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(IR) The 1st IR, The 2nd IR (complete transcripts)


First Post
(Post 15) The Second IR

Member # 2368
posted December 03, 2001 11:37 PM

"War is too important for the Generals, my dear Githyanki Ambassador. It is too important for
politicians. War is something that needs to be dealt with on all levels. Of course, the physical defense
of our Commonwealth is to be headed up by Military Commmanders: the Field Marshall, the Sea
Marshall and the Air Marshall, but defense is far more than armies and weapons. The Technocratic
Commonwealth fights just wars.

"Trusting too much power in one individual is tempting Fate. A man can break, he can falter, he can
lose his sense of ethics and morality. Where the individual fails, the collective minds of our elected
leaders will succeed. Too many eggs...

"We, as a civilization, have transcended the need of single, concentrated rule. We are able to
communicate across thousands of miles in an instant, we have the science and technology to utilize
the data we've collected, and we can analyze that data and make the best choices. No one man, or
woman, short of the Gods, can handle that much information, that much power without it corrupting

"Feudal monarchies were never very egalitarian, nor were they conducive to a progressive society.
Those with power always had the incentive to keep things as they are, and as anyone, even Iuz, knows
that stagnation leads to extinction. Monarchies may have been needed in the times of sword and bow,
but now, the world has become much more complex. Our weapons are just as much the information we
collect as the rifles in our hands, the ships in the sea, and the planes and missiles in the air.

"No. We have no need for a monarchy. As much as we respect the existence of such things outside of
the Commonwealth, we respectively decline the utilization of such an ... antiquated institution of rule.
Power lies in the people, not in an individual, be they martially or divinely annointed."


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

Posts: 222 | From: Parksville, BC, Canada | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2760
posted December 03, 2001 11:39 PM

Ah, old scro allies. Welcome, welcome.

Let us put our petty squabbles behind us. A fleet of elven ships have gathered in Realmspace. They
seem to have a problem with what happened lo those forty years ago, and have gathered up allies
from a dozen Spheres in order to attack us!

Their dead Queen insists that she can stay their hand, so we are in . . . negotiations. So to speak.

I realize that with your help, we could wipe them from existence -- but it might mean the destruction of
the land that we took so long to finally conquer. I would avoid bloodshed, if possible.

What say you?


Posts: 699 | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 03, 2001 11:45 PM

(Please pardon me. I have written somewhere around 5 major speeches, and around 20 lesser
speeches, in the last 4 hours. All on the spur of the moment. I am tired.
Give me a break, and I shall return later. Please continue to post your comments. Trust me when I
say I will read them all, and respond appropriately ...)

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: Edena_of_Neith ]

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2760
posted December 03, 2001 11:50 PM

Another thing -- Queen. Do you really think that you could make the fleets attack only *part* of Toril
with their great weapons? If they hold back that much, we will blow them out of the sky.

There are only three possibilities. They will destroy Toril, and leave with their lives; destroy Toril, but
perish; or fail to destroy Toril, and perish. At the level of our technology, I am afraid they cannot pick
and choose what will be destroyed and what will not be. The forces involved are simply too great.

[Signing out for another evening!]

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: Forrester ]

Posts: 699 | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 3669
posted December 04, 2001 12:02 AM

Edena, when you get a chance, could you possibly tell us how much longer until the Elven Vengance
fleet arrives? (I'm assuming the conference has been going on for about 4 days, now.)


Persecution. Betrayal. Hatred. These things don't change. -The Maestro

Posts: 244 | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 3707
posted December 04, 2001 01:21 AM

hmmm... coomonwealth...

well I will defiantely listen to both proposals for commonwealth and might even join one, or the other
or both.

*zouron turns to the kender*

Though Forrester would defiantely want to get rid of you and so far, your kind have always been
welcom in my lands, and if you need a place to be... well the lack of a better word, kendaric, then I am
sure we can work such a place out.

* My personal point of elves do not change, nor with your words. Elves are welcome in my nation, they are
welcome to join the society, they are welcome to live in the woodland cities as well, but I cannot grand them
a land of their own, for I see no reason for them to be any different in needs then most. The kenders are
another matter though, their handling traditions makes them an obvious target for those that do not have
these believes. And as for your fleet, feel free to bring them in, we survived before, we will again, and I think
we can all agree here, that noone will bow to treats, those days are already over.

*looks to Iuz*

you are no better then the rest of us, you might be a demi power, but no more then that, if you were
so great then you would not need ´Mr. Forrester's help.

*turns to the Feys*

magic here will not fail and fade away for the very reason that several nations is dedicated to magic
only, even in my lands and I am sure in others we work to make magic and technology work perfectly
together, for the betterment of us and the natural world. As far as Fey go, feeel free to visit, as I said
we are students of knowledge, and all are welcome to share it, so if you want to evalute feel free.


Alone is something we all are
only far away voices breaks the silence
whom wish to escape
this labyrinth of loneliness
we fumble our way, but finds nothing
because here are no walls
only the fear's angst
keeps us apart

Posts: 158 | From: Hvidovre, Denmark | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 02:12 AM

The kender takes the trinket, looks at it in delight, gives Iuz a big thank you, and pockets it.

- - -

To answer your question, Balor: nobody knows how long it will be before the elven Fleet of Vengeance

- - -

The Scro ambassador growls a welcome to Forrester, then growls very unwelcomingly to the shade of
Queen Amlaruil, and snarls:

We have massive fleets of our OWN sitting in the Crystal Spheres connected to Realmspace, ready to
come here both via the Phlogiston and via Gates.
If your elven friends show their ugly faces, we are quite capable of annihilating them.
Annihilating them long before they even REACH Toril, much less have a chance to attack it.

- - -


The shade of Queen Amlaruil looks at both the Humanoid ambassador (Forrester), and the Scro/Gith
ambassador, and says with an air of finality:

All that I really ask is that the elves be a part of the new society, and the new nation or nations, of
Toril and Realmspace.
Living in peace with the other races, working together with the other races, savoring life with the other

I consider this to be a reasonable request, and I will not change it.

Most of the elves in the Imperial Fleet do not desire to live on Toril: a minority of them wish to do so,
along with the native elves who are exiles.

I offer to restrain the elves because of past wrongs committed, and in constraining my own people I
seek to redress the past.

However, there are limits to penance, and this is my limit.

I look into your hearts, and I see in your refusal, to accept the reasonable requests I have placed
before you, the hatred and anger unquenched and unappeased that so clearly shines to all with eyes
that can truly see.
If you must choose hate and anger, and turn your backs upon me and upon what I have proposed,
then ...

I will turn my back upon you

I will not succor you.

I will ask you one more time for your answer.
I will accept your next answer, as your final answer.
And the Fate that is then decreed, for good or for evil, is upon your heads.

The Chosen look at each other, and their faces are grave, as they communicate telepathically.
Then the lady Chosen of Waterdeep, their spokeswoman, speaks:

We greatly resent this speech, which we perceive to be coercion and blackmail.
The elves, as Forrester has accused, committed atrocities when they were losing the war, effectively
escalating said war beyond our darkest nightmares.
Now, the Queen states that it must be her way, or else she allows the fleet to descend and cause
Forrester's accusations that it must be the elven way, or else, ring true in our ears.

We, the Chosen, feel that this ultimatum to the Humanoid emissary is counterproductive, vindictive,
and completely out of line, and we are siding with Forrester.

The shade of Queen Amlaruil regards the Chosen, and there is fire in her eyes, and steel in her voice,
as she says:

I and the people I loved were massacred, to the least and last, without provocation or just reason.
Although we committed crimes, the punishment inflicted upon us is out of all proportion.

I am not asking for vengeance or restitution of any sort: I am merely asking that my people be a part
of the new world, and not a second rate people in disgrace and without rights.
I have offered to PROTECT Toril, by stopping the elven fleets, even though none of my people remain
I have offered to PROTECT the Humanoids, who slaughtered us, from being destroyed themselves.
I awakened from my sleep, and voluntarily came to this Court, and I voluntarily made this offer, to
make amends for the past.

I do not consider it reasonable that I should attempt to save the Humanoids, if the Humanoids harbor
naught but hatred eternal in their hearts for us, and consider us eternal foes.

The Chosen spokeswoman speaks, equally as steely:

This is not about what is right or wrong.
It is about what is expedient.
And it is not expedient for you to allow our destruction, if you may prevent it.

The shade of Queen Amlaruil regards the Chosen:

So I am to be forced to save the race of humanoids, even though they gleefully and utterly
exterminated my race, and even though they are still glad they did so, and even though they still wish
to oppress and injure my people, could they return to Toril?

The spokeswoman of the Chosen says, grimly:


The drow ambassador just starts laughing, laughing her head off, tears of mirth rolling down her face.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Edena_of_Neith ]

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 05:42 AM

In the strained, dangerous atmosphere that exists after the drow stops laughing (see the post above),
the kender chimes in.

His comment is unwanted, unwelcome, and may be disastrous, but he gets it out before anyone can
stop him:

So, you are saying that if the Queen - well, the shade of the Queen, the undead Queen - doesn't act,
the world will die, and if she does, it will be saved?
Hey, that reminds me of a story I heard of at home, on Krynn.
You see, there was this knight, and he had the ability to save the whole world from the Cataclysm, you
see ... just like the lady here, he could say yes or no ... and he said no.
And you know what?
He became a Death Knight!

(the kender turns to look at the shade of the Queen)

You know, you'd make a pretty death knight ... after all, you're a beautiful girl, and obviously then
you'd make a beautiful death knight ... uh ... you are already undead and all, so naturally ...

The kender emissary breaks off as he, and everyone else, sees the shade of Queen Amlaruil grow
dark and terrible to behold, radiating furious cold and violent anger.

The kender, realizing his mistake too late, says the one thing most feared out of the mouth of any


Before anyone can respond, suddenly the halfling ambassador leaps to his feet, and his angry voice
cuts through the deathly, deadly silence:

I have had enough.
Here is the real truth.
The elves started the war.
The humanoids escalated the war.
They dragged all the rest of us in.
They are responsible for practically all of the destruction caused by the war.
The elves and the humanoids are the warmongers, the hatemongers, the wastrels who wrecked our
world and our dreams.

I've tried to be patient, and I've tried to be tolerant, and I've tried to be reasonable, but the time for
gentle words is over, and I'm going to tell it as it should have been told in the first place!

I say we ALL gang up on the elves and the humanoids, and we KILL them, ALL of them.
Every last stinking one of them.

Sure, we'll take losses. Sure, we'll lose people, in the battle.
But we'll rebuild, and it'll be a world without these lunatics and their crazy hate and paranoia and their
stupid wars.

We won't have any more problems after THEY are gone. We'll still have disagreements; we'll work em
out, and we'll find answers, and build a better Toril.

As for the deep illithid, we have the phaerimm take care of them ... the neoillithid seem to know
something we don't about the phaerimm, and they're apparently ultimately powerful, so why not send
them against the stinking illithid, and wipe the foul race from the bowels of our planet.
Erase the infestation, eradicate them like bugs.

If I sound mean and hard, that's because I AM mean and hard, and mean and hard is the only thing
that is gonna work here.


[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Edena_of_Neith ]

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 3531
posted December 04, 2001 07:50 AM

Iuz cackles quietly

He looks at the kender delegate and telepathically communicates to it. He attempts to shield the
communication so that none but the most powerful minds can hear his words (The Chosen, The
NeoIllithid perhaps, I leave that determination up to you Edena).

"You see little one, I told you so. It is only a matter of time. Be it today or two centuries from today,
they will destroy each other, and take you and your kind with them."

Iuz then focus his attentions of the halfling delegate and raps his staff with approval against the

"From the mouths of babes? That?s it my boy, don?t go quietly into oblivion. Be worthy of your
birthright; be worthy of survival."

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: johnbrown ]


After all, it is all about having fun .....

Posts: 67 | From: St. Louis, MO, USA | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 3494
posted December 04, 2001 08:08 AM

The devil lords leave with the dark eight. I admit to doing no wrong, as Forrester was warned when
talking to the forces of Iuz that any demons he allied with would violate our contract. He wisely
obeyed. It was my understanding that Iuz was a godling that allied with demons, not a true demon
himself. Still, its a fine distiction, much like the line between filth and muck.

I will return to Baator to sort this matter out. Too bad, as another contract gaining the nuclear weapons
would have made a fine addition to the Blood War.


With a name like Maddman, he's got to be honorable!

"When a fool hears of the Tao, he will laugh out loud" - Lao Tzu

Posts: 629 | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Rhialto the
Member # 4171
posted December 04, 2001 08:15 AM

Baalzephon glances at the Chosen calmly and begins to speak.

'We have no official business with this court, nor do we need any, as our own judgments are sufficient
to ourselves, and those under us. We came here simply because Lord Maddman is here, and he must
hear our edict against him. We neither ask, nor expect any ruling of yours on this decision.'

'We also wish to point out that:

A. He no longer represents us, nor do his views in anyway indicate our own.

B. Any deals, contracts or agreements he makes have no backing by the Dark Eight, nor will they
reveal such backing at a later time.

C. Any alliances he enters into are completely independent of us, and will recieve no assistance from
us, or any forces under us.

D. At this moment, our official interest in the world of Toril is exactly nil.'

With that, Baalzephon rolls up his scroll. There is a blaze of black fire, after which the Devil Lord and his
bodyguards have vanished.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Rhialto the Marvellous ]

Posts: 122 | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

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EN World Messageboards » Bits N Pieces » In Character » (IR) All involved in the Gnomish IR: You are
summoned by the Chosen to face charges (Page 9)

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Topic: (IR) All involved in the Gnomish IR: You are summoned by the Chosen to face charges
Member # 523
posted December 04, 2001 08:17 AM

A booming reptilian voice echos throughout the chamber. "We are not...little halfling!"

All of the servant's, who until this time had been meekly serving refreshment, begin to change. Forms
begin to melt and flow, like candle wax resolving into gruesome shapes, none quite like the other. a
Grey skinned monstrosity with green reptilian eyes, large claws, standing over 9 feet high (for now)
steps out from among his "brethren".

NOTES: The Slaadi, having seen the development of the humanoid races (sometimes from the inside
posing as them), have come to a realization of the True Balance of things (they are TN). They are no
longer creatures of pure chaos, they are free. With this freedom came unprecedented control over the
plane of Limbo. While some areas still show show signs of earlier Limbo-esque type geometries,
others are bastions of order, all according to the whim of those that live there. This time was called
"The Testing" by the Slaadi, some feel Toril needs a similar testing.

"Listen to the words of Slaazor, Death Slaad of Limbo."

"We are the Slaadi, and while we have watched with great interest your proceedings of the past,
enough is enough, there must be balance."

"Chaos has reigned for 40 years past and we have grown all the more powerful for it, long have we
watched your world and taken our lessons well, tempered our innate...virtues, much as the humanoids

"We have learned of balance and find it meet, we struggle for it every day. A semblance of order in
the random chaos in Limbo. As a free people we want equals, not thralls. Brothers, not slaves. Yet you
seek to destroy all that is and all that will ever be."

"40 years past we came looking for fiery angels of determination, but instead found groveling worms
afraid of the one true constant change, such change was forced to be sure, but it cannot be stopped."

"Your 'doomsday' weapons work not in the presence of pure chaos. Your armies and peoples will
struggle with the unfettered energy of chaos, and through chaos will find order, as we have."

"We are the harbingers of the future, best see to your people...let chaos reign on this world as it once
did in Limbo, let your hearts find their true balance."

The gates of chaos open, I leave the effects up to Edena, but specific things the Slaadi are shooting
for are:

- Large chaos fields around weapons of mass destruction, totally disrupting their systems, and making
them act in ways they were not meant to. (water fountains instead of nuclear explosions, that kind of

- Revitalization of the Weave, turning all magic into Wild Magic...that'll show those mages to stop
mucking things up for the rest of the world.

- a seeping of Chaos into everything, making the world mutable and changing, it will become fixed
only by supreme acts of will

- For the past twenty years the Slaadi have been training 1000 humans, demihumans, and humanoids
to be those who will teach the common folk to learn the ways of fixing the new chaos into set
forms...this will not be taught to anyone with a "Hero Class" or title of any kind, let them figure it out
for themselves.

I figure this will either save the world or doom it, I'm hoping for saving, Fortune favors the bold and all

Edit: Lots of edits for spelling and grammmar and prob more to come

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Bagguns ]


Evolve or Die.

Entropy Sucks.

Posts: 189 | From: Cookstown/McGuire AFB, NJ | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 523
posted December 04, 2001 08:24 AM

At this Slaazor and the rest of the Death Slaadi in the room sit back, their deed done. If any move to
slay them they offer no resisitance, they have given the common people of Toril the ability to find
their own destiny without the pontification of their leaders.


Evolve or Die.

Entropy Sucks.

Posts: 189 | From: Cookstown/McGuire AFB, NJ | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 1869
posted December 04, 2001 08:39 AM

At the instant that the energy of Chaos blasts into the room, a huge face appears on the ceiling of the
room, looking down upon the assembly. To each participant, the face appears to be that of one of
their race.

The face has a neutral look, neither smiling nor frowning. It watches as the Chosen and the other
participants deal with the invading energies of Chaos.

You sense... curiosity.


Mystra telepathically speaks one word to the Chosen.



Posts: 21 | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 04, 2001 09:25 AM

As the arguments rage back and forth a few of the more quiet people in the council start murmuring.

4 small hands can be seen to appear out of small holes that appear out of nowhere. Those 4 hands
reach forward and seem to grab and a spot and all pull outward. There is a slight tearing sound and
then a doorway can be seen to open.

Through this door walks a small figure little more than 5 feet tall and wrapped in gray and silver robes.
After the figure steps through 4 sharn float through the doorway after the figure and then casually
reach behind them and close the gap behind them all. The small figure then pulls back his hood to
reveal a handsome though slightly otherworldly face. After a few moments of scanning the crowd the
figure walks over to an open area and with a few small gestures a table covered with books and
paperwork appears along with a chair.

"My apologies for appearing without request and without forewarning of my appearance. My clients
(nods toward the Sharn) felt that the Phaerimm and Aboleth would not be willing to show themselves if
they knew we were coming."

"My name is Moriartty Belros. I am as you can all tell a Tiefling. I am also a lawyer and a resident of
the City of Doors Sigil. I come here to represent my clients who are the united factions of the city, the
sharn, as well as the Dabus of Sigil and indirectly through them the Lady of Pain herself."

"I tell you all this so that you can decide which of those facts bother you the least or the most. You can
also use them to determine how much of this information you want to accept as truth and how much
you consider mere legal trickery."

"First off I would like to state that the Chosen are correct. You all stand at the edge of complete
destruction. The presence of Iuz acts as a further goad and seeing him here makes me personally
doubt that some members of this group will be able to restrain themselves."

"Now to the matter at hand. I am here for several reasons. The first of which is to issue a statement
from some of my clients, as it would regard any future conflicts on or near Toril or her Crystal Sphere. "

"My clients who are the denizens of Sigil the City of Doors would like to at this announce that until a
strong peace all doors into Sigil as well as all gates passing through Sigil are as of now closed."

Anyone with psionic or magical powers can almost hear as well as sense the slamming of millions upon
millions of doors quietly in the distance.

"This is being done quite simply via the introduction of a modron march into the city itself. This
sudden violation of the city has of course forced the Lady of Pain to close all doors until the march
leaves or we force them out. This will not happen until we feel it is safe for them to be open again."

For a few moments Moriartty glances through the room at the looks on bewilderment and anger that is
obviously growing.

"Furthermore the Sharn have made arrangements to work through the powers of Sigil to close all
remaining doors and gates that leave Toril but do not pass through Sigil. This WILL be done if any
side attempts a mass exodus or any side launches its world-destroying weapon. All closed doors will
function as only 1-way doors. We in Sigil see no reason why we should not let anyone insane enough
to want to come to Toril to join in the complete destruction to do so. We will not allow anyone though
to come back out. This of course would not stop anyone from escape via spelljamming but that
avenue too shall be closed soon. The Netherese can tell you that long ago they created a spell that
could close any Crystal Sphere permanently. Well right now several dozen Guvner archmages stand
ready to cast that spell and close Toril off via spelljamming as well if the final war should begin here."

"Finally the Sharn would like to make a statement through me apologizing for their allowing the magic
seals on The Phaerimm to lapse in such a way that they could escape. This was unfortunate but at this
time there is little that can be done to correct this."

"On a personal note I would like to say the following. Technology can be a great and wonderful thing
much as magic is. That does not though excuse the actions that took place on Toril. Yes the Chosen
made the mistake of continuing their meddling ways along with the Harpers and attempted to covertly
stop the gnomes. This was not the best choice of action but it was the normal choice of action. The
Chosen and the Harpers have been interfering covertly in the great matters of Toril for centuries."

Moriartty now turns and stares at the gnomish rep and a small reddish glow starts to appear in his
eyes. The anger in him becomes obvious for a moment as his Tiefling heritage becomes obvious.
After a moment he regains control of himself and everyone is left with the passing hint of brimstone
wafting through the room.

"You gnomes though sowed the first seed here. When the Chosen and Harpers meddled you did the
unspeakable. You blasted the town of Shadowdale into ruin. Was Shadowdale the home or the
Harpers? No it was not. Was Shadowdale the secret gathering place of all of the Chosen? No only two
Chosen were there on a regular basis. So what was Shadowdale? Shadowdale was a bustling
community of several thousand innocent men, women, and children that you MURDERED in an instant
to make a statement. I suggest that you gnomes should walk over and trade hugs with the demon
representative and Iuz. All of you shall become very close to them when your time comes to and end.
You murdered thousands of people unrelated to your grievance including my own son. For that fact I
take great pleasure in letting you all know that if you make one wrong move that you will all burn to
the very end and the rest of us will no longer have to watch this wretched debacle continue."

