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International Intelligence Institut [Taking alternates]


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Well, originally I was just going to post a concept, but the background kind of wrote itself, and after that the rest was easy. The only stuff that isn't straight out of the book about him is making the blindsight feat stem from his mental abilities (rather than a sense) as an extra, and applying the obvious flaw to telepathy. Also, I listed penetrating attack as a stunt of mind control rather than a feat. I think it makes more sense that way.

Name: Johann Kupler
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 172 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue

Str: 12 +1
Dex: 16 +3
Con: 12 +1
Int: 18 +4
Wis: 18 +4
Cha: 10 +0

Dam: +1 (+1 con)
Fort: +1 (+1 con)
Refl: +13 (+3 dex, +10 6th sense)
Will: +6 (+4 wis, +2 feat)

Init: +3 (+3 dex)
Speed: 30'

BAB: 2
Melee: +3 (+2 BAB, +1 str)
Ranged: +5 (+2 BAB, +3 dex)
Mental: +6 (+2 BAB, +4 wis)

BDB: 10
Defense: 33 (+10 BDB, +3 dex, +10 6th sense)
Flat-Footed: 30 (+10 BDB, +10 6th sense)
Mental: 24 (+10 BDB, +4 wis)

Skills: 87 ranks total
Computers: +12 (8 ranks, +4 int)
Drive: +8 (5 ranks, +3 dex)
Knowledge(history): +9 (5 ranks, +4 int)
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish (3 ranks + native)
Listen: +17 (13 ranks, +4 wis) 
Medicine: +10 (6 ranks, +4 wis)
Science(chemistry): +12 (8 ranks, +4 int)
Science(psychology): +17 (13 ranks, +4 int)
Sense Motive: +17 (13 ranks, +4 wis)
Spot: +17 (+13 ranks, +4 wis)

Defensive Move
Iron Will
Blindsight(super, extra:mental)
All-around Sight(super)
Psychic Awareness(super)

Telepathy [+1 pp/rank+0, 10 total] 10 ranks 
- stunts: none
- source: mutation 
- extras: none
- flaws: obvious (see below)

Mind Control [+1 pp/rank+6, 16 total] 10 ranks
- stunts: Mental Link, Penetrating Attack x2 
- source: mutation
- extras: none
- flaws: obvious (see below)

6th sense [+4 pp/rank+0, 40 total] 10 ranks 
- stunts: none
- source: mutation
- extras: none
- flaws: none
- notes: 6th sense is a power I created, but mechanically it's exactly the
 same as combat sense, and super-dex with the flaw that it doesn't affect 
skills.  So the power rank is added to Johann's dodge bonus and his reflex 
saves, and isn't lost when he's suprised.  I changed the name to reflect that 
it stems from his mental powers, as opposed to improved physical abilities.

Procurement [bonus] 5 ranks

Weakness: Disturbing (see below)

PP spent: Attributes: 26, BAB: 6, BDB: 20, Skills: 29, Feats: 13, Powers: 66 Weakness: -10

Appearance: Johann is of below average height, with blue eyes and short blonde hair. He's currently in the best shape of his life, but it only partially compensates for his naturally small build. He always dresses well, generally wearing a suit. A distinct purple glow constantly surrounds his head. This glow is a visual manifestation of his powers, and it is always there because his 6th sense is always active. Most of the time it appears to just be light, but it's clearly something more than that because it can still be seen if he wears a hat or helmet. When he is also using his mind control or telepathy, it becomes brighter and crackles with energy. Also when he uses mind control or telepathy, the person he is linked to gains a similar aura around their head, which looks like his when only 6th sense is active.

Background: Johann Kupler had a rather unhappy childhood. From a young age, it was obvious that he was very bright. This led to him being alienated from other children his age, and a lot of teasing from the other children. He should have been in a private school, but his parents couldn't afford it. Things turned around for him when he graduated from high school at the top of his class, with perfect SATs, and a free ride to nearly any college. He chose Yale, where he quickly became a star in the psychology department. The good times continued to roll for the next 10 years, as he graduated, earned a doctorate, and became a prominent researcher, with a beautiful fiance, Margeret Villa. His reports on the nature of psychosis and the criminal mind were lauded by the psychology community. He was even consulted on occasion by the International Intelligence Institute for profiling of criminals.

