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(IR) The 1st IR, The 2nd IR (complete transcripts)

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Forrester's Intermediate Thread of the 1st IR

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Topic: New "What if . . . Industrial Revolution" Thread
posted 04-10-2001 08:37 PM

May I suggest we start a new thread? It may be simply we've got more traffic now, but I'm get a lot more
lag. Perhaps the thread is getting a bit too long?

IP: Logged
Riot Gear
posted 04-10-2001 08:48 PM

Much as I'd like to order my Illithid forces to teleport to the surface and utterly annihilate whatever
scattered Defilers remained, that'd be out of character. I'm still developing, and the Snuffing comes
closer... closer...

Grap a mop, there's going to be blood on the ceiling!!
-My character.

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 08:50 PM

(Reposted from old thread)

Hah! Between the forces of our well-armed humanoids, and our well-armed devils, not to mention the Gith
and Sahaugin and Evil Dragons, we are MORE than powerful enough to protect the defilers from your
foolish attempts to kill all of them. You had a power level of about 12 or 13 . . . my forces, 17+. 20+ with
Draco as an ally.
Not even sure that includes the power of the defilers.
Nice try though .

ZOURON -- your force is small, but it could be made mighty with our technomagic advances. Would you
like to join us? You could lead our efforts to create technomagipsionic weapons of war .

Draco: We welcome you with open arms, of course, and with your and the Gith's help will IMMEDIATELY
COMMENCE the development of Technopsionic weapons of war. We will still concentrate on technomagery,
of course, but why limit ourselves when we do not have to?!


[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-10-2001 08:58 PM

Ahh zauron, we welcome you as valueable allies. Forrester, we need rescources to build academies to
conduct research into psionics, could you supply the materials? In return I am a 20/14 psion/wizard who
has been studing the integration of magic and psionics for some time, i have come up with several ideas,
would you be interested?

Side note, Edena what would the power level of my Psionic League be alone? (maybe around 3 or 4?
maybe higher?)

Lastly, we, the psionic league are still waiting for an answer from the neutral illithid.

IP: Logged
Raging Goblin
posted 04-10-2001 09:00 PM

My small army of Drow, Deep Gnomes, Duegar and random monsters under my control such as Hook
Horrors are currently using hit and run tactics against miners from the Gnome side.


IP: Logged
Riot Gear
posted 04-10-2001 09:00 PM

Well, I'm off for tonight.

Generally, if any one attacks me, I annihilate their offensive force and activate massive Solar Shields
above their homeland - A bit of a foreshadowing, but big deal. A Solar Shield plunges their homeland in to
an eternal night. Only a 10th level spell or equivelent can destroy it.

I continue to develop the Snuffing, and put the vast majority of my resources towards this. Phaerimm are
kept under CLOSE watch, having handles can Charm Person them every round, so there's no way they'll
break free.

Also, now that the majority of the Underdark is under our control, I start to expand.

Downward. And Inward.

Our Psions produce as many Demiplanes in the Ethereal as they can, creating vast worlds of fungus and
farmland that will allow us to survive indefinitely without the sun.

In addition, we begin construction of Boreholes, which are deep tunnels to the magma core of Faerun,
which we will use for heat. To keep em' hot, we'll put gates to the Elemental Plane of Fire down near the
bottom - But at a calculated size to keep the heat from being a problem.

In addition, we prepare a hyperweapon which will be released if anyone REALLY pisses us off - Several
_Gate_ spells linked to the Negative Energy Plane to be opened all over Faerun. This should destroy the
surface dwellers and the NeoIllithid nicely, while allowing us to continue to develop in peace.

Meanwhile, we start thinking about the Gith, both kinds. Leave them be or reinslave them?

Leave them alone. They earned it - A new faction considers the Gith post-Thrall, and equal in worth to a
Mind Flayer. They have earned their freedom.

See you tomorrow, round 7:30 central time.

Grap a mop, there's going to be blood on the ceiling!!
-My character.

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:02 PM

Draco -- we will help you build your academies on ONE condition. Should we, the humanoids (and perhaps
devils), move against the elves, you MUST join us.

They tried to stop us six years ago, you see -- in fact, they are the force that ripped magic from the very
multiverse for an entire month. They are angry, and will no doubt attack us again after they have gotten
their bearings. We are in an arms race, you see.

Will you help us? I promise you we will not attack unless we have an excellent chance of winning.

If you do promise us your help, when the time comes, then we have a deal -- and note to Edena that you
are helping us in the Arms race.


IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:05 PM

The NeoIllithid are, first and foremost, Illithid. Despite the influence of the Solars, their loyalty remains
with the other MindFlayers. They will not betray them in any way, shape or form. Indeed... even now they
are taking advantage of their [relatively] favorable status by going forth and learning the ways and means
of the surface dwellers by experience. A tactic unheard of in Illithid history... and one that is entirely
conducive to the agendas of the other two tiers of the newly formed Illithid hierarchy.

Furthermore, the Illithid's stratification has caused them to expand even further. Virtually every part of the
Underdark is now under the direct control of one of the three types of MindFlayer.


Phasmus & Co.

"DuctTape: Buy it by the case."

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:06 PM

Raging Goblin -- if you will supply the Drow to us as lunch, we will GLADLY supply you with dynamite and
guns. Join the humanoids! Most of the drow were wiped out by the illithid anyway -- it's doubtful that they
make up a significant portion of your force.


IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:08 PM

Phasmus -- don't jump the gun. It is simply not true that "Virtually every part of the Underdark is under
the control of one of the groups of Illithid."

The Underdark is filled with humanoids and humanoid factories, churning out weapons of war. And we
have the Gith on our side. It is doubtful you want to try to encroach on our territory.


IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-10-2001 09:10 PM

Ahh forrester, that sounds like agreeable conditions, but for the sake of morals i fear i can only help you
fight against the elves if they attack us first (note: small attacks by any rougue elves under your orders
would be taken as attacks directly from the elven nation, *hint hint*)

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:11 PM

Forester I gladly accept you alliance, but I expect it to be mutual. Also I expect you to give us some land,
next we will employ our latest research within both weaponry of technology and magic (to lesser extend
psionic/magic as well) as well as the latest method within "clean" technology that doesn't ploute or destroy
nature, both through magic, magic/psionic, psionic and technology stand alone. We will also be willing to
accept any student of magic to our acadamy on the same terms and conditions we place on our own.

We will be willing to supply undead troops as well as volunteer groups to help you in the war against elves
if needed.

We also desire a free trading alliance that means both sides can freely trade resoruces and material in
between and with any alliance they have themsleves.

Is this acceptable?


IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:14 PM

Phasmus shall we renew our alliance in this time of temporally peace?

a mutual trade alliance, trading knowledge and resources with each other?

I do not demand or even suggest betraying your own, just trading for our mutual advantage.


IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:16 PM

ZOURON, DRACO: Excellent! We are in agreement, then.

Without a doubt, our combined efforts will enable us to easily pull ahead in the arms race.

But Zouron, while we don't mind if you experiment with the "clean" technologies, remember that we are in
a state of War right now. (Yes, there is a temporary cease-fire.) Worry about nature-safe technology
AFTER the elves have been eliminated from the face of this world.

We've been setting up a new base of operations in Evereska (among other places). Would you like to
move in?

EDIT: One last thing. The Illithid want to blot out the sun. This would be bad for business. If you want to
be cordial with them for now, that is your right, but note that there may come a time when we have to wipe
them out before they kill us all. Definitely, do not share our technology with them, or else we (and the
Gith and Devils and other allies) will be MOST displeased with you.


[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:16 PM

Hmph. You place too much stock in your devils, goblin. You seem to forget the fact that angels are on our
side. Solars are, far, far more powerful than pit fiends. Also, with the gnomes, faeries, and others on our
side, we are more powerful than you. In other words, don't F*CK with us.


If history is to change,let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If it is my destiny to die, then
I must simply laugh.-The Magus

IP: Logged
Raging Goblin
posted 04-10-2001 09:19 PM

Hmmmm.... it would seem to me that I'm not gonna live long! Foes at all sides... oh well! My secret
weapon has been completed! The chaos curse! This new version covers huge amounts of terrian in mere
moments and takes minutes to take maximum hold- even against dwarves and demons! Who wants
some of this?

IP: Logged
Raging Goblin
posted 04-10-2001 09:20 PM

Hmmmm.... it would seem to me that I'm not gonna live long! Foes at all sides... oh well! My secret
weapon has been completed! The chaos curse! This new version covers huge amounts of terrian in mere
moments and takes minutes to take maximum hold- even against dwarves and demons! Who wants
some of this?

Allies anyone?

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:21 PM

Also, I admit that you are mighty with your psions, and (heh) KOBOLD sorcerors have grown in power, you
are still no match for us. Your victory at Evereska was due to the help of the technomancy confederation,
and they will refuse any calls to war, I am sure.


If history is to change,let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If it is my destiny to die, then
I must simply laugh.-The Magus

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:23 PM

Forrester I know that you indeed enjoy getting weapons of war first, but I split my efforts 50/50 on this,
call it our safe guard to have a world to live in afterwards, besides it has some very positive sideeffects for
you, namely multiple times larger harvest to feed the people of your lands, it is a different weapon yes,
but in the long wrong it is important to have. We also will start researching how to restore the land after
destruction of the war, these researches will be taken equally from both, but do not worry, our time in
reseach have been the entire war. In fact I give you our latest weapon technology as a sign that we have
not fallen behind though our resources are split.

IP: Logged
Raging Goblin
posted 04-10-2001 09:23 PM

Can someone recap everything? Please!

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:25 PM

Fool - the fae and celestials have no chance - you are foolishly 'preserving' the environs while we turn it to
implements of war. Surrender now - I'm sure you would much rather deal with Forrester than us on the
field of battle.

As an aside, we can spare a few troops to join Zouron and Draco in thier magical research. Perhaps devlish
magic can be added to the mix.

Lord Grathos, Pit Fiend and grand general under Lord Forrester

"If I ever get a tumor I'm gonna name it Marla."

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:27 PM


Originally posted by Raging Goblin:
Hmmmm.... it would seem to me that I'm not gonna live long! Foes at all sides... oh well!
My secret weapon has been completed! The chaos curse! This new version covers huge
amounts of terrian in mere moments and takes minutes to take maximum hold- even
against dwarves and demons! Who wants some of this?

Raging Goblin, eh? You're that idiot who tried to incite the ten-towns and northern barbarians to war(and
failed miserably,I might add) And the Tuanta Quiro Miancay? WHERE, may I ask , did you get it? The only
formula is in (the completely destroyed) castle trinity, and of the only two people who might know the
formula, Aballister is dead, and Druzil was banished for a 100 years by Drizzt the dark elf in Ice wind dale
about 10 years before the war.


If history is to change,let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If it is my destiny to die, then
I must simply laugh.-The Magus

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-10-2001 09:27 PM

Well, i will be signing out for an hour and a half, got to go eat dinner. By the way, forrester, we were just
assulted by a small company of elves, we assume they were from the elven nation, would you know
anything about them (*sniker, sniker*). Looks like we will be joining you if you attack, we only ask that
you, in turn will help us defend if we are attacked.

(edited) Madman, we welcome your troops to help us in our research, all who oppose us will soon learn the
wrath of combined tech/magic/psionic/develish weapons and tools.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Draco (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:28 PM


Originally posted by zouron:
Forrester I know that you indeed enjoy getting weapons of war first, but I split my efforts
50/50 on this, call it our safe guard to have a world to live in afterwards, besides it has
some very positive sideeffects for you, namely multiple times larger harvest to feed the
people of your lands, it is a different weapon yes, but in the long wrong it is important to
have. We also will start researching how to restore the land after destruction of the war,
these researches will be taken equally from both, but do not worry, our time in reseach
have been the entire war. In fact I give you our latest weapon technology as a sign that we
have not fallen behind though our resources are split.

Excellent idea - resources are essential to assuring victory. Might I suggest we also look into teleporting
defilers into the fields of our enemies. For furthur resourcefulness, we can use the fallen as both a food
supply and reanimated to serve as troops.

I understand that mortals are squeamish about cannibalism, but they needn't know where the meat
comes from. Mix it in a stew. We'll call it 'soilent green'

Lord Grathos, Pit Fiend and grand general under Lord Forrester

"If I ever get a tumor I'm gonna name it Marla."