Moriartty finishes speaking then walks over and sits down at the high-backed onyx chair he
summoned. The Sharn float over and position themselves at the four corners around him and watch
the other representatives. Occasionally a hand and arm of a sharn will silently pass through a small
gate and come out somewhere else in the room. Silently letting everyone know that they are

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

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First Post
(Post 16) The Second IR

Member # 523
posted December 04, 2001 09:32 AM

Doc Moriartty's post above leads me to a question for Edena...if two people do something that
contradicts each other...who is right?

ie Chaos makes Weave Wild Magic...Portals are magic, Tiefling steps through portal (though this could
be a point where the portal just happened to work properly).

While I welcome new sides to this debate (esp. those who are diametrically opposed to another
faction), it just struck me as...well confusing.

Maybe some Sharn will lose a hand/tentacle/whatever that would be pretty funny.

Edited for spelling Doc's name wrong

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Bagguns ]


Evolve or Die.

Entropy Sucks.

Posts: 189 | From: Cookstown/McGuire AFB, NJ | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 04, 2001 09:48 AM

Moriartty Belros was an actual character of mine. He was a 2E Tiefling wild mage that was just shy of
archmage power before 3E came along. Since WOTC killed off the wild mage I had him move to Sigil
where he became a lawyer.

So since he is a Wild Mage I am thinking he more than anyone would have no problem travelling via a
dimensional portal safely. That does not mean though that it would not make everyone else in the
room VERY uncomfortable having him sit there.


Originally posted by Bagguns:
Doc Moriartty's post above leads me to a question for Edena...if two people do
something that contradicts each other...who is right?

ie Chaos makes Weave Wild Magic...Portals are magic, Tiefling steps through portal
(though this could be a point where the portal just happened to work properly).

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Bagguns ]

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 523
posted December 04, 2001 09:55 AM

Ah, a wild mage...wild mages good.

Moriartty hears a booming reptilian voice in his head (Telepathy, natch).

"They will soon have enough to deal with. I doubt your closure will affect them at all. But by all means
close the doors to Sigil, it will force them to deal with the new face of their world."

"Order in Chaos, Chaos in Order, Worlds without End."

The last having the sound of some type of new (relatively) Slaadi "catechism".

On an added note to those curious, Slaazor is an NPC in my IR campaign which was inspired by these
threads. He's tried to bail out my PC's before, though they don't trust him.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Bagguns ]


Evolve or Die.

Entropy Sucks.

Posts: 189 | From: Cookstown/McGuire AFB, NJ | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 3707
posted December 04, 2001 10:56 AM

*yawns silently at the new comers bold claims then turns to Forrester*

could it be acceptable that we agreed, elves are not welcome in your lands and they are there
considered without legal rights. But you would attack those living in other nations, nor declare war
against established nation even if elves are found in the government?


Alone is something we all are
only far away voices breaks the silence
whom wish to escape
this labyrinth of loneliness
we fumble our way, but finds nothing
because here are no walls
only the fear's angst
keeps us apart

Posts: 158 | From: Hvidovre, Denmark | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 04, 2001 11:34 AM

Hazedil, the representant of Lathander Church has been silent for a long time, hearing the various
speaker with an expression of amused despondency. He take a long breath, and say
"I must correct some statments made here and there, and can answer to other:

-The Druids and Celestial of Hope Island were not the alone for the last 40 years to try to rebuild our
world : Lathander, the Morning Lord, God of Renewal and Consort of Chauntea has directed his Church
and Followers to participate to the reconstruction after the damage dealt by the seven years war.
Especially, The High Priest Songe has raised from the dead many of his elven parents (and many
humans or half-elves, too) , hoping their return will strenghten the Weave. These elven people are
under the protection of the Church of Lathander, and live in safety in our flying cities. We have
provided healing to the innumerable wounded peoples in all the realms in which we were present, and
we have helped the Churches of Chauntea and Sylvanus to restore the land where it was damaged,
preventing further death toll from starvation.

-We naturally answer favourably to the demands made by the Queen Amlaruil. The security of elven
people is garanted in all the place under our influence, as is garanted the security of every people of
good will. I must add that the present undead state in wich the Queen and her subject are locked is a
source of sadness and displeasure for the Morning Lord and his followers. So we will gladly help them
either to join Arvandor, or to come back to life. We will have the support of Kelemvor church in this
action, since he rules upon the dead souls of all native being of Toril, whatever their races, until they
join their final rest in the outer planes.

-We denounce the foreign intervention in the affair of Toril, especially the presence of Iuz, and of
Sigillian factions and the Slaads from Limbo. Sigil has no right in Toril affair, as it doesn't even reside
in the same cosmic system, and the same is true for the two other groups. I must add that the closure
of the gates isn't a problem for us. As stated before, we don't want to participate to any other war, but
now I must add that we won't participate in any other. If attacked, we, and the allied churches of
Chauntea, Silvanus, Sune, and Oghma(and many other lesser powers) will simply channel the divine
power to planeshift our cities and followers to the House of Nature, or to Brightwater and the House of
Knowledge in the case of followers of this plane's deities.
The wild magic may cause some this attempt to fail, but most of us will be able to pass.

-The technocratic commonwealth we will join, as long as it's components keep a great part of their
independance : we are hostile to the existence of an unique united system, the risk of a dictatorial
drift is too big. We think that the executive (prime minister) must be designed democraticaly but the
parliament mus represent the various nations and peoples of Toril, whatever their size, wealth or
power, while the speaker of the parliament will change each year, depending of the alphabetical order
of the nation. We can even provide a seat for this assembly, in the form of a new flying home, who will
change from place to place each years, to reflect the equality of all the parts of the confederation.
Then, he try to call via phone the headquarter of his Church to learn the result of the Slaad 's action.

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Rhialto the
Member # 4171
posted December 04, 2001 11:51 AM

Rhialto leans towards several female emissaries he's been conversing with, and whispers;

I will give you 5-to-1 odds that the Humanoids refuse any offer of peace that involves elves returning.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Rhialto the Marvellous ]

Posts: 122 | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1869
posted December 04, 2001 11:56 AM

Ao speaks:

You . . .

are on the brink of the Unmaking.

You move toward a state of annihilation - all things - all beings - all existence . . . shall be Undone.

Except Ao.

You are given sentience by my hand.
You are bestowed with free will by my hand.
What you do with these is not my concern.
I will not fetter you.

However, if you continue on the path of destruction, you will reach a breaking point. Beyond this point,
the ramifications shall be beyond mortal comprehension.

Existence is far more complex than you realize. You contemplate the destruction of Toril, while some
you rest content in the belief that you will be safe in your own realms. On this you are mistaken. What
happens to Toril
will resonate even amongst the furthest-flung realms.

If you believe this to be true, your options should be clear.

Seek peace.
Seek total war, and know that you have doomed your existence.
Seek limited war, and hope that you do not reach the breaking point.

I await your decision.

Posts: 21 | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 04, 2001 11:57 AM


Originally posted by Rhialto the Marvellous:
Rhialto leans towards several female emissaries he's been conversing with, and

I will give you 5-to-1 odds that the Humanoids refuse any offer of peace that involves
elves returning.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Rhialto the Marvellous ]

Hazedil discretly answer
"Elves have already returned, but not in great number. I can say that the Humanoids have a really
strong interest in accepting peace. Really."

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 04, 2001 12:19 PM

Moriartty stands up for a moment at the mention of his clients.

"You misunderstand my good sir. The factions have no interest in interference. The factions have
purchased my services merely to let all know that if the button is pushed by anyone in Toril then all
gates out of Toril will be barred. Destroy yourselves a million times over if you want to. My clients are
merely making sure that your madness ends there and does not carry over into other places."

"Furthermore, any and all comments regarding blame and the gnomes are mine and mine alone due
to the murder of my own son who was a resident in Shadowdale. Do not take them as statements of
my employer."


Originally posted by Aloïsius:

-We denounce the foreign intervention in the affair of Toril, especially the presence of
Iuz, and of Sigillian factions and the Slaads from Limbo. Sigil has no right in Toril affair,
as it doesn't even reside in the same cosmic system, and the same is true for the two
other groups. I must add that the closure of the gates isn't a problem for us. As stated
before, we don't want to participate to any other war, but now I must add that we
won't participate in any other. If attacked, we, and the allied churches of Chauntea,
Silvanus, Sune, and Oghma(and many other lesser powers) will simply channel the
divine power to planeshift our cities and followers to the House of Nature, or to
Brightwater and the House of Knowledge in the case of followers of this plane's deities.
The wild magic may cause some this attempt to fail, but most of us will be able to pass.

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Rhialto the
Member # 4171
posted December 04, 2001 12:24 PM


Originally posted by Aloïsius:

Hazedil discretly answer
"Elves have already returned, but not in great number. I can say that the Humanoids
have a really strong interest in accepting peace. Really."

Rhialto replies;

This is true. The present situations means their deaths, as well as the deaths of everyone else

But I'm afraid they don't see it that way.

Also, if I were you, I'd definitely think about leaving for greener pastures once this trial's over. The
Humanoids know about you now, and somehow, I think they are going to want to finish what they


Rhialto relaxed, smiling at his own odd fancies, and poured out a final cup of tea...He let it cool
untasted. On impulse he rose to his feet and went into the parlour, where he donned a cloak, a
hunter's cap, and took up that baton known as 'Malfezar's Woe.' He then summoned Ladanque, his
chamberlain and general factotum.
"Ladanque, I will be strolling around in the forest for a period. Take care that Vat Five retains its roil. If
you wish, you may distill the contents of the large blue alembic into a stoppered flask. Use a low heat
and avoid breathing the vapor; it will bring a purulent rash to your face."
"Very well, sir. What of the clevenger?"
"Pay it no heed. Do not approach the cage. Remember, its talk of both virgins and wealth is illusory; I
doubt if it knows the meaning of either term."
"Just so, sir."
Rhialto departed the manse.

"The Murthe", Rhialto the Marvellous, by Jack Vance

Posts: 122 | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2368
posted December 04, 2001 12:41 PM


-The Technocratic Commonwealth we will join, as long as it's components keep a great
part of their independance : we are hostile to the existence of an unique united system,
the risk of a dictatorial drift is too big. We think that the executive (prime minister)
must be designed democraticaly but the parliament mus represent the various nations
and peoples of Toril, whatever their size, wealth or power, while the speaker of the
parliament will change each year, depending of the alphabetical order of the nation. We
can even provide a seat for this assembly, in the form of a new flying home, who will
change from place to place each years, to reflect the equality of all the parts of the

"Excellent, this is a most wonderful thing. I should assure you that our institutions have been
established late this morning, and I will now read you a statement outlining our governing structures:

"There are three branches of government within the Commonwealth: the Executive, with a Presidency
and Secretaries of State; the Legislative, headed by the Prime Minister and Cabinet; and the Judicial,
Headed by Twenty-Four Chief-Justices and one Supreme-Justice.

"The Executive is comprised of an elected Head of State, the President. He is elected by a simple
majority vote, a so-called "First Past the Post" election. He appoints several Secretaries of State, which
include the three military commanders: the Field Marshall, the Sea Marshall, and the Air Marshall. He
is the Commander-in-Chief of the Military and is chiefly responsible for foreign relations and policy. He
has a legislative veto on all things. I, myself, as Prime Minister, am running for the Presidency shortly
after this conference.

"The Legislative Branch, meaning the two Houses, is called the Commonwealth Parliament: the Upper
House, called the Commonwealth Senate, represents all of the member-states with four Senators
apiece. It is almost equal to the Lower House and has a legislative veto which it can exercise on
everything except Money Bills. The Lower House, called the Commonwealth Chamber is elected by way
of a state-list of proportional representation. This house of legislation is the only one able to originate
and pass money bills and also has a legislative veto. The leader of the party or coalition with the most
seats, which are allocated by population (Rep. by Pop.) is elevated to the position of Prime Minister,
who, in turn chooses his Cabinet Ministers from those elected into the Commonwealth Chamber. As
you should know, I have been the interim Prime Minister on and off for the past forty years... should I
win the Presidential election, I will be forced to give up my seat in the Commonwealth Chamber. This
is to ensure that no one man, or woman, will be able to weild too much power in the expansive

"The third, and final branch, is the Judicial branch. It is headed up by the Supreme-Justice of the
Commonwealth, and his twenty-four Chief-Justices from all over the Commonwealth. The Supreme
Court of the Commonwealth is the last Court of Appeal and only Constitutional Court in the land. The
only membership concession is that each of the races must be represented by virtue of percentage of
population: if 1/6th of the population consists of humans, then 1/6th of the seats on the Supreme
Court will be human. Each race is guaranteed to have at least one seat!

"There are many checks and balances to our system, but as such, we see no real problems in the near
or far future. I would go into further details, but...

((Upon hearing the outbursts of warmongering and such...))

"Enough! I will also state that any and all citizens of the Commonwealth that come under attack by
any foreign power will be considered an enemy of the entire Commonwealth. I can assure you that
Lord Forrester knows this, and has already pledged, albeit warily, to leave any and all elves residing in
the Technocracy alone.

"Also, the Technocratic Commonwealth does not condone an unprovoked offensive military action.
Should anyone be able to verify, without a shadow of a doubt, that an attack is imminent, the
Commonwealth will respond, pre-emptively or not, with as much force as we deem necessary.

"Thank you."

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Reprisal ]


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

Posts: 223 | From: Parksville, BC, Canada | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 444
posted December 04, 2001 01:07 PM

((OOC: I have some troubles with posting on these boards, relative to their * name of 66.34.whatever
rather than a real name like www.enboards.org. For this reason, I had to pass through Edena, who
seems to be absent, and for this reason my gnomes have two posts that should have been posted
that aren't here.))

The first gnome answer has been posted rightfully (on page 6 IIRC).

Second gnome answer, insert it on page 7

*The Ambassador of the Gnomes project his image again.*

"If the representative assembled here can offer full safety for our people, the Gnomes may come back
to Toril. It would be a good news for everyone, as Gnomes, like Elves, have some measure of Fey
blood and their renewed presence would slow down the weakening of the Weave."

"We offer to join the Technocratic Commonwealth, however we urge it to not join a "new Netherese
Commonwealth". The Netheril showed much recklessness in their researches, and this ended up
threatening the homeplane of the Phaerimm. This in turn caused much problems here, and we don't
want that history to be repeated."

"If there is no deception in her words, we accept Aumlaruil's conditions. We Gnomes never had
problems with elves until the sabotages that started the war. If the Elves don't repeat their mistake, we
thankfully accept their peace."

Third gnome answer, insert it on page 8

*Projecting his giant illusory image once again, the Gnome Embassador reply to Valkys:*

"We know how to discern lies as well as we know how to discern illusion. Science is not incompatible
with magic. "Laws" of magic exists, laws of science exists, and that's not because people discovers one
set that the other cease to be. I recognize this threat, but it is a false threat. You Unseelie can't refrain
from lying, and I want everyone here to know this."

"Yes, some worlds have developed with science and without magic -- but it's not the advent of science
that make magic disappear, most of time magic wasn't here from start, or magic had fade far before
the world's inhabitant can discover science.

"You're opposed to our technology because you're conservative and obscurantist, preferring that
non-fey stays in ignorance so you can better frighten them, and because it would not be possible for
you to chase technologically advanced people in one of your Wild Hunt. I'm sorry for you, but people
living in fear of everything outside of their house is not what we want for a future on Toril.

"You were not invited, yet you come and makes threats. It's in your nature, so I won't blame you for it,
but don't be shocked that few people listen to the words of an obnoxious little interloper. Stays away
all you want, with the damned Spriggans that allies with your kin, we only need the Seelie feys.

"Iuz, you should go back to Oerth. Your place is there, not here."

*The ambassador's image turn to the Phaerimm*
"Same comments for the Phaerimms. This is animal farm, go back to your cities, and let the animals
alone. This is not your native plane, and the only interest you ever had in Toril was when you wanted
to destroy it because the stupid Netherese were unknowingly threatening you, so now that's over,
you've nothing more to do here. Leave that world, close the gates, and forget them."

*The ambassador's image turn to Reprisal*
"I urge the Technomancy once again to not being ruled by the Netherese of Shade. One anauroch was
enough. No need for a new one."

*The ambassador's image turn to the Gythianki*
"Yeah, and a lich queen with that, it would be nice, uh ? Especially if she's the same lich queen than
the one ruling over the githyanki. And a crusade against the githzerai would be such a nice idea as her
first ruling ! Sorry, but you're not subtle enough. No sane being -- but this naturally exclude all giths --
would accept that. Besides, nearly everyone here would be executed by your queen if we were to accept
her rule, as she don't tolerate people powerful enough to threaten her place. I don't think you'll
convince much people to be killed for the gory glory of your old decaying skeleton."

*The ambassador's image turn to the Chosen*
"Indeed, as I said, knowledge of Law A don't make Law B disappear. That's just hollow threats from
that spriggan-friend who want people to be ignorant and fearful, so that he could better enjoy
terrorizing them."

*The ambassador's image turn to Aumlaruil*
"What I have to say is that there's no problem if the Elves do mingle with the other races. But if they
have a realm of their own... Elves made their mistakes because they were cut from the rest of the
world, delighting in their hubris and their sense of invincibility and superiority, seeing the world only
through the blurring fogs of the sea between Faerûn and Evermeet. Without contacts with the rest of
the world, they began to think that the others were inferior and that only their thoughts and their vision
was right. This proved utterly false. Elves from Toril will be accepted, but not with a kingdom of their
own. They must be mingled with the other races, so the elves won't indulge in blindness again."

*The ambassador's image turn to the drow*
"Well, as long as you only sacrifice willing drows, no problem. That's your matter entirely. But I advise
you to accompany Iuz on Oerth, and leave Toril alone. (muttering: the church of Heironeous is going to
have lots of work, but Toril is in such a state the evils should be sent elsewhere.) On the other hand, you
could also sacrifice all the Deep Illithids you want without breaking the truce with the Technomancy."

Fourth gnome answer:

*The ambassador's image turn to the Tiefling*
"Well, Mister Moriartty, there are some things that you should know about the Shadowdale tragedy.
First, we have *not* nuked Shadowdale, it just seems we have. Here is the true story. After the
sabotage and assassinations made by the harpers, we decided to eliminate the head of the terrorist to
disrupt his evil organization and disrupt further acts of terrorism. We used a True Ritual that could be
described as a Supreme Greater Phantasmal Killer, that was aimed specifically at Elminster. Noone
else. But something has gone wrong. It appears Elminster's greatest fear was that we used the nuke
on Shadowdale, and that is what he's seen. However, and Mystra is to blame for that, it seems that
magic don't works normally when dealing with Chosen. (mutters something about "immunity to timestop
and other bogus rules".) So, rather than simply frightening Elminster to death, this resulted in an actual
nuclear warhead exploding on Shadowdale. And the irony is that Elminster survived the blast. As for us
being "friendly" with devils and demons, I would only say that shows you don't know us very much.
This is comprehensible, I doubt you could find any people with gnome blood in your... extended
family; so I excuse you of being so ignorant."

"As for the closing of the gates, don't know if that will be really efficient. Planar travel is still possible
through the Astral or Shadow planes, or two the myriads of demiplanes that exist on Toril, some of
which are connected to other full-fledged planes."

*The ambassador's image looks to Slaazor.*
"Slaads looking for balance between Law and Chaos. Well, we're nothing if we don't accept changes.
This one is a tough one, yet. Non-chaotic slaadi, this notion will take a time to accept. That's like, say,
formians advocates of free will and anarchy."

*As the gnome embassador is speaking, a form materialize in the room. The creature seems to be a large
sphinx of pure molten gold, with wings made of light and lightning and eyes that are like the brightest of
silver. The gnome ambassador mutters "Marsinoërion the Divine Sphinx"*
"Indeed, say the creature, that is how I am called in a material plane. However, I don't claim any name for
myself. I am who I am, and I am before you, names are nothing but oriflammes of hubris. Call me like you
want if you want to call me."

"To everyone gathered here, I have to say that the destruction of Toril will cause grave problems to
the-one-that-I-serve, and it is my duty of not allowing this to happen."

"It is clear to me that the war was caused by Hate, Hubris and Powerlust. Let it be known that everyone who
have Hate, Hubris or Powerlust in its heart will be doomed to show the mask of the object of their hate,
despise, or powerlust."

*As it says these words, several people begin to change shape. The phaerimm and its escort seems to be a
flumph surrounded by four eyeballs. The drow looks like an old, hunchbacked kobold. Forrester look like a very
effeminate elf, with 3-foot long ears. The envoy of the city of Shade looks like a Mongrelman with a screw in
the neck. Aumlaruil herself looks like a wrinkled banshee. But the most drastic change is Iuz. Iuz now looks
like a fluffy pastel pink carebear, with a bright red heart on his white belly, a pastel blue bunny tail, and two
long pastel blue rabbit ears, as well as two rabbit teeth and a twitching, bright red, luminous nose. His
scream of agony as he discover the utter mawkishness of his new appearance is unbearable, but half of the
room burst in laughter at that sight. People can notice, however, that the Kender's look is unchanged.*
"This is only illusory. A true seeing can pierce the veil. However, that's how people will perceive you,
and how you will perceive yourself until you atone for your hubris, your hate, and your powerhunger.
Become sincerely humble, forgivefull, and selfless and you will regain your true appearance. This is a
constant reminder that should cure you from your hubris."
*Looking at the unchanged kender*
"There is wisdom in his foolishness. Yes, you, the queen of what was Evermeet, you should pay
attention to his words. If you allow your brethren to destroy Toril out of spite, that would be a
treachery, a treason toward what was the Elven Ideals before that unfortunate war. Lets not hatred,
wrath or spite blinds you, lets not Evil gain the argument and fills you with destructive desires."

