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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 5 - Turn 6 (thread 2)

Mr Draco, seems really weird, cause then there would be no legions of kas...? And you would have the most powerfull NPC's in the game :) PL 6 and 7 are demipowers so I really don't thinkEdena will go with that ;) That's why I created my Zazz as a PL 4, 5 is a uber NPC and 6 is demi power so I don't think it will be allowed but heck mayB it will :)


Ok edena, Roger that :)


Edena u received a mail from another friend of mine who was interested in playing one of the 2 non played factions now?


Live for the Swarm :D

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Anabstercorian and Forrester look at each other across the table. It's a little different from their earlier meetings. Now, the legend of Anabstercorian has grown. The waiters tremble as they pass the two warriors, shaking in their boots.
Anabstercorian glares at Forrester... his eyes are dark, narrow. He is dressed in full combat regalia, which is a new thing. The look on his face is unmistakable. Anger.
<< Give me back the True Staff. >>
"I don't trust you with that kind of power, Anabstercorian. You'll have to give me a damn good reason to even consider it."
<< Give it back. I need it. I cannot live without it. It is a part of me now. I lust after it like you lust after your elven concubine, and without it I will sink in to despair and madness until... >> He trailed off. << Give it back. Or I will take it. >>
Forrester takes a sip of wine, and chuckles softly. Briefly, there is a whiff of nervousness about him -- much to his chagrin. But he recovers quickly.
"I like your new look. It flatters your pale skin."
"Let me think about this for a moment, 'old friend'."
"Anabstercorian *without* the staff . . . didn't kill five million."
"Anabstercorian *with* the staff . . . did kill five million."
"Anabstercorian *before* the staff . . . not an ally of the Shade."
"Anabstercorian *after* the staff . . . an ally of the Shade."
"I'm sure you can understand my . . . reluctance . . . to give you back the True Staff of Penumbra, Anabster. I hope it doesn't jeopardize your relationship with Ilsesine. But there are quite a large number of people a bit upset with me at the moment. They say that I should "take you in". They say that you are MY responsibility, because I lead the forces of the UC, and you were originally the UC's "problem". I laugh them off, and say that you are clearly too powerful a force to be contained -- at least, when you are on another world."
<< You overestimate my strength, Forrester - But you flatter me. Do go
on. >>
"The UC has no intention of becoming further involved in this Oerthian mess. But our spies tell us that you have allied yourself with our Torillian foe, the Shade. You and I both know that he's an idiot, and you only plan on allying with him so far as you can use him, but the appearance of impropriety, and the danger that you could help him against us, however temporarily . . . It cannot be ignored."
"Because the danger that the Elder Ones might someday come to Oerth cannot be ignored."
"I am sorry, Anabster. There is nothing I can do. I will tell you this much -- the Staff is currently in a safe place. A very, very, very safe place. I *personally* have taken extraordinary measures to guard it. My best Kender thieves couldn't get to the Staff, Anabster. And neither can you.
"After this is all over, and the Shade and Acererak and the Black Brotherhood and the rest are no longer a threat, we can talk. Until then, you shall have to survive with being merely the most powerful psionicist in the multiverse. Because you ain't getting the Staff back."
He paused for a moment as Anabstercorian seethed, letting him consider lashing out in anger for a moment before continuing.
"Not, at least, without doing the UC a favor so huge, I'm not even sure what might be sufficient . . ."
Forrester looks up at the waiter -- who is, of course, shaking like a bowl of jelly. He puts a plate down on the table, and scurries away.
"Ah! They've brought the calamari. No offense, but this is definitely their finest appetizer . . . "
Anabstecorian chuckles a bit. << I wouldn't know. I can't chew - Why else do you think I enjoy their fondue so much? It's as creamy as elven forebrain. >>
Forrester nods. "What does that taste like? Only part I haven't eaten, I think."
<< Very light, and very sweet.>> Then he shields his mind from your scrying, and Forresters. He transmits a thought and Forrester almost chokes on his dinner.
Forrester hesitated. "The entire organization?"
<< Every last :):):):)ing one. I will even personally rape every one of them for you if you like. >>
Forrester, grudgingly, began to speak. "We may have a chicken/egg problem here. If you can destroy them --
every last :):):):)ing one -- then that would be sufficient payback, I think.
But it's damn tough to do . . . I wish you luck, old foe . . . but you cannot have the Staff back to help you in your endeavor. You must complete this task first."
<< So if I complete this task I have offered, you will return the Staff to me? >>
Forrester looked a little... nervous. "Conceivably, yes... If it could be arranged."
<< Good. Know this - I will do what I have offered. If you do not hold up to your end of the bargain, I will crush your mind like a beetle and throw your body in to the depths of Baator. >> He vanished.