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:29 PM

Lord Grathos we thank you for your aid and will accept it, indeed we will fully share any result worth it's salt
with you from your added mix.

(and only of that, edena my men will step careful around these demons and back up all important
material hidding it away, except that which is made directly based on the aid)

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New "What if . . . Industrial Revolution" Thread (Page 2)

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Topic: New "What if . . . Industrial Revolution" Thread
posted 04-10-2001 09:29 PM

Currently on the side of the Humanoids:

The Technocracy Base (peaceful) Run by: Reprisal, Lannon, buzzard
The Evil Sea-Creatures and Evil Dragons (Ready for war) Run by: Forrester
The Machine-gunning Devils (Ready for War) Run by: maddman75
The Gith (Ready for War) Run by: Gruffmug
The Forces of Zouron (Ready for War, help with technological advancement) Run by: Zourun
The Forces of Draco (Ready for War, help with technological advancement) Run by: Draco
Hidden/guarded by the Humanoids:
Dregoth's Defilers (Ready for War, help with technological advancement) Run by: The Burning Man
Want to join, Raging Goblin? Lose the drow, and hop on the bandwagon.


IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:33 PM


Again assuming he is even in this fray. Iuz is a former cambion turned Demi-god. Demons are his bag, he
can?t help you get more devils, but if you have demons, what do you need the devils for?.Don?t worry about
the petty little threats of the Devils?.Iuz will protect you from them?..

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:34 PM

Mr. Zouron, I can not speak for my deeper-dwelling associates, but the NeoIllithid would be willing to join
you in a provisional alliance, yes. Inasmuch as your goals lead toward peace... And, of course, a mutually
profitable exchange of information. Do keep in mind however that we are not at liberty to provide you with a
great deal of our own knowledge... Racial secrets and all that.

Mr. Forrester, I regret to report that our pact with the Solars prevents the NeoIllithid from directly aiding you
in the extermination of the elves... however, I suggest to you that the Illithid may be very interested in
obtaining the casualties of war for their own purposes. Perhaps we could arrange a trade agreement of some
type between your forces and theirs...


Phasmus T. Tapefiend

Aka Don'Calamari
Public Representative of the NeoIllithid
Horde-Master 1st Class

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 09:43 PM

Mr. Draco, yes I provide resources, I thought I said that I would provide you with a complete acadamy with
resources nessecary and an extensive knowledge base on magic and a little on psionic and the interaction
between psionic and magic, the acadamy will even have a few teachers for your use.

Phasmus the goals of mine is to secure the survival and expansion of magic, war is not my first interest,
what I really hoped from your side was resources since you have easy access to them, we can provide you
with demihuman thralls for labour as well from our many raids into the udner dark clearing the trade path to
your dwellings.

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 10:00 PM

No offense, Draco, but you are not the one with the resources here.

The Humanoid Technomancy will supply you both with academies. Again, we've cleared out a lot of elven
area -- Evereska, for instance. Feel like moving in?

On the other hand, perhaps some place a little more secure would be best. The Underdark, perhaps?


IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-10-2001 10:06 PM

ZAURON- sorry, i must not have noticed that earlier. My fault.

EVERYONE- Am i the first to notice this:

Firstly: Elves banish magic from the multiverse for extended periods of time.

Then the chosen of mystra (goddess of magic) begins attacking creatures (defilers) friendly to a faction
(humanoids) that opposes the elves (banishers of magic). So the chosen of the goddess of magic is helping
the same creatures that banished magic.

No Way!

I believe that the chosen of mystra would instead assist the faction (humanoids) opposing the elves
(banishers of magic), so for the past (insert arbitrarily long time) the chosen of mystra has been helping us
(humaoids and allies) to develop new weapons, and is some cases, protect the defilers that some proclaim
he is attacking!

New ally for the humanoids League (run by forrester): none other than the chosen of mystra!

(edit) FORRESTER- the underdark sound just great, we may have a slight problem with the mind-flayers
though, and no offense but where did i say i had rescources? I've just been asking for rescources, not
claiming i had any.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Draco (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 10:07 PM

ASIDE:Of course I'm rather curious if the Illithid realize that by blotting out the sun they will be shutting off
photosynthesis, and thus killing everyone, themselves included. No oxygen= no life. Fungus is no

Us technocrats are doing our best to repair damage to our facilities and further our research. No offensive
moves are contemplated. All of the elven demands for reparations and territory are treated with scorn. We
will cooperate with our trustworthy humanoid allies, and take advantage of their continued war footing by
becomming their arms suppliers. We'll be happy to trade for their once elven gold. In fact, all of their allied
nations will be offered weapons sales, except the Devils and Defilers. We're still trying to talk the humanoids
into getting ride of those allies.

Some higher technology items will be kept for ourselves. Can't show all your cards you know.


IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 10:13 PM

We understand the way you feel, buzzard. It is a shame. Now we won't be able to share our more advanced
technology with *you* -- namely, that we get from our alliance with the gith, Zouron, Draco, and the Devils.
They have explicitly allied themselves not with you, but the growing Humanoid Technopsionimancy.

But that's your right -- we respect it.


IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 10:14 PM

Forrester I thank you for the acadamies and resources, the land I would no offence like in the parts near my
own as possible, which would mean onm edge of yours, in case of anything I will not have my troops spread
widely across the globe, since my research are far too important to be lost.

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 10:16 PM

We understand the way you feel, buzzard. It is a shame. Now we won't be able to share our more advanced
technology with *you* -- namely, that we get from our alliance with the gith, Zouron, Draco, the Defilers (not
that you know we're sheltering them), and the Devils. They have explicitly allied themselves not with you,
but the growing Humanoid Technopsionimancy.

But that's your right -- we respect it.

Lord Forrester

ZOURON -- I understand, of course -- but do not worry. I have assigned four full divisions of humanoids to
protect you and your important work. And I believe we have more resources than you -- WE will provide
Draco with the academies. You two may work together, of course!

DRACO -- I don't think that's the case. Edena originally had them enter on the side of the elves, and I
talked her out of it by making the point you did. Apparently they really, really, really don't like the defilers .
. . hmph!

I do have a tough time imagining that the Chosen can be very powerful, given the hit Mystra took when the
elves ripped apart magic.

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-10-2001 10:16 PM


In any case, I have recently contacted and convinced the titans living on this planet to come to our side,
they are advocating the creationg of an army of golems armed with techno/psionic/magic weapons, also,
they wish an official alliance with the humanoid league. Would this be acceptable with you (forrester)?

[This message has been edited by Mr. Draco (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 10:36 PM

I sit in the corner of the room staring at the main entrance.

"Where the hell are the damned elves? ... ... This does not bode well for the peace movement."


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 10:39 PM

It is up to Edena to decide whether you are successful in getting the Titans to join our cause. I am doubtful,
as she said a bit back that there is no opportunity for either side to gain power by adding new and as yet
unmentioned allies.

HOWEVER. The idea of creating an army of iron golems, enhanced with magic and psionics to be immune to
most attacks, which emit poison gasses, shoot explosives over great distances, and in general cause huge
amounts of damage is an INCREDIBLY good one.

Excellent, Draco. Excellent. Consider yourself promoted. You there, Zouron -- what have YOU been working

Edena -- we begin development and construction of such golems at once -- and not just at Zouron's lab, but
in our regular factories and in the Underdark as well. (After the prototypes are shown to be as powerful as I
think they should be, of course.)

ZOURON -- These golems will be death incarnate. Especially if we make them Upgradable. Obviously, all of
our effort will not go towards them -- we are still working on creating the Technopsimagical equivalent of the
A-Bomb (the Defilers should be able to help) -- as well as a navy, standard weapons, defenses, etc.

But these Golems will provide a key, KEY element in our plans. Remember that I have MILLIONS of troops,
and MILLIONS of humanoid workers toiling in the Underdark, toiling around the clock, all looking forward to
the day that elves are only creatures of legend, something to scare our children with in stories . . .

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
Alzem Dalcama
posted 04-10-2001 10:41 PM

To: the Baylor
We Angles are not expressely allied with the elves, we are here just to destroy the devils and demons that
have infested this plane, the best way to do this is to ally with the elves and their friends as they are
opposed to the demons and devils. Any combat with the Humanoids will be no more than a side item to our
reason for being here.
To Forrester
Any attack on the elven nations will cause swift retaliation from the Angelic Host that has joined with them as
we have agreed to protect those who fight with us in our war For Great Justice (Pun intended)

Cleric of St. Cuthbert "I?m about to drop the hammer, and dispense some indiscriminate justice!"

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 10:49 PM

hmm I think it is Mr. Draco that came the idea of making golems, however it is an expensive thing to do I
think we should carefully weigh our resouces in spell casters fo this.

On anotehr note Forrester do not attempt to promote me, I am lord of my own lands, we are allies not
master and servant. I would like with perfect clearness show that I and my people are free.

[This message has been edited by zouron (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-10-2001 10:50 PM

Hey, forrester, didn't i come up with the idea for the iron golems, how come zauron is promoted (no

Anyways, what would that make my rank? Maybe something like "Lord High Commander under Forrester of
the Humanoid armies, and Ruler of the Psionic League" ? (just a thought)

Couldn't we just get the (insert demons or devils, wichever is on our side, i lost track) to provide some
spellcasters for us, they do have quite a few of them?

[This message has been edited by Mr. Draco (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 10:51 PM

I would not doubt that my people who jump at the chance to build said Iron Golems. I know you want to, but
do you have the resources?

Do you know how much it costs to build one such creature (Over 150,000 gp per golem)? Haven't you been
pouring all of your resources into your more conventional weapons? While you are the labour forces behind
the Technocratic Coaliton, we are the finaciers. I should know for a fact, that while you have a larger
assortment of conventional weapons, you still need us to lend you some of the hard currency needed to
finance the manufacturing of said golems.

We will be more than willing to go into this little deal, but it will still have to be after this conference, if the
bloody elves ever bother to get here.


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

[This message has been edited by Reprisal (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 11:02 PM

Reprisal -- no offense, but you think like an surfacer.

We control the mines. We control the former elfhomes, which no doubt can supply some of the magical
components we need. We humanoids control EVERY stage of production. We need buy very few supplies --
we rip what we need from the earth.

And the 150,000gp figure is based on the creation of such creatures with magery alone, in a lab, by a lazy
wizard too slothful to go out and dig up the adamantium or steel or other components himself.

A good comparison: How much does it take to buy a computer? How much does it truly cost, to build one
from scratch, regarding actual material? Most of the cost put into it goes to middlemen and laborers. Both
costs, in our case, are minimal at best.

Also, our factories can make such creatures in a more straightforward manner -- picture the difference
between hand-crafting a gun from scratch, and mass-producing one.

This is a Wartime Economy, and all of the humanoids, at least, are willing to give their blood, sweat, and
tears to work towards the eventual destruction of the elves. They did not work for pay before -- they need
not do so now.

But your financial help is appreciated, and will no doubt help us get *some* of the ingredients we need.

One other thing -- do you have ANY idea how many gold and gems we took from the cold, dead hands of
the elves? Your help will be nice, but golem-construction will go on without you, nonetheless.

Lord Forrester

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
Alzem Dalcama
posted 04-10-2001 11:03 PM

Now we must go to bed for even the greatest of us must sleep, and until Edena_of_Neith gets back not to
much can happen anyway. But we will be watching

Cleric of St. Cuthbert "I?m about to drop the hammer, and dispense some indiscriminate justice!"

[This message has been edited by Alzem Dalcama (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-10-2001 11:07 PM

Ahh, the time has come for one very tired humanoid ally to get some sleep, well, until tommorow.

May the forces of the humanoid league be limitless, and may their golems be unstoppable.

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 11:11 PM

(for the ooc notes my troops will be doing their best to get as many resources as possible for store and use,
development is important, but also introducing a social security net and free training. and most importantly
create many new masses of undead for my army)

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 11:18 PM

Damnit, where are the technos? and other elves? and the gnomes? We can't do a damned thing without


If history is to change,let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If it is my destiny to die, then I
must simply laugh.-The Magus

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 11:23 PM

Reprisal can represent the Technomancy, Balor.