"However, the threat of the Fleet of Vengeance is temporarily lifted. They will arrive at Alvenia, a crystal
sphere inhabited only by elves, and considered by most of them to be the place of the best
achievments of the elven race. Don't be afraid about the fate of that place, surrounded by their
cannons and death engines, as they will recognize it immediately, and by this, recognize the stupidity
of world destruction."

*Turning to the pitiful mockery of an elf that is Forrester*
"You don't have to be afraid of the elves. As long as they don't have any evil intent, they looks like
normal elves. Those whose heart burn with the cold fire of hatred are easily recognizable. This is true
for your peoples also. Accept peace and forgiveness, this is the only issue you have."

*Looking at the halfling ambassador, who have the aspect of a lame, diminutive tall mouther*
I hope you recognize the foolishness of your words and will repent for that.

*The sphinx disappear*


"What's our mission ?
- We must get the last of the Twelve Statuettes of Gladolfera.
- A statuette ?
- It is written on the Tablets of Syeloss that only an one-legged gnome from the northern forests,
dancing by starlight during a full moon in the middle of the Twelves Statuettes wrapped in ham would
open the Gate of Zoralback and fulfill the Prophecy.
- But what is that strange prophecy ?
- No idea. We're motivated by wealth.
- Nevermind. A prophecy it's always so cute !
- It depends. Sometimes, it's about destroying the world..."

From the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk, a pretty silly MP3 adventure.

Posts: 1472 | From: Somewhere in France | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged


First Post
(Post 17) The Second IR

Member # 8593
posted December 04, 2001 01:53 PM

Moriartty stands anger rolling off him in waves that are almost visible.

"So you readily admit that you caused the destruction that murdered my son and everyone in
Shadowdale. What is your answer? You say oops sorry guess I didnt know the gun really was loaded.
You expect us to believe this?"

"Go get really close with the Demons over there. You might as well start now getting on their good
side. Even if what you said was true your actions still reeked on incredible recklessness that resulted in
the murder of thousands and was the first overt act that started a World War."

"As to your comments about closing the plane. You fail to understand. The Lady of Pain IS the master
of all planar travel. Gods themselves cannot use a gate when she closes them. If she choses to close
of Toril due to you blasting yourself to bit you will find that all exits are blocked no matter where they

AS he speaks everyone notices that Moriartty's image never shifted due to the sphinx's action. It has
remained his own the entire time.

"Did you think to veil an illusion with an illusion? Or did you think I would accept this job and then show
up on a condemned world in person? I am here to make the required statements for my employer. I
am doing so through this image controlled from my offie in Sigil. I must say though that the rest of
you really should take a look in the mirror. I don't know what is more ironic, how you look, or the fact
that a group looking as you do has the power to destroy this world."

As he says this Moriartty walks over to his chair and sits down chuckling to himself.


Originally posted by Gez:

*The ambassador's image turn to the Tiefling*
"Well, Mister Moriartty, there are some things that you should know about the
Shadowdale tragedy. First, we have *not* nuked Shadowdale, it just seems we have.
Here is the true story. After the sabotage and assassinations made by the harpers, we
decided to eliminate the head of the terrorist to disrupt his evil organization and disrupt
further acts of terrorism. We used a True Ritual that could be described as a Supreme
Greater Phantasmal Killer, that was aimed specifically at Elminster. Noone else. But
something has gone wrong. It appears Elminster's greatest fear was that we used the
nuke on Shadowdale, and that is what he's seen. However, and Mystra is to blame for
that, it seems that magic don't works normally when dealing with Chosen. (mutters
something about "immunity to timestop and other bogus rules".) So, rather than
simply frightening Elminster to death, this resulted in an actual nuclear warhead
exploding on Shadowdale. And the irony is that Elminster survived the blast. As for us
being "friendly" with devils and demons, I would only say that shows you don't know us
very much. This is comprehensible, I doubt you could find any people with gnome blood
in your... extended family; so I excuse you of being so ignorant."

"As for the closing of the gates, don't know if that will be really efficient. Planar travel
is still possible through the Astral or Shadow planes, or two the myriads of demiplanes
that exist on Toril, some of which are connected to other full-fledged planes."

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 04, 2001 01:53 PM


Originally posted by Rhialto the Marvellous:

Rhialto replies;

This is true. The present situations means their deaths, as well as the deaths of
everyone else involved.

But I'm afraid they don't see it that way.

Also, if I were you, I'd definitely think about leaving for greener pastures once this
trial's over. The Humanoids know about you now, and somehow, I think they are going
to want to finish what they started.

Hazedil smiles
"The few remaining elves-I means those from Toril, not the exhile from Mystara- are under the
protection of Lathander's Church. And the majority of Lathander followers reside in the human lands of
the Technocracy. An agression against Lathanderite owned flying cities will imply an attack on
Technocratic citizen..."

Then he hears the Gnome's speach.
"I too recognize a lie : Shadowdale was nuked volontarily, and by the way, this stupid illusory sphinx
and the associatives illusions are not a good idea, since they will only enrage their targets."
He turns to the Chosen : "please dispel this silliness, the time is not come to pranks and laughs"

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 04, 2001 02:07 PM


"As to your comments about closing the plane. You fail to understand. The Lady of Pain
IS the master of all planar travel. Gods themselves cannot use a gate when she closes
them. If she choses to close of Toril due to you blasting yourself to bit you will find that
all exits are blocked no matter where they go."

Sure, The Lady of Pain hold great power in HER cosmic system. But Toril cosmic system is NOT the
great wheel, and the Astral plane does not connect us to the outland. You have to travel through the
Shadow Plane, or use Shadow gate to reach Toril from Sigil and the others plane of the Great Wheel.
Here, only Ao rule supreme, and Shaundakul and Eilistrae have dominions on Portals and Gates. So, if
the gates from Sigil are closed, be sure that those between Toril, and the House of Nature, Heliopolis,
the House of the Triad or the Supreme Throne are not.

Third edition only

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 04, 2001 02:39 PM

Reprisal, I think the commonwealth will soon be created. Do you accept our proposition of creating a
moving Parliament ? If yes, do you prefer a magicaly flying land, or one based on our floating forests
? We are able to produce both, but the former is perhaps unsecure if the magic goes wild, but is
otherwise classical, while the latter may look too err... elvish and disturbing for the taste of some of
the commonwealth citizen but doesn't rely on magic since it use naturally air-buoyant plants filled with
nonflamable gas.

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 444
posted December 04, 2001 03:29 PM

"Mister Moriartty, we are sorry for your son, as well as for all other victims of the Shadowdale tragedy,
but you should understand that this war an incomprehensible error, something that simply wasn't
wanted. If we'd knew what would be the outcome of the illusion magic that was employed, we wouldn't
have used this."

((OOC: The nuking of Shadowdale was made while Edena played the Gnomes. I would never have
made this move myself if I had took control of the gnomes at this time. It was just a silly and
ineffective idea whatever the way you look at it, so I'm trying to repair that with a quite silly
explanation, that allows me, by the way, to put out a minor gripe I have with the FR (Elminster's bogus
rules). I don't change what has happened, as it wouldn't be fair, I just give a new way of how it has
happened. From outside perspective, this change nothing.))

"Hazedil, don't call that creature stupid. He's the less stupid beings of all who've been in this room for
the past five centuries."

"For the flying city, we propose both. We Gnomes simply don't think a ghettoised commonwealth will
give a real chance to peace. People should live together, see each other in their day-to-day life.
Otherwise, they will project their frustrations and ignorance on a phantasmed image of the Other, and
quickly make them scapegoats. This in turns will cause new racial hatreds to burst. What I propose is
that the flying city that will hold the World Council, let's call it Avenir, will be as cosmopolitan as

It should have trees, caves, surface buildings, even small lakes. It should be a miniature of the world,
Toril in a nutshell, a very symbol of what Toril is. Magic will be necessary to hold it, but if a magic
accident happens, natural buyancy should allow it to land slowly, as if it were featherfalled.

Our space-scientist have developed several lightweight but strong as adamantine materials that could
be used for most of the foundations. The natural balloons will be assisted by artificial ones, that will be
concealed in the city. The outlook of the city could be made to look as neutral as possible, with trees,
artificial rivers, grottos and buildings all intermingled in an indiscociable fashion. As I speak, our
designers have already started the conceptual research. I suggest you to give that computrans
number to your fellows lathanderites, the one that are responsible for the flying cities project. Everyone
interested in the effort should contact our team.

*The Computrans adress appears in big, golden holographic letters near a wall.*

*The gnome ambassador looks at Queen Aumlaruil and sees that her look is shifting back to normal*
"I really hope someone will make a fair and truly noble move to save peace and life. I think someone
is close to admit that vengeance, hatred and spite won't undo the tragedy nor revive the dead --
although magic can, if the slaadi were polite enough to suppress their wild magic silliness, you can't
rebuild a world when your tools don't obey you--, and will take the decision of life, hope, and renewal
rather than the one of bloodshed, damnation and despair. I sense a good news approaching."
*Look at Forrester, who seems blurred, as between two states*
"I even hope two good news will be announced.


"What's our mission ?
- We must get the last of the Twelve Statuettes of Gladolfera.
- A statuette ?
- It is written on the Tablets of Syeloss that only an one-legged gnome from the northern forests,
dancing by starlight during a full moon in the middle of the Twelves Statuettes wrapped in ham would
open the Gate of Zoralback and fulfill the Prophecy.
- But what is that strange prophecy ?
- No idea. We're motivated by wealth.
- Nevermind. A prophecy it's always so cute !
- It depends. Sometimes, it's about destroying the world..."

From the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk, a pretty silly MP3 adventure.

Posts: 1472 | From: Somewhere in France | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 8099
posted December 04, 2001 04:14 PM

Valkys shakes his head, "This is ridiculous. If each and every power, meagre or mighty in the cosmos
decides to implement their own version of a forced peace, there will be no satisfactory resolution.
Immortals can force a peace. The Slaadi are attempting it. Sigil is attempting it."

"All that any of you will accomplish is the creation of resentment, which is hardly against my
philosophy. And I hardly care about the gnomish idea of 'laws of science'. I ask the gnomish
ambassador to consider: If gravity can be different, cannot science also be different? In Faerie, your
cherished science functions at such a reduced level that it is nonexistent."

"But I digress. By forcing this peace, or any change, you only invite more conflict. Ask the Demons. I'm
sure they'll agree. The key to a happy ending," and he makes a face of disgust, "is to keep the
conflict contained to Toril, not spread it to every plane and turn Toril into an interplanar battlefield."

"I suggest that the Slaadi remove their chaotic enchantment and stay out of this. The mortals and
those party to the actual conflict must be the ones to reach an agreement.

The Slaadi invite every force in the cosmos who disagrees with their methods to bring their power to
bear to alter this suppression of free will.

The majority of you have advocated an end based upon a free decision by the 'residents' of Toril. The
Unseelie were residents of Toril, just as the Seelie were residents. All of the Fey are currently in
self-imposed exile for their own protection, but Serran and myself are sent as representatives.

So far, none of the extraplanar delegates have been willing to actually 'allow' a resolution that isn't
forced. I am not requesting that you leave, only that you let events and diplomacy take their proper
course. Too many non-torilean interests are represented, those who have no rightful say in events on
this world. Stay out of it, for you only invite others to do the same."

Posts: 31 | Registered: Oct 2001 | IP: Logged

Riot Gear
Member # 202
posted December 04, 2001 04:27 PM

"This interference in Torillian affairs is completely unacceptable. Slaazor, we demand you recall this at
once. If necessary, we WILL repay you for magics wasted. And you, halfling, shut up."

In a typical show of Eladrin individualism and boldness, he transforms the Halfling in to an Elf/Orc

"You've become the worst of those you hate. If I were the halflings I would send a new, cooler headed

He turns to the Phaerimm.

"I, personally, think that the Gnomes have the right idea. We will bring about transportation back to
your home plane if necessary. This is, as the gnome said, Animal Farm."



I love maces, I really do. That crunch noise is just SO satisfying, and the flying shards of bloody bone
- Well, that's just icing on the cake. :D

Posts: 1574 | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 8099
posted December 04, 2001 04:53 PM

Valkys grimaces as he speaks to the Eladrin, "I must applaud you. Not only do you radiate goodness,
but you manage to do so even in that hideous form you have taken. I've never wanted to vomit so
much in my existence. I'd suggest you not keep the form too long though, someone could hit you on
the back, and then your face would be stuck that way."

"And I don't think you should force the Phaerimm to live. After all, they are reisdents of Toril."

"I am a diplomat, as we should all be. A compromise is in order. It can't be forced in any way.
Destroying the weapons of war will not solve the problem, only prolong the outcome."

"Faerie will not be destroyed if Toril is, but the repercussions would be unpleasant and I do not wish to
see anything happen to my homeland. None of you do. In their own way, even the demons love their
Abyss. *I* can find things to like about it."

He shudders, "Tolerance is all that is needed, because..." and he shivers violently, "acceptance is not
going to come overnight. Contrary to what the Eladrin's new form suggests, elves are never going to
breed with orcs. Note, I am restraining myself from suggesting that orcs are inferior in any way to
elves. Someone might say it, but *I* have not said it. I refrain from this in order to foster a
settlement equitable to all parties in this situation."

"Let's just carve up Faerun and create magical boundaries. I'm sure the phaerimm can adapt to that.
They were bound for quite some time by the sharn. After all, the 'animals' would still have large cages,
almost as big as the cage that the phaerimm would get."

Valkys looks around, "The last bit was a joke, naturally."

Posts: 31 | Registered: Oct 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 05:11 PM

Gez, who represents the Gnomes, has asked me to post his message, which goes as follows:

The Ambassador of the Gnomes project his image again.

"If the representative assembled here can offer full safety for our people,
the Gnomes may come back to Toril. It would be a good news for everyone, as
Gnomes, like Elves, have some measure of Fey blood and their renewed presence
would slow down the weakening of the Weave.

We offer to join the Technocratic Commonwealth, however we urge it to not
join a "new Netherese Commonwealth". The Netheril showed much recklessness in
their researches, and this ended up threatening the homeplane of the
Phaerimm. This in turn caused much problems here, and we don't want that
history to be repeated.

If there is no deception in her words, we accept Aumlaruil's conditions. We
Gnomes never had problems with elves until the sabotages that started the
war. If the Elves don't repeat their mistake, we thankfully accept their


Out of the thread: you should edit your post with Aumlaruil's speech:

"How will I enforce this decree?

This is how ...

The shade of !?Alustriel?! gestures, and a power -not yet mentioned on this
board - is seen by all as if from a great distance.
For the spirits of the elves did not retreat to Arvandor in peace, after the
Cataclysm - they remained in undeath upon Toril, and until now they have been
quiescient, asleep."

That's not really Alustriel... ;·)

Thanks for the fun !

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

All times are US Central Time

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Topic: (IR) All involved in the Gnomish IR: You are summoned by the Chosen to face charges
Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 05:12 PM

Gez, who represents the Gnomes, has also asked me to post this follow-up message of his:

Another response from the Gnome Embassador

((why do you makes me said:

We wish to remain a neutral power, as we always were.
We wish no hostilities with anyone, which means we cannot ally with anyone,
for all of you have enemies.

I've said:

"If the representative assembled here can offer full safety for our people,
the Gnomes may come back to Toril. It would be a good news for everyone, as
Gnomes, like Elves, have some measure of Fey blood and their renewed presence
would slow down the weakening of the Weave.

We offer to join the Technocratic Commonwealth, however we urge it to not
join a "new Netherese Commonwealth". The Netheril showed much recklessness in
their researches, and this ended up threatening the homeplane of the
Phaerimm. This in turn caused much problems here, and we don't want that
history to be repeated.

If there is no deception in her words, we accept Aumlaruil's conditions. We
Gnomes never had problems with elves until the sabotages that started the
war. If the Elves don't repeat their mistake, we thankfully accept their

? ))

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Riot Gear
Member # 202
posted December 04, 2001 05:13 PM

The eladrin waves off the comment, returning to his normal form. "It was only a suggestion. I'm not
saying we should force them. I'm just saying that it seems like a good idea for all involved."

He muses on the suggestion of massive magical boundaries.

"No good. Space travel means there's nothing stopping them from 'jumping the fence,' so to speak."

He turns to the Kender.

"We can't in good conscience rule over you. That isn't our role. BUT, we have more leeway over this
dimension than others. If a disposal of weapons is ever needed, we are more than capable of
obliterating them quickly and safely by shunting them to the Energy Planes."



I love maces, I really do. That crunch noise is just SO satisfying, and the flying shards of bloody bone
- Well, that's just icing on the cake. :D

Posts: 1574 | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 05:42 PM

(this post moved)

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Edena_of_Neith ]

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged


First Post
(Post 18) The Second IR

Member # 2977
posted December 04, 2001 06:08 PM

We need Edena's ruling on the planar structure of Toril : In FR 2e, it was the same as Greyhawk, with
the great wheel and sigil. In FR 3e, (and in 3e in general) each world can have its own cosmology, the
various cosmology being linked by the plane of shadow; and FR has its own set of plane, structured in
a Tree shape. The relative power of the Sigilian emissary and the Netherese Shades depends of this.
In one case, the Lady of Pain control the passage via the various gate, while in the second, the
Shades (and their ennemies, the Malaugrym) will have a spectacular power. Of course, Spelljaming is
another possibility.

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8099
posted December 04, 2001 06:18 PM

Valkys sighs as he addresses the Eladrin once more, "Thank you, my stomach is settling already.

You can't rule over the mortals. You can't force them into a settlement. You can't make their decisions
for them. If they want to blow themselves up, then they will eventually, no matter how often you

Posts: 31 | Registered: Oct 2001 | IP: Logged

Rhialto the
Member # 4171
posted December 04, 2001 06:19 PM


Originally posted by Aloïsius:

Hazedil smiles
"The few remaining elves-I means those from Toril, not the exhile from Mystara- are
under the protection of Lathander's Church. And the majority of Lathander followers
reside in the human lands of the Technocracy. An agression against Lathanderite
owned flying cities will imply an attack on Technocratic citizen..."

Rhialto sighs.

And do you actually think that religion will compel the Technomancy to your aid? It didn't the last

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Rhialto the Marvellous ]

Posts: 122 | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Riot Gear
Member # 202
posted December 04, 2001 06:33 PM

BTW, another thing for the (very overworked, no doubt) Edena of Neith:

What's everyone's current tech level and civilization like?



I love maces, I really do. That crunch noise is just SO satisfying, and the flying shards of bloody bone
- Well, that's just icing on the cake. :D

Posts: 1574 | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 2760
posted December 04, 2001 06:48 PM


Another question for Edena:

What does the population of Toril look like? What are the approximate numbers of humans, dwarves,
Technomancy members, elves, and humanoids?


Today's helpful LMTC Rule:

Sit at a table by yourself. We occasionally allow students to work together for a short time, but you
must ask first. The LMTC is a quiet study area, not a socializing area.

Posts: 699 | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 04, 2001 06:51 PM


Originally posted by Rhialto the Marvellous:

Rhialto sighs.

And do you actually think that religion will compel the Technomancy to your aid? It
didn't the last time...

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Rhialto the Marvellous ]

I don't think to aid...I think to self-defense :
I do not represent the elves here, I represent the Church of Lathander, of wich only a tiny part is
elven. The greatest part of our follower are humans, and most of them are technocracy's citizen. We
are now structured as transnational, even a transracial, group. We hold great political power inside all
faerunian human nations, and Lathander is now the key figure of the faerunian pantheon (plus an
interloper in the elven one), thanks to His role in the rebuilding. We are still opposed by various evil
cult, but they are divided, while most forces of Good are united behind the Morning Lord. This move
was planed before the event of the seven years war, and it's not a coincidence if Mystra and Eldath
(IRC) shifted from Law or Neutrality to Good. The disaster of the last war simply allowed our Lord to
accomplish his goal, more than 5 century after a first try (OoC : the Dawn Disaster).
Anyway...we have took great care of our protégés. Don't fear for them more than for anybody else

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 07:20 PM

A few rulings:

First of all, all the Chosen rise from their seats upon the arrival of Ao.
All the Chosen kneel, in homage and humility, to the Creator.
After a not inconsiderable length of time, they resume their seats.

- - -

Because of the arrival of Ao, the slaadi attempt to whelm Realmspace in chaos does not happen.
It is temporarily held back, until the end of the conference, and only until then.
Unless the slaadi themselves decide to dispel it before the end of the conference.

- - -

You may assume that ALL the Gods and Goddess of Realmspace, are witnessing the events in the
Court, at this point.
The Gods of the various Pantheons have all sent Avatars to witness the proceedings.

Ao, Iuz, the Dark Eight, the Slaadi Lord, and the Chosen of Mystra are aware of this, but to everyone
else the assembled Watchers are invisible.

- - -

Sigil is quite capable of closing all of the Gates from and to Sigil and Realmspace.
And yes, Sigian and Sharn mages, working together, can seal the Crystal Sphere (and the City of
Shade can then unseal it ...)
However, Sigil cannot otherwise cut off planar travel from Realmspace, via the ethereal, astral,
elemental, inner, or outer planes.

Perhaps the Lady of Pain could indeed do this thing, but it is beyond her jurisdiction.
The Lady of Pain is Neutral Incarnate, and she has absolute power over Sigil, but she would not
interfere in another plane directly.

The Sigilian mages and the Sharn are welcome to attempt to weave spells that would ban all planar
travel from Realmspace.
They could probably succeed if they really tried and worked together, and then what the Sigilian and
Sharn ambassadors are trying to accomplish WOULD BE accomplished.

That, of course, would be considered an act of war by most of the delegates present: an active effort
to alter the Weave so that Planar Travel is not possible, but it is UP TO THE SIGILIAN/SHARN
AMBASSADOR, what the Sigilian mages and sharn do.

Now, if the Sigilians and the sharn could talk other powers (such as the phaerimm and the City of
Shade) into helping them, it would be quite easy to ban all planar travel, and maintain that ban,
although it would probably still mean war (that would be up to the rest of you.)

