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(IR) IR Interlude, between Turns 2 and Turns 3

I sent it in the email, but nevertheless here is a more extensive list:

PC Lord Melkor The Shadowking, Lord of Darkness, The Dark One, Greater Power of The Shadow Plane, NE, pl irrelevant( laws of The Gods forbid him to interfere into mortal affairs)

Seven Shadowlords, Chosen of Melkor, who make The Shadow Council, each has a power level of 2 including magic items and Chosen Of Melkor template.

Baelros, Demon Lord Of The Shadow, looks like huge Balor with body of Shadow, CE, 38th Hit Dice Outsider, Cr 45( hit dice+3 as an outsider +4 as Chosen Of Melkor)

Rhamagaum, Shade Human Lich 16 wizard/5 Arcane Devote/ 5 Archmage/10 Shadow Adept, NE, CR 44

Ahlissa, Shade female Drow, 8th Enchantress/6th Rogue/10th Arcane Arcane Trickster/10th Shadow Adept, CE, CR 44

Waganard, Shade Lich Human 19th Wizard/5th Archmage/ 10th Shadow Adept, NE, CR 43

Sauros, Shade Ililthid, LE, 5th Rogue/10th Assasin/5th Shadowdancer, CR 44

Azorgax, self proclaimed King of Shadow Dragon, Great Wyrm Shadow Dragon6th Sorcecer, CR 44

High Prince Rivalen Tanthul, Shade Human 18h Cleric/11th wizard/10th Shadow Adept( 8 Wizard and 2 cleric levels) CR 45

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I and Serpenteye have agreed to a treaty that we would like to see pulled through. We would like to see 3 PL pulled over to my side, and my two counties evacuated to my territory. We originally thought claiming that it was "weapons" that he was sacrificing to me would be the simplest way. If this cannot be achieved I have a few other ideas...

1: Weapons and Armor (the Adamantium and Mithral) augment my forces enough to add 3 PL. Serpenteyes sacrificed 3 PL in some way to do this.
2: Converted units from states captured by Serpenteye that would be willing to become members of my forces
3: A 3 PL army of "awall" soldiers that mysteriously joins my retreating forces...

If you have an idea that works that is fine as well...

If you insist that we cannot barter for PL then I accept Serpenteyes offer of 3PL permanently dedicated to help me out with magic research.

Edit: and Edena... what do you think of my idea for the 8/1 damage cap?
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First Post
Will repost when the Turn 3 starts. But I might as well put it out there.


Your speeches do not impress me, Skull. Yes, I interfere because they call for help. Yes, I interfere because they need me.

And yes, I decide who lives, and who dies.

You ask how we are not different. The answer is obvious. When I killed the elves, their souls were able to ascend to their heaven. When you kill your victims, their souls are eaten – you not only rip away this life, you rip away the next.

But I will not defend my actions to the likes of you. Consider me a hypocrite if you wish – it matters not. If your worldview is so twisted that you cannot see your evil for what it is, then you are beyond help.

You made a request, and now I make one of you.

I ask that you and your allies immediately cease hostilities against the city of Irongate. Withdraw your forces to a safe distance, and wait. The inhabitants of Irongate can then be evacuated over the next month through teleportation circle or through gate – my own mages will teleport in to assist in the evacuation.

And the city will then be yours. You will get what you want. And you have consumed enough souls already.

Finally, you made an ultimatum, and now I give one to you.

If you do not do this, I WILL DESTROY YOU.

Do not doubt me.

MY FORCES soiled and despoiled Evereska so that no thing could grow there for decades. MY FORCES sunk EVERMEET, great island of the elves, into the sea.

My forces took on the combined might of High Elven Magic and the Illithid, and won. And you are correct – we showed no mercy. We killed all – men, women, children. Their blood dripped from our lips as we shouted to the heavens news of our victories. When another Great War came again, years later, we did the same – oh, our dietary habits changed, but there was the same carnage. Millions died. But we won again. There was never any doubt.

If you do not withdraw from Irongate for 30 days – one simple month – you, Undead creature, will die. You will be tracked to the ends of the earth – and there is no graveyard, no crypt, no dark and lonely place where you will be able to hide from me. You will be tracked to the ends of Oerth, and into the depths of Oerth. My army is strong, and growing stronger every day. A million more soldiers from Toril will be arriving within the week. 10th level magic is almost within my grasp. Nuclear weapons are but a heartbeat away. No fortifications will help you, no tricks will help you, and lord knows, no allies will help you, because it would mean their certain doom.