It all crashed down one night when he came home early and found his fiance in bed with another man. Suddenly, he developed a splitting headache as Margeret and the other man (he never even found out the guy's name) leapt out the window of his 2nd story bedroom. He was trying to piece together what had happened when the police arrived. Nobody was quite sure what had happened, but the new purple aura around his head made Johann a prime suspect. It turned out that the man had died in the fall. He spent two nights in jail contemplating a brutal public trial with the MCA, when he was approached with an offer he couldn't refuse - join the III, and all charges would be dropped.

Over the next month, entirely by phone, he left his position at Yale to do 'independant research', and broke off contact with Margeret and virtually everyone else he knew. His continued refusal to see them in person helped. Margeret still isn't sure why she jumped out the window that night, but she suspects... At the III, he realized that much of his success in life had come from subconciously reading what he needed to know from other people's minds. He learned more about his powers, discovering he had the ability to talk to people telepathically, mentally sense his surroundings, and control other's mind's. The III began training him as a field agent where he could put his mental powers to the fullest use, and trained him in Jun-po, a defensive martial art. He has excelled in his training just as he has everything else in life, and is now ready for his first mission.

Personality: Johann has always been a very intense person, and the recent events in his life haven't helped. He's become cynical and has a morbid sense of humor, and he generally expects to be in control of any situation, believing he's the best suited for the role. This would be more of a problem if his arrogance wasn't justified.

So what does everyone think?
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Cricket (PL 10) – Argent Silvermage

secret ID: Anthony Parker
HP: 5

gender: Male
age: 41
height: 6’2”
weight: 225
size: Medium
hair: Black
eyes: Black

STR 14 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 14 +2
INT 16 +3
WIS 12 +1
CHA 10 +0

DMG +6
REF +3

SPD 30



*Science Electronics [+13/10]
*Science Physics [+6/3]
*Computers [+13/10]
*Disable Device [+8/5]
Intimidate [+10/10]
*Open Lock [+8/5]
*Pilot [+8/5]
*Drive [+8/5]
*Repair [+13/10]

* = Trained Only

Immune to radiation, pressure, poison and disease
Radio Broadcast (device flaw)
Radio Hearing (device flaw)
Darkvision/sonar (device flaw)
All around sight (device flaw)
Extra Limb (device flaw) 2 robot arms

Super Strength [+9 pp/rank+2, 38 total] 4 Ranks
- SOURCE: Mutation
- EXTRAS: Protection, leaping, Super Constitution
- STUNTS: Lifting

Alternate form: Semi solid (Swarm of grasshoppers) [+5 pp/rank, 15 total] 3 Ranks
- SOURCE: Mutation

Clinging [+1 pp/rank, 6 total] 6 Ranks
- SOURCE: Mutation

Gadgets [+1 pp/rank, 10 total] 10 Ranks
- SOURCE: Science

Datalink [+1 pp/rank, 5 total] 5 ranks
- SOURCE: Science
- Flaw: Device


Vulnerable to Cold attacks.

SKILLS [21/63]
FEATS [13]
TOTAL [160]

Anthony was one of the first mutants to be sent to the Institute. His parents were from a very poor background and they couldn’t deal with the infant who could throw them around and climb walls.

He grew up in labs and took lab work at an early age. His love of gadgets and gizmos was well known and he while not super intelligent was exceedingly bright. His combat training was minimal due to his distaste for fieldwork. But recent developments in his life have changed that. He realizes that his powers have made him a “joke” at the institute because he has “cricket” powers.

He is a computer and electronics specialist. His “carapace” backpack holds all sorts of components that he can fit together on the fly to produce a variety of gadgets. As well as sporting a pair of robotic arms and his data feed array. The built in helmet grants him enhanced sensory perception.


First Post
@All: A little precision. The mode of recruitment of the Institut is not as you usually see in other game. They don't search for mutants. It is during an operation, when someone out of the Institut is performing well, or have learn too much about something, he may be ask to join the Institut.

@Argent Silvermage: You may be recruited by a governement group. You may be one of the last that have been taken during childhood by the MCA, before the MUTANT win his case in justice. You have been on an action team, but your because you are quite good with computer, you have been ask to help in a join operation with the NSA and the Institut. The Institut approach you at that moment, and you have accepted to help them, by staying in the MCA as a contact. Now, you are now working on some ghost operation with the MCA, and give some help to the Institut when they ask it. What do you think of that?