(Edena, I live in San Antonio, Texas.)
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"powerful psionicist"

Haha wanna compare the Psion levels there Foresterboy :)

PL10 wins as well :p


Damn slow posting :(


Edena, correction it should be Zasz (Looks better :)).


btw Anab, I'll mail you/post that Illithid entry soon when I get the energy to do so.

Damn I'm so $*@!)(wasted and lame:/
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First Post
Re: Where is everyone from?

Edena_of_Neith said:
Edena_of_Neith here.

Where are all of you from?

I have been told you are from the following countries and places:

Alyx is from Jakarta, Indonesia.

That I am, although at various times I have hailed from: Edmonton, Edson, and Fairview (Canada), Istanbul (Turkey), Jambi (also Indonesia), and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), as well as visiting a number of other places on a more temporary basis (i.e. tourism).
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Mr. Draco

First Post
Forsaken One, the reason i wanted to split up the Legions of Kas' PL is becuase otherwise they're pretty much useless to me. Without the ability to increase their PL through industrialization, they will stay the size they are, only loosing power through battles. Hmmm, that brings an idea to my mind:

Edena, instead of dividing up the PL of the Legions of Kas, could I allocate them a region of land to settle in? This would give them the ability to gain PL through industrialization. If this is possible, I'd rather do that then divide their PL up amongst NPCs.


First Post
Silver Phase lay in his crypt, Duelist Soul rested against one of the short pillars in the room. Silver looked around at all the intricate carvings of war on the walls, he couldn't rest easy. Trying to be good was hard when you had to drink the blood of the living to survive.

"Well Duelist, I've decided to implement your idea, I've set up large scale production. I have also set into motion that other idea, don't know where its going, but if I manage this first stage I could have one hell of a resource behind me. I've had to scale down Operation Reparation to make recources for the other projects.......... " Silver seems to trail off, "This is difficult, I should just breed dire rats and drink their blood on a regular basis. As bad as it tastes I can survive on it, I'll go set that up now."

Duelist Soul made a long dull humm, letting its boredom become known of. Silver got out of his coffin and strapped Duelist Soul to his belt.

"Alright then, if you find sitting around so boring you might as well come along and help me organise things," Silver replies.

Duelist Soul lets out another bored hum. Silver growls at it.

"All you ever want to do is fight, I have to let you know that ruling an empire involves prepartion and organisation and not just fighting. Get used to it," Silver says as he walks out of the entrance to his crypt.

In reply to this statement Duelist Soul lets out a high annoying whine, and doesn't stop. Silver grimaces and melts into the shadows as he leaves the range of the eternal candles' light.

BTW - I'm from Queensland, Australia


First Post
Question for Edena :)

Edena with the new rules for advancing your civilization that you have made does this mean that I now have access to all 5000 of my PL instead of just 512 of it? If not then this will REALLY make it hard on me as it will take 16 turns for me to advance my civilization? And what if I wanted to advance my Civilization on Oreth at 1881? Do I pay the reduced price or is it counted as the higher number? Or does spending PL to advance my civilization affect both at once? I need to know this before I send you my template, thanks.


First Post
[OPEN POST] I have a request.

Anabstercorian is OOC at the moment, although he's still wearing his illithid costume. He raises his hand at the gaming table politely and waits for you to notice, at which point he speaks.
<< I have a quick request for all of you - You may have noticed that I've detailed the True Staff of Ancient Penumbra on my entry in the Rogues Gallery board. I was wondering if you would all be willing to do the same for your artifacts, so that I could understand, to some extent, what I was up against. My power is public knowledge. Would you be willing to share yours? >>
<< Also, I'd appreciate it if you told Edena specifically what the trick to destroying your artifact was. You may be able to wreck an Artifact with Mordenkainen's Disjunction, but that tends to have nasty side effects. However, there is always a way to destroy an artifact WITHOUT the side effects. For example, with my staff, if you throw it in to the sun at the core of the Penumbral Hub, the Elder Ones are not summoned, that specific sun collapses in to a blue dwarf, and the staff is gone for good. I've made that public knowledge - I'm not asking you to do the same. What I AM asking you is to decide how your own Artifact is properly destroyed. As for what happens when you bust it, that seems to be up to Edena - But it'd be polite to offer an idea nonetheless. >>
Anabstercorian sits back and sketches diagrams for conspiracies furiously on his little segment of the gaming table, working over his next evil scheme.

Voidrunner's Codex

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