- - -

There is general terror and awe as Ao shows up, and for many long moments there is utter silence,
which is then literally shattered by the kender.
The kender, who is getting to meet the CREATOR of Realmspace!!!!
What greater possible, greater grander thing could possibly happen to a lucky kender, than to get to
meet the Creator and talk with him????

Of course, the kender starts (literally) babbling questions and comments, as fast as his mouth will
allow, and he talks until he runs out of breath and turns blue in the face.
Remembering finally to breathe, he takes in a huge breathe, and starts anew ...

- - -

Because Forrester has NOT replied yet to this Thread, the shade of Queen Amlaruil continues to watch
him, waiting for a reply.
Bound by special constraints, being undead, the shade of Amlaruil will not budge from her demand
that the Humanoids agree to make true peace with her people.
She cannot - the Chosen realize this, and they inform the assembled delegates.

Unless Forrester agrees to all of her terms, she is bound to certain actions, and these actions may or
may not lead to war.

- - -

The phaerimm ambassador, already angry, floats up, and utters a long speech in it's own language -
it's so angry it doesn't even attempt to telepathically communicate the speech to anyone (they would
automatically understand telepathy), so one of it's beholder servants translates for it:

The phaerimm are NATIVE to Toril.
Toril is our home, truly.

We are the phaerimm.
We have transcended hunger.
We have transcended disease.
We have transcended famine.
WE have transcended the limitations of nature.
WE HAVE transcended the limitations of reality.
WE HAVE TRANSCENDED the limitations of magic.
WE HAVE TRANSCENDED the limitations of space-time.

Under our rule, there would be PEACE upon this world.
Under our rule, the study of the GREATEST OF ALL BEAUTY, MAGIC, would continue unfettered.
Under our rule, the study of science would continue unfettered.
Under our rule, INTELLIGENCE AND CREATIVITY would rule Realmspace.
Under our rule, Toril would be TRULY protected from Extraplanar Threats, such as those currently
PRESENT, and they would not come into our Courts and make threats against you.

The human, demi-human, and humanoid races would be restricted, and kept under careful
supervision, but they would be allowed to continue to exist within their own societies, and they would
even be allowed to continue to research magic and science - but they would do so on our terms.
Our terms would not allow them to create tools and magics as they have done, threatening destruction
of our entire Crystal Sphere, because they lack the insight and wisdom to properly handle their

The more advanced races, such as the Faerie, the githyanki, the Dragons, and the others, would be
allowed freedom to create their own societies, and function as their nature dictates.
They would be restrained from making war, and they would answer to us, the phaerimm, for all that
they did, but we would grant them reasonable freedom.
They are competent enough to handle freedom and responsibility, so we would allow them such.

We even recognize the Chosen of Mystra, and we would not interfere in their works.

But what you are proposing is, literally, insane.
Would your human race, allow the cows in your fields to rule you? Would you? WOULD YOU?
Would you allow squirrels and rabbits to rule from the thrones of your cities?
Would you allow your chickens and your goats to issue edicts from your chambers of state?

But that is PRECISELY what you are demanding that WE, the phaerimm, do.

Ok ... enough ... (the phaerimm tries to restrain itself, and as it's anger cools, it resumes telepathic
communication that can be understood by all)

We do not seek the destruction of Toril or Realmspace anymore than your Technocracy does.
In SPITE of what you have been told about us, the Phaerimm CHERISH Toril, we APPRECIATE the
beauty and wonder that is Toril and it's Weave, and we are willing to fight very hard to save that

Therefore, we the Phaerimm offer a compromise.

We offer to be your instructors and teachers.

We shall travel freely amongst your Technocracy, and all the other nations of Realmspace.
We shall NOT be subject to your laws.
We shall not be answerable to you in any way.
We shall live where we wish, and do as we please.

However, we will TOLERATE living amongst you.
We will not harm you.
We will, to the best of our ability, seek to avoid causing events that your societies view as

We will even go so far as to protect you.
We will advise your rulers on extraplanar threats and otherworld threats.
We will advise your rulers on magic and it's perils - AND THAT IS A BIG OFFER, FOR WE DO NOT
We will give the best advise to your rulers on what we believe is the course towards security and peace.

We will, of course, have a representative to your government present at all times, and we reserve the
right to know all that is transpiring - you do not have the right to keep secrets from us, especially when
we are helping you.

Now, I have gone farther than any phaerimm would have ever dreamed of going, in this offer of
I do this because we love Toril and we seek it's preservation, and we will make this EXTREME sacrifice
for it.

- - -

The dwarven ambassador announces that he will accept the terms of the shade of Queen Amlaruil.
The Maztican delegate and the Tuigan delegate follow suit, and the newly arrived delegates from the
continent of Kara-Tur also agree.
The phaerimm ambassador states it will agree to Amlaruil's terms if everyone agrees to IT'S terms.
The kender is too busy asking Ao questions to answer Amlaruil, but it is obvious to everyone how he
would answer.

- - -

The halfling ambassador, after recovering from his awe and terror of Ao, and the others, states:

I heartily agree.
This is a Realmspace debate.
The Outsiders from Limbo and Sigil have no part in this.
They were not involved in the first war, and they should not be involved now.

Just who do you think you are, busting in on this Court and uttering your edicts and your threats
against us?
We are the people of Toril, and we are not answerable to you!
We can take care of our problems very well without your interference, thank you.

If you don't like our problems, then get your butts out of this Court and go back to your own Realms!

I propose the following:

The halflings would join the Technocracy.
Then, the Phaerimm, the Technocracy, Hope Isle, the NeoIllithid, the Githyanki, the Dwarves, the
Gnomes, Zouron's Magocracy, and the Fiends if we must, assemble into a United Alliance.
We then proceed to utterly destroy the elves, both those of Maztica and those in their Fleet of
Vengeance, and we destroy the Humanoids, both those in the Humanoid Alliance and the Scro and
their Gith allies in Realmspace.

If you believe this is unreasonable, consider that Forrester, the representative of the Humanoids, has
not made ONE ANSWER to the shade of the Queen yonder.
And when he does, IF he does, we ALL know what his response will be: You elves are unreasonable,
you elves must pay, you elves are bad, etc.

And we ALL know what the shade of the Queen will do: she'll sadly (the halfling smirks) bow her head,
announce that it's all the Humanoid's fault, and go back to her undead sleep, and thus leave the rest
of us to fry in the war HER kind are preparing to bring upon us.
And I agree with Forrester - incredible! - that the Queen and her undead minions could IN NO WAY
control the Fleets of Vengeance!
Is she really trying to tell me that she and a few shades can talk a hundred thousand vengeful elves
with the largest elven Armada in history into backing off from a war they have spent 40 YEARS
assembling for?
Does she - literally - insult our intelligence by suggestion that she and her shades can TALK these
elves into FORGIVING the humanoids???
If she had a hundred thousand Helms of Opposition, THAT might do the trick, but words are cheap,
and actions count.

There is no way the elves and humanoids can coexist in peace.
I cite Forrester's silence as proof.
I cite the Scro's ambassador's silence as proof.
I cite Queen Amlaruil's blatant blackmail as proof.
I have heard one elf say he would forgive - I concede there are exceptions to every rule, but they ARE
exceptions, and not the rule.

The elves and the humanoids will start fighting again, and that will pull us all in, and then - in the
words of AO HIMSELF, our world will be Unmade.

(he almost cracks up in anger)

You call me a fool?
You tell me to shut up?

Unless you idiots can somehow talk the elves and the humanoids into agreeing to a REAL peace, this
planet and all of our hides are fried.
And I'm not exactly seeing the elves and the humanoids trying to make a real peace - they aren't
even close, they aren't even really trying!
I'm sick of their nonsense, and I'm sick of them.

(He points an accusing finger at Forrester and Queen Amlaruil, and his voice drips with hatred, anger,
and venom)

They started the war that nearly destroyed our world, THEY committed most of the destruction, and
THEY are the ones who should pay the price.

- - -

The Scro ambassador, now infuriated, replies to the halfling (since nobody has yet agreed to play him,
and Gruffmug is absent):

You little rat.
If you were not within the protection of this chamber, we would throw a Lifeproof on you, so that you
could never die, and then we would place you over a hot fire.
And enjoy your screams for the next couple of millenia.

We were assailed, without provocation or cause, by the elven Fleets in the First Inhuman War, and our
people were massacred.
Do you remember how we were exiled to the planet Winter by the elves?
And then, how they activated the Witchlight on that world, and killed the entire interned population?

Those few of us that survived hid, and we slowly rebuilt our strength, and our fleets, for a just
We took that vengeance on the Elven Imperial Navy of Realmspace, and it was a just action.
It was justice.
Justice for the millions of our people the elves massacred.

We did NOT start the war.
The elves started the war - everyone in this chamber, including the ELVES, have stated this is the case.
When our humanoid friends on Toril requested our help, we moved to aid an ally; it was a perfectly
reasonable act on our part, to come to the aid of a friend.

We did not cause the Month of Terror, although we SUFFERED enough from it - thousands of our
people died in Wildspace.
The elves caused the Month of Terror.
We did not cause the Cataclysm, the elves did.

If you must select a race as a scapegoat, it is totally unfair to point the finger at us.

Why don't you point your little grubby halfling fingers at the real criminals here, the elves?

If we all agreed to exterminate the elves, I think we could have peace.

I am considering Reprisal's offer of a Technocracy and World Forum, and we will consider it.
However, such a Technocracy and World Forum cannot exist when the GREATEST ELVEN ARMADA IN
HISTORY is about to descend on us, seeking our extermination.

- - -

The githyanki ambassador speaks, and she says:

I resent the insult to our Queen; the implication that her Lichdom somehow makes her a lesser being,
and I think the ambassador owes us an apology.
The githyanki concede the gravity of the situation, and we agree with the Chosen that expedience is
the best answer.

I must answer to the Queen, but I believe our colony in Realmspace can at the least ally with the
Technocracy, and we can send a representative to your World Court.

We do not wish hostilities with any of the races of Toril, although we are justifiably wary of the
NeoIllithid, and we know the Deep Illithid are our enemies - indeed, their ambassador arrived,
threatened you all, then disappeared!
We DO reserve the right to the territories we have gained on Luna, and those bases we have
established on Selune, and on Toril itself, as well as other planets.
However, we agree that there is security and strength in collective peace, and we offer our alliance to
the Technocracy and it's allies.
We will exist as an independent nation, but we will be your allies, and the Knights of the Githyanki will
(she smiles) battle alongside you, and they shall show your enemies just how a sword should be

Because we wish peace, we agree to the terms of Queen Amlaruil, although we resent this coercion.
We do resent the coercion, but we must agree to it; we have no choice.
We do not wish two great spelljamming Armadas using Luna as an archer's target shield. (she glares
at the scro ambassador and at the shade of the Queen.)

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 3669
posted December 04, 2001 07:46 PM

Honored Queen, this blackmail is not necessary for the negotiations for the survival of our race with
the more aggressive members of this assembly. I'm sure that if you called off the invasion fleet
(hopefully this is something you can do) with absolutely no terms except that past hatreds be laid
aside and that this conference go on without us biting each other's heads off, then I am certain that it
is possible for us to gain at least not being hunted down and killed by the Scro and Humanoids. And
Forrester, with all due respect, you repaid whatever debt we owed your kind back in the war. We
reduced you to nothing but savages in caves, you reduced us to nothing.


Persecution. Betrayal. Hatred. These things don't change. -The Maestro

Posts: 244 | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 04, 2001 07:49 PM

Moriartty rises slowly and bows lighty but solemnly to the God of Gods.

"I think there has been a misunderstanding here. My clients make no threats through me. They place
no demands through me. My clients who are the Sharn and Sigil are making a statement quite

He looks around the room at and stares for a moment at each person who holds the power to destroy

"That statement is quite simple. The Sharn and Sigil have worked together quietly for several years
now to create the necessary power to close Toril off from any sort of travel. This is via Spelljamming,
Etheral travel, Astral Travel, or any other method. Yes our power is not omnipotent and given time
many of you could break those seals. Those seals though would last at least a couple days against
even your combined effort. That is all the time the time we are looking for."

Moriartty pauses and waits for a reaction. When none comes he speaks further.

"Why you are wondering? Simple, my clients will only seal Toril IF any side or faction attempts a mass
migration OR launches an attack that will cause the armageddon. We know your powers, we know how
long Toril will last if any one of you lauch your doomsday weapons. My clients will only have to hold the
barrier up for a day or two to guaruntee that no one from Toril will escape armageddon and all of you
will die."

"My clients do not threaten to do this out of anger or bitterness. They do this out of self preservation.
My clients want to make sure that if madness truly takes hold in Toril on a planetary scale that it dies
on Toril. If peace is found here then my clients will put their spells away and leave things as they
always are. If that peace last a couple generations my clients may even destroy the spells and
artifacts they possess that will aid them in doing this as a sign that they accept what you have

"Remember this though. There is no threat made here by my clients. There is only a statement of
intent contingent upon all of YOUR actions."

"Furthermore if the gnomes decide to join the Technocracy then I personally Moriartty Belros of Sigil
would like to immediatly take the gnomes to court and have any and all gnomes directly related to the
death of my son put on trial for mass murder with a sentance of DEATH if found guilty. We shall see if
your Confederation is going to be as just as you suggest it to be."

As Moriartty finishes speaking he walks back and sits down. At the same time the four Sharn floating
around him move forward though none of them approach within 100 feet of the phaerimm. Suddenly
and without notice all 4 Sharn start putting their hands and mouths through dimensional gaps at a
rapid pace. The gaps open up all around the phaerimm that just finished speaking and in a matter of
seconds over 100 hands and jaws snap the air just inches from its body. A moment after this happens
a strange hmming can be heard.

"We are the Sharn. We are not animals and some of you would be good to remember the last time we
put you in your place. Threats and statements of superiority mean nothing when stated in the face of
foes like us that could wipe you down this easily while not even being in the same room as you. If you
long for your walled captivity again then continue on your course. Otherwise hold your arrogant tongue
and understand that you here among those that are your equals and those that are your superiors."

The 4 Sharn float back to their place and everyone can see a small smile on the face of Moriartty as
he reads through some of the paperwork on his desk.


Originally posted by Edena_of_Neith:
A few rulings:

Sigil is quite capable of closing all of the Gates from and to Sigil and Realmspace.
And yes, Sigian and Sharn mages, working together, can seal the Crystal Sphere (and
the City of Shade can then unseal it ...)
However, Sigil cannot otherwise cut off planar travel from Realmspace, via the
ethereal, astral, elemental, inner, or outer planes.

Perhaps the Lady of Pain could indeed do this thing, but it is beyond her jurisdiction.
The Lady of Pain is Neutral Incarnate, and she has absolute power over Sigil, but she
would not interfere in another plane directly.

The Sigilian mages and the Sharn are welcome to attempt to weave spells that would
ban all planar travel from Realmspace.
They could probably succeed if they really tried and worked together, and then what
the Sigilian and Sharn ambassadors are trying to accomplish WOULD BE accomplished.

That, of course, would be considered an act of war by most of the delegates present: an
active effort to alter the Weave so that Planar Travel is not possible, but it is UP TO THE
SIGILIAN/SHARN AMBASSADOR, what the Sigilian mages and sharn do.

Now, if the Sigilians and the sharn could talk other powers (such as the phaerimm and
the City of Shade) into helping them, it would be quite easy to ban all planar travel, and
maintain that ban, although it would probably still mean war (that would be up to the
rest of you.)

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 3531
posted December 04, 2001 08:09 PM

After the halfling delegate finishes his speech, Iuz once again raps his staff aginst the stone floor in

"Here, here, sir, again your race shows a desire to survive. If you want to keep living you must take
the lives of others before they can take yours. I have never put much stock in your race. Perhaps this
has been an oversight on my part?"

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: johnbrown ]


After all, it is all about having fun .....

Posts: 67 | From: St. Louis, MO, USA | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged


First Post
(Post 19) The Second IR

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 08:19 PM

Rough Power Levels:

The Technomancy: 10 + 200 for it's nuclear arsenal on it's starships and missile fields
The Humanoid Alliance: 9 + 50 for it's nuclear arsenal in it's missile fields + 40 for hoards of
humanoids gathered in other worlds ready to come to Toril
The ELVEN Alliance: 0 + 125 in their assembled Fleets of Vengeance gathered secretly in dozens of
Crystal Spheres
Zouron's Magocracy: 5 + 20 for it's undead legions + 50 for it's readied Undeath plague
The Thri-Kreen Nations: 2 + approximately 3 in help they could summon from Athas
The Tuigan: 1
The Nations of Kara-Tur: 15
The Nations of Zakhara: 8
The Phaerimm and Aboleth: 5 + 300 they could summon in help from the Elder Races (Cthulu's
minions) which they could not control once summoned
The City of Shade: 6 + 100 in Netherese they could bring forward in time (only they can pull that
The NeoIllithid: 4
The Deep Illithid: 7 + 150 in help from New Umbra
The Independent Dwarves: 3 + 10 in help from other worlds
The Independent Gnomes: 2 + 75 from their secret battle machines
Hope Island and it's Angels: 6 + 200 in help from the Upper Planes
Bran's Druids: 5 + 100 in help from the Elemental Planes
The Elves of Northern Maztica: 4
The Scro and Gith: 10 + 100 in assembled fleets of spelljammers from dozens of crystal spheres
The Githyanki on Luna and elsewhere: 7
The Defilers: 4 + 30 if their Dragon Kings arrived to take Realmspace for themselves
The Devils: 1 + 175 in help from the Lower Planes
The Demons: 1 + 205 in help from the Lower Planes and Iuz
The Chosen of Mystra: 20
The Faerie and Dragons: 20 + 50 if the Seelie Court gave their support + 200 if the Seelie Court
declared Total War.

The Sharn and Sigilians: 7 + 60 they could call in aid
The Slaadi: 200
The Eladrin: 50 (they can only bring a small part of their force)
The Angels (period, not affiliated with any of the above powers): 100 + 100 if they declared war (VERY
GREAT justification for that would be required to be presented to me)

Toril and Realmspace abide by the rules as given in the 3E Player's Handbook - they exist as shown in
the diagrams therein.

It is possible for all planar travel to be shut off by an alteration of the Weave - any of the great
powers could do this, given enough time.
If several of the great powers conspired together to do it, they could do it in a matter of weeks.
I will state NOW that such an attempt WILL be taken as an Act of War by the phaerimm and City of
Shade (not to mention what you people will do.)

The slaadi chaos wave is NOT gone or halted: it is merely delayed, and it will hit when the conference
Since the wave of chaos is an act of war, the slaadi player should consider that fact, and whether or not
the slaadi will reverse the wave of chaos (so that it does not strike at all) before the conference ends.

- - -

I have been asked how many people, in what manner and kind, live where and how on Toril.
That is asking me to create, on the spot, the entire 4th edition Forgotten Realms boxed set, plus all
And to decide, arbitrarily, just exactly how technology and magic have combined, in what way, how it all
works, and so on.
To answer the question is completely beyond my power.

I can, however, give a very rough outline:

The Humanoid Alliance currently holds most of Faerun north of the Sea of Fallen Stars, from the west
coast to the Hoardlands, and fairly far into the Frozenfar (which is no longer frozen.)
Due to the alteration of Toril's climate, this region has a temperate climate for the most part, with the
Frozenfar being subarctic.
The Humanoid Alliance has constructed enormous underground cities and factories, and warrens of
caves connecting them.
This is particularly true of the kobolds, who began the process.
On the surface, there are the great goblin cities, vast sprawling complexes of assorting housing,
factories, warehouses, experimental plants, government builds, all in a mesh of roads and alleys.
An ungodly sprawl of poles loaded with electrical lines, telephone lines, cable lines, and lines devoted
to magic and heaven knows what else, run along the vast network of paved roads the humanoids have
built, and one can hardly see the sky for the intertangled power lines.
Forests and fields have been removed ruthlessly to clear the way for vast machine farms, war plants,
military facilities, missile fields, and large numbers of humanoids who happen to want to live away
from the cities.

The Technocratic Commonwealth occupies all of Faerun south of the Sea of Fallen Stars, and the
eastern part of the Shining South.
Here, the Technomancy built great cities that actually look like small mountains, with outer walls that
can withstand the direct hit of enormous explosives and tidal waves, and sunk deeply into the bedrock
to resist earthquakes.
Great magical shields surround these cities on all sides, from Walls of Force to Prismatic Walls to other
magic, to protect the cities from a nuclear attack.
Out from the walls, often 1,000 feet high or higher, great skyscrapers and buildings soar up to a mile
high into the atmosphere, crowned with lights and majestic beauty.
Within the great warren protected by the huge outer walls, the Technocracy has provided it's people, by
magic and science, with homes, religious shrines, cultural centers, economic centers, and vast
magically illuminated greenhouse parks and gardens.
The military and government installations are at the very heart of the great cube, protected by extra
walls and magic, and offlimits to all who lack security clearance to enter the area.
The majesty skyscrapers are where the wealthy and powerful live, and where visiting emissaries come.
They also include the great spelljamming skylofts, but the landing fields for the Technocracy Starcraft
are away from the cities in NASA like setups.

There are no power lines in the Technocracy: electricity is magically moved to where it is needed, and a
gridwork of magical transfer stations, heavily guarded and fortified (and concealed) exists across the

There are also many older towns and cities in the Technocracy, which survived the Seven Year War or
which were rebuilt, and they are considered by the people of the Technocracy they way we would call a
place quaint or old-world style or victorian.
A large number of people live here, relying on the vast military missile armada and fleet of starships,
to protect them, eschewing living in the great fortified cube cities.