@Kangaxx: Same thing, I doubt you would have been watch for a long time by the Institut, except if you were related to one of his case. But the MCA could, and they wanted to put a trial for you, because the man kill himself when he jumped. The Institut offer you help, if you were willing to help them. You accept, and all the charge was released.

@Brother Shatterstone: It is just Permanent would mean the duration of the control is permanent, you can activate and choose the targets. Uncontrol would mean you can't choose it. And for the DM, well, just let say I decide to activate it all the time. I just find the name's of the flaw more explicit, not that would affect how the power work.

The range flaw make the range goes from sigth, to normal, to touch, to self (that mean you can take it 3 times instead of two, didn't see it was sight at first). Then, you have area extra 4 times (one more for the extra range flaw). So, your power can only be centered on you, just like an aura an affect an area of 5ft burst * power level *2 *2 *2, in your case, 400ft. Without it, you could put the center of the area anywhere in you line of sight, but as you describe it, it is always centered on you. And that's the reason why you need power immunity, because you are always targeted :)


First Post
Velmont said:
@All: A little precision. The mode of recruitment of the Institut is not as you usually see in other game. They don't search for mutants. It is during an operation, when someone out of the Institut is performing well, or have learn too much about something, he may be ask to join the Institut.
@Kangaxx: Same thing, I doubt you would have been watch for a long time by the Institut, except if you were related to one of his case. But the MCA could, and they wanted to put a trial for you, because the man kill himself when he jumped. The Institut offer you help, if you were willing to help them. You accept, and all the charge was released.

I thought he could have been on a watch list because the Institute had consulted him on his research, and noticed that he was a mutant, but they hadn't recruited him then because his powers were staying at a passive level. If that's not acceptable, I can make some changes to his background.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Velmont said:
@All: A little precision. The mode of recruitment of the Institut is not as you usually see in other game. They don't search for mutants. It is during an operation, when someone out of the Institut is performing well, or have learn too much about something, he may be ask to join the Institut.

Yeah I've noticed this... :) I'm trying to figure out how to interweave my character to the Institut, or do you mean institute, and I have the fallowing questions:

I selected contact, to mean this sounds like someone who isn't tried into the institute proper but instead works in their chosen field and keeps tabs of events in it. Is this correct?

If not, what's the difference between a contact and a field agent? (besides character creation advantages.)

Are mutants persecuted in life but not in the court? (Basically does the typical person have issues with mutants?)

If they our persecuted would it be possible for one to become rich and famous with people realizing that the person is a mutant?

Lastly, are dangerous mutants gathered and locked up to protect the world?

In your world when do most mutant powers kick in? (puberty?)

I had more but I forgot them... :heh: lucky you ;) :p

Velmont said:
@Brother Shatterstone: It is just Permanent *snip* and the the range flaw make... *snipe*

cool, we are both trying to do the same thing and your way works for me. :) Though to be honest I hadn't once thought about centering it on anything other than here. :heh:

Velmont said:
Which is why you need power immunity, because you are always targeted :)
:lol: Will do. :)

Does this mean that the other PC will be affected also or will you open up the power immunity to them also? :)


First Post
Kangaxx said:
I thought he could have been on a watch list because the Institute had consulted him on his research, and noticed that he was a mutant, but they hadn't recruited him then because his powers were staying at a passive level. If that's not acceptable, I can make some changes to his background.

The Institut doesn't bother if you are a mutant or not. It is a minority who are mutants. Many operative need to be follow by psy after some pretty hard mission, so they would have some for them already. As you are a good psy, you may have been consulted for a precise case or two in the past, without you knowing who they really were.

For the case of uncontrol mutation manifestation, just as you've describe, it is the MCA who have the charge of that. If that guy just ran away, they would have offered some medical help to you instead, if you are american.

So here two suggestion. As a field agent, the scenario I gave you would make more sense.

If you want to be a contact, it could be something like that. After that man jump out and ran away, you were lost, so you call a friend of yours, a psy. He suggest you to take a break and start to do martial arts, as it is a good way to learn to master himself. The Institut and the MCA never contact you, because you are living in Montreal, so you are not rules by American laws. Now, the life as come back more normal, and you are still working at Montreal...