The absence of a representative for the elves is disturbing -- ditto the Faerae. Meanwhile, the Humanoids
have consolidated alliances with three powerful groups (The defilers, Draco, and Zouron) and have been
plowing ahead in an attempt to win the arms race -- if not amass a force to crush the elves once and for all.

I may be mistaken, but I believe Edena will tend to favor the side that actually posts . That will include
the Illithid, in this case, unfortunately, as they have been keeping us updated.


[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-10-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 11:47 PM

I am assuming the true illithids are still going forth with the snuffing? If so, we all lose. At least, those of us
who don't manage to spelljam or plane shift away.


If history is to change,let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If it is my destiny to die, then I
must simply laugh.-The Magus

IP: Logged
posted 04-10-2001 11:52 PM

Mere kidnapping of the Phaerimm will not necessarily lead to the Illithid learning out to BLOT OUT THE SUN
in a mere *seven* years. Especially when they mentioned initially that they were moving evenly towards
three goals -- and blotting out the sun was only one of them.

Riot Gear can claim that they can blot out the sun in one year's time. I am skeptical -- doubly so now that
they are divided.

Speaking of research, though, we were trying to determine how to Shut Off all psionics for a short period of
time . . . to free the Phaerimm, of course. We'll have to wait for Edena. Where are you, mighty GM?!


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Topic: New "What if . . . Industrial Revolution" Thread
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 12:04 AM

Ahh, my slumber is disturbed, what is this that i hear about stopping all psionic activity?

I will hear nothing of this plan unless i and my forces are consulted beforehand. As long as it is only
temporary, we can help to do the research, (what better way to destroy or disrupt something then have
someone who knows that something well, show you how). My only concern is for my League. I must ask that
all plans for the psionic disrupting device be placed into the custody of the Psionic League for safekeeping,
also, the research must be headed by us, finally, all non-psionic league workers involved in this project must
be mind-wipped upon its completion, we can not allow this technology to be gained in any manner, by our

If these conditions are meet, then you (forrester) will have our full assistance in this endeavour.

Side note- this is only for our safety, surely you can understand. If these terms are not agreeable, then you
can present new ones and i will look them over.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:08 AM

Back. (grumble)
We almost made it to 400 posts.
I see things have fallen apart.
I'll take a look at the situation, and assess ...

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:13 AM

I'm not sure it's safe to say things have COMPLETELY fallen apart, Edena.

Perhaps, in name, we are at peace. The lack of an elven representative -- or a representative of the Fae --
makes it difficult to proceed with the conference.

However, it HAS been made clear that the Humanoids and their new allies are working 24/7 in the creation of
weapons so destructive they can crack the earth in two like a china plate at a shooting gallery.

Okay, that'd be bad. But we should get to WWII power technopsionimagery before/just as our slothful
enemies reach WWI power -- easily.

Lord Forrester

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:22 AM

Draco -- perhaps you missed the early meetings . Certainly, the Gith would never cooperate unless the
measure was a very temporary one.

We wish to cut off psionics for but an hour, perhaps a day -- not an entire month, as the foolish elves did.
This would free the Phaerimm from the Illithids' control -- and good luck to THEM afterwards.

We would be more than happy to allow you to help us with the research. I'm sure you understand its
importance -- consdering the Illithid plan to blot out the sun. Sometime, perhaps soon, they must be


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:32 AM

I have created a new Thread to continue this.
Can you'all post there?
I did this for record-keeping purposes.


IP: Logged
The Burned Man
posted 04-11-2001 12:34 AM

I offer aid with both psionic technology and magic technology to Forrester in exchange for slaves and
prisoners taken in the war.

Give them all to me.....

*I continue to research the Psionic Enchantment that will allow me to ascend to divinity*

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:49 AM

First we offer both The Forces of Zouron Run by Zourun and The Forces of Draco for War Run by Draco a
planet in Scro space.
There in their safe haven, they can safely concentrate on technomagic/technopsionic improvements on our
weapons. This planet is your as it has already been subjugated by us. You will have a legion of troops to
defend you.

Next, with no word from the neoillithiad the githyanki begin fiercely attacking illithiad ground targets. Illithiad
hunters with sliver words and machine guns, elementals and psionic monks are doing hit a run on surface

The Githzeral are researching divining spells capable of locate underground Illithiad strongholds.

The Thri-Keen(xixchil) begins research lifeshaping Scro and humanoids into more effective warriors. They
also research modifying the witchlight marauder to give it magic/power resistance. This is accomplished by
Empowerdweomered distort life spells plus their natural ability to shapelife.

Nok will also allow serious mages into his base in limbo to see his impress magical horde. He and his
followers have just finished thier first batch of potions.
The front receives 2000 potions of invulnerability. Any suggestion as to what the magic shops produce next?

Most defilers are off planet in realmspace so are indeed safe from reprisal. They are doing hit and run
attacks. The are protected by a legion of armed troops plus a number of spelljammers. We have a gate to
humanoid lands.

Scro factories begin cranking out improved Iron golems. We also open gates to the paraelemental planes
and negotiate for more raw materials, thought we already control several planets.

The Scro are fulling engaging the elven fleets. As are the Thri-Keen(xixchil). The githyanki/githzeral help
but are more geared toward finding and attacking the illithiad.

Troop deployment (more on the way)
The Scro send:
100,000 assorted humanoids
10,000 Scro fighters
500 Scro Warpriest
250 Scro mages
plus supplies
The thri-keen send:
50,000 tohr-keen fighters
1,000 Thri-keen psions
plus supplies

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:56 AM

GUYS! Post to the new thread! Copy and paste there.

Also, I'm not sure whether Edena is going to allow the movement of troops/whatever to entirely new planets.
Run it by her before you make it sound 100% certain.

Finally -- thanks much, Gruffmug. Your assistance is appreciated. The elves will fall. I *do* suggest that you
hold off attacking the illithid until we've finished with the elves . . .


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:56 AM

Gruffmug, could you transfer that to the new Thread, the Part Two thread?

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What would your PC do if the gnomes caused the Industrial Revolution, Part Two (Page 1)

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Topic: What would your PC do if the gnomes caused the Industrial Revolution, Part Two
posted 04-11-2001 03:28 PM

This is Edena_of_Neith

It appears the crash of the EN Message Board wiped out the Thread.

I took the precaution of copying the Thread in it's entirety, and I am reposting all 177 or so Posts that were
on it, here, as one great Post.

There are GOING to be major errors in the text, because of the transfer, but I have fixed as many of them
as I could (I worked for 2 hours to fix mistakes - I wanted to return this Thread to the Message Boards as a
public service, at the least)

posted 04-11-2001 03:31 PM

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:28 AM

I am continuing this Thread under it's classic name.

The peace conference is dissolved.

The illithid have split into 3 groups, True Illithid, Illithid, and NeoIllithid.
The Scro are chomping for war against the Elven Imperial Navy.
Zouron's Undead Legions have finally made alliance.

The war resumes (there were just too many threats, too many forces eager to attack, for peace to have a
real chance)

Tell me where you stand, folks.

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:35 AM

All the forces of Oerth offered come to Toril.
That means Oerth is now fully involved in the war.
Gates make it possible. Permanent Gates make it easy.

The Gods of Oerth that walk the land (such as Iuz) do not, however, go to Toril.

There are now permanent Gates from Toril to Athas, Krynn, and Oerth. Large numbers of these Gates.
Travel to and from those worlds is all too easy.

IP: Logged
The Burned Man
posted 04-11-2001 12:38 AM

I begin to collect/buy slaves in exchange for psionic and defiling aid to Forrester/Zouron....

*A great ziggurat is being built, with technological aid*

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:44 AM

I will not speak for them, but as of last note, the following forces explicitly had declared an alliance with the
Humanoid Technomancy for all purposes, up to and including the slaying of the elves:

Evil Sahaugin & Evil Dragons (Forrester)
Machine-gunning Devils (maddman75)
Zouron's mighty Undead (Zouron)
Draco's mighty legions (Mr. Draco)
(secretly) Dregoth's Defilers (The Burning Man)
The Gith (Scro? Same thing?) (Gruffmug)

All of the above have pledged their services -- we will crush the elven menace ONCE and for ALL.

I believe the original Technomancy will also stand with me against the elves, now that they have failed to
show up at the peace conference. Clearly, this was a sham conference all along. Reprisal? buzzard?
Lannon? What do you say? We protected you before -- we wish to protect what is now *our* way of life now.
Let us stand together! Only through this war can we finally achieve peace.

Edena -- I posted suggested power levels for most of the above (basically, a summary of what you posted
in the initial thread) in a previous post on p.16 of the first thread -- of course, perhaps everything has

I do want to point out that both Zouron and Draco have been integral in helping our kobolds with
technomagical, technopsionic, and technomagipsionic advancement, up to and including the creation of
some very, very nasty iron golems.

And then there's the defiler technomagery. We are being very careful with *that* research . . .

Lord Forrester

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 12:47 AM

Ahh, welcome back Edena, I leader of the psionic league, am allies with forrester and the humanoid alliance.

Also, i send out a call to all of the world now linked by gates with Toril.

"We of the psionic league on Toril bid all psionic beings to join us in our allaince with the Humanoids. All who
join will have the benefit of our research and facilities."

This, of course, includes any other psionic being besides core races that exist on the other worlds, except
illithid, of course.

So now, with any luck, and your blessing (edena) the ranks of th psionic league will soon be flowing with the
psionic powers of not one, but four worlds.

All allied with forrester and the humanoids, and busy developing and building a techno/magical/psionic
golem army. Also, was I able to convince the titans to side with us (psionic league and humanoids)?

Side note- you may count our power level with the humanoid's. But if possible, could you also make note of
the psionic league's power level seperately, just curious, thanks!

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:50 AM

Allies (and Edena) -- is it at all possible to close the gates to Oerth and Krynn? I believe our allies might
have the power. No need to make this war bigger than need be.

(Unless, of course, you're the GM and find the possibility of humanoids completely overrunning the surface
of Faerun intolerable, and so want to supply the damn elves inumerable allies . Hmph!)

Forrester, who wants to know whether Iuz can supply solely the non-demonic aid he mentioned, whether the
devils would tolerate *some* demonic help (look at the strange bedfellows already!), and will take ANY and
ALL humanoid help from Oerth -- and supply them with full technological assistance.

I also want to know how the Dragonlords felt about my offer -- Estlor came to them looking for peace. I
offered seas filled with elven blood.

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:52 AM

To simplify matters ...

You now have enough strength, Forrester, to take the Elven Alliance on, but not to defeat it.

If the Technomancy, at this point, backs you, Forrester (and the rest of you), you can crush the elves of
Toril and permanently eliminate them.

Someone from the Technomancy MUST speak on this matter first.

And no, the Gates of Toril, cannot be closed.
People are opening new Gates as fast as you can close the old ones.

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 12:56 AM

Oops, forgot to mention, thanks to gruffmug for supplying a seclude planet to conduct research on and build
up the armies of the psionic league, perhaps you (forrester) would like to set up golem factories (think
about it, a whole planet-ful of rescources). In return, we the psionic league will grant the scro psionic
technologies to use in defeating the royal elven navy.

(edit) P.S. about how many new psionists and psionic beings do you (edena) think i can recuit from four
worlds, maybe 10 million? (creatures and sentients, the creatures would probably just feel the psionic calling
and obey, i'd say that that many new members, and the psionic league is looking very powerful, maybe
power level 7 or 8?

[This message has been edited by Mr. Draco (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:03 AM


Well, as soon as one thing is taken care of:


This is our chance to rid ourselves of the elven menace *FOREVER*. Everkeep, or deep, or whatever, that
stupid little island of theirs, in RUINS. CRUSHED. The time has come!

Lord Forrester

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:03 AM

First we offer both The Forces of Zouron Run by Zourun and The Forces of Draco for War Run by Draco a
planet in Scro space. There in their safe haven, they can safely concentrate on technomagic/technopsionic
improvements on our weapons. This planet is your as it has already been subjugated by us. You will have a
legion of troops to defend you.

Next, with no word from the neoillithiad the githyanki begin fiercely attacking illithiad ground targets.
Illithiad hunters with sliver words and machine guns, elementals and psionic monks are doing hit a run on
surface illithiads.

The Githzeral are researching divining spells capable of locate underground Illithiad strongholds.