Simply put, If you do not withdraw, I will spend every day, hour, minute, second, breath, and thought working towards your ultimate destruction, Undead.

Ask Anabstercorian whether I make idle threats. Ask him whether he would expect your death within the next six months.

Ask the Shade the same.

And talk no more of our relative good and evil.

Good? Bad? I’m the guy with the gun.

Lord Forrester
Destroyer of Evermeet

William Ronald

The Kevellond League will send an ambassador to Serpenteye's peace conference. He will arrive when Turrosh Mak sends an ambassador.

However, I am unlikely to be on the boards for any extended period until maybe 10 p.m. EST. I have a very busy day ahead of me.

Reality intrudes on my fun.:D


First Post
creamsteak said:
1: Weapons and Armor (the Adamantium and Mithral) augment my forces enough to add 3 PL. Serpenteyes sacrificed 3 PL in some way to do this.
2: Converted units from states captured by Serpenteye that would be willing to become members of my forces
3: A 3 PL army of "awall" soldiers that mysteriously joins my retreating forces...

The second option should be the least complicated.

I transfer 1 point of armies each from Nyrond, north kingdom and Ahlissa.

Creamsteaks people are evacuated and control over the Grandwood and Celadon is transferred to me.

If Edena Ok's it then it is executed now, before turn 3.
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Answers to Posts


I and Serpenteye have agreed to a treaty that we would like to see pulled through. We would like to see 3 PL pulled over to my side, and my two counties evacuated to my territory.

((You can always depart countries you have conquered, and give them back to the original owner))

We originally thought claiming that it was weapons that he was sacrificing to me would be the simplest way. If this cannot be achieved I have a few other ideas...

1: Weapons and Armor (the Adamantium and Mithral) augment my forces enough to add 3 PL. Serpenteyes sacrificed 3 PL in some way to do this.
2: Converted units from states captured by Serpenteye that would be willing to become members of my forces
3: A 3 PL army of awall soldiers that mysteriously joins my retreating forces...

((The only way is for his forces to defect to your side. Treason, for they are deserting the Dark Union for another Power.
If Serpenteye and Mr Draco both agree to this, then the Dark Union loses 3 PL permanently, and you gain 3 PL permanently.))

If you insist that we cannot barter for PL then I accept Serpenteyes offer of 3PL permanently dedicated to help me out with magic research.

((Mind you, Serpenteye and Mr Draco lose 2 PL permanently for every 10 PL they loan you for magical research.
If they only loan 3 PL, they lose 2 PL permanently and you only get the 3 PL, and you must reach 10 PL before you gain any benefits.))

Edit: and Edena... what do you think of my idea for the 8/1 damage cap?

((RULING - IMPORTANT. I am not going with any cap. It is possible for one army to obliterate the other in a single round of combat!))

- - -



I've sent you the template earlier today. Do you have it now?

((I'm about to check.))

- - -


The second option should be the least complicated.

I transfer 1 point of armies each from Nyrond, north kingdom and Ahlissa.

((Serpenteye, if you do that, your Power loses 3 PL permanently.
It is one thing to place your troops on an ally's soil.
It is quite another when they defect to another Power.))

Creamsteaks people are evacuated and control over the Grandwood and Celadon is transferred to me.

((This happens. I cannot speak for Creamsteak. However, I will state that the people of the Grandwood and Celadan Forest feel betrayed.))


First Post
In the halls of the Jalpa Conference for Peace, Mistress Ferranifer was cornered by Forrester, who delivered what amounted to a promise of genocide.

Letting the significance of this sink in to all witnesses, she replies in a fury "You racial ragdoll! How dare you speak to th--" At this point, her eyes roll back in her head, and a darker and more malevolent voice emerges from her, addressing all present at the conference:

Foolish creature!

(Even as the voice speaks, an image appears to you, of lost Evereska. In a quiet glade, an elven tribunal convenes. Before them, the bowed and bloodied form of Forrester, his hands tied behind his back.

The presiding elf speaks: "If your worldview is so twisted that you cannot see your evil for what it is, then you are beyond help." He gives the order to kill. When he removes his cowl, his features are identical to those of his victim.

That is the only difference you can think of? I devour their souls and you don't? Your arguments are thin as the shell of an egg, mortal.