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Velmont said:
@Argent Silvermage: You may be recruited by a governement group. You may be one of the last that have been taken during childhood by the MCA, before the MUTANT win his case in justice. You have been on an action team, but your because you are quite good with computer, you have been ask to help in a join operation with the NSA and the Institut. The Institut approach you at that moment, and you have accepted to help them, by staying in the MCA as a contact. Now, you are now working on some ghost operation with the MCA, and give some help to the Institut when they ask it. What do you think of that?
Sounds good to me.


First Post
I editted Johann to include your field agent suggestion, I thought it fit his personality better than the contact one. I also corrected a few typos and added a better explanation of his weakness in the appearance section.


First Post
Brother Shatterstone said:
I selected contact, to mean this sounds like someone who isn't tried into the institute proper but instead works in their chosen field and keeps tabs of events in it. Is this correct?

Contacts are people who officially work outside the Institute. It can be a police officier, a known professional in medecine, psychology, electronics, computer, ect, a politician, a person working in an other intelligence agency. They all work full times in there own domain, and gives some help to the Institut and the Institut offer them some support in exchange. More important, you know a lot less about the organisation than a field agent. Some even doesn't know the name of the Institute or they are an organization at all.

Brother Shatterstone said:
Are mutants persecuted in life but not in the court? (Basically does the typical person have issues with mutants?)

They are victim of discrimination. Just compare to any minority today, and it is a bit worst than that. Some governement have many slaves mutants, some only control them. In European Economic Union and North America, they are officially equals, but the people have still biased against them.

Brother Shatterstone said:
If they our persecuted would it be possible for one to become rich and famous with people realizing that the person is a mutant?

It's depend of the country. For some country, it's not problem. Middle East, a few known mutants are rich, but they are born in a rich family, generally oil fortune. In some african country, not a chance. If you want to be rich, just tell me the country and I'll tell you if it make sense.

Brother Shatterstone said:
Lastly, are dangerous mutants gathered and locked up to protect the world?

Doh! Forget to talk about that. Alkatraz (is it written like that?) have reopen. A force field surround it. That field make all mutation and psionics powers to go off. There is many gold and a few platinium jailed in it. Copper and less powerfull gold are in some high security prison with some cells construct just for mutants. Iron locked with normal people.

Brother Shatterstone said:
In your world when do most mutant powers kick in? (puberty?)

Most physical mutation show at birth. Not physical mutation show up at puberty. Psionics start to show during childhood, but take time to go at there full power, it can take 10 or 20 years. There rules apply 60 to 75% of the time. No scientific rules have been edicted yet on the subject.

Brother Shatterstone said:
Does this mean that the other PC will be affected also or will you open up the power immunity to them also? :)

If they are in range, sure :)

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Velmont said:
Some even doesn't know the name of the Institute or they are an organization at all.

Well with her powers I was figuring either she would be in the entertainment field, modeling, acting, etc. (Her preformace checks would be insane.) or she could have been locked up cause she was/is a threat.

Velmont said:
It's depend of the country. For some country, it's not problem. Middle East, a few known mutants are rich, but they are born in a rich family, generally oil fortune. In some african country, not a chance. If you want to be rich, just tell me the country and I'll tell you if it make sense.

In American, if either of the two will work but I might play around with her citizenship. (UK, England and/or US)

Velmont said:
Doh! Forget to talk about that. Alkatraz (is it written like that?) have reopen. A force field surround it. That field make all mutation and psionics powers to go off. There is many gold and a few platinium jailed in it. Copper and less powerfull gold are in some high security prison with some cells construct just for mutants. Iron locked with normal people.

Okay, what class is my character? (just curious)

Velmont said:
Most physical mutation show at birth. Not physical mutation show up at puberty. Psionics start to show during childhood, but take time to go at there full power, it can take 10 or 20 years. There rules apply 60 to 75% of the time. No scientific rules have been edicted yet on the subject.

I'm going to probably have her start at puberty since some of her powers can be scene in a sexual nature. :)

Also my character is far younger than the rest... Say 20, or so.

Voidrunner's Codex

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