of Arden shine greatly upon you." the blind priest rises again.

"Dispense with the pleasantries and gentrification, al-Hasen," Akhwan commands. "You know that it is not easy for me to allow you back into the Temple, so let us make this visit as short as possible." He looks at the heroes. "Who are these men that would enter the Temple with unbonded weapons? Friends of yours?"

al-Hasen nervously looks at the heroes' equipment. "My apologies, Grand Master," he replies. "I did not realize... I will rectify the matter at once."

Akhwan raises a hand to al-Hasen. "There is no need," he counters. "You and your companions won't be staying." Akhwan looks to Fahmor, who has thus far been silent. "Fahmor, you may take your leave of us. I'll handle this matter from here."

Fahmor leaves, heading into the antechamber where Isphet was taken.

"Now that Fahmor is gone," Akhwan says, "I can speak freely." He takes Na'al al-Hasen along with him deeper into the Temple.

[OOC: The heroes can follow along and ask questions if they wish.]

"I thank you for seeing me, Grand Master," al-Hasen says as they walk. "The Crimson Curse has been much on my mind of late."

"And mine, al-Hasen," Akhwan replies. "I am pained to think what has happened to fair Majoor. Any news on finding the Chalice of Arden? You know what I am on your side, even if many of my colleagues are not."

"I appreciate that, Grand Master," al-Hasen says. "I am convinced more than ever that the Ophidian Hand was behind the ambush. In fact, I believe they are in possession of the Chalice of Arden now."

Akhwan stops and turns to al-Hasen. "I suppose you're right," he says. "What do you propose to do about it? We know very little about this Ophidian Hand. They could have taken the Chalice of Arden just about anywhere, assuming they are still in possession of it."

"I considered the possibility that the Hand may have sold the Chalice, but I feel that if indeed they are behind the Crimson Curse, it is highly unlikely they would part with it, given the trouble they went through to ambush me and steal the Chalice in the first place."

Akhwan looks at the heroes. "And your companions? What is their part in this?"

"They saved me from an attack," al-Hasen replies. "I owe them much."

"What do you know of this Ophidian Hand? Have you fought them before?"


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"I? No. And I know little of them, save that their intentions are malign and their manners sorely lacking. Although it seems," G'Sharn adds, flexing his recently wounded soldier, "That I cannot justly criticise their fighting skills.

"If you would tell us more, I would gladly hear it. There is a blood debt owed here, and I will see this Obsidian Hand pay it in like coin."

Voidrunner's Codex

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