The Thri-Keen(xixchil) begins research lifeshaping Scro and humanoids into more effective warriors. They
also research modifying the witchlight marauder to give it magic/power resistance. This is accomplished by
empowerdweomered distort life spells plus their natural ability to shapelife.

Nok will also allow serious mages into his base in limbo to see his impress magical horde. He and his
followers have just finished thier first batch of potions.
The front receives 2000 potions of invulnerability.
Any suggestion as to what the magic shops produce next?

Most defilers are off planet in realmspace so are indeed safe from reprisal. They are doing hit and run
attacks. They are protected by a legion of armed troops plus a number of spelljammers. We have a gate to
humanoid lands.

Scro factories begin cranking out improved Iron golems. We also open gates to the paraelemental planes
and negotiate for more raw materials, thought we already control several planets.

The Scro are fulling engaging the elven fleets. As are the Thri-Keen(xixchil). The githyanki/githzeral help
but are more geared toward finding and attacking the illithiad.

Troop deployment (more on the way)
The Scro send:
100,000 assorted humanoids
10,000 Scro fighters
500 Scro Warpriest
250 Scro mages plus supplies
The thri-keen (xixchil) send:
50,000 tohr-keen fighters
1,000 Thri-keen psions plus supplies

We also offer a planet to the defiliars(see prevous post for more details).

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:05 AM

Iuz immediately sends his 60,000 orcs, 500 Black Death cavalry, 5000 true demons, an approximate
number of lesser demons, 3 Red Dragons along, with 200 clerics and a couple members of the Lesser
Boneheart to keep an eye on things. He plops then down on the least populated area of the main continent
he can find ( I leave exactly where to you Edena). He then starts actively recruiting. The Rampaging
Demons and again sends representatives to the Humanoids. Iuz seems content to run things from Oerth.

The 10,000 veteran troops and 500 Fists of Hextor arrive at the Technocracy base. They are ready to fight,
but they will leave immediately if the Technocracy doesn?t start coughing up the rifles, cannons, and

Prince Melf and the elves arrive at Evermeet, and are itching for a scrap (although Melf?s personal feelings
are similar to the Circle of Eight?s, he must follow the order of his queen).

The Circle of Eight, The Old Lore, and Old Faith, are desperate to close the portals, especially the portals to
Oerth (This madness must stop before Oerth is infected with ?technology ? and is destroyed as well).
Mordenkainen goes off in search of Elminster. The rest of the Circle split up to meet with the elves, and
Technocracy. The Old Faith,. and Old Lore Representatives go off to meet with the druids and Fey folk. If
the peace talks fail, they will put Plan B into action.

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 01:06 AM

Well, forrester, time to start tallying our armies.

Personally the psionic league can supply between 1 and 7 million psionic beings, (creatures and sentients,
depending on how many edena thinks can be found in four worlds).

We should, by now have maybe 5,000 golems?

What of the other forces in the humanoid alliance? How many warriors can you send to battle?

The call for arms has gone up, let all reply!

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:08 AM

The NeoIllithid fight back fiercely, and you discover they are quite as tough as they are made out to be.
Realizing they would be more advantageous underground, the NeoIllithid retreat Below, and they are joined
by some of their fellows.

Very quickly, a major war is raging in the Upper Underdark.

The Technomancy has still not spoken.

The elves, their Faerie Folk allies, their angelic allies, their dwarven and gnomish allies, and all their other
allies are rushing to ready themselves for this last, climatic showdown.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:09 AM

Again, Gruffmug, I am doubtful that Edena will give our side entire new planets to play with . Remember that
the best current technology is still (until Edena says otherwise) only WW1-level stuff.

Let's wait for her call. In any case, your help against the elves will be invaluable.

DRACO -- Edena's not working with absolute numbers here. I do get the impression that as far as sheer
numbers go, we're ahead, largely due to the number of humanoids (we breed, you know). I also get the
impression we're ahead in technology -- which is exactly why we should be able to not only match the elves,
but take them down.
(Why the original Technomancy should be absolutely necessary for victory, I'm not sure -- but I accept it.

C'mon, buzzard/Reprisal/Lannon! Where are you?!)

Lord Forrester

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 01:10 AM

Well, edena thank you for the update, but i am still waiting for the number of psionic beings (creatures and
sentients) i can recuit from four worlds.

GRUFFMUG- The psionic league sends a legion of 20,000 psionic warriors and creatures to help rout out the
illithid. (fight fire with fire)

What next, do the elves reply?

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:17 AM

johnbrown -- The Humanoids will completely and totally refuse to ally themselves with demons, as long as
the devils controlled by maddman75 fail to agree. Given the strange bedfellows, I hope they will.

That's not to say that Iuz cannot tell the demons to work independently to crush the elves, of course. But we
cannot formalize an alliance with them.

Lord Forrester

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:19 AM

Draco, you can ... literally ... recruit millions of beings.

This takes time, though, and Forrester wants to attack NOW. Unfortunately for him, the Technomancy has
yet to back him or you.

It is not possible to shut the portals to Oerth.
Iuz, among others, is making sure they stay open.
Because of the interference of Iuz, a large number of Celestials go to reinforce the elves of Toril.

Tensions on Oerth mount tremendously.
The elves of the Lendores are ready to declare war on Aerdi, as are the elves of Celene.
The dwarves of the Lortmils and Uleks would be only too happy to come along.
And nobody likes Turmosh Mok and the orcs of the Pomarj.
Furyondy and Veluna would probably join the elves, and in any case they see this as a chance to attack Iuz,
for he has weakened himself by sending forces to another world.

In other words, folks, you have totally destablized Oerth.
Oerth was already very unstable, recovering from the Greyhawk Wars. You have pushed it to the brink.

On Krynn, the Dragon Overlords are not attacking for a very good reason.
They are waiting for the people of Toril to destroy each other. It is obvious they are going to do ... just that.
Then the Dragon Overlords can step in and do as they please.

The people of Athas - the normal, ordinary people - demand the Gates be left up.
They want the heck OUT of their world, onto the green, verdant paradise that you call Toril.

It is assumed that all sides are calling up, or summoning, all the Outsider help that is physically possible to
All sides have, or are in the process of, summoning all the help from other Crystal Spheres they can.

It is all centering around Evermeet.
Evermeet, the last home of the elves on Toril.
Created by the Sundering 50,000 years ago, the elves will see Toril destroyed before they give it up.
They will fight to the end. They intend to make you pay a cost so staggering, so awesome, so terrible, for
Evermeet, that people will be whispering in terror of it another 50,000 years hence.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:22 AM

The Technocracy does not condone the total genocide of any race, even if it is the elves. (( The Kender on
the other hand... ))

If you move, you move alone, we will not attack another land if they do not attack us. We do, on the other
hand, send Ambassadors to the human and gnomish lands outside of our realm. Do not mistake this as a
slap in the face, we have asked our populations and they do not crave warfare anymore. We will not stop
you, and we will continue to trade with you, but we will not take part in a war of aggression on the Elves.


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:23 AM

I count the githzeral and githyanki armies in the hundreds of thosands (proably more) as both see the
Illithiad as a major threat they are fully engaged. Gith do not want to under Illithiad rule again.

Both The Scro and the Thri-keen control a crystal sphere. They have allot of troops however thier numbers
are being used mainly to crush the elven fleets. They both have scores to settle with the elves.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:24 AM

The elves of Toril send out a final plea for more help.
Help from anywhere. Anybody. They don't care who or what or why.

This is an urgent, desperate begging.

Monsters have come, and Evermeet will be destroyed, and scro and other abominations will rule Toril, if they
fail to receive this assistance, they say.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:24 AM

Iuz no problem with this arrangement. A formal or informal alliance makes no difference to him. The
Demons will attack the elves, once he hears from the Ramapaging Demons. Iuz does expect Humanoid
assistance (no Devils invited) on Oerth when this is over, however.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:26 AM

Edena -- I am impatient, but I am willing to wait for Zouron to collect his allies, as long as it seems as
though we are getting forces faster than the elves/celestials are.
Of course, if the Technomancy steps in, then we can begin our assault on the elves while the recruiting takes
place . . .

Lord Forrester

Oh -- the foolish elven threats bore me to tears. What are they going to do, reduce my people to living in
caves, eating grubs and fungi and stray lizards, barely ekeing out an existence?

Welcome to our last few millenia.

I *will* remind you that with the Month of Terror of a few years ago, and the fact that so many of the most
powerful elven wizards sacrificed their lives to cast that 12th level spell, I am somewhat skeptical that they
could pull something just as powerful out of their butts once again.

Of course, they're elves, so maybe that's all the reason they need . . .

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 01:26 AM

Hey, edena, would the illithid of other worlds come and join the psionic league?

If so, we would have three times the number of illithid on our side as there presently are on toril. If we set
aside enough mindflayers to take on the resistance on toril in one on one battles, then only a few other
fighters will tip the balance to our side, and we will still have many more illithid to help us and set loose on
the elves, so edena, what do you say, do the illithid of other worlds help the psionic league?

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:29 AM

The elves, along with all their allies (faerie, angel, dwarve, gnome, etc.) send a diplomatic envoy to the
Offering Alliance with the Technomancy.
Alliance against the hordes of Scro and Thri-Kreen who are coming from the two Crystal Spheres they control.
Alliance against the humanoid hordes out of control.
Alliance against the devils, demons, and the massive forces of evil Outsiders and evil humanoids being sent
from other worlds.

The elves say: this is our world. Toril. Toril the beautiful.
Let's stand together, we of Toril, against the extra-planar and extra-world menaces.

The elves even send a diplomat to the NeoIllithids, requesting alliance with them.

The message:

Let's protect our world, Toril, Abeir-Toril, the Cradle of Life, from the millions of monstrosities from other
worlds that have come, or are coming, to overwhelm us all, and those on this world who would ally with them.
The elves point to the Defilers of Athas as a prime example of these unwanted outsiders, and the demons,
who continue to rampage and plunder indiscriminately.

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(Page 2)

posted 04-11-2001 01:32 AM

Draco, absolutely not.
The illithid of other worlds are coming.
To support the Illithid Alliance of this world (not the NeoIllithids)

And the Illithid Alliance of this world, has not taken any side but it's own.

And, by the way, they ARE now close to figuring out how to put out Toril's sun.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:32 AM

The Circle of Eight, The Old Lore and Old Faith, sensing that peace is no longer an option throw in with the
elves. Plan B consists of Ulek, Celene, Furyondian, Velenese, Keoland, Greyhawk figter, cleric, wizard, and
rouge that hey can lay their hands on throwing in with the elves as well (better to have Toril destroyed than

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:34 AM

They scro alliance arrrive in Oerth's crystal sphere and begin scouting with small unintrusive spelljammers.
What defenses do they have?

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:35 AM

Grrrrrrrrrrr. Coward.

Okay, Edena. As soon as Zouron and Draco have summoned enough help to take down the elves, I
ATTACK! We will start by eliminating the elven menace from everywhere BUT Evermeet -- we want to control
all of the continents, if we do not already. Perhaps the cowards have already fled.

After that, all of the remaining elves will be on Evermeet. May I ask, Edena, the approximate dimensions of
this island?

Our mages may find it easier to cause a massive tidal wave that would wipe out all life there -- rather than
taking the time to invade. Heh heh heh.

Lord Forrester

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:37 AM

It is easy for all these nations to send forces, since the Gates are now open.
Evermeet welcomes them eagerly.

There is a problem, though.
Iuz immediately attacks Furyondy, Veluna, the Vesve, and the Shieldlands.
This is partly to stop you from doing what you were trying to do: support the elves.
He is also doing it because you are weakened, having sent large forces to aid the elves of Toril.

The moment Iuz does this, the war in Teht flares up all over again.
Stonefist declares war. The Theocracy declares war. Exhausted Nyrond is pulled back into the conflict.

The outraged dwarves and elves, jumping the gun, attack Turmosh Mok and his Pomarj orcs.
Seizing the initiative, Greyhawk and the cities of the Wild Coast, and Verbobonc, join in the attack.

Seeing the nations supporting Geoff and Sterich occupied, the giants and drow renew their attacks.

The Scarlet Brotherhood watches all this, waiting for the opportunity to pounce.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:41 AM

Do you see, Reprisal? They ask your help AGAINST us! They WISH WAR! Let us give it to them!

