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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 5 - Turn 6 (thread 2)


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*The tides of time are, mists of the forgotten past hides the sand banks on the shore. Mountains untouched by time watches silently down over the valley. A shadow slowly sinks into the ground as its owner falls to the ground lifeless.
The strange being emerges from the wall above gently guiding the shadow of the dead down towards the vortex. The shadow follows slowly, still disorientated, the being to the vortex, reaching out as if to touch it, violantly from being the strange being closes its hand around the shadow's neck and forces it into the mist.*

"Void consumes. The follower consumed."
"Mists Forever, dreams losts."
"Words spoken, dreams broken."

"Forever shall be nevermore."
"Sound will be silence."

"Raise beast of time."

*The being reaches into the mist shaping it slowly a sick pale green light appearing around its hand.*

"Simple Slaves Listen: Gather around your lord!"
"Merchant Listens: Changes has come!"
"Citizens Listen: War shall come, and ye shall fight!"
"Nobles Listen: Gain thy power from aboard!"
"Royals Listen: Days have ended, the lord shall rule!"

*The being remove its hand from the swirling vortex, the low light around its hand vanishes sinking into the dark surface of the being. For several moment the being admires the the vortex then it speaks again.*

"Tomorrow has changed, today is gone."
"Death raise once more, You shall live."
"The will shall come, nay yours it be."
"The time has arrived, Void shall be there."

*The being watches silently the vortex shifting to watch millions of undead appearing from the astral on the world of Oerth. The being reaches to the vortex slowly almost hypnotic but stops right before actually touching the misty vortex.*

"The Time is Now."
"Death is now."

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Edena, I was talking to Kal and Festy last night over MSN and Kal as well as me have been looking over the numbers and since we all shared each turn and William as well.. I should be at 20 in the tech rating since I got shared each turn by 3 persons. 5x4=20
Unless William didn't share last turn, but he told me he did so I do have to be at 20 and cerainly not at 18.

And my +x/+x been looking at that to and I think that doesn't fit as well.

From 20 in the tech race you get +1/+1?

+1/+0 from 10 in tech race + +1/+1 from 20 in tech race + +1/+2 from red steel + +0/+2 from red steel influence on my formians should bring me to. And since I had +3/+3 before I got +2/+3 from red steel instead of +1/+2 and that was before you posted the +1/+1 everyone got (I got the +0/+2 I chose (carapace stuff)). If that was correct that I got another +1/+1 from something special extra form red steel on me ad that wasn't a typo or got reruled by you that should bring me at.
+4/+6 and if the +2/+3 from res steel to me was reruled by you to +1/+2 as for everyone else it still should be +3/+5.

If I'm wrong correct me plz on this.

As far as I'm looking I'm at +4/+6 or +3/+5 depending on the fact if you reruled it.

And for my larvae hatching process, if you would be so kind to mail me what for effect in PL increase it's going to have each turn? If it is in the stage I mailed it to you, I'm expecting a big number in PL increase each turn (yeah the 3 digit :) )

tnx in advance and I appreciate u appreciate my enthusiasm in the mails and plans :)

And as you know we all love u man for doing this, this stuff is GREAT and I'm still puzzled why people would leave this.. everyone has setbacks and we can't all win but then take the loss and go out in a blaze of nuclear glory!:D

Nukem until they Glow Guys :D
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Forsaken One, that is a lot of math...


Edena - I live a couple of miles south of Green Bay. De Pere is a "suburb" of Green Bay, although you can call it a city in it's own right.


First Post
I've already factored your special projects into your PL, Forsaken One, for this Turn.
For the next Turn, it depends on what happens - quite a lot could happen during Turn 6.

I agree that your value in the Technological Arms Race should be 20. I'll alter the Lists accordingly (also, I have altered your Attack/Defense Values.)

Forsaken One, your forces Attack/Defend at + 4 / + 4.

Here is why:

Your value of 20 in the Technological Arms Race gives you + 2 / + 1
The effect of the Red Goo gives you + 1 / + 1 (this applies to every Power in Greyspace)
Your Red Goo rating of 5 gives you + 1 / + 2

So, your forces attack at + 4, and defend at + 4.

You gain no further attack/defense bonuses from the special projects; instead, that all went into extra PL.
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For Turn 5, I had put 60PL into advancing my civilization. Did you take this into account in the lists for Turn 6 yet? I looked a day or two ago, but I didn't see it.
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It takes two turns for that to actually count? That's not good.


How are our other projects coming along? Nanotechnology... there were a few other things, but I can't recall them right now. Also, how much tech have we managed to rip off from our "secret place" at this point (not necessarily PL or attack/defend bonuses, but what kind of things we have managed to get out of it). Is there anything we have found that is interesting, that we didn't find before?

Mr. Draco

First Post
Edena, could i take the PL from the legions of Kas (18) and divide it amongst my NPCs? (note: the total PL of the Union of Oerth would not increase)

If so, I'd like to divide it in this manner:

Enaroril Akn of Kas's Elite Guard (NPC of the Arcane Age, Air Genasi, cleric of extremely high level (Loyalty), lawful neutral) Original PL: 3; New PL: 7

Rangorn Ilutoer of Kas's Elite Guard (NPC from the Arcane Age, rakshasa, Fighter of extremely high level, neutral evil) Original PL: 3; New PL: 6

Asica Sasimov of Kas's Elite Guard (NPC from the Arcane Age, elf, rogue / assassin of extremely high level, neutral evil) Original PL: 3; New PL: 7

Dalentyll Tempesatis of Kas's Elite Guard (NPC from the Arcane Age, human, sorceror of extremely high level, neutral evil) Original PL: 3; New PL: 7

Lithedenor Ytnivv of Kas's Elite Guard, Dragon Mount of Kas (NPC, Great Wyrm Amethyst Dragon, psion of extremely high level, neutral evil) Original PL: 4; New PL: 7

Also, I'd like to officially pick up the "Chosen of the God-Emporer" template.
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