The climate of the Technocracy is subtropical to tropical.
The Technocracy is filled with verdant forests, for a massive replanting effort and new planting effort
has taken place (the Shaar, for instance, is halved in size.)
The Technomancy grows all of it's food underground, with the aid of the Dwarves and Gnomes, in vast
underground greenhouses.
Since these are such strategically vital places, they are surrounded by IMMENSE webs of tunnels,
chambers, and fortified walls, and standing armies man these labyrniths, ever on guard for enemies.

The dwarves and gnomes who do not live in the great cities, live in their own cities Below.
The dwarven cities are relatively unchanged, but the Gnomish cities are unrecognizable for what they
once were.

The Gnomish Cities are massive conglomerates of factories, experimental chambers, more factories,
more experimental chambers, homes, shops, government offices, strategic planning centers, and
other things.
Think of the Tinker Gnome city of Mount Nevermind and the city of San Francisco from Bladerunning,
mix the two together in equal proportions, then add in hundreds of thousands of energetic, bustling,
hurrying, eager gnomes, and you have the picture.

Zouron's Magocracy is more medieval, and it's greatest monuments are it's Magical Academies (think
of Harry Potter, but much greater.)
This is Halruaa as Halruaa would have become if all the mages in that land had decided to all become
visionaries and experimenters at once.

The actual region in question is the entire peninsula of Chult eastward to Dambrath, and northward to
the just short of the Lake of Steam.

Around the Lake of Steam is the Nation of the Phaerimm (for lack of a better word: the Phaerimm
have a name which nobody else uses.)
The Phaerimm themselves live in secret underground chambers that are - literally - impossible to find,
for it requires one to teleport first here, then there, then over there, then over here, each time utterly
special passwords and holding special tokens, and oftentimes taking certain actions, to access these
chambers - and any failure to perform the ritual EXACTLY right results in instant magical retaliation
and a horde of monsters descending on the unfortunate being in question.
The beholders, by the tens of thousands, live in great cave cities surrounding the sea, and the
phaerimm have taken the most promising, and created special Hive Cities for them deep
The aboleth, live in the Lake of Steam, and in the Underdark, and even the beholders stay away from
them: the aboleth will accept the lordship of the phaerimm and their alliance, but they will not willingly
associate with or tolerate any others.
Hundreds of thousands of mindless slaves service the aboleth in their strange underground and
underwater cities.

The Tuigan, the nomadic peoples of the Hoardlands, were driven from their homes by the war, and
retreated into the mountains to the south.
There, they called up the spirits of the land, and sealed the ways behind them with magic and

On Luna, the githyanki have built great cities, which co-exist in both the Material and the Astral Planes
(so, if astral travel is cut off, this will cause quite a mess ...)
Glittering towers of glassteel and glassmithril pierce the air, and there are great (and very ornate, very
beautiful) citadels that house the different factions of Knights.

On Selune, anything goes.
Selune is under the dominion of the scro and their gith allies.
The scro and their gith allies, have turned Selune into the trading mecca of Realmspace.
This is Waterdeep on a grand scale.
If you want it, and it can't be had elsewhere, it can be found on Selune.
If you want to cut business deals, Selune is the place to go.
If you want to engage in shadier practices, contact criminals and pirates, or engage in spying, Selune
is where it all happens.

There is no conformity to the cities, space docks, and spelljammer lofts of Selune, for each was built
by a different power or race, and the scro did not care what was built or how so long as the taxes were
Kender are VERY common on Selune.

On northern Maztica is the elven civilization from the world of Mystara.
These elves have covered their entire land in spells of invisibility and illusion, so that no method, via
technology or magic, can discover them, and the angels and Bran's druids helped them in this.
The elves live amongst the trees, in communities of structures made of living wood, and crystalline
rock raised from the depths of the earth and shaped by magic to the elve's desires.
The communities are tightly welded together by social and military unity, and answer to a military
center (not a city) where the elves plan strategy and access situations.
Although this military center is above ground, the elves have thrown all the magic they could into it's
protection, and they built it out of granite rock torn from the earth and shaped to their needs.

A rough, incomplete, look at things.

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Riot Gear
Member # 202
posted December 04, 2001 08:22 PM

"I, for one, believe that we should definately accept the Phaerimm's compromise."

The Eladrin stands.

"I will speak of something few of you may have known. I am an old, old creature, one of the eldest
there is. I have seen the darkest days of the Phaerimm, and they were truly black. In my youth, I
fought against the Elder Races. There is no way any of you could ever conceivably escape destruction
once within sight of their bloodied eyes."
"I have watched the Phaerimm these 40 years. Being forced to deal with lesser creatures such as
yourselves has lightened them greatly. Allowing them free reign over your lands would be far, far less
destructive than any attempt to restrain them, for they will not be restrained. Their power rivals the
heavens and the hells. To ignore them, or to see them as any form of power less than a demi-god,
would be VERY foolish."

He turns to the Phaerimm, and begins speaking in a language so ancient, so strange, even the
Beholders must struggle to translate.

"Good men do not hunt animals, but grow crops, or husband animals. As a Greater Species, I trust
that you will not hunt men, but grow crops, or husband golems. Your compromise is accepted by

He turns to the Elf queen and communicates silently.

"Please, call off your fleet if it is at all within your power. I KNOW Forrester would be willing to
compromise. He is angry and defensive but he is NOT unreasonable! I can convince him and the Scro
to be peaceful towards the Elves. Just give me time!"

He turns to the Unseelie diplomat.

"I'm sorry to have insulted you. My vision is limited. We very much hope for this meeting to end in a
certain degree of peace."

He turns to Ao. He bows.

"Creator, I am honoured by your presence. I hope I can honor you by preserving your creation."

He turns to the Circle of Eight.

"I hate you. You people SUCK."

He turns to the halfling.

"Whether they deserve it or not is irrelevant - This would be throwing Meteor Storms at a man warded
with a Contingency-Wish for his attackers death."



I love maces, I really do. That crunch noise is just SO satisfying, and the flying shards of bloody bone
- Well, that's just icing on the cake. :D

Posts: 1574 | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 08:38 PM

The Phaerimm ambassador looks at the Chosen in protest:

I offered a truly massive compromise, sacrificed immensely to make peace, and now the Sharn
ambassador threatens me, and is openly insulting.
I could issue the word, and the Elder Races would immediately arrive - before the Sharn or Sigilians
could seal anything.

And I might do just that, if I am shown discourtesy again.

(It's been deadly serious: it was already infuriated, and the sharn actions and statements have
pushed it to the brink.)

- - -

The shade of Queen Amlaruil looks at Forrester, who STILL has not answered her.

She says:

Forrester, emissary of the Humanoids, and you, emissary of the Scro, will you accept my requests, or
do you reject them?
I will not ask again: if you will not make answer, I will take that as a No answer on your part.

If you will not work for peace, I will not work for peace, and we will all go down together.

- - -

The halfling ambassador, seeing nobody is willing to stand with him, becomes infuriated further, and
looks like he is about to stomp out of the Court.

He mutters:

They are (deleted for Eric's grandmother's benefit), all of them.
They talk a good game, but when push comes to shove, they're chickens.
They want peace: there is no peace.
There will never be peace unless it is won by force of arms.

- - -

Laeral of the Chosen, who has been the Chosen Spokeswoman, hangs her head, looking frustrated,
sad, and even frightened.
The rest of the Chosen watch the proceedings with emotions ranging from sadness to anger to

Finally, Laeral speaks:

We are the Chosen of Mystra.
We CANNOT impose a solution on you: we are specifically forbidden by Mystra to do such a thing.
We cannot hold your hands, and treat you like children; you are not children.

You must find a way to ensure a lasting peace.
You must, by Mystra, find a way.

We will abide by whatever you decide, for this world belongs to you, and you must live in it.

We cannot endorse the Technocracy and World Court because we cannot interfere in the process of
discussion and negotiation you are engaged in.
We do not, however, condemn any of the solutions you propose: for example, we do not condemn the
solutions presented by the phaerimm.
We neither condone nor condemn.

We DO, however, entreat the slaadi to withdraw their Wave of Chaos, for it represents a direct
interference in the affairs of Realmspace by an Outside Power.
We do ask the Ambassador from Sigil to avoid attempting to seal Planar Travel from Realmspace,
except to Sigil itself - Sigil has a right to protect itself from our situation, but it does not have the right
to dictate terms to us by sealing us in.

We advocate self determination, and the slaadi and the ambassador of Sigil threaten to take those

If the slaadi will not recall their Wave of Chaos, we the Chosen will act to stop it ourselves.
If the Sigilians attempt to seal us in, excluding the Gates to Sigil only, we will take action to stop

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 08:42 PM

(Forrester, you around?)

The shade of Queen Amlaruil listens to the Eladrin's words (see the post above), then answers:

There are limits to penance.

The emisary of the humanoids must answer me.

And he must accept the consequences of that answer.

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged


First Post
(Post 20) The Second IR

Member # 3669
posted December 04, 2001 08:58 PM

*Balor looks nervously at the angering faces of the scro delegates* uh, Queen Amlauril, perhaps it
would be best if you didn't use threat of armageddon to get your way. Negotiations might go BETTER
when there isn't an axe hanging over everyone's heads.


Persecution. Betrayal. Hatred. These things don't change. -The Maestro

Posts: 244 | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 09:25 PM

The shade of Queen Amlaruil speaks:

I threaten nothing.

I choose to come out of my sleep to help my former enemies, the humanoids.

All I ask is that they put aside their hate and fear, and join with the elves in peaceful co-existence.

If they will not, then I will not help my former enemies.

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 04, 2001 09:29 PM

Moriartty looks at his sharn associates and some communication passes between them. Rising slowly
Moriartty walks across the room until be is nearly face to cone with the Phaerimm.

"Consider the acts by my associates not as threats but as statements in reply to your statements to
them. The Sharn are no more cattle then any other race here."

"Furthermore none of you have any idea how long it would take Sigil and the Sharn to close all access
to Toril. Making threats based on information you do not have is dangerous."

Finally know this. The people who murdered a son more dear to me than anything in existance are in
this room or living on this planet. Do you really want to put into my hands the key that could grant me
more than enough vengance for his death? You too would suffer for and die almost instantly if the
Elders are released. I would be willing to wager that since you possess the ability to release them you
would be one of their first targets of vengence since you refused to free hem earlier."

Moriartty walks back over to his desk and leans on it.

"All of this would happen while my associates and I stood safely within Sigil. So I say to you directly sir,
do not speal down to equals again within these confines. It will do you no good and in the end will do
great harm."

" I still though await an answer to my personal statement about the Gnomes and the legal system of
the Technocracy. Will they try the gnomes for mass murder?"

"Finally I speak to the Chosen of Mystra and I promise to make my clients statements as simple as
possible since they again seem to fly past you. My clients will only act to close this realm IF someone
here starts an attack that will cause the complete destruction of Toril. When that happens my client will
act in the best of interest of the rest of the universe and contain this madness and allow it to burn
itself out here like a contagion. This is not a threat. It is a fact."

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 09:35 PM

The Gnomish ambassador regards the emissary from Shadowdale (I must play this part out, I guess)
and says:

The initial sabotage against my people and our products was committed by elves, druids, and their
We suffered hundreds of deaths in this initial stage of attack.

The elves and druids stepped up their attacks upon us, actually sending teams of mages and clerics
in, sending strike teams in.
The result was the destruction of many of our projects, the collapse of major buildings, and the deaths
of several thousand of our people.

We attempted to negotiate with the elves and druids to convince their leadership to halt this
aggression, but it came to naught.

We felt, at that point, that a retaliation was in order.
A retaliation large enough and deadly enough to deter further attacks against us.

In that retaliation, your son was killed.
I wish to personally apologize for this, and apologize for the gnomish people.
I am quite sure your son was totally innocent and uninvolved in the aforementioned sabotage, and he
was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As restitution, we offer to resurrect your son, and we will offer an enormous sum in gold as

However, we will not allow our people to be brought before the courts of a foreign power, to face
foreign judges, to stand trial for crimes committed.
Nor do we acknowledge that we committed any crime: our retaliation was necessitated by the actions of
saboteurs, and deterrent was necessary to our strategic interests.

If you will accept my offer, we will resurrect your son, pay said enormous amount in gold, and we will
then consider the matter settled.
If you must insist that our people be tried in the courts of the Technocracy, and executed for crimes
they did not commit, obviously we will not cooperate.

The order to retaliate was given at the highest level, by our leadership.
You would put our leadership on trial, and have them executed, because of the death of your son?

We appreciate your grief, but what you propose is impossible as well as unreasonable.
Our leadership will not acknowledge your claims: you would have to fight a war and take them alive, in
order to try them in the courts of the Technocracy.

And aren't we here to prevent war?

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 09:42 PM

The phaerimm ambassador replies:

We are very pleased that the eladrin accept our compromise offer.
We hope that the human technocracy will accept, and that the others will follow.

We never stated the sharn were animals, nor do we state such now.
We recognize the sharn as standing with the dragons, the illithid, the githyanki, and the faerie,
amongst others, as being greater than animals.

I would like to point out that I, the phaerimm ambassador, have not engaged in visible harassment of
another ambassador, or other such abuse, but have conducted myself with the dignity of my race.

The sharn ambassador, however, has employed harassment and intimidation.
The sharn ambassador has also involved an Outside power, which has no place in this forum, and
encouraged this Outside power - Sigil - to utter threats and issue proclamations to all the rest of us.

We condemn the sharn for this, and we hope the others present will appreciate the insincerity and
duplicity of their ambassador, and we hope the assemblage will pay little heed to the words of the
For they are false.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Edena_of_Neith ]

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2760
posted December 04, 2001 10:01 PM


I shall have to be more obvious. The reason I asked about general population levels, Edena, is that it
seems as though the Commonwealth is going to be a Democracy -- even one with racial quotas!

As we all know, government under a Democracy can be likened to two wolves and a sheep voting on
what is for dinner. I am curious to find whether, under this Commonwealth, I have the numbers to
qualify for being the two wolves -- or whether anyone else does! Until I know an answer to this
question, I cannot fully consider the Technomancy's Commonwealth proposal. I am guessing that
given the Humanoids quick breeding, starting general great numbers, and technological ability to feed
whatever number of humanoids we have, we are quite, quite numerous. But I'd like some more
specifics, if possible, about *relative* numbers.
During this entire time, the humanoid delegate, who has kobold, orc, hobgoblin, and xvart blood running
through his veins, has been silent . . . considering.

He begins to speak.

Well . . . .


You wish an answer, Queen? You are impatient, for an elf. I will give you your answer . . .

At this point, you could hear a pin drop in the room. If a pin was dropped, which no pin is. Unfortunate, that.

My answer is . . .

All of the representatives lean forward, prick up their ears, and listen . . .

My answer is . . .


Boy, all you guys look so serious! You really need to relax a bit, boys. And girls.

My answer is that I do not believe that the Queen can control the mass of elvish troops that has
amassed to destroy us, and so it is pointless to even think about accepting her little deal. HOWEVER,
this is not a refusal.

If she can bring the leaders of the Elven forces to this conference, and get them to repent as she has
promised she can get them to repent, then yes, I will consider her offer.

For, you fools, all of you can prate on about this government or that government or whether this or
that race should be allowed to rule the world, but none of this changes the fact that the largest elven
fleet ever is about to pound the living hell out of our Home.

If we want peace, we MUST have a representative of this Fleet -- sorry, but I cannot take the word of
this walking corpse that she can stay the hand of a hundred thousand elves from ATTEMPTING to
wreak havoc on our world.

I ask the Chosen, who really should have known better, to extend an invitation to the head of these
fleets. We shall see whether the Queen's word is as important as she thinks it is.


Posts: 699 | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 04, 2001 10:09 PM

(very clever response, Forrester )

(I hope my imagination wasn't too lame, concerning my description of the countries and lands, in my
post up yonder.)

The shade of Queen Amlaruil considers this ...

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8099
posted December 04, 2001 10:15 PM

"The emissary from Sigil has a right to stay now due to his representation of the Sharn, but Sigil would
be well advised to keep their 'facts' to themselves from this point. I must agree that the 'fact' sounds
very much like a threat.

Very few of the ambassadors here had even considered Sigil, let alone thought of it as a place of
refuge. And the greater mass of beings on Toril would be unable to seek refuge in Sigil even if it were
their desire. The reaction of Sigil so far leads me to wonder if they had some part in the events being
discussed here."

"Regardless, as ambassadors, all of our persons are considered sacrosanct. It was bad form for the
sharn delegation to harass the phaerimm ambassador. I suggest a formal apology is required. If the
sharn wish to have an equal say here, they must observe proper decorum."

Valkys looks at Forrester and claps, adding in an amused tone, "I'm most impressed with your ability
to dodge a commitment. However, it isn't going to work. I think the majority of the delegates agree
that, should you agree to the Queen's terms and she fails to fulfill her part of the agreement, you
would be released from the contract.

Whether a representative of the Fleet appears here or not, you will be making the same decision.
Stalling tactics are unacceptable at this point, as time grows shorter.

*IF*, as I am beginning to suspect, you are not empowered to make such a decision by your
government, perhaps this Court, Council, Conference, or whatever one wishes to call it, would be better
of using the time you have requested to petition your government for a delegate who *is* empowered
to enter into such an agreement with the elves."

Valkys leans back in his seat, awaiting the responses from the other delegates.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Semirhage ]

Posts: 31 | Registered: Oct 2001 | IP: Logged

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Topic: (IR) All involved in the Gnomish IR: You are summoned by the Chosen to face charges
Member # 8099
posted December 04, 2001 10:35 PM

Valkys considers for another moment, "In fact... should Amlaruil be unable to meet her bargain, the
Unseelie will ally with the Humanoid Alliance for the duration of the conflict. That should satisfy all of
your qualms, *if* you are here to do anything at all, other than waste everyone's time."

Posts: 31 | Registered: Oct 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2760
posted December 04, 2001 11:12 PM


Originally posted by Semirhage:
Valkys considers for another moment, "In fact... should Amlaruil be unable to meet her
bargain, the Unseelie will ally with the Humanoid Alliance for the duration of the
conflict. That should satisfy all of your qualms, *if* you are here to do anything at all,
other than waste everyone's time."

I don't see a Power Level for you, Unseelie. Not that I like the idea of consorting with non-inhabitants
of Toril, anyway.

But just how powerful are you?

(Edena? Also waiting for the relative population numbers ).



Today's helpful LMTC Rule:

Sit at a table by yourself. We occasionally allow students to work together for a short time, but you
must ask first. The LMTC is a quiet study area, not a socializing area.

Posts: 699 | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8099
posted December 04, 2001 11:17 PM

OOC: It seems that I keep getting overlooked in that thing. The Unseelie are at least as populous as
the Seelie. And I *know* that you can find Unseelie on Toril, so we are also residents. Course...
everyone was afraid of them. Anyone read the Mage Hound stuff by Cunningham? No author
discussions, but since we're in a novel, we exist.

Besides, the point Valkys brings is entirely valid. All you're doing is stalling. I admire the tactic, but it
isn't going to save you from making the decision.

Posts: 31 | Registered: Oct 2001 | IP: Logged


First Post
(Post 21) The Second IR

Member # 62
posted December 04, 2001 11:25 PM

The door to the conference opens slowly, and a man dressed in a gray cloak steps in, closing the door softly
behind him. Without seeking to announce his presence, he walks up into plain sight before the Chosen.
Drawing back his hood, he reveals himself to be the elf Estlor, a leader in the Great War.

I offer my apologies to my tardiness in these proceedings. I come as the cha'DIch of the alien elves
of Maztica. It is I who summoned them here, and it is I who have led them since that day.

The elves of Maztica express sorrow that Toril is reduced to this. They have not dwelled here long, but
want only to see the land be reborn anew. To this end, I am authorized to proclaim two things. The
alien elves offer forgiveness to the humanoids for their role in the destruction of the native elven life
in this realm. The alien elves also offer their services to the Technocratic Commonwealth. They have
no wish to adopt your way of life or your beliefs, but they realize that only by acceptance of others can
Toril be reborn.

What I now say I say as Estlor alone and not as the representative of any land or nation.

The elf glances about the room before turning quickly to face the Chosen, pointing a finger at them

I hereby reject your authority on this matter. You offer us regret for your failure to act on matters? You
seek a quick resolution that will save your precious Toril? Preposterous! Your lack of action shows that
this gathering now serves only to stroke your gigantic egos! By Alix, it was the actions of the mortals in
this room that brought Toril to the brink of war and destruction. You make no attempts to deny that we
chose this path. But it seems our path does not suit you or your (Estlor spits on the ground) "goddess"
Mystra. Once again, like the "heroes" you are, you ride into the fray promising to aid us in making the
right decision.

For too many years we have sat idly by and allowed the gods of this realm to rule our lives. From the
threat of Kelevmor using us as building blocks if we did not worship one to Mystra's superfriends
bringing a message of doom to scare us into your line of thought our lives have been wrought with
nothing but mindless subservience to you and your kind. The war was the first time we as free-willed
mortals that we made our own decisions without concern or heed of what you thought. Did you learn
nothing from the time of troubles?

I forsake Mystra! I forsake her Chosen! I forsake all that dare call themselves gods among men. Your
place was in an age long past. Your time ended when Forrester commanded the humanoids to slay the
elves and defile Evermeet. This is OUR time now. If we destroy the world, so be it. If we save it, so be
it. I would rather see the elven fleet obliterate all of Toril than watch it be remade to dance to your

Estlor directs his attention to the manifestation of Ao

And you, how you can even dare to enter this place! Creator of Toril, abandoner of people. You sit on
the sidelines claiming full neutrality only to make yourself known when it best suits your prestige.
Consider me ungrateful for creating my kind, but you are not needed either!

Estlor turns to face all those gathered here

Don't you see? This meeting is artificial. Whatever results from it will be endebted to and guided by
the gods once more without concern for our own needs and hopes. The time to revere these pitiful
creatures has passed. Drow, turn away from Lolth. What has she gained you? Enslavement by the
illithids and hatred of others. Others, ask yourself what your god has done for you? I am sure you will
see nothing is the answer. If the "greater powers" loved this world, they would have done something
before it became convenient for them to save the day.