Should you decide to move against us -- no, you could not possibly be that foolish! We *are* the production
of your empire. We are the guardians. You are in our midst -- and ever have been since we defended you
from these accursed elves. Should you throw in your lot with them, you would fall within *days*.

Do not be tempted by elves.

Meanwhile, I secretly talk with Iuz about a possible invasion of Oerth. Most of the "good" powerful forces
apparently have come to Faerun. No doubt that there are humanoid factories starting up in Oerth. And
besides, the Toril sun is about to be blotted out anyway.

It may be time to leave this accursed world, and start in a new one.

NOBODY expected THAT, DID you?!

Lord Forrester
Considering Getting The Hell Out Of Here

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:42 AM

Has Modenkien been able to speak with Elminster? If so what's his take on all of this.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:43 AM

Holy COW! I posted the post after Edena's BEFORE I read it . . . simultaneous posts, both dealing with war
on Oerth.

So how about it, Edena? Would a mass migration to Oerth be successful -- and offer us a greater chance for
victory/our own Humanoid Homeland? Or not (very likely not). But I must ask . . .

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:43 AM

The final war for the elves begins.
The Elven Imperial Navy has positioned itself over Evermeet, to protect it from Wildspace.
The elves have a large ethereal, and a large astral, force, ready to defend against planar attacks.
They have large defenses Below.
Evermeet itself is 200 miles long, and 100 wide.
Every mountain and hill, every tree, every building, everything you could think of and more, has been
fortified, refortified, magically fortified, magically fortified again, and elves are ready to sell their lives
With them stand legions of angels. Practically all the Faerie Folk of Toril. Massive hosts of dwarves and
With them stand vast numbers of peoples from other worlds and planes.
A host of Outsiders from Arvandor.
A vast host of humans and demi-humans from Oerth.
The list goes on and on.

The final war begins.
Scro and Elven ships clash in space. The sky lights up with the explosions.
Mages teleport to battle. A thousand spells detonate.
Warships collide, guns blazing, fireballs lobbed, lightning bolts shattering the skies with endless thunder.
The sea churns and boils as the sea elves and merfolk clash with the sahuagin and others.

Wild magic storms begin erupting, and racing eastward. Multicolored lightning flickers from strange clouds of
black and purple hues.
Hurricane force winds strike the mainland. Great waves roll in, harbingers of things to come.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:45 AM


Iuz thinks that's a wonderful idea. But you have to leave the devils here.

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posted 04-11-2001 01:46 AM

Hmmmm. It seems that Edena is typing faster than I am. That's amazing in itself.

I guess we're not going to do the big Switcheroo/Attack Oerth.

I order my Underdark humanoid factories to batten down the hatches, if they haven't already. Looks like the
elves are going to be doing some dumb High Elven Magic again. Bastards. Well, it isn't as though we didn't
see it coming.

Technomancers -- this is your time to act, and help us before Elven High Magic destroys us all. Again.

Lord Forrester

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:47 AM

To add to the confusion of Oerth the Scro alliance begins making raids on the surface helping Iuz.

Also, the scro welcome the people of Athas. Stong warriors we can respect.

Forrester, we do get the planets as it was stated I do control two crystal spheres.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:49 AM

It is not my right to speak for another's character, so I cannot speak for Elminster.

However, it should be obvious the Chosen are taking the side of the elves, and fighting for them.
Also, the nations of Toril that sided with the elves, are sending all the force they can, via teleportation circles
and Gate, to Evermeet.
It's do or die time, for them.
They empty themselves of fighters, throw everything they have at the conflict.
Nations like Rashemen, Aglarond, Cormyr - they are hurling everything they have against the foe.

The Technomancy could have a field day against these countries. They could walk right in and take over.
These countries are beyond caring.
All they see is that Outsiders and monsters from other worlds have come to destroy their world.

The battle rages. All out war is in progress.
An immense cloud forms over Evermeet, filling the planet's troposphere and stratosphere.
Lightning flickers out of it from all sides, bottom, sides, and top.
The cloud is clearly visible across all of western Faerun, and people look on in awe.

I need to know what the Technomancy is going to do, and I need to know NOW.

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:55 AM

Wow! Ok, I'm back, but about to go to sleep, I considered packing my PlaneWalkers up and leaving, but we
realize that this war is spilling out there may be no where to run.

I have met with the Dragon-king in the interest of learning new psionics.

(OOC: Edena I know your running this but I'm with Forrester why does the Chosen side witht the elves when
they started the war that may destroy the multiverse and they fired the spell that could have killed Mystera?
I fail to see why anyone would side with the elves in this. Other then the Metagaming aspect of Elves are
cool we have to keep them alive there part of the game.)

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:56 AM

Okay. There is but ONE course . . . ONE thing to do at this point.

If we can . . .

We've been working on a little spell -- to shut down Psionics for a little while. Well, as the elves pointed out,
there's ANOTHER little spell out there . . . that shuts down all MAGIC for a little while.

It's time to use BOTH -- and BOTH it must be. One or the other will not be enough. First the Psionics one --
then, a day later, the Magic one. This will give the Phaerimm ample opportunity to free themselves from the
Illithid *and* slay many of them, spoiling their plans.

Then, we stop all Magic. Evermeet will lose all magical protection -- and with our greater numbers, they will
FALL, FALL, FALL! The Devils will be warned -- but the Solars will die, the Outsiders will die, and the elves,
who once again overrelied on their magic, will die. Our troops will be in non-magical ironclads, but they will
still float (and again, we have the powers of the evil sea creatures). Even without the magic, we have
excellent technology -- and we have greater numbers! And we will be prepared for what happens. The elves
will not.

Assuming that both spells will work, and that we can get enough troops to Evermeet afterwards -- that's
EXACTLY what we do.

Lord Forrester

We will stop the Elven High Magic from destroying Toril. . .

Oh -- keep in mind that since the last fiasco, the Technomancy (and the humanoids technomancy), while
adding magic to various items, has made sure that most still function WITHOUT them. Rifles without
Truestrike and +3 bullets are still rifles.

Of course, perhaps we can't even cast the demagicking spell -- in which case, hell with it. We'll just kicking
their ass anyway.

(And we *wouldn't* cast it unless we knew we could overwhelm the Island, Normandy-style, right afterwards .
. . )

Lord Forrester

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 03:32 PM

Wow, that is impressive...
Good luck edena.

If it is possible, could people still help me put together enough pertinent information in the other post
(titled: "History of toril during the industrial revolution") to create a viable campaign world, i think it would be
really great if people could help with that.

posted 04-11-2001 03:34 PM

... And then the world disappeared.

That's where Bugaboo came in!
(But he didn't stay long; just enough to have fun while he rebooted reality under the guise of his Edna of
Nieth avatar. Then he left again.)

Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 03:34 PM

Nuts, the part about the psionic league sacrificing itself for toril is gone.

posted 04-11-2001 03:36 PM

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:56 AM

The Scro weary of elven magic back off to the edge of Toril. We then send a massive fleet expendable whos
sole purpose is release 10 improved Witchlight marauders (they have regenation and spell resistance) on or
as near as possible.

hmm.. it may be better if we wait and consult forrester first. We have what amounts to an A bomb do we use

"We let the dogs out"

[This message has been edited by Gruffmug (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:57 AM

The Chosen answer you, Darwin.
The Chosen state:

If the elves of Toril are exterminated, it will cause all life on Toril to end.
This is because the elves are a part of the Magic.
The Magic of Toril.
The elves ARE a part of the Weave.

Magic and life on Toril are entwined. One cannot exist without the other.
Destroying all the elves, down to the last and least, will wreck the Weave.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:03 AM

In an address to the United Parliament of the Technocratic Coalition, broadcasted on the D&D equivalent of
radio, even though we may as well have it if we've got WWI level technology.

"Members, Ministers, we stand at a precipice. We have been through close to six years of warfare, and it has
become more than obvious that if we continue, not only will it end in fire, it will end in the total destruction of
entire populations...

"We did not start this war, the elves did, and we battled them back with the help of our humanoid allies,
under Lord Forrester, and now we stand as a monument to a society built not only on technology, but on the
rights of every sentient being that walks this planet. This was a battle of self-determination, and we have
won that after our baptism of fire. We are a young collection of nations by all standards, and yet we still
have the sum knowledge of all that have come before us.

"The question now becomes: 'Do we have the right to erase an entire race from the face of the planet?' I
fear that if we do so, we will become not only hippocrates, but no better than the elves. We, as a nation,
have built our nation on the fact that no one nation has jurisdiction over that of another, separate one. The
only war that is justified is one of defense, and the war our allies have advocated, have pushed upon us, is
not a just war.

"Though we still treat our allies as compatriots, we will not march our armies onto foreign soil if they have
not attacked us. The Great War is over, and I for one wish it to remain so... The question, I pose, is one of
the utmost importance: With the introduction of other worlds, alien to you, I and many others, do we dare
act with impudence? What dangers face our citizens, our sons, if we agree to send any of them into the

"I do not wish to fight, but if we must, we will. Despite what some may believe, we are still a force to be
reckoned with, we have just grown ourselves a set of values that we can call our own. These may prove alien
to some, but they must be respected, or all we have fought for has been for naught. It is with a heavy heart
that I ask the Honourable Speaker to call a vote on what we do next:

"Mr. Speaker, as leader of the Liberal-Democratic Coalition, I call for a vote on our next action. I see three
things that we may do: (1) Join the Humanoids in a war that we know to be unjuste, (2) Join the Elven
Combine in a war we know to be unjuste, or (3) remain neutral in its truest sense. I believe that the answer
is obvious, please, we cannot turn on the values of our founders, we must respect the sovereignty of any
and every nation on this world, or not on this world.

"What the humanoids choose to do is of their own concern. It is now that we, and we alone will decide what it
is that we do from now on. We are free from the tyranny of the elder races, and what we do from here is a
result of our choices. I do wish that those who hear this respect our choice, for it is ours to make.

"Thank you."

(( Though I, as a political leader, advocate the total neutrality of our Coalition of Nations, I cannot dictate
what it is that we do, it is up to either Buzzard, and Lannon to help make the choice. Should they not be
here, I leave their two votes to Edena. ))


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:03 AM

Sorry, Forrester, but the elves are the only ones who could pull that stunt. And then, only once.

However, the dropping of Witchlights on Toril is it. That's the final straw.

Do you know what a Witchlight is?!
It is a creature that multiples out of control, and this multiplication is measured in seconds.
The multiplication requires no growth, and no sustenance, except that the Witchlights must eat, and eat,
and eat.

They cannot be stopped, once started, once they have really gotten going, by any known magic or being.

And your scro allies just dropped several on Evermeet.
Water is NOT an obstacle to witchlights. Multiplying out of control, they will destroy all of Toril.

The elves unleash their answer to the Witchlight, as they promised they would.
The tarrasque is awakened from it's slumber, and it comes to Evermeet (and the elves weep, too, at the
grim necessity of doing this awful thing, bringing THIS being to their sacred homeland).

The tarrasque, alone, is capable of taking on and stopping the Witchlights.

The tarrasque ... starts to feed.


First Post
(Post 2) Thread Two of the 1st IR

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posted 04-11-2001 02:03 AM

Assuming Edena tells me that my plan will work, you're best setting down your ships for a little while.

If we really *do* have the equivalent of the A-bomb (I think Edena would let me know if it were true), I'd
hurl it at Evermeet. Duh!

And I don't care if it wipes out all life on Toril. Stupid elves. We wipe out 99.99% of them, Toril begins to
crumble, and we all move into Oerth to kick ass THERE.

Lord Forrester

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:04 AM

(OOC: *errr* *rolls eyes* Expected something like that.)

Anyway, at this point it's over for Toril in my eyes, I'm mealy looking for somewhere in the multiverse far
enough away to hide out, We may use our Psionics to create a demiplane for us to hole up on, but we are
worried about the war following us.

We had heard rumors of a place known as Ravenloft that can be entered but no left. So if it comes down to
it we will duck in there and let anyone foolish enough to follow, follow.