Have you even seen the afterlife? Can you conceive of it? The Lower Planes have OCEANS of souls, wastelands overrun by the larvae of the wicked, each day they receive another flood of new sinners. Believe me that the heavens, in comparison, are empty. I grant that I rob a few of salvation, but I save uncountable multitutes from eternal damnation! Your victims wallow in the Hells, Forrester, millions of them cursing your name and screaming pain and vengeance at your being until their throats fail! They are not in heaven, you naive child. You killed them for their crimes, as do I. I merely offer the serenity of oblivion. An escape.

Do not trip over yourself in calling me evil. I would not expect a creature a mere few decades old to grasp any concept more complex than which hole the poopie comes out of. Do not even presume for yourself the ability to judge me, cub, and be thankful for the shield of your ignorance.

(The image of the tribunal returns, but now it is a defiant Acererak standing before a court of Torillians, headed by the elf-Forrester in blood-drenched executioner's robes, listing the depravities from his message.)

Acererak speaks: "If your worldview is so twisted that you cannot see your evil for what it is, then you are beyond help."

Your juvenile chestbeating, though tiresome and irrelevant, did reveal to us one thing. The undiluted truth of every syllable of the Wanderer's Foretelling! Your flaccid rebuttals were a lie, you come to prey on our world for sport and conquest. Your commonwealth army is as morally bankrupt as any it has ever opposed. All of Oerth be warned, lest you remain alone when he finally comes for you too!

Threaten me with death? I have died once, but not for thousands of years. One might say I have shaken the habit. I am Eternal, Torillian. As such, I have no short term goals; you might kill my children, but I would simply leave. Bring your citadels and your ships to Irongate, then. Play the role of liberator and bring them into the bright sunlight, and let them sing their songs to you. Break the world, and reshape it to your image!

What then, Torillian? Say you carve a new empire out of the carcass of the Oerthian peoples. The one with the most toys at the end wins? For there will be an end to your tiny life, Forrester, and you will pass into a far darker place. No armies, no wealth or power, you will go naked and alone. And in that place, beyond death, I will be waiting. You will spend the last few instants of your miserable existence whimpering before my dark majesty. And then I will end you, forever, in utter silence.

(The image of the tribunal. A bruised Forrester again, bound to the chopping block. Over him stands an elf with a grisly skeletal face, hefting a large axe. As the image fades, the axe falls.)


Very shortly after, a honeytongued diplomat from the Scarlet Brotherhood arrives at the Torillian Border Guard. He plays them a thought-crystal of the message given to Acererak.

Of Forrester's decision to judge over life and death on our world.
Of Forrester's gloating over the destruction of the elven civilisations.
Of Forrester's racist slurs against the Undead (who hold positions of power on Toril).
Of Forrester's dismissal of any discussion on morality.
Of Forrester's threats to use the armies of the commonwealth to further his own agenda.

The diplomat makes the case against his leadership of the UC's armies.

"He has betrayed any principle you stand for! He uses violence as the final argument, dismissing responability for his own actions. He pledges destruction to any nation he onesidedly condemns as evil. Is this your way of your peace and understanding among all creatures? Is this your enlightenment? He perverts your ideals, instead acting as a despot and using your own forces for his own depraved ends.

As a free people, we demand that you at least stop any more of your armies being sent to our world! If you support this warlord any longer, any chance for our world to follow your example will be forever lost."


I, Maudlin, waive any resposibility for making Acererak say 'poopie'.


First Post
I will take Forrester's requested 48 hour delay

Which means another 24 hours of delay.

I have no choice.

I finally completed the War Room.
It took 5 days of making by hand nearly 1000 pieces to represent your various kinds of armies.
And I still don't have enough, really.

Now, I am going through the Templates for Turn 3 you have sent me.
This process will not have to be repeated on Turn 4, but it must be done right this one time.

It is an arduous, tedious, and VERY time consuming effort.
I must read each Template, piecing together the information sent me in separate e-mails, then send the completed Template back to you for approval and modifications (most of the Templates need minor changes), and of course I am placing pieces on the board.

So far, I have received, pieced together, and sent e-mail replies for the completed Template (and placed that person's pieces on the big map in the War Room):

Black Omega
Mr Draco

Now, I must go to bed.
Hopefully, I'll be less tired when I start this process again.

As I said, this does not have to be done again, on Turn 4.
The armies you deploy now, stay on the board when Turn 4 comes around.
But I have to know where they all are NOW, and how many PL is in each army, so that it is established once and for all.

I am working as fast as I can on this.



Forrester, Army of Darness Rox0rs :D

And the first delay came ill timed for me but tomorrow is even worse :( I think I can't make it tomorrow so I'll ask kalanyr or Festy to take my actions...

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