This gathering is a joke.


The Lighthouse Webmaster
"More conversions, less talk."

Posts: 514 | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 3669
posted December 05, 2001 12:09 AM

Actually, we elves weren't created by Ao. Corellon Larethian is our creator. He is the creator of all elves,


Persecution. Betrayal. Hatred. These things don't change. -The Maestro

Posts: 244 | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2368
posted December 05, 2001 12:44 AM

((DocMor, I can't seem to find your questions pertaining to the Commmonwealth and the legal
system. Could you reiterate, please?))

Surprised at Lord Forrester's statement about possibly joining the Commmonwealth, I smile a bit, and
then realize how monumentously difficult it would be to integrate such a society into the
Commonwealth. I would excuse myself from the proceedings to speak with my peers and subordinates
on the matter.


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

Posts: 223 | From: Parksville, BC, Canada | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 05, 2001 02:23 AM

To answer Forrester's questions:

The Technocracy Commonwealth has 50 million beings.
The Humanoid Alliance has between 250 million beings.
Zouron's Magocracy has about 10 million people and an equal number of undead
The dwarves number several million
The gnomes number several million
The halflings number around half a million
The kender number ... well nobody knows how many kender there are ... more than half a million.
The Tuigan number a few hundred thousand.
The people of the continent of Zakhara number 100 million.
The native people of Maztica number several million, but that's spread out over the entire continent.
The elves of Northern Maztica number under a hundred thousand.
Bran's druids number in the tens of thousands, but the sentient or semi-sentient trees they represent
number in the billions (which is to say, only a tiny percentage of trees on Toril are sentient or
semi-sentient, by the way)
The nations of Kara-Tur number from a few million to 100 million.
The people of the 4 other continents on Toril number roughly half a billion beings.
The githyanki of Luna number only a few tens of thousands, and a few tens of thousands dwell
The neoillithid also number several tens of thousands.
There are probably 30 or 40 million beings on Selune, but three quarters of the population there is
The scro and gith combined number over 100 million.
No population projections are possible for the deep illithid ... it is enough to say they number over one
million, and they are NOT interested in the democratic Technocracy.
The phaerimm number under under ten thousand, and their beholder slaves around one hundred
Nobody knows how many people live in the City of Shade
How many peoples live on the other worlds of Realmspace is not known.

Power Level of the Unseelie: 15 + 40 if the Unseelie Court threw it's support into the war + 100 if the
Unseelie Court declared Total War (yes, the Unseelie are weaker that the Faerie!)

- - -

Queen Amlaruil regards Forrester coldly, and speaks:

So, you choose to play games, humanoid?
Very well.
I shall play your game, and let all witness that I have gone along with the requirements of the
humanoid emissary.

She disappears, then reappears with about 10 elves, and a force field of magic goes up around them
for protection.
She looks at them, they look at her: their communications are entirely telepathic, and their
conversation is occurring under a Tempus Fugit and under telepathy combined: they are conversing at
60 times the speed of normal communication.
The 10 elves momentarily are surprised, then amazed, then awed, as they learn where they are.
Then they are attentive, then they are astonished and angry, then they are VERY ANGRY, then they
are ... well, there isn't any word in the English language that describes how angry they are.

Through all this, Amlaruil maintains her composure and calm, but her stare - directed at the elves -
turns as cold as a glacier, and her face as hard as adamantite.

Then, Amlaruil is heard to say, clearly and loudly, by ALL present in the Court, the following:

You shall forgive, and YOU SHALL REPENT.
If you do not, I and the Watchnorns will exact a punishment on you that elves eons from now will
shiver in memory of.
You shall come to Realmspace, and you shall lay down your arms, and YOU SHALL behave as civilized
beings, and take your part in the greater civilization they are building here.

(Strength of Amlaruil and the Watchnorns: 50 + 50 from help they can summon)

The elves regard Amlaruil as if she had gone quite mad, then some smirk.

Amlaruil regards them, and then speaks in a no-nonsense tone:

We can read your thoughts, we know your intentions, you cannot hide from us, you cannot escape if we
choose to find you.
You will be monitored constantly by us, your thoughts will be probed constantly by us, your spirits are
like clear glass - or glass stained black sometimes - to us.

The elves glare at her in amazement, incredible anger, and contempt, and one says:

Well then, we just won't come at all.

Amlaruil replies:

YOU WILL COME. And you will help these people, and many will find love for Toril in their hearts, and
they will stay when we release the rest of you from your obligations.

One of the elves mutters that this is insane, that Amlaruil can in no way enforce this, and his fleet will
do as it (deleted) pleases.

Amlaruil smiles grimly, and says to that elf:

As you spoke those words, the Watchnorns have been observing all your ships and elves thereupon.
Distance is not a factor for us.
Shall we make an example of some of your people? Does your mind require such proof?

The elf glares, says something that would get me kicked off the ENBoards if I repeated it, then
He reappears within the minute, white as a ghost, terrified, and he stutters that he will accept
Amlaruil's terms.

The other elves, upon seeing this, each disappear and reappear, and all of them look stricken, afraid,
angry, and some look at the Queen in awe.
All mumble agreements to come to Realmspace and abide by the Queen's demands.

Amlaruil then speaks:

I know the falseness in these statements, and I know where your hearts lie ... I and my people
suffered the consequences of such darkness as lies in your spirits, and are paying for it.
You WILL learn forgiveness, and you WILL learn repentence, and YOU WILL cooperate with myself and
my people.

The elves then turn to Forrester, and - sullenly, with hatred written on their faces, contempt and anger
screaming from them - they mumble that they will make peace with the scro and humanoids.

The shade of Queen Amlaruil then looks at Forrester, and says:

We the spirits of the elves who were, have kept our agreement, and we will constrain the People to the
conditions I have named.
But they shall be restrained only in regards to those people who agree to meet the terms I have
required from you.
You must agree to my terms, all of them, in full, and in spirit.

What say you, Forrester?

- - -

At this point, the drow breaks out into laughter more hysterical than before, if that is possible.
Tears of mirth rolling down her face, she comments:

Queen Amlaruil has just laid the seeds of civil war amongst her own kind, and the seeds of hatred
between elf and elf!
How amusing. How delightfully, deliciously wonderful! Lolth will be well pleased by this.
And the humanoid STILL won't agree to her conditions, and she'll be left out in the cold, her people
cast out by all the other elves!
Or, should I say, her undead people?
What a show. The humanoids and the elves, like pretty dolls children smash and break as a game,
mimicking the behavior of the real thing.
And now, the elves are forever divided!

As for the drow, we reject your accords utterly, o Queen of a piece of empty ocean.
We utterly reject the Technocracy. We think the only thing humans and demi-humans are good for is
as slaves and sacrifices, and humanoids don't even make good slaves.
We bring the power of Lolth, and by the power of Lolth the drow will conquer, and the drow will be
supreme, even if we have to wait that million years that idiot woman there spoke of!

- - -

The halfling ambassador then mutters:

I've changed my mind.
I no longer say we all unite, and kill the elves and the humanoids.
I say we all unite, kill the elves AND the drow AND the humanoids.

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Edena_of_Neith ]

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2368
posted December 05, 2001 03:03 AM

((I, as a player, do not know what DocMorriarty is refering to when he speaks of the death of his son.
Is it in the original thread?))

"Any trials against alleged international criminals would be prosecuting in the International Court of
Justice (ICJ), which would be a part of the World Council Organization (WCO). Of course, these things
will have to be ratified in the WCO's General Assembly, once that, in and of itself, is established.

"We have a plan, a nigh-comprehensive one, but we need to flesh out the details fairly soon if results
are what you need.

"Also, I am sad to inform Lord Forrester that all parties in our Commonwealth Chamber and nearly
seventy-five percent of the states in the Commonwealth Senate are opposed to the Humanoid Alliance
joining, in its entirety, the Technocracy. This is not to say I am opposed, but at this juncture, I am
utterly out-voted. They speak of several concerns: (1) the huge economic investment in such an
endeavour may be too costly in comparison to the benefits, (2) several of the member nations and a
big percentage of all the other member races, even the humanoids themselves, are opposed to the
Humanoid Alliance's population usurping their voices in the primary legislative house, the
Commonwealth Chamber... Many of them fear that the Humanoid Alliance will simply conquer the
Commonwealth by virtue of assimilation on a social and cultural level.

"That being said, we are will to enter into an agreement of sorts on the political and economic level.
When I suggested such a project, there was still some opposition because such an organization is not
in the interest of internationalism. What I believe is that we should focus on establishing a set of rules
and regulations pertaining to the entire international stage, in other words the World Council
Organization, before we start thinking of other InterGovernmental Organizations (IGOs)."

((Perhaps we should start another thread pertaining to the establishment of the World Council
Organization. The Commonwealth would be more than happy to host the talks in their capital,
although Hope Island would also be a good place to start one. If everyone agrees to such a thread, I
could start one and my character could chair the meeting.))

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Reprisal ]


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

Posts: 223 | From: Parksville, BC, Canada | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 3707
posted December 05, 2001 03:23 AM

*zouron smirks and glances around*

I for one stand behind Forrester and believe he has the power to govern his people, I also reject the
commonwealth since it refuses to take in my ally Forrester.

And as for the powers that come from the outside of Toril, get lost! you are not wanted this is our world
not yours. Slaadi, Sigil, or whatever dirt hole you originate from, you don't see us suddenly invading
your home making all kinds of demands now do you? be nice and good and do the same.

*smirks and turns to Forrester*

While we do rarely stand eye to eye on agreement, I stand behind you here against their judgements
against you. I will not start another war to elimnate elves and so on, but if these... intruders start
invadking I will stand with you and offer you the security of my closed demiplane if such should be

*turns to the assembly*

Unless we can stop harrashing and degrading each other, and start something real, I am gone from
this meeting, even if it means isolation.


Alone is something we all are
only far away voices breaks the silence
whom wish to escape
this labyrinth of loneliness
we fumble our way, but finds nothing
because here are no walls
only the fear's angst
keeps us apart

Posts: 158 | From: Hvidovre, Denmark | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2368
posted December 05, 2001 03:25 AM


The slaadi chaos wave is NOT gone or halted: it is merely delayed, and it will hit when
the conference dissolves.
Since the wave of chaos is an act of war, the slaadi player should consider that fact, and
whether or not the slaadi will reverse the wave of chaos (so that it does not strike at all)
before the conference ends.

((Wish I had read this earlier...))

"The ... Ambassador of the Slaadi has not taken into account that our stockpile of 'doomsday'
weapons is what has kept us out of another war for the past forty years. We are only at peace right
now and for those past years because they exist. Do you really believe that he absence of such
weapons will create more peace, or less? I'm inclined to believe the latter, simply because the vacuum
would have to be filled with conventional forces, which are more volatile than strategic forces such as
our nuclear weaponry."


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

Posts: 223 | From: Parksville, BC, Canada | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2368
posted December 05, 2001 03:33 AM

"I agree with Zouron on the matter of sovereignty and the right to self-determination of those native
to Toril. I, for one, see no reason why such parties as the Slaadi and the Sharn have their noses in our
business. It seems like opportunism far more than an actual interest in the affairs of our world.

"As for rejecting entrance into the Commonwealth, I understand your point. I too am disappointed by
the result, but the nation has spoken. Originally, the invitation was to be made to nation-states who
needed to be developed and protected. Both the Humanoid Alliance and the Magocracy are more than
able to stand on their own feet. Entrance into the Commonwealth is optional and subject to
Parliamentry ratification, but I hope this does not change your position in relation to the
Commonwealth. We have never considered the Magocracy enemies, and hope to develop economic
treaties with you some day down the road.

"Also, I also hope the World Council Organization will be realized. We need some concrete ground to
stand on whilst we talk about the affairs of state."


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

Posts: 223 | From: Parksville, BC, Canada | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 05, 2001 03:42 AM

Hazedil is sadened by Astlor words.
"Astlor, you are blind. The gods are powerful, indeed, but against foolishness the gods themselves are
powerless. You accuse them of tyrany, but we have ever been free-willed, all of us. Gods are not
superior being using Mortal as tools or slaves, Gods are the incarnation of Mortal's feeling, aspirations
and beliefs. In fact, we are more free-willed than Gods, cause we determine what they are. The drow
are not evil because their worship Lloth, they worship Lloth because they are evil.
And if you ask me what Lathander as done for me... It's His power who has give life back to my elven
great-father, as well as thousands of other elves, half-elves and humans, who have been killed by the
stupidity and hatred of Mortals. If all run as we want, I invite you to visit one of our cities, by example
SongeWood. There you will see why we are following Lathander,The God who hold dominion on Dawn,
Renewal, Creativity, Youth, Vitality Spring and Birth, and why we aggree with the Ethos he represents."

He then turns to the speaker of the Sharns and the Sigillian
"Moriartty, your pain is as great as was those of my father when he came back to Toril, 40 years ago.
But rather than seeking revenge against the killer of his family, he worked really hard to rebuild what
he can. Now, all this work risk to be destroy. This can't happen. We won't allow it. We have decided,
whatever the rampaging madness can cause to save as most people as we can, by planeshifting them
in the domain of our Lord. This is not to save our life, but to save the Life. We want to be able to
come back later to revive Toril. Lathander is the Lover of Chauntea, and Toril is the body of Chauntea,
in the same way that the Weave is the body of Mystra. We will never let she die. We will never let her
disappear. We don't plan to wage war against anyone. We don't plan to even defend ourselves against
aggressions : we just want to keep peace, and if we are unsuccessful, to leave the material plane for a
while. Do not try to halt us. We do not spread the madness your clients fear. Rather the contrary : if
Toril is utterly destroyed, if we haven't been able to preserve a part of it, there will be a gate to
Nothingness open in this cosmic system, and it will propagate through the plane of shadow to all the
other, Sigil included. Anyway, I must say that no barrier will resit to the raw power of the greater Gods
of Toril and their united followers : Lathander is all you want, but resignation and fatalism he is not,
and he will even disobey to Lord Ao to save his Love and his Followers."

To the representant of the Technomancy
"Reprisal, I'm waiting your reply"

Then he turn his head to the Githyanki ambassador :
"You have made a good point about the Deep Illithids : as we are here, trying to preserve peace, they
are preparing the destruction of all living surface races. Worst, in our point of vue, they plan to use the
very light of the Sun to kill. It's what we believe to be a cosmic rape. They will have a surprise if they
ever try to fullfill this."
(OoC : Edena, mail incoming)

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 05, 2001 03:42 AM

The Gnomish ambassador replies:

We were thinking of joining the Technocracy, or at the least allying with it.
But, we are not by Elysium going to allow our people to be tried in a foreign - or, world, or spherian, or
whatever - court, and executed for crimes they did not commit.
If that is the price of joining the Technocracy, or the price of your alliance, we will reject the

However, I once more would like to say with urgency that the gnomes DO support the idea of the
demoncratic technocracy, we WOULD be happy to throw our support - both culturally and militarily - to
their side, and we believe that the collective strength of the Technocracy would lead to mutual security
and peace (The Dwarven ambassador mutters: peace in strength).
We have offered to resurrect this man's son, and to pay a huge indemnity in gold for his losses, and
that is sufficient reparation.
We are a just people, the gnomes, and we are offering restitution to the wronged.
We will not, however, tolerate institutionalized injustice against us.
The choice is yours.

- - -

Upon hearing the Technocratic Representative announce that many (if not most) of the humanoids will
not be allowed into the Technocracy, most of the Chosen sigh in exasperation.
But there is nothing they can do about it, and they have to answer yet another accusation directed
against THEM:

Laeral steps aside, and Alustriel, who alone among the Chosen has remained totally calm and serene,
speaks, in her quiet, gentle voice:

We acknowledge the mistakes we have made.
We have said there were consequences, and that we would be required to answer for all our deeds.
Such is the responsibility of power, and we accept the responsibility.

If Toril dies, we will not.
Upon it's dead surface will we walk, and we shall not be alive, but shall exist in undeath. Not the
peaceful undeath of the Watchnorn, but the tortured undeath of the spectre.
For the Weave will be forever ruined, and as the Weave is ruined, so will we be ruined.
And we shall remain that way, for all eternity, until the Sun itself finally expands and burns red in the
sky, and finally our suffering is ended in it's purifying flames.

That is the price of our failure, should you choose to destroy yourselves, and with yourselves the world
of Toril.

We are not the Makers, or the Overseers of the Planes.
We are bound by the dictates of the Gods as truly as you are, and Kelemvor's Wall awaits us if we are
unfaithful truely - although that would be a mild punishment compared to the wrath of Mystra.
We cannot force you to accept a patron diety; all we can accomplish is to educate you concerning the
realities of the Afterlife you face, then allow you to make your own choices.
Indeed, we have striven to educate, and to encourage self teaching, and thus to bring empowerment
and enlightenment, amongst all the races, and allowed them to choose their own ways.
As much as was possible within the dictates of Mystra.

Thus, we permitted the Gnomish inventions, and we permitted the elvish retribution - we were NOT
actively aiding the saboteurs, nor did we condone their actions; we simply did not interfere - and we
did not interfere with the gnome counter-retribution.
We are not guilty in the Making of the Seven Year War; unless it were that we did not exercise our
power to stop it, and thus reduce the free races to chattel under our rule.

You must accept the responsibility for yourselves, your actions, and the consequences.
In so doing, you will find the answers you seek, and you will bring redemption to both yourselves and
us in so doing.

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged


First Post
(Post 22) The Second IR

Member # 1235
posted December 05, 2001 03:55 AM

The Phaerimm ambassador rises up, and irritably states:

I keep hearing from these powers from other Crystal Spheres and Planes, uttering their proclamations
and threats from the safety of those places, while we face the threat of annihilation.
I speak specifically of the Sigilians and of the Slaadi.

And then there are the Faerie, who turn their backs upon us and in so doing, doom us all to a slow
death - for without the Faerie the Weave will fail - and they release impossible demands upon us from
the safety of their own realms.

Well, that shall now all change.

If the slaadi do not banish their Wave of Chaos - yes, we know of it! - the Elder Ones will be released
upon Limbo.
If the Sigilians attempt to close all Planar Travel to and from Realmspace, excluding the city of Sigil
itself - they are entitled to that - then we shall release the Elder Ones in Sigil.
And if the Faerie turn their backs upon us, and will not participate in this forum, and they abandon
Realmspace, the Elder Ones will be released in their Realm.
Those who choose to wreak destruction upon Toril and Realmspace, then flee to other planes - be they
pocket dimensions or New Umbra itself: shall find the Elder Ones released in their safe holes.

Nobody has the right to negotiate from a position of ... I'm fine no matter what happens, so I can
make any demands I want, and you can like them or lump them.
We don't have to take that out of any race or power.
Everyone is in this (the phaerimm gives the phaerimm colliqual equivalent of the words stew pot), and
there everyone shall remain, until answers are hammered out.

Am I understood?
We regret the necessity of this threat, but arrogant demands, from those who think themselves safe
from all harm, whether we are destroyed or not, are not welcome at this Court, and we will not tolerate
it any longer.

We are all in this together, and the phaerimm intend to enforce that reality upon those who would
wheedle their way out of this situation.

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 05, 2001 04:04 AM

(reads and acknowledges, then replies to, Aloisius's e-mail ... I hope the answer was satisfactory)

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 05, 2001 04:08 AM

The Chosen look distraught when they hear Zouron's proclamation that he may be about to walk out
of the Court.
For they know that if one emissary walks out, others will follow, then the conference will break down,
and ... well ... the dice will have been thrown and they will have lost the game.

But they do not ask Zouron to stay. They say nothing. They do nothing. They look miserable.

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 3707
posted December 05, 2001 05:03 AM

*zouron turns to the Chosen ones*

I can see your concern that I will leave will bring more with me, and that indeed is the intent of my
statement, which I will back up if nessecary. Too many judge the humanoids silence far too quickly,
especially amougn those races whom have proclaimed to ahve endless patiency, well clearly this is not
the case. Thus this is why I show my own disgust for such in tolerant and self appointed superiority, by
leaving them to it, if they are unable to get past that.

* turns to the phaerimm and bows his head slightly*

good to hear that some still keep their heads cool and speak wisely under such negotiations such as

*zouron looks to the technocracy commonwealth*

Trade pacts, knowledge exchange are more then welcome at all times and I gladfully accept such. As
for the fact my nation can stand on our own does not instantly mean that the desire not to be part of a
better for all is smaller, but sometimes even small nations, must turn their back on a clear benefit if it
breaks their principle.

As for the World Council, it's role should be considered carefully, but at least it IS a forum for people
of all races to communicate. and no matter size one representive should be right. The many are not
always correct one must remember.


Alone is something we all are
only far away voices breaks the silence
whom wish to escape
this labyrinth of loneliness
we fumble our way, but finds nothing
because here are no walls
only the fear's angst
keeps us apart

Posts: 158 | From: Hvidovre, Denmark | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1235
posted December 05, 2001 05:51 AM

The phaerimm ambassador looks at Zouron, and says:

Would you be interested in accepting the compromise my race has offered?
The eladrin have already accepted, and we were hoping others would, too.

Posts: 1566 | From: Michigan, United States | Registered: Jan 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 3707
posted December 05, 2001 06:40 AM

*zouron thinks for a long time, in silence studying the phaerimm, then slowly says*

it is a huge thing to say yes or no to, definitively, I had hoppe to wait until more had accepted or
rejected your suggest, so they could voice their opinion and I had a chance to weight the good with the
bad of it.

I can say though, that I am more then willing to accept it on trial... and if it works well then it continues
if not... it is a mighty amount of power to give away.