Hopefully it won't come to that, My force doesn't have alot of arcane magic, mostly Psionics and Divine but I
believe that we can create some temporary gates and we are invited anyone who wishes to pack up and
leave passage with us when we go. For now though we are trying to gather infomation and see what

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posted 04-11-2001 02:06 AM

I cannot make those two votes, Reprisal. I am sorry.
You must take the responsibility. You, Lannon, and the others who run the Technomancy.
You must choose.
And you must choose now.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:08 AM

Darwin, Greatspace would be a good place to go.
There are plenty of Crystal Spheres where you could go, and find peace.

There are thousands of such spheres out there. This war is only involving about 8 or so, out of those

The Universe is a big place.

And, for what it's worth, there are still idealists fighting for Toril. THEY have not given up on their world.

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:09 AM

Hee hee hee. I think we'll pull back for now. The Tarrasque is eating Evermeet! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Once it gets done with the Witchlights, it'll start eating elves!


Unless the elves are so cheaty that somehow they can COMMAND the Tarrasque. (I'm skeptical.)

Funnier is the fact that the Evermeet is in the middle of a vast ocean. You know how far the Tarrasque is
going to have to go to get to humanoid settlements? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Stupid elves!

Of course, we immediately commence an investigation into how the Tarrasque can be stopped at some point
-- or, perhaps, slowed, or put to sleep.

But the rest of us sit back and watch the fun.

Lord Forrester

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posted 04-11-2001 02:11 AM

(( Can the humanoids without the aide of our nation eradicate all of the elves on this world? In making a
decision that I am loathe to make without my fellows, I must have this information. ))

"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

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(Page 3)

posted 04-11-2001 02:11 AM

Dregoth waits for the right moment...

When the Elves of Evermeet are weakened enough he uses his researched Spell to drain all life (tarrasque,
witchblight, etc) in the isle.

...this energy fill fuel his ascenscion to true divinity...

...if it destroys toril, too bad... let me know if it works...

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:12 AM

If Iuz and the Humanoids take off for Oerth. The other Oerthans will have to follow, if they can. That combo
simply represents too much power not to send the troops they have left back. To defend their homelands.

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posted 04-11-2001 02:13 AM

Understand there is plenty of places to go, But see, I'm offering to bring as much of the population of Toril
with me as possibile.

2 problems arrise here, First we have to find a place where these refuges are welcome... second, We have to
make sure this war doesn't start again there, plus! we have to make sure the Demons, and the Mind-Flayers
(yes I'm a psionics fan that can't spell the other name, shame on me) don't follow us there,

I am even offering to bring elves but they can no longer be trusted, they have to be watched, that Month of
Terror was a alignment shift from Good to Evil for the whole race.

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posted 04-11-2001 02:14 AM

Reprisal -- if you will not join us against the elves, will you at least help us find a defense against the
Tarrasque?! Assuming that it eventually finds its way to our shores, of course -- knowing Edena, I'm sure it
will, after it's finished feasting on Evermeet.

Edena -- any elves fleeing Evermeet are sure to be killed by our forces, of course.

Lord Forrester
Who Now Desires Only Peace

Oh -- Edena. Now that this has happened -- well, I can appreciate that we can't pull the demagicking stunt.
But Dregoth said that he had some Psiomatrix that shut down psionics, and the Gith, Draco, and Zouron
have been working on a spell that would shut down all psionics temporarily. Have we been successful yet? If
so, it's time to bring down the Illithids . . .

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:14 AM

I have my reply from Forrester. We drop the witchlight marauders.

Scro and allies help in the evacuation of humaniods from Toril

Several archmages and archerlords warriors engage the tarrasque and wish it dead!!


"Who let the dogs out"
"We let the dogs out"

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:15 AM

GRUFFMUG! Please edit your statement.

I'm sure you meant to say that we take on the Tarrasque after it's done eating Evermeet -- correct?


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:15 AM

At this point, there are hundreds of thousands of casualties among the elven allies, and thousands among
the elves themselves.
The bodies of elves, faerie, angels, knights of Veluna, dwarves, gnomes of Ulek, shiere of Arvandor,
kender, lay in a vast wreckage from one end of Evermeet to the other.

But Evermeet is still standing fast, in spite of it all.
Without the Technomancy, the enemy has been able to defeat the elves.

In wildspace, the Elven Imperial Navy has given pursuit to the retreating Scro fleet, cutting it off and
engaging it.
More ships are continuing their firefight over Toril itself.

There is battle in the astral plane, as the githyanki match swords against the elves defending there (the
githyanki are winning that one.)
There is battle in the ethereal plane, as hordes of elementals attack the elven defenders.

The Technomancy has yet to take a stand. The illithid have yet to decide.

The Humanoids and all their allies hurl themselves against the elves like massive waves against a rocky
Rocks crumble, and avalanches of debris go crashing down into the ocean.
Soon, the ocean is stained with silt and sand, and filled with rock debris.

And still the war rages. The great cloud looms higher and higher, multicolored lightning flickering from it,
like an avatar of doom, while the world of Toril trembles under the feet of those watching on in awe.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:17 AM

I will say this one last time:

If the Technomancy joins the Humanoids NOW, the elves WILL be eradicated.

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posted 04-11-2001 02:18 AM

Burned Man, are you willing to teach me and my forces about your knowledge of the Way, We already have
the Will.

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posted 04-11-2001 02:20 AM

And as the carnage continues, and thousands die, one has to wonder:

What happens when the Circle of Dread, nine of the most powerful necromancers in the multiverse, enter
the field?

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:20 AM

Edena -- you make it sound like the humanoids are literally tossing themselves against the shores.

(I take it the Tarrasque has perished?)

It's far more likely that we're just off-shore, bombarding the living hell out of Evermeet with our
magically-enhanced cannon. There are likely some atemmpted incursions as well, of course -- but we're not
suicidal! That's the wonder of technology -- we can attack from afar . . .

Lord Forrester
Wonderng whether Zouron's Reinforcements are Here Yet.

Wondering whether the Defiler Technomagery Weapon is Complete.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:20 AM

This time I really am going to sleep guys' it's 3am here, See you in 8 hours.

All willing refuges are recomended to be in my camp at all times, If anything bad goes down while I'm gone,
I gate out anyone who gets left behind gets left.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:22 AM

Forrester, only if the Tarrasque makes its merry way into Technocratic lands.

(( I ask that Edena repost the power levels of singular nations, actually, I only ask the levels of: (1) The
humanoids et al (2) The Technocracy (3) The Elves et al (4) Anyone else pertinent to my decision. ))

(( Screw it. )) If the choice is regrettably mine, then I choose neutrality. Mess with us, and we'll take a bite
out of you that will make it so that you will not survive an incursion with any other force. We will continue
trade, but we will not publish any of our further scientific findings. From now on, we benefit from our
discoveries alone. The Humanoids are at a point where they can do without our knowledge. Though it is not
as advanced as ours, since we would have built institutions far superior to any humanoid one, and we can
afford the best minds (that's where hard currency comes in Forrester), we can afford to stay our ground.

We redouble our efforts in researching defensive technology, as well as researching something the British
coined "tanks." Adamantine tanks should prove to be quite an advantage over any attackers.

Still, we urge the humanoids to leave the elves alone, for if they are part of the Weave, then their
destruction can only mean the destruction of our world.


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:22 AM

Please, Reprisal. We Need You. We won't kill ALL the elves -- we just want Evermeet.

Imagine -- the elves, FINALLY defeated at last!

Just Forrester.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:22 AM


OOC: However this comes out...Man, has this been fun!!

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:24 AM

Zouron's Undead hordes are with you. So are all your allies.
It's just that, even with all your forces - all of you put together - you cannot win against Evermeet.
The island is just too heavily defended.

The elves used the tarrasque to clear the witchlights, then Wished it into stasis.

The Humanoids and their allies simply cannot break the elves alone. They MUST have the Technomancy to
do it, and the Technomancy has been doing the classic political thing - lots of talk, and lots of committee
discussions, and lots of conferences, and no action. (chuckle)

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:24 AM

>GRUFFMUG! Please edit your statement. I'm >sure you meant to say that we take on the >Tarrasque after
it's done eating Evermeet -- >correct?


Hmmm.... yes yes we will wait for for a time.
"Die elves Die"

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:26 AM

Mr. Baggins, I simply do not understand war...

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posted 04-11-2001 02:27 AM

Damn you, Reprisal. I wish Lannon were here. I know he'd help.

When it becomes CLEAR that we cannot get additional allies, and it becomes CLEAR that we cannot take the
island, we will pull back into a defense posture, Edena. We will not leave -- but we will stop surface

We'll blow them back into the Stone age from the sea. (That includes our submarines). Think England
during WWII. Germany could not take them . . . but oh, my, they could hurt them a lot.

We'll do that for at least two months . . . while gathering information on how long the Illithid have until they
blot out the Sun.

Oh -- Edena -- you never told me whether that little piece of temporary Psionics-cancellation was possible.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:28 AM

Oh, one more thing before I sleep, the destruction of the elves can't possibly mean the destruction of all of
Toril, the Elf happy Chosen are just protecting there jobs.

See if the elves go the Weave goes, Well, we already had no weave, we surived, It just gets rid of magic.
Most of the time no magic is a better thing than with magic.

The Chosen are simply bull****ting us to keep the magic as they have gotten really accosumed to that
Spellfire stuff.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:28 AM

Heartened by the Declared Neutrality of the Technomancy, the elves strike back with all their anger and their
ferocity and their famed magic.
The Humanoids are forced back. Any on the island of Evermeet are destroyed.
The great Humanoid fleets have to fall back from Evermeet.
The Scro are fighting for their lives against the Elven Navy in wildspace.
The Githyanki have triumphed in the astral plane.
The elves and elementals continue to battle it out in the ethereal.

Across the length and breath of Evermeet, a cheer goes up, and the flag of Evermeet still waves proudly in
the wind over the palace of Queen Amlauril.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:30 AM

(( LOL, I'm glad you got it Edena, it's the politics of self-interest, of neutrality. Though it may seem out of
place in a world of Good and Evil, it seems appropriate for the Technocracy, and humans in general. ))

We are loathe to see the elves dying in droves, though we have no love for them, we do not hate them as
the Humanoids do. Still, we regret to see Lord Forrester throwing his troops to their doom at Evermeet.
Though you say that you will not destroy all of the elves, we do not believe you. I have met you in person,
and you hate the elves so much that it clouds your judgement.

We will NOT take part in the full scale eradication of the elven people. We will stand on the sidelines and
wait... If it's war and conquest you want, take it somewhere else, for we do not want it.

"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:31 AM

Very well. We will fall back.

Average Elven Generation: 200 years.
Average Humanoid Generation: 15 years.

Victory is assured.

Um, as long as the Illithid don't blot out the sun. Again, need to hear more about that.

Cursed Technomancers. How powerful ARE they, anyway, compared to the Humanoid Horde?


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:32 AM

My undead forces (which are the only ones I sent out) are helping my alliance, but also got special order to
capture as many elves as possible and send them off to my demi plane.

Also they are able to grab artifacts and magic items, to send them the same way.

though we do not accept the Scro alliance, but we do strongly aid the Neoillithid with eitehr hideout in our
demiplane and also support in form of spells and training.

Also remember we are continuously gathering resources and trying to recruit new people to our cause.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:32 AM

Well, the forces of Oerth, both good and evil, have to go to bed. Edena, I trust you will do right by them. Til
the morning...

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(Page 4)

posted 04-11-2001 02:32 AM

You have Evermeet under siege, Forrester.
They cannot leave. You have them pinned in there.
You cannot, it seems, manage to get in through their defenses, though.
A LOT of the Humanoids feel betrayed by the Technomancy, and would be happy to attack them, instead.

After the deaths of hundreds of thousands on both sides, a stand-off has ensued.

Power Levels:

The Technomancy, without Humanoids: 20 (they are up to 1930s technology)
The Humanoids and all allies: 23
The Elves: 18
The Illithid 15 (and they are exceedingly close to their goal now)

This takes into account war losses.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:33 AM

They stopped the witchlight marauders?!?
The Scro alliance is stunned and retreat from realmspace to regroup. Only the ground forces remain to
defend allies. We stop being offensive for a time to think.
They Will return in One months time.

"stunned quiet"

[This message has been edited by Gruffmug (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:39 AM

Very well. I had no idea that our fellow technomancers were so powerful. Very well.

