You have a deep understanding of the land and its creatures. You can add your proficiency bonus to any ability check related to farming, animal handling, or herbalism, even if you are not proficient in the skill.
1 Nurturing Hands: Your nurturing hands directly benefit the creatures around you. As an action, when you check a creature, your nurturing touch causes it to regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain expended uses after finishing a long rest.
2 Efficient Butchery: When you make a successful attack against a creature using a weapon that you are proficient with, you can apply your knowledge of animal anatomy to inflict additional damage. You add 1d6 bonus damage to the attack roll's damage. This bonus damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level and 3d6 and 11th.
3 Land Management , you can manipulate the land to your advantage. As an action, you can use farming tools to alter the terrain in a 20-foot cube in front of you. You can choose one of the following effects:
- Create Difficult Terrain: You can create trenches, slurry ponds and similar hazards causing the ground to become difficult terrain
- Create Corral: You can create natural corrals using simple fences, earthen walls or ditches, these can provide half-cover to creatures behind them or be used to divert animals in a desired direction.
- Enhance Soil Fertility: You can enrich the soil, increasing the productivity of any crops grown in the affected area. Plants grown in this area yield twice as much produce for 1 week.
Subclasses are Shepherd (Animal companion, Animal friendship and summon stampede), Vet (Healing specialist) and Crop Farmer (which I'm not happy with but I might use your Four Seasons framework for them)