Can you accept that we once every fifth year find together and discuss how this arrangement has
advanced and make any needed changes? and if we in 10 periodes both find it acceptable in the form
it will be permanent?


Alone is something we all are
only far away voices breaks the silence
whom wish to escape
this labyrinth of loneliness
we fumble our way, but finds nothing
because here are no walls
only the fear's angst
keeps us apart

Posts: 158 | From: Hvidovre, Denmark | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 05, 2001 06:59 AM

(totaly OoC)
Arghhhh! who is parasiting this discussion with such stupid message" Fatal error: Maximum execution
time of 30 seconds exceeded in
D:\site1\cgi-bin\enboards\ubb\cache-B2N8IS49\ubb_files\forums\Forum29\000263-11.cgi on line
(Is there a way for me to read the thread without these bugs ?)
Edena : I have answered your answer. I want to point the fact that we will never strike first. (anyway,
one year is... long. )

Hazedil smiles to the Queen Amlaruil and to the Elven captains : "I thank you all for your good
behaviour. Now, peace is not only a dream but it can be a reality. And with peace will come life. With
peace the wounds of the past will heal. The one you have come to avenge are already back, returning
from death to life, and their number is growing each day : with peace, they will be able to live in
harmony in this world. As you know, it's far more difficult to create, or recreate, than to destroy, but it
is far more rewarding. And to you Queen, I apologize for some of the comments I may have done
against you. Your wisdom is undeniable. As I said before, the Church of Lathander is ready to help you
to join Arvandor, or, if you prefer : Faerun, not as an undead being, but as living one. Many of your
subjects have already been resurected. I'm waiting your reply."

Then he turns to the drow representant, with a soft smile. His voice his of pure compassion, without the
slightest taint of anger or hate : "You are wrong, little drow girl. The seeds you are speaking are an
illusion. As the power you think you are holding. Your Godess has ever be a minor one, and she is
insane : you will ever fail. In fact, with the destruction of the faerunian drow, her power here is nearly
equal to zero. In Realmspace she has only one follower : you, while even Eilistraee has a few dozen,
resurected by our service. And, as you know, the absolute rule established by Ao is that the power of
the Gods is fonction of the number of their follower. You are nothing. I really pity you"

He then turn his head to the Phaerimm ambassador: "If I disagree with your philosophy, I however
recognize that you have more wisdom than many other here. You have established a sort of Hierarchy
among the races, with some being superior, and other inferior, the superior governing the inferior ?
And if I'm right, among the superior races you place the Celestials ? So, logically, you place the Power
who are able to create the Celestials, and who command them, above the Celestials ? We obey to
such a power, so you don't have to bother of our supposed irresponsability. Even if I'm myself a
simple mortal (it's not the case of some of our High Priest, who have transcended this state), I can
give you further garanty : the Church of Lathander, nor the cities, states or other entities under its
influence will never act against you. I think we don't need your teaching, since we have err... other
sources, concerning the arcane mysteries. I have the distinct feeling that you don't appreciate the
company of humans, or elves or any other humanoid races, so don't bother with us : we have enough
wisdom not to reproduce errors akin to those commited during the last wars by the various forces. I'm
of course disponible for all specific negotiations, in order to allow a peaceful coexistence between your
race and the people under the responsability of our Church."

He speak to all the people present. His voice is calm, with just a little feel of exhalted optimism.
"Well, the futur look somewhat brighter, now ! What do we have to do ? We are waiting for the
humanoids reply... We need the departure of Iuz, the demons and Devils... We must deal with the
deep Illithids, either by negociation or by forces... We must obtain the closure of the door's to Limbo
and the departure of the Slaads... We must obtains the end of the Sigilian threats...That's all... Oops,
I just forget our dark skinned friend here : we must stop the drow from other planes to interfere... I
think we need only a few more hours to solves this problems."

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 523
posted December 05, 2001 07:37 AM

As I have absoloutly no Internet at home...sorry for not replying to the plethora of comments and
such...should have made a final post before I left work.

As to doomsday weapons stopping the war and their destruction starting it, that would be true, if the
very fabric of Toril didn't become mutable at the same time. Try fighting a war when the Realm under
your feet changes faster than quicksilver, and the only people who can do anything about it are the
common folk, as they are the only ones being taught by the ambassadors at the current time.

The purpose of the "Chaos Wave" isn't to rule or enthrall anyone or even turn Toril into a new Limbo
(which has much changed from what all the reps know) it's to get everyone to lay down arms because
they'll be too busy just trying to survive, will people die, well yes. but not on the large scale of the
wars...if the war is carried to Limbo the Slaadi control of the plane gives them vast power, maybe even
enough to stop the "Elder Ones", they're used to seeing things like that and spitting in their face, and
if they die...they can always say they tried SOMETHING, which is pretty much more than most other
reps can say (though there are a few good ideas floating about).

Slaazor speaks:

"Lord AO we abide by your decision, and will hold our power in abeyance until the conference ends."

"Honored representatives, if you have reached a settlement by the time the conference ends, and thus
represent no threat to Limbo and the rest of Creation, we will return to Limbo, those who wish to join
us may and they will be taught the ways of Chaos shaping"

"If you have not agreed, then you will learn these ways on your own, whether you like it or not."

To the Phaerimm: "We would gladly die to save the Realms, and fight the Elder Ones to our last bitter

To Edena: Unless I say otherwise, at the first sign of war/end of conference without some peaceful
resoloution, the Slaadi unleash the "Chaos Wave". If someone makes a pre-emptive strike on Limbo
or the Slaadi Lords gathered at the conference the same happens.


Evolve or Die.

Entropy Sucks.

Posts: 189 | From: Cookstown/McGuire AFB, NJ | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 05, 2001 07:43 AM

Moriartty looks up from his reading for a moment.

"If you think you can force an apology out of my client the Sharn you are welcome to try. I merely
represent them. I do not attempt to order them around in any way."


Originally posted by Semirhage:
"The emissary from Sigil has a right to stay now due to his representation of the Sharn,
but Sigil would be well advised to keep their 'facts' to themselves from this point. I
must agree that the 'fact' sounds very much like a threat.

Very few of the ambassadors here had even considered Sigil, let alone thought of it as
a place of refuge. And the greater mass of beings on Toril would be unable to seek
refuge in Sigil even if it were their desire. The reaction of Sigil so far leads me to wonder
if they had some part in the events being discussed here."

"Regardless, as ambassadors, all of our persons are considered sacrosanct. It was bad
form for the sharn delegation to harass the phaerimm ambassador. I suggest a formal
apology is required. If the sharn wish to have an equal say here, they must observe
proper decorum."

Valkys looks at Forrester and claps, adding in an amused tone, "I'm most impressed
with your ability to dodge a commitment. However, it isn't going to work. I think the
majority of the delegates agree that, should you agree to the Queen's terms and she
fails to fulfill her part of the agreement, you would be released from the contract.

Whether a representative of the Fleet appears here or not, you will be making the
same decision. Stalling tactics are unacceptable at this point, as time grows shorter.

*IF*, as I am beginning to suspect, you are not empowered to make such a decision by
your government, perhaps this Court, Council, Conference, or whatever one wishes to
call it, would be better of using the time you have requested to petition your
government for a delegate who *is* empowered to enter into such an agreement with
the elves."

Valkys leans back in his seat, awaiting the responses from the other delegates.

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Semirhage ]

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 05, 2001 08:05 AM

"My client would like to point out that the Sharn are a primeval race from Toril. They were here using
great magic before most of the other races here; minus The Phaerimm and Aboleth, had even
dragged themselves out of the muck. I would suggest that you not continue to call them outsiders."

Looks over at the Phaerimm speaker.

"Make whatever bold statements you want to. As I have been forced to repeat for my clients over and
over again, they are not making threats of any sort. Any use of a doomsday weapon by someone here
will result in the end of all life on Toril no matter what happens. All my clients are doing is letting you
know that they will do whatever is required to contain that destruction to Toril. This can only be
considered a threat to two kinds of people here."

Now Moriartty looks all around the room.

"The first group of people that is a threat to is anyone here to utterly stupid to understand the simple
words I am using. The second is anyone here who is entertaining using a doomsday weapon while
slipping off Toril at the last second."

"Next, there is no need to make threats of dropping the Elder Races into Sigil. Such an act would be
futile and impossible. Try to do it if you like. The most likely result will be the Lady of Pain sealing any
gates you open and then adding her own seals upon the Elder Gods prison thus making their escape
impossible no matter where the destination would be."

"Finally, I would like to give everyone here copies of the following. It is a warrant for the arrest of
anyone involved or related or within the gnomish government. The crime is mass murder. If at any
time anyone covered by this warrant is discovered upon territory controlled by Sigil, ben it within the
city or somewhere outside controlled by the Sharn or one of the factions those poeple will be arrested.
They will then be given a fair trial before the court of the Guvners. The only penalty for mass murder is
the death penalty. I do not state this as a threat. It is a simple fact. No attempts will be made to
apprehend people and drag them back to Sigil territory. This warrant will only apply if someone enters
Sigil or Sharn juristiction."


Originally posted by Reprisal:
"I agree with Zouron on the matter of sovereignty and the right to self-determination
of those native to Toril. I, for one, see no reason why such parties as the Slaadi and
the Sharn have their noses in our business. It seems like opportunism far more than an
actual interest in the affairs of our world.

"As for rejecting entrance into the Commonwealth, I understand your point. I too am
disappointed by the result, but the nation has spoken. Originally, the invitation was to
be made to nation-states who needed to be developed and protected. Both the
Humanoid Alliance and the Magocracy are more than able to stand on their own feet.
Entrance into the Commonwealth is optional and subject to Parliamentry ratification,
but I hope this does not change your position in relation to the Commonwealth. We
have never considered the Magocracy enemies, and hope to develop economic treaties
with you some day down the road.

"Also, I also hope the World Council Organization will be realized. We need some
concrete ground to stand on whilst we talk about the affairs of state."

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2760
posted December 05, 2001 08:49 AM


Originally posted by Edena_of_Neith:
You shall come to Realmspace, and you shall lay down your arms, and YOU SHALL
behave as civilized beings, and take your part in the greater civilization they are
building here.

The elves glare at her in amazement, incredible anger, and contempt, and one says:

Well then, we just won't come at all.

Amlaruil replies:

YOU WILL COME. And you will help these people, and many will find love for Toril in their
hearts, and they will stay when we release the rest of you from your obligations.
The elves then turn to Forrester, and - sullenly, with hatred written on their faces,
contempt and anger screaming from them - they mumble that they will make peace
with the scro and humanoids.

The shade of Queen Amlaruil then looks at Forrester, and says:

We the spirits of the elves who were, have kept our agreement, and we will constrain
the People to the conditions I have named.
But they shall be restrained only in regards to those people who agree to meet the
terms I have required from you.
You must agree to my terms, all of them, in full, and in spirit.

Forrester starts to laugh. His knees buckle, he puts his hands on his hips, and yes, tears of mirth stream
down his face as well.

Well, Queen, Good show! I didn't think you, or they, had it in you.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Forrester walks up to the force shield, and taps on it.

Heeeyyyyy, elfies! Hi, there! I didn't quite hear what you mumbled, there. Could you please speak up?

Queen, clearly, you should drop the force shield! They look like they are more than ready to begin
living among us as friends! Tasty, tasty friends!

Forrester sighs.

Do you really think this can last, Queen? Will you never learn your lesson? Threatening to annihilate
those who disagree with you tends not to work as a long-term strategy. Or even a short-term one . . .
not when you are dealing with races as stubborn as elves. Or humanoids.

I fail to see how we can "agree to [your] terms, all of them, in full, and in spirit, when the elves here
clearly do not agree to them in spirit, by your own admission! Why should we agree in spirit, when they
do not?

And why demand that some of these elves COME to Toril, when they clearly do not wish to?! They do
not want us, we do not want them . . . what, precisely, are you aiming for here?

My previous offer stands -- and as best I can tell, it fits in with a loose interpretation of your "terms".
My people have no wish for further war. We want only peace!

So . . . some elves may come to Toril, to live inside this damned Commonwealth that has unfairly
rejected us. (More on that later!) We will not attack them, directly or indirectly.

Furthermore, elves, in SMALL numbers, will be allowed to visit one or two of our largest cities. There will
be no official sanction against them, and they may come and go relatively freely. I will also not
unofficially encourage my people to, well, rip off an arm or leg to see how they taste. They will be
protected from harm.

We humanoids are great in number, and SURELY you cannot expect us to suddenly be all
friendly-wendly with these elves who still harbor hatred in their hearts, so much hatred that they were
willing to destroy Toril to satisfy it! But perhaps some of these elves are worthy of life after all.

If everything turns out, and these elves turn out to be as friendly as you say they are, then who
knows? Perhaps we can move down the path that you suggest. My people are quite enlightened, after
all. And we have no desire to see another war.
What say you? Let's drop the Force shield, so that I may give the leader of the elven fleet a biiiiiig

I'm sure he'll forgive me soon. What's a little genocide between friends?


Posts: 699 | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged


First Post
(Post 23) The Second IR

Member # 2760
posted December 05, 2001 09:07 AM


Originally posted by Reprisal:

"Also, I am sad to inform Lord Forrester that all parties in our Commonwealth Chamber
and nearly seventy-five percent of the states in the Commonwealth Senate are
opposed to the Humanoid Alliance joining, in its entirety, the Technocracy. This is not to
say I am opposed, but at this juncture, I am utterly out-voted. They speak of several
concerns: (1) the huge economic investment in such an endeavour may be too costly in
comparison to the benefits, (2) several of the member nations and a big percentage of
all the other member races, even the humanoids themselves, are opposed to the
Humanoid Alliance's population usurping their voices in the primary legislative house,
the Commonwealth Chamber... Many of them fear that the Humanoid Alliance will
simply conquer the Commonwealth by virtue of assimilation on a social and cultural

"That being said, we are will to enter into an agreement of sorts on the political and
economic level. When I suggested such a project, there was still some opposition
because such an organization is not in the interest of internationalism. What I believe
is that we should focus on establishing a set of rules and regulations pertaining to the
entire international stage, in other words the World Council Organization, before we
start thinking of other InterGovernmental Organizations (IGOs)."

Forrester turns, and spits.

I see. So that is how it is to be, then? You propose to innocently unite all of the smaller nations under
you, increasing your power and your population, but you refuse to join with the force that saved your
sorry asses -- not to mention the Toril itself -- a mere 40 years ago?

Do you recall that without us, your Technomancy would be nothing but piles of rusted iron by now,
danced upon by merry little elves, morning, noon, and night?

Most of the half-billion people of Toril are still living in the Medieval age. Many are probably still
digging out of the rubble caused when the Queen had her little hissy-fit as Evermeet plunged into the
ocean. If the Technomancy TRULY wanted the Humanoids in the Commonwealth, they would leverage
their great power and convince these poor nations into accepting our entrance. For a multitude of
reasons, these nations would do much better in a Commonwealth dominated by Humanoids than in no
Commonwealth at all.

And my people do not demand proportional representation at every level, Reprisal. Simply
proportional representation at some levels, in all branches. I think that this is more than fair, and in
keeping with these ideals you speak of.

After all, it is not as though our cultures are SO dissimilar at this point . . . we have worked and fought
together for almost half a century. We both rely on technological marvels to make our lives easier,
healthier, better. We have much more in common than, say, the Technomancy does with the dwarves.
I honestly do not understand what it is you fear! Please, please assure me that it is not simple racism
that causes you to act in this way!

Of course, if you wish us to continue a completely independent force, we will be quite happy with that
alternative as well. You will have little say in when and whether we declare War, but I'm sure that that
is something you care little about.


Posts: 699 | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

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Topic: (IR) All involved in the Gnomish IR: You are summoned by the Chosen to face charges
Member # 2760
posted December 05, 2001 09:12 AM

Finally, I would like to assure the representative of the Technomancy that were the Humanoids allowed
in the Commonwealth, we would not use our power to do anything nifty like make elves our slaves,
etc. As we would feel much more secure from attack, the speed at which we started to get along with
the elfies would probably be accelerated noticeably.

But the ball is in your court . . .


[Signing out until this evening]

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Forrester ]

Posts: 699 | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 05, 2001 09:52 AM

"Another problem settled, now that Forrester, whatever is lack of distinction, has accepted the peace
offer of Queen Amlaruil ! Yes, reread what he said if you don't believe. Now, next stage : the deep
illithids. what do you propose ?"

The Hazedil joins Moriartty : "I have a question for you, Sir. You just stated that the measures
envisaged by your clients are directed against any who will use doomsday weapon, and then try to slip
off Toril at the last second. As I said, I seriously doubt you have this power : Your Lady of Pain, Sigil
and its factions does not exist for us : you belong to another cosmology, and only through the plane
of Shadow could you reach Toril. But that's not the subject of my question : as I said, we don't even
envisage to participate in a new war, and we don't have doomsday weapon. I mean, we don't plan to
use the one we have, whatever happen. Will you try to block us ? Will you try to prevent us to save
Toril ? Will you act in such a way that will cause the creation of vortex of nothingness, a cancer
spreading through the shadow plane that will swallow the other cosmology, especially the Greyhawk
one's who is so close that three faction (at least) of this world are puting their nose in our affairs (Iuz,
the Slaads form Limbo and the Sigilian) ? I'm just curious."
Hazedil wait for a reply, then his mobile phone rings "Hello...Yes... He has cast Legend Lore ? Aha...
And, has the subject returned ? OK. Must I say this to... Now ? ...No problem."
"By the way, your son has been resurected. Will you speak to him ?" Hazedil hands his phone to

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 05, 2001 10:00 AM

Moriartty is visibly shaken by the offer and takes the "phone" to speak for several moments. After this
he takes a long deep breath and looks around the room.

"I thank the church of Lathander for this action. It does not though undo the action itself. A thief is still
a thief even when someone else returns or pays for all the lost goods. A murderer is still a murderer
even if the victim is returned. Returning my son does nothing for all the other poeple killed by the
Gnomes that day. The warrants for their arrest will remain. I do again thank you for your generosity."

"To answer your other question. The factions and the Sharn will do nothing to impede rebuilding or
restoration of life on this world. Assuming of course that (ooc comment) you are not planning on using
some sort of Genesis Device to do this."

"In fact I myself as well as the Sharn would be will to help in the rebuilding of Toril. The Factions
though could care less and are only interested in any spreading doomsday."

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 62
posted December 05, 2001 10:07 AM

Estlor stops and ponders something, having a sudden realization.

Let the Weave die.

Indeed, let it die, remove it from out midst. The Weave exists as nothing more than a yoke of slavery
cast over us by the original Mystra and retained by this new one in order to assure she constantly has
"subject" to serve her.

I contest that magic is not within some dramatic force around us, but within us ourselves. We can feel
it. We can see it. Touch, taste, smell - we are the magic of Toril. If the Weave dies and the gods
leave, what do we lose?

Clerics are no more. The advances of the Technocratic nations have developed medical processes that
can regenerate limbs, cure illnesses, and remove pain. Their doctors have lessened the need for
posturing priests that heed the orders of their puppeteer gods. By Alix, the gods have even convinced
the druids that they owe their power to divine intervention. An excellent ruse, one which I give full
credit to Meiliki for. The druids represent a pure faith, one in the land. Power from the land, not from
the heavens. They will be our healers in the coming age.

Sorcerers prove that studying and learning the Weave is not as important as studying and learning
yourself. Attuning with the strength of person is magic in itself. In this way they are not so different
from the psions. It is they who will be the mages of the future. Their art will expand and cover what the
arcane once held dear.

We need no Weave, as we need no gods. Lathander has provided nothing to anyone in this place.
Raised your family? Bah, your family never died. They lived on in you. All Lathander has done is
provide a crutch to a child who cannot learn to grow up and live in the adult world. Do you think the
devistation does not pain me? I weep knowing that I once commanded a force strong enough to crush
Forrester but chose to seek peace. I live knowing that the death of the elves and the destruction of
the world is my fault. Do not pretend to think any of you have suffered worse than I these past
decades. But my pain has taught me something. Gods cannot heal pain. They cannot remove
suffering. All they can do is put a new coat of paint over things and pretend everything is all right and
fine because they are around.

The only people on Toril that can heal pain and stop suffering are the mortals. We are the ones that
must make the choices here. We must foreswear these gods and fiends and angels and other
outsiders in our midst and solve this problem on our own terms.

Peace is not something that will be handed to you on a silver platter or forced down your throat like
unwanted vegetables. Peace is something that the just fight for in the hopes that no more soldiers will
be needed.

Estlor turns to face the shade of the elven queen

I say to you that your elven soldiers in their precious fleet are not welcome here! We no longer need
soldiers whose only intent is to cause more suffering and more war. Have you learned nothing from
your defeat and death? Foolish stubborness and clinging to old ways will only bring about more death,
more soldiers, and more war. You offer a "surrender" and a "repentance" but cover it with thinly veiled
threats of more violence. I detest Forrester, but can you honestly claim you do not understand why he
refuses to work with you? Are you blind? You would be fortunate if the people in this room do not take
the war you promise to the wildspace to destroy your fleet before it even reaches Toril. Send your
precious fleet away, "queen," and go back to your grave where you belong. You have earned your
death by your actions here alone.

Estlor turns his back to the queen, henceforth refusing to acknowledge her.

Forrester, you and I are soldiers. We know only how to fight and kill. I tip my hat to you as it seems
you are the more proficient. Is it not time for us to step aside and turn over the world to those who
love peace? We no nothing of peace or peacemaking, only of hatred, war, and bitterness. Our time
has passed. Our involvement - and by this I mean everyone in this room, not just Forrester and I - in
these negotiations limits things. The time for war is ended. Now is the time for the Toril Sphere Unified

Estlor turns back to the Chosen

But I assure you, I would rather witness Forrester's kind and the elven fleet demolish this world than
live on under your vision of tomorrow. You taunt us by saying you will live on in undeath with nothing
but sadness. Your power has made you mad. When we die, you will as well. See, the gods never told
the mortals that, in a sense, we created them. With no one to worship a god, how can they be a god?
They cannont. They cease to exist. If we die, you die. But, we have the power to disbelieve. Then we
live, and you do not.