Edena -- again, can we free the Phaerimm by nuking Psionics for a few hours/days? Zouron has a team of
master, MASTER psionicists helping with the problem -- and the scro (gith) were helping as well.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:40 AM

hmm seems in the time I been posting one four others have been made, evermeet didn't fall that is good,
but we will looth what we can, and gather as many corpses as possible for our armies, anyone we capture in
the fray will be offered to join our land or be set free, for a price of course (not unreasonable though).

I will continue to train wizards and research magic, technology and so on, making a point of keeping it
harmonic with nature.

Also forrester I will like to express that complete annihilation of a race is poor for the nature of magic, much
could have been lost, if that is your goal our alliance will stop. War is to win nor to eliminate species.

Spell jammers seem to be in masses, we will gather what helms and ships we can for research.

we wills till try and recruit those willing to live for the world of magic.

I will continue to uphold the social security to make as many as possible happy and as few as possible
hopelessly poor as this creates no profit, especially in trade with foreign nations

lastly, could we get a individual powerlevel for all grounds posted edena? just to get a hold of the situation

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:41 AM

I should go so far as to warn any aggressors, or potential aggressors, that any invasion of our soil will be
met with our superior defensive capabilities. If it's the 1930s in our nation-states, that means we are
approaching not only tanks, but bombers, fully automatic infantry weapons (stuff like the Tommy and the
Engineer's Grease Gun) as well as the advancements in magic. We have radio, we can communicate far
better than the humanoids, and we have railways, and we can send reinforcements to where we need them.

The network is in place, and if you attack us, you will NOT survive any other battles with any other enemies.

(( Which Illithids are close to what goals? If they are close to blotting out the sun and all that, then it looks
like we're fighting the wrong war. Eh, Forrester? ))


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:41 AM

The elves once more offer alliance to the Technomancy.

The point out that, with the combined strength of the Elven Alliance and the Technomancy, the TOTALLY
unreasonable and hate filled Humanoids can be contained, can be stopped.
Wiping them out is not suggested, not at all.
But the elves point out that kobolds should not have war factories producing magical firearms, cannon,
explosives, and whatnot.
Nor should orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls, and other such beings.

The elves think such high technology, should belong to responsible people: i.e., the Technomancy.

So, if the Technomancy is willing to ally, the elves will go to war to stop the maniac humanoids who are
running around with ironclads, machine guns, explosives, and Corellon knows what else.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:44 AM

Zouron, you have completed your Sanctuary, and large numbers of people are going there.
You have succeeded in appropriating a vast quantity of Helms, magical items, and insundry things.

At this point, Clerics AROUND THE WORLD report that their divinations show the following:

The sun is about to go out.

The ONLY way this can be stopped is if ALL forces IMMEDIATELY assail the illithid, or ...
The NeoIllithid somehow stop their deep brethren from doing this thing.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:44 AM

(( Edena, you know how much pain you're causing my character? Heh, he's staying up nights and wondering
where the hell Lannon and Buzzard are... This is tearing him apart. Not that I don't appreciate it though, you
are the Goddess of DMs. - uh, you are Female, right? ))

"We do not want to destroy anyone, so a military alliance with the humanoids is out. But we want to
recognize the fact that the humanoids are able to do as they wish without our interruption... What do I do?

"God dammit all...

"What do I do?"


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

[This message has been edited by Reprisal (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:44 AM

I will not be aiding the humanoids this time, or any other, but simply raide the fields of battle for goodies,
and no no psionist of my highest caliber is available for your taking I have few, as Draco.

My lands will get ready for a serious assultand much magic will again be transfered to the demiplane.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:45 AM

The elves forget that the Technomancers are walking around with the exact same weapons.

The elves forget that they started this entire thing.

However, WE have not forgotten our technomancer allies -- that was just some rude grumbling about being
SO CLOSE to eliminating the elves. Forgive me.

We saved you once before, Technomancy. And our forces are right next to yours -- the elves are in
Evermeet. Indeed, given our greater numbers, we supply the raw goods to many of your factories. If war
between us was to break out, who would be harmed the most, you, or the elves? Think about it. Evermeet
would go untouched, while our continent burned to the ground.

This would simply be foolish. We have had peace between us so far -- let us continue.

And decide what to do about this Illithid menace.

Lord Forrester

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:46 AM

The Scro offer an nonaggression pact to elves if they will hear us. We will meet to discuss details.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:46 AM

The great Pit Fiend Garoth looks over the battlefield and shakes his head. Small minded mortals.

He calls an additional five pit fiends and several other devil squadrons to fight the demons of Iuz.

He works with the technology academy to come up with plant killing chemicals. When completed he will have
his troops teleport them in, defoiliating Evermeet.

Finally, he says "I wish the tarrasque would awaken." (Pit fiends get one wish a year you know)

If the elves put him back to sleep, he'll have one of his cohorts wish him back asleep.

"If I ever get a tumor I'm gonna name it Marla."

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:48 AM

The Forces of the Technocracy are rolled out in machina and are advancing on the Illithids. We will not allow
the destruction of this planet, for we are a part of it. I plead with all other races to do the same, for our very
lives are at stake.


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:48 AM

Since psionics are pretty much useless against the undead with a few exceptions my forces will assult the
deep below mind flayers immidiately, but a prime aspect will be gathering resources as we go and artifacts
etc. and increasing our armies letting the others take on the heavy pull.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:50 AM

You forget, Reprisal, that we have our own factories, our own railroads (though perhaps we share some), our
own means of electronic communication. We've been developing (with your help, to some degree) this
technology for the last six or seven years, my good man. You may be slightly ahead of us in technology,
but that's about it -- note that even given the heavy losses we took in the war, we still outpower you.

So peace?

Zouron, I am disappointed in you -- you will not be given access to the fields of death if you do not lend
your undead in our battle against the Illithids. They would make excellent warriors, as they could not be
controlled by the squid-heads.

And Reprisal -- I believe that our Iron Golems would be EXCELLENT in our attacks on the Illithid. Don't you


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:50 AM

Thanks to Maddman, the tarrasque awakens, and for some reason this time Wishes don't seem to affect it.
This is very unfortunate for the elves.
The elves suffer over one million casualties, between them and their allies, and the destruction of half of
Evermeet, before they manage to lure the thing into the ocean.

The tarrasque, still hungry after eating so many elves, elven allies, and so much of Evermeet, heads for
mainland Faerun.

Wishes continue to be useless against it, and divinations show this is the fault of both the elves and the
Too many wishes thrown against the tarrasque too quickly.

It will be some time before it can be affected by wish spells again.


Forrester, good news.
The tarrasque so devastated Evermeet, and the elves are so weakened, that the Humanoids are able -
finally - to eliminate the elves totally.
You have but to say the word.

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:54 AM

The humanoids also march on the Illithids, with their mighty Iron Golems in front.

Of course, not *all* of the humanoids are going. As Phasmus has pointed out many times, we'd be helpless
against many of their abilities. A million or two humanoids (perhaps 20% of my force) will be held back . . .
just in case the elves try some foul play.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:54 AM

I mean it, Forrester.

You can now destroy the elves of Toril, completely, and permanently.

You wanted this for all this time, and now you can do it.

Do you do it? Do you launch the final assault?

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:55 AM

May the Gods damn you for doing this Forrestor, but if you are going to use the Illithids' Plan to blot out the
sun as extortion on us... we will capitulate. As soon as the Illithids are defeated, we will help you take
Evermeet. We do so grudgingly, but I tell you not to reveal this until after we have defeated the Illithids.

Got it? AFTER.

The Elves, regrettably, will be eradicated, and we do not wish this, we do, however, wish that the world
continue to have light.

(( I still think that the Humanoids are still around the 1900-1910 level of technology, for your numbers are
what makes up the level of power, not your level of technology. I may be wrong, however.))


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:55 AM

I will redirect all my undead forces to distract the tarresque to the underdark to the lairs of the deep illithids.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:56 AM


The Word

Lord Forrester

Okay, Pit Fiends. Time to hit the Underdark. Our total force is easily 45 or 50, with Zouron's hordes. Time to
kick some Illithid ass.

Heh heh heh. I hope that the Chosen were right. No doubt the method of Snuffing Out the Sun was partly
magical in nature. If most of the world's magic is sucked out because of Damage to the Weave, the
squid-faces will be unable to do anything against our precious sun.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:58 AM

We move to gather all in a banner against the illithiads. We offer vast resources for rebuilding.
We have won the war with the elves the are so weakened that they will not be a threat in wildspace for a long
It is time we took on the illithiads as my gith allies suggest. We must stop them for they are the true threat.
All our priest tell us if we don't move against them now toril. Nah, all the planes themselves are at risk.

Technocracy how will you live without your sun? The are attacking you. They will distroy you with a single
blow. It is time to give up your neutrality and act!

Humanoids we have crushed the elves. They will be eating berries in caves for years and thier numbers are
but a handfull. They are not a threat. We need you to help bring glory to humaniods. Let us crush these
squid together. With this victory we shall have won not one but two wars against our most powerful enemies.
Let none speak ill of humaniods again! To War!

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 02:58 AM

Well, Forester? It's put up time.
You'll never get this chance again, you know.
Your forces can annihilate the elves now, because the tarrasque weakened them.

But if you go after the illithid, you will certainly suffer massive casualties, the elves will recover, and I assure
you they will not forget what you have already done to them.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:00 AM

YES! With the help of the Technomancy, the elves will fall in DAYS. DAYS -- with the havoc the Tarrasque
caused. We can send some troops down to Illithid-land, and the others, with the Technocracy, will take
Evermeet, THEN meet our other forces down in the Underdark.

Afterwards we will wish the Tarrasque into stasis -- or down to the Illithids, if possible, after taking Evermeet.

And again, then it's Illithid-skishing time. I hope that the harm to the Weave will slow down (or stop
completely) the Snuffing Out of the Sun plan.

(I suppose it depends on how much Edena liked the elves . )


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:02 AM

Forrester, you do not have the help of the Technomancy.
And, you no longer need it.
But you cannot win against the elves unless you commit ALL your forces, now, to attacking them.
If you divert strength to fight the illithid, even a part of it, you cannot crush the elves.

The tarrasque has been lured into the Underdark by Zouron's undead (which it is eating by the hundreds.)
The tarrasque is now immune to Wish spells.

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posted 04-11-2001 03:38 PM

(Page 5)

posted 04-11-2001 03:02 AM

REPRISAL: Elves first, while they are weakened.

THEN the Illithids. Not the other way around.

Now that's blackmail.

Edena -- let's wait to hear what he says.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:02 AM

Gruff, we were the first to act against the Illithids, but the posts were so close that I can relate to your plight.
We are going to act against the Illithids, then help destroy the Elves, who, even though they will recover,
have done nothing to attack the Illithids. I do doubt, however, that the Elves will be able to face the
onslaught of the combined forces of the Technocracy and the Humanoids.

It's up to Edena, however.


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:05 AM

Edena -- we will finish the ELVES first, THEN the illithids.

If the Technomancy wants to make sure that we get down to Illithid-land in time, then they will help us
against the elves first. Painful decision for you, Reprisal, I know.

Assuming you cooperate -- we can both send some forces against the elves to crush them, while our other
troops head off to illithid-land. After taking Evermeet, our forces join us in the Underdark, as

The Perfect Plan -- even better if the Weave is indeed hurt, and it hurts magic, and that hurts the Illithid
plan to blot out the sun.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:06 AM

hmm my undead forces taken up with the task of using the tarresque against the mind flayers, I must send
out my mages and psionics to take as many elves to safety as possible.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:08 AM

Edena -- the plan is simple.

Either the Technomancy helps us take Evermeet quickly, or they do not.

If they do, then we can BOTH divide our forces very easily -- send some against the elves, send some
against the Illithid.

If they do not, then again, it is fairly easy. They go down to the Illithid, and we -- ALL of the humanoid/devil
forces -- take Evermeet. And then rush to help the effort against the Illithid.

Every army needs reinforcements, after all . . .
Well, let me know how it goes -- the first part, that is (elf-crushing, and the Technomancy/Zouron vs the
Illithid), before you move me on to the 2nd part (where we rush to the Technomancy's defense and kick
illithid ass).

I want to know what the effect on the Weave was when the elves perish.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:09 AM

Forrester, I can assure you that we will defeat the elves, but the Illithids proove to be the most important
enemy. Edena herself has divined the fact that without your forces, we will lose the Sun.