If this were still a trial, then I say this: I am guilty. I was the one that first led the elves and druids
into this war against technology. My close-minded views of the good of the future sparked a war that
was unnecessary. Later when I brought the fey and the dragons into things, I held a power that could
have ended the war. I chose not to use it, believing in the ability to sue for peace. As a result,
Evermeet lies in ruin and much of Toril is destroyed. All that you see and will see is the fault of none
but myself. I accept any punishment that may come. But in accepting this, I beseech all those present
to ignore the wishes and voices of those not of Toril and to put aside the hatred and malcontent I
have sewn to build a peace-loving world where all creatures believe and exist for the better of Toril as
a whole.

Do this in spite of, not because of, the Chosen. Do this for yourselves.

Or do not do it. The choice is OURS to make. Ignore the Chosen and do what your hearts tell you, but
whatever you do, do not do it lightly. This will be the test of whether we as mortals can stand as adults
without the coddling of the gods.


The Lighthouse Webmaster
"More conversions, less talk."

Posts: 514 | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 3707
posted December 05, 2001 11:13 AM

*zouron chuckles*

slaadi you might suddenly realize nothing gather us more quickly then a alien nation or force or even
more trying to itnerfere, and you will see that your chaos weave will suddenly not be so powerful, for if
you bring it here, I assure you we will strike back in YOUR home. so leave us be. same goes the the
"siglings" get lost!

and I am sure a few more of those here, including the representive of the elven fleet of vengence this
former queen of the leves of toril is not really welcome until she call of this unwanted force.

*zouron smirks*

Now I don't like violance, but as I see it, it seems we are being forced into it as we speak with petty
treats from beyond our home, yes our!

can we all technocracy, phaerimm, humanoids and so on other natives, including mystara elves agree
that we do not need this outside intervention?


Alone is something we all are
only far away voices breaks the silence
whom wish to escape
this labyrinth of loneliness
we fumble our way, but finds nothing
because here are no walls
only the fear's angst
keeps us apart

Posts: 158 | From: Hvidovre, Denmark | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 05, 2001 11:28 AM

"My clients care not what one who keeps walking carrion thinks. So keep your feeble smirks to


Originally posted by zouron:
*zouron chuckles*

slaadi you might suddenly realize nothing gather us more quickly then a alien nation or
force or even more trying to itnerfere, and you will see that your chaos weave will
suddenly not be so powerful, for if you bring it here, I assure you we will strike back in
YOUR home. so leave us be. same goes the the "siglings" get lost!

and I am sure a few more of those here, including the representive of the elven fleet of
vengence this former queen of the leves of toril is not really welcome until she call of
this unwanted force.

*zouron smirks*

Now I don't like violance, but as I see it, it seems we are being forced into it as we
speak with petty treats from beyond our home, yes our!

can we all technocracy, phaerimm, humanoids and so on other natives, including
mystara elves agree that we do not need this outside intervention?

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 05, 2001 11:37 AM

"Sadly, some here are blinded by ignorance. Hear the tragic story of faerun before saying anything
else. Especially YOU Estlor.
I will try to be as brief as possible.
1)Creation of the World :
-Lord Ao created the universe that now holds the world of Toril.
-From the primal shadowy essence emerge two beautiful twin godess : Selune and Shar. The two
godess created the bodies of the even, giving life to Chauntea, the embodiment of the world Toril.
-Chauntea begged for warmth so that she can nurture life, and the twin godess disagreed. Selune
created the Sun. And Shar enraged attacked her sister. From the war between light and darkness,
Mystryl and the weave were created, as well as many other gods.
2)The creator races
While the deities battled, many intelligent being arose on Toril. The five greatest race are called the
Creator Races. They were :
-a Saurian race, who built a short lived civilization. Its survivors are the Naga, Lizardfolks and similar
-The Dragons, who ruled supreme for century
-An aquatic race of shapechangers, whose survivors are the Locathah and the doppelganger
-The sylvan people, who survive until the modern day as the Fey.
-Last, and, for a long time, least, the humans are the only one who have keep their integrity and
survive unchanged until now.
3)The first flowering
In this time of magic, the creator races discovered planar travel. Through the open portals came
natives of other worlds : Dwarves, Elves, mind flayers, in that order. Other races appeared, either by
crossbreeding, planar travel or transformation by magic.
Sharns and Phaerimms appeared during this time, birthed by the primal energy of the Weave.
4)the crown wars
after having took the supremacy held by the dragons, the elves destroy themselves, leaving the
leadership to humankind
a small group of human, after learning the bases of magic through the elves, uncover the Nether
Scrolls, an set of artefact created by one of the creator races. They build the most powerful magic
empire known : Netheril. But a conflict with the Phaerimms, and the foly of Karsus caused its
destruction, as well as the death of Mystryl, who however give birth to Mystra.
6)The Immaskari
In the same time, another powerful human magic empire use planar travel to gather slaves. It is
destroyed by the gods of these slaves. Later, these slaves created the Old Empire (Mulhorand...). And
later, one of their wizard open a gate to the homeworld of the orcs, who invade Toril.
7)The Time of Trouble
Three gods, who were mere mortals before rising to godhood, rebel against Ao. The ensuing disaster
is know as the Time of Trouble. Since this time, the power of the gods depend strictly of the number of
their followers, by Ao decree. This WAS NOT the case before, Estlor.
8)The seven years wars : I won't tell it, it is too sad.
9)Now : ? I hope this is not the end of the story"

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Aloïsius ]

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged


First Post
(Post 24) The Second IR

Member # 523
posted December 05, 2001 12:39 PM

Slaazor addresses Zouron:

"Be careful with your words mage, you do not speak for all present, nor do you understand the gravity
of the situation."

To the rest of the reps:
"There are those amongst you who say we outfreyn beings have no right to come here, for this war
and conference is not our business. Did you not hear the words of AO? Should Toril be destroyed ALL
realms perish, we Slaadi have a vested interest in this whether you acknowledge it or no, and if we
must save you from yourselves, for the sake of our plane and those peoples who populate it...we will."

Edit: edited for spelling, and some missing words

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Bagguns ]


Evolve or Die.

Entropy Sucks.

Posts: 189 | From: Cookstown/McGuire AFB, NJ | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 8099
posted December 05, 2001 12:56 PM

Valkys addresses Slaazor:

"Ao said that the destruction of Toril would 'resonate' in other realms, ie. they would be affected in
some manor. As Toril is but a single planet in the Crystal Sphere of Realmspace, I find it unrealistic to
imagine that its destruction will trigger the end of everything.

"If Ao would care to contradict my understanding of the situation, then I would be happy to hear him.
Otherwise, Toril is but one world among hundreds of millions. That should make you all feel small and
insignificant, so quit arguing."

Valkys continues, addressing the entire gathering:

"You are nothing more than a gathering of insects. You threaten because you feel that you are all
important, but consider. The gods can crush you, Ao can crush the gods. Even your weapons of mass
destruction are entirely insignificant. The Elder Beings are the equivalent of a Hurricane. They'll destroy
the Anthill, and everything around it, but they'll eventually get bored and go away. They are
completely out of the Pherimm's control, like any other force of nature.

Once you've destroyed your world, you prove how truly tiny you were to begin with. So, my advice to
you all is to STOP THREATENING EVERYONE ELSE. Act like sentient beings. Discuss the issues, come to
a compromise, and ensure your continued existence in a semblance of peace."

Posts: 31 | Registered: Oct 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 523
posted December 05, 2001 01:08 PM


Originally posted by Semirhage:
Valkys addresses Slaazor:

"Ao said that the destruction of Toril would 'resonate' in other realms, ie. they would be
affected in some manor. As Toril is but a single planet in the Crystal Sphere of
Realmspace, I find it unrealistic to imagine that its destruction will trigger the end of

Addressing Valkys

"AO also said the Unmaking of all existance was at hand, and those in far flung realms would not be
saved, only AO. I take the Overgod at his word, and have responded accordingly...the Chaos gates
have been suspended...for the time being. I will however unleash their energies to stop any
aggression from any nation...if they truly care for their people they will look to their immediate survival
and not imminent war once Chaos reigns. If they do not then we are all truly lost."

"Chaos brings change not wanton destruction, ours is not so much a "doomsday weapon" rather an
attempt to stop both doomsday weapons and armies from ravaging this planet."


Evolve or Die.

Entropy Sucks.

Posts: 189 | From: Cookstown/McGuire AFB, NJ | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 3707
posted December 05, 2001 01:55 PM

*zouron glares at slaazar*

Careful what I say? well try prove me wrong if you so dare. I might not speak for all but I have no
itnerest in abiding by your command what so ever, I care for people living on this planet, not for that
pathetic place of instability you call home.

I defiantely understand the situation, I unlike you know this from the very start! from before this
assembly was anmything but a bunch of normal folks.

*zouron turns to Moriarty*

Well I don't care what your cliant thinks! honestly they could roast over a fire for all I care. Secondly
you adn your so called client, if ther eindeed is a such, should get glasses, I am very much alive and
very human still.


Alone is something we all are
only far away voices breaks the silence
whom wish to escape
this labyrinth of loneliness
we fumble our way, but finds nothing
because here are no walls
only the fear's angst
keeps us apart

Posts: 158 | From: Hvidovre, Denmark | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2368
posted December 05, 2001 01:58 PM


Finally, I would like to assure the representative of the Technomancy that were the
Humanoids allowed in the Commonwealth, we would not use our power to do anything
nifty like make elves our slaves, etc. As we would feel much more secure from attack,
the speed at which we started to get along with the elfies would probably be accelerated
But the ball is in your court . . .

"If this is truly the case, I will do what I can to force the issue with the parties and member-states back
home. It will not be something that can be done in a matter of days, or even weeks. If I were to win
the Presidential election, perhaps I will be able to use that leverage to convince the many wary
members of the Chamber and Senate. As I have said before, the decision was not mine alone to

"Alosius, as far as the location of the World Council Organization is concerned, we're not too picky. The
location of the capital of the Technocratic Commonwealth, although, has already been chosen. It's
walls have already been constructed and our government members have already moved to the capital

"On the other hand, our system of government has been shown to you and it is, indeed, a fair and
just government. On that note, I would inform the gnomish representative that the allegations of
crimes made by the gnomish people are simply that, allegations. Personally, I do not believe that you
had such a hand in such awful things, but, if there is some actual proof of it being so, however
unlikely, there would be little we could do on moral grounds to ignore it."

((I plan on having my character run for the Presidency on his ability to get the World Council
Organization going. As soon as he is elected, I will place people who are a bit more open-minded in
places of power. That way, I would have a much larger chance of having the Parliament accept the
entrance of the humanoid alliance. Concessions would have to be made, however, probably by both

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Reprisal ]


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

Posts: 223 | From: Parksville, BC, Canada | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 62
posted December 05, 2001 02:23 PM

I know well Toril's history. What I ask others to see is not the past, but the future. The events before
the war are irrelevant. How the gods drew their power before the Time of Troubles is irrelevant. What is
relevant is this (and I suggest you listen).

We fought a war. A war to end all wars. But why did we fight this war? What were the roots of the
conflict? In the end it boils down to perspective. The war began as a conflict of those looking forward
against those looking back. The technocrats sought to improve themselves. The greens clung to their
old ways and old gods. Progress won in the end. The old ways no longer have a place on Toril, and
that includes the old gods and the old teachings.

From this point on the only people that matter are the mortals. The only decisions that should be
made are by us. The ignorant and the immature that cling to their gods to show them enlightenment
and the "correct path" belong to an era that is no more. The gods are no longer needed.

But, perhaps some are too blind to see or admit this.

If your god cared for you, why did your god permit this? Do we serve the gods, or do the gods serve
us? Who really needs who more? I stand here before you, a man who has not put his faith in a god
since the war ended. The death of the elves showed me this was unnecessary. Prayer to and faith in
their pantheon did nothing to save them. But since then, hard work and perseverance has kept me
alive, not gods.

Only a fool clings to them in this new world.

If there is to be a peace in this world, it should be a peace of our own choosing and our own creation.

The audacity of the Chosen to call us all here only proves their will to return to a position of power
among us.

I saw the war first hand. I led armies in it. I face the blame for it all. And through that I have learned
this truth. My only wish is to see that others learn from me, lest the world create another Estlor to fight


The Lighthouse Webmaster
"More conversions, less talk."

Posts: 514 | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 3707
posted December 05, 2001 02:35 PM

I agree with estlor on what he said, it is us mortals occupants of this world that decide it's faith, not
gods, not outsiders, but those that led progress, through armies and negotiations. I too was out there
in the battle field, though compared to some a lesser degree, but never the less, I dare say that we
should decide.


Alone is something we all are
only far away voices breaks the silence
whom wish to escape
this labyrinth of loneliness
we fumble our way, but finds nothing
because here are no walls
only the fear's angst
keeps us apart

Posts: 158 | From: Hvidovre, Denmark | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 8593
posted December 05, 2001 03:16 PM

"I see associating with the dead has dulled your senses. I would expect no better from a magical
necrophile. Maybe if you paid attention to what was said you would not sound like some petty mage
that takes pleasure in acting so juvenile."


Originally posted by zouron:

*zouron turns to Moriarty*

Well I don't care what your cliant thinks! honestly they could roast over a fire for all I
care. Secondly you adn your so called client, if ther eindeed is a such, should get
glasses, I am very much alive and very human still.

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: DocMoriartty ]

Posts: 135 | From: Chicago burbs | Registered: Nov 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 1869
posted December 05, 2001 03:49 PM

Ao smiles at the words of Estlor.

He speaks:

You who are gathered here should consider carefully the words of the one named Estlor. He speaks

Consider carefully what it is the Gods are to you.

Consider carefully the ramifications of a world without their presence.

Choose your path.

Focus turns now to Valkys . . .

The (a word is spoken which minds interpret as "multiverse") is more complex than you understand.

What is the consequence on other realms of the destruction of Toril?

The information already exchanged at this gathering should suffice to give you some glimpse of the
outcome . . .

Consider what has been threatened already, and if such things could come to pass . . .

Posts: 21 | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 444
posted December 05, 2001 03:50 PM

"As the representative of the Gnome, I have to talk once again."
*Adressing Reprisal*
"I'd like you to reconsider Hazedil's suggestion. We offered to help you and them to create the capitol,
and we can already show you several conceptual designs of how it could look like."
*The holographic projection of a fantastic city, blending high-tech and nature, glass and trees, steel and rock,
water and concrete, magic and technology appear.*
"As you can say, this place would be cosmopolitan to the extreme, showing to the whole world the true
nature of democracy and tolerance. Furthermore, it would be a "living" example that knowledge of
magic and knowledge of science works well together."
*Looking to Valkys*
"I don't understand why, because natural laws are different in another planes, natural laws of this very
plane should change. Your example about gravity on the Plane of Faerie has no relevance to the
interactions between technology and magic."
*Turning toward Moriartty*
"Listen, my good mister. Your hatred toward our kind is very visible, and begins to be boring. We
offered you to raise your son, along with important compensations, you didn't even bothered to
answer, not, I guess, to listen. This shows very clearly you in fact want to have a pretext for legal
assassination of our whole race, no doubt about that. Let it be known several basic facts."

"The destruction of Shadowdale, and of its inhabitants, was an act of war. Acts of war are outside the
juridiction of civilian trials."

"If it were relevant, the immense number of other atrocities that happened during this war -- and I am
well placed to know that a great proportion of those atrocities were commited against us, suffice to say
we were forced to retreat to a demiplane hidden in the Golden Hills to avoid extinction and that most
of our deceased would have preferred to die instantly vaporized by a nuclear blast rather than through
the awful methods of their enemies -- would make that this particular matter would not be judged
before about 1200 years (rough estimation from our lawyers and historians)."

"This act of war was made without inflicting torture or pain, and was targeted at a particular location,
not at a whole race. This isn't, thus, a genocide. Only genocide being imprescriptible, this affairs can
not be judged by posterior laws or exterior justice. No court or juridiction of any kind have survived
from the concerned parties since this act happened, so noone is legitimate to judge it."

"Finally, as part of the Peace Effort that settled the reconstruction of Toril, a general amnisty was
declared. Otherwise you should have to put about the three quarters of all the administrative,
executive and military staff of each involved country, which means every countries as this was a world

*The gnome's image turns toward Estlor, and flickers brievly as a quickly repressed anger change his
appearance to that of a mole for one mere second*
"For example, we won't asks for the arrest and trial of this leader of terrorist, who cautionned many
tragic assassination and sabotages, played an important part in the launching of the war, and could
conceivably be considered as one of the worse criminals here."

"We won't, because we're wise, we know that what has happened has happened, and that after such a
cataclysm we should rebuild the world anew rather than shake a dagger in the wounds of the past."

"We won't, because we're wise and we do know that now is a time of forgiveness and future, not anger,
hatred and grievance."

"Estlor, you should know that faith in the land is faith in the Goddess Chauntea, whose body is Toril.
You should also know that the magic here is not like the magic in Oerth or Mystara. This is a far less
controllable power. The weave allow to channel it into spells similar to those possible on other worlds.
Without the Weave, the only magic possible is the crude spellfire. Or the insidious magic of the
Shadow Weave. Without Mystra or Shar, only a crude form of magic is possible here. Even innate
magical powers, such as those of a fey, a dragon or a sorcerer must pass by a Weave."

"You should also know that much of the technology would not be reliable without magic. To take a
simple example, any electronic engine is infused with Abjuration spells for error handling and
correction. And magic healing is still far more efficient than mundane healing. A spell will remove any
poison, or any disease. By mundane way, you have a different medicine for each poison and each
disease, some people develop allergy to these medecine, and a medecine is also a poison, so an
error in a diagnostic can cost the life of a patient."

"We understand your bitterness, but it's pointless to think that the Realms will survive -- or even
worse, can only survive -- without gods and magic."

"In fact, the fact that people believed technology will turn people back from the gods and magic
involved a lots of factions into that war. Ignorant people that built their power on magic or faith, and
that thought they needed to crush innovation to keep their power. They proved wrong."

"The fact that their is a god of technology and scientifical research, Gond, and the fact that melding
science and magic -- every kind of magic, from arcane to divine to psionic -- just prove that, in fact,
nothing changed."

"This war was started by mortals, so I agree it should be definitely ended by mortals. However, the
Age of Insight will not change the relationship between mortals and divine, nor between mundane and
magic. The Age of Insight will only change relationships between mortals. The Age of Insight will be
based on the ideal of Democracy, Freedom, Equality and Progress."

"This war was started, and willed, by mortals. The gods are not to blame, they only followed the wills of
the mortals. Those that were opposed to the war were as numerous as those that were favorable, so
the gods were powerless to influence Toril's fate."

*Adressing the whole gathering*
"We advocate that the Technocratic Commonwealth, from which we are a part, include the Humanoids
in its ranks, as well as the Elves. We advocate that each race should get an equal voice in the
Parliament and the Governement. We also advocate that concrete measure should be made to
preserve the equilibrium of Abeir-Toril, at all levels. No more than 33% of each type of land on Toril
should the Technocratic Commonwealth recover. Installations should be the less disruptive possible to
its environment. This is possible, and we could finance the works with the revenue of our secret trading
post of Pontopiddan, in the Gem layer of the Elemental Plane of Earth."


"What's our mission ?
- We must get the last of the Twelve Statuettes of Gladolfera.
- A statuette ?
- It is written on the Tablets of Syeloss that only an one-legged gnome from the northern forests,
dancing by starlight during a full moon in the middle of the Twelves Statuettes wrapped in ham would
open the Gate of Zoralback and fulfill the Prophecy.
- But what is that strange prophecy ?
- No idea. We're motivated by wealth.
- Nevermind. A prophecy it's always so cute !
- It depends. Sometimes, it's about destroying the world..."

From the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk, a pretty silly MP3 adventure.

Posts: 1472 | From: Somewhere in France | Registered: Dec 2000 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 05, 2001 04:58 PM

"Well, the gnome rep has said it all. But, if someone has not understood what is the true goal of
Estlor, I will expose it. I' must have recognize it before, this biterness, this nihilism, this feeling of loss
and despair... Such things happen when one pains is to great for his will. Look ! This man, while
speaking of forsaking the powers that are parts of our univers, while claiming its indepandency, is in
fact the living puppet of one of these power. And, being blind to this fact, he is so easily manipulable.
What does he propose ? Let the weave die. What happens when the weave die somewhere ? There
appear a zone of dead magic, in which no magic, be it arcane or divine, no psionic will never work. No
magic ? Indeed, there will be a way to cast spell in a dead magic zone : You have to use the Shadow
Weave. You have to bow to the will of Shar. I haven't remembering the story of Toril without purpose :
now you can know that if you let the weave die, Shar will become all powerful. She will be able to
extinct the Sun, to kill Selune. This will be the reign of darkness, and Toril will be a frozen place of
despair, where one live without any hope, other than death, and the peace that will come with the
extinction of one's painful consciousness.

By the way, I don't think Estlor is the ambassador of the Maztican Elves no more. He just call for the
destruction of what is the very base of their way of life. Elves without magic, or slaves of the Godess of
Darkness...For the elves of Dawn Cities are neighbors of the Maztican Elves, I will ask them to contact
and inform their brethren." Hazedil phone to someone, and tell the recent behaviour of Estlor.

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

Member # 2977
posted December 05, 2001 05:12 PM

Edena, I think we need you. We are waiting many answer from some of your "NPC".
Reprisal : Aloïsius has never entered, nor even heard of, Toril. Please speak to Hazedil
to all : That's so fun. Let's continue !

Posts: 345 | From: Montpellier, France | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged

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