This cannot be allowed to happen.


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:10 AM

Oh, go ahead, Zouron. If you want to save a couple thousand elves, go right ahead. No more, though. No
more. We need to concentrate on that blotting-out-the-sun thing, after all . Remember elves have long
memories. I read it in someone's signature file.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:11 AM

gathering suviving elves, recruiting new wizards,gathering resoruces, researching and rebuilding our udnead
army is my goals for now

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:12 AM

Forrester shows much wisdom. The chosen have already said that without the elves the weave will collaspe.
Without the weave the illithiad will be easy to defeat. However, I cannot help you as much against the
illithiad if you destroy the elves first as all Scro spelljammer will leave realmspace until we create helmless
spelljammers (which we have been working on for years). Also, all extraplaner help will disappear. We will
leave vast numbers of scro and thri-kreen to help in your assult and the githyanki/githzeral/elemental
armies will help in the astral and etheral planes.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:13 AM

Reprisal -- with the Weave hurt, the illithid will not be able to block out the sun as easily or soon. (Can I get
divinitory support on this? It makes sense to me.)

And the Illithid have a power of 15 -- you have one of 20. And there are Zouron's undead. And the
Tarrasque!! You can certainly manage the first one or two thrusts -- we will be there SOON. I swear this to
you. I'm not losing this world after ridding it of elves.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:17 AM

We need to know for sure, Forrester, we need to know for sure, my clerics are now communing with their
Gods. But for now, any pressure on the Illithids will slow their progression. You make sure we have a place at
your side, for as soon as we know that the eradication of the elves will weaken any attempt at blotting out
the Sun, we will divert our reserves to your front. That will be approximately half of our forces at your side.

Will this be good?


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:21 AM

Absolutely, Reprisal. That will certainly be sufficient to guarantee the elves' doom.

It is a wondrous solution, actually. The elves' general cheatiness and connection to magic will spell the end
of the Illithid's plans! (Their plan for blocking out the sun MUST depend on magic in part, after all -- or
else, what good were the Phaerimm to their research?)

Assuming that this plan will work, we WILL make sure that Zouron's elf-freeing is kept to a minimum. Not
that the elves would trust Mr. Lord of the Undead, also Former Enemy, farther than they could throw him,
anyway . . .


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:26 AM

(The following assumes Forrester goes ahead and obliterates the elves. Based on the last post I read
before writing this, he had indicated that he is taking this course of action.)

Forrester has chosen.

In one great climatic battle, the Elven Alliance is destroyed.
Millions of Humanoids die in this attack.
Hundreds of thousands perish among the Githyanki, Githzerai, Scro, everyone who is aiding the humanoids.

The elves are obliterated, and Evermeet is overrun.
Leuthilspar is put to the torch, her people massacred, the palace of Queen Amlauril goes smashing down.

The Faerie Folk alliance loses tens of thousands of it's people (more than 2/3rds of their force), and flee
weeping from the island.
The dwarves and gnomes are obliterated. Even the kender cannot escape.

Hundreds of thousands of elves, all that remain on Toril, plus their elven allies from other worlds - they all
die, or are taken as slaves.

Across the length and breath of the ruined desert that was Evermeet, the humanoid cheers of victory go up.
The flags of the humanoids rise over the ruins of Leuthilspar.

An end is come to the elves of Toril.

Likewise, the Elven Imperial Navy is swept out of Realmspace, and the Scro are victorious.
The remaining Elven Fleet reassembles on another Crystal Sphere.

The elves have one final surprise for all of you, though, and it isn't nice.
It isn't nice. It's not nice at all.

The elves, in their last desperation, throw several dozen Wrath of the Just spells.

Evermeet literally blows itself apart in titantic convulsions and volcanic eruptions. An avalanche the likes of
which has not been seen since the Sundering plummets into the ocean.
The first tsunami heads for the coast. It is over 2,000 feet high. Guess what happens when it hits?

Then Evermeet convulses, and explodes. The entire world of Toril lights up, the light reflecting off of the
moons, as a titanic fireball a hundred miles across rockets up into near space, hanging off Toril like a

A titanic earthquake grips all of Toril.
Cities shatter, buildings toppling, smashing down, riven asunder.
Trees tumble down, their trunks split.
Massive fissures open in the ground, sucking everything down into them, enormous waterfalls the size of the
Gulf Stream pouring into them, whole mountains shattering and crumbling into the void. Across Toril,
volcanoes explode into red, unholy life.

The Technomancy suffers massive destruction from this quake.
Factories collapse, boilers explode, steel beams are ripped in half, concrete ceilings smash down, the cries
of tens of thousands of terrified people suddenly silenced.
Mines cave in, there are vast natural gas explosions, pipelines are broken, railroads are knocked out. All
communications are knocked out. Most roads are knocked out.
Enormous fires are set in most cities. The new art of firefighting is not a match for this, because the newly
built water mains are broken.

What the Technomancy suffers, is also suffered by the nations in league with the elves.
Undermountain collapses, caving in.
The tsunamis destroy the entire western coastline, eradicating, among other places, Icewind Dale, Luskan,
Waterdeep, Candlekeep, Coastal Amn, Coastal Tethyr, and most of Calimshan, sweeping scores of miles
inland (hundres of miles inland in some cases.)

Zakhara suffers the same fate as the Technomancy. All communication from Zakhara ceases.
Kara-Tur also suffers the same fate, although they avoid the tsunamis. Communications from Kara-Tur
cease, also.

Maztica takes the full brunt of the waves, and the earthquakes are greater there. Vast areas of tropical
forest are wiped out, and whole cultures come to an end as waves half a mile high bring Armaggedon to that
unfortunate continent.

The Weave staggers from the explosion, and all magic is disrupted.
Magic becomes extremely unreliable, with large numbers of spells going Wild, and others killing their casters
when thrown.

However ...

The illithid are also stopped.

The explosion is so great vast areas of the Underdark collapse.
Everyone and everything caught in this collapse is killed.
A greater part of the NeoIllithid perish.
A greater part of the Svirfnebli perish.
Mithral Hall and Citadel Adbar are reduced to smithereens.

In the deepest deep of the Underdark, the earthquake hits the Illithid just as they are preparing to douse
the sun.
Tens of thousands of illithid perish as their caverns and tunnels collapse.
Plans are buried under tons of rock.
Carefully stored up psionic power is unleashed, and goes off randomly, causing further havoc.
The Elder Brain screams in terror and pain (perhaps for the first time) as the death agonies of thousands of
illithid hit it.

The illithid attempt to blot out the sun is halted, at least for now, at least for a decade.
All access to the illithid, through the Underdark, is not cut off ... half the Underdark has caved in.

On the surface of Toril, gigantic Wild Magic storms from hell race across the surface of the world.
Hurricane force winds topple whole forests, tear the roofs off buildings, drive people screaming for shelter.
Crops are smashed flat in the fields.
Multicolored lightning flickers and plays across the sky, occasionally blowing giant holes in the ground.

Freak cold and heat waves hit all parts of the planet.

Then the sky goes dark. The enormous cloud of dust raised by the destruction of Evermeet fills all of Toril's
atmosphere, cutting off the sunlight and it's life giving warmth.
Across Toril, it grows dark.
Across Toril, it starts to grow cold.

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:33 AM

of course we fully retreat until such times where we can return safely with what we have.

hidding from this new destruction but also studying the wild weave in action trying to find ways to repair it.

perhaps we have success who knows perhpas mages are going to be a dangerous job forever, humanoids
and tech freaks you proved your points, someone can be 100% stupid and still have power.


First Post
(Post 3) Thread Two of the 1st IR

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:36 AM


Sorry about that, Reprisal. Looks like I killed off half of your forces as well.

Ah, it doesn't matter. The Illithid's efforts have been stopped!
(EDENA -- have the Phaerimm been freed? If so, are they getting REVENGE?!)


So let's recap . . .

Before this started:
Most humanoids lived in caves, barely subsisting off of fungi, cave lizards, and grubs.
Elves everywhere!

And NOW:
Most humanoids live in caves, barely subsisting off of fungi, cave lizards, and grubs.


Might I suggest we move to a peacetime economy, Reprisal? Well, we will need to build weapons of war, in
case other-worlders get uppity (not that this planet's a huge prize right now), but you know what I mean.

Sorry about the whole almost-destruction-of-the-world thing. It's the elves fault. Talk about your sore losers!
Whiny little bastards, aren't they?

Oh, I'm sorry. WEREN'T they ?

With our numbers and both of our technology, we can rebuild. Humans and Humanoids, allies, now that the
demi-human menace has been eliminated? Without your help, after all, the elves would not have been
erased from existence. We owe you a great debt.

Finally, Peace! (Until Edena screws with us again . . . )

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:36 AM

Dearest Wife,

I sit in the House of Commons and look out the window, and I see nothing but destruction. We had
something, really we did, but, it seems, fate was against us. I now look back at all of the mistakes I had
made, and await my execution at the hands of my fellows. I made the choices, and I alone should pay for

I only hope that they who keep the records of this dark time will remember my name not as a vile,
destroyer of worlds, but as a man who believed what he was doing was the best for his people. I regret so
many things, but the one thing I do not regret is the force behind my actions: the ideas behind the
Revolution. Had the coins dropped in a different way, we might have built a civilization based on life,
liberty, and equality.

Alas, it was not to be true, and for that I am deeply sorry. I would take my own life, but it does not seem
right, I should pay for my mistakes. I wish I had made the time to have a child with you, dearest, but I
guess, that is not what fate has planned for me.

In another life, my sweetest of all,

Iain Payne (<-- Character's name).

(( On a more delightful note, I sincerely believe that this is the most amazing experience in my Roleplaying
career. I applaud everyone involved, especially Edena, Forrester, and the absent Blood Jester for playing
like I've never seen before. ))

GOOD JOB EVERYONE, this should have been the D&D movie,


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:36 AM

The Chosen are either dead or (at the least) temporarily banished.
The explosion so badly damaged the Weave that this was inevitable.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:39 AM

Hmm, I was under the impression that the Elves bombed us back into the stone-age with their death throws,

This seems to be the best place to stop, too, I might add, we should start an OOC thread and talk about
what just happened. This reads like a history book.


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:40 AM

Half the phaerimm were killed in the explosion and collapse.
The rest were freed.
They immediately turned and slaughtered any and all illithid they could, but the phaerimm found their
magic disrupted as well.

The phaerimm flee, and find what refuge they can, in underground caves that still stand, while the cataclysm
rages around them.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:41 AM

As I Dregoth and other defilers are not dependant on the Weave (we gain magic from lifeforce)....

I will use the Psionatrix at Forresters demand....

I will show that our magic works without the Weave...

*So did the spell work*

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:44 AM

Statement from Edena:

IF the remaining dragons, the Faerie Folk, the remnant of the Technomancy, and the angels work together
(and I do mean work together, closely, and as frantically as possible) ...

They will be able to recover enough magic to save themselves.
With magic, they can keep warm.
With magic, they can save enough crops to survive.
With magic, they can endure until the sky clears - which should take several decades.

If the peoples of Toril, at this point, cooperate, they can survive.
It will not be a pleasant survival, but it will be survival, and there will be a future.

If they do not cooperate, well ... finis.
Except for those hiding underground, and living off of fungi, roots, and moss.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:44 AM

I don't know that the story's completely finished, Reprisal . . . I think we've got that final chapter to write

Yes, we're in the Stone Age, so to speak. But my people have been there for quite awhile, and they still
have the plans for technology that they had before this occurred. England rebuilt quickly after the war. So did
Japan and Germany, come to think of it. Within one of our generations, we will be strong again.

Will the final chapter be one of peace between humanoids and humans, of rebuilding our world (while
making it safe from intruders)? I would like to think so. But it's in your court, as you represent the
Technomancy. But you have our assistance, if need be. We are far more used to living in caves than you are
. . . this isn't as big a deal to us as it is to you.

Technomancy's Friend

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:45 AM

Burned Man, it did not work right.

IP: Logged
Blood Jester
posted 04-11-2001 03:45 AM

Apologies to everyone for missing the final days of Toril. I went to sleep with the thread at 214 posts. I
wake up, go to work, and you maniacs had brought it to 373!!! From there it has (over several threads)
gained another 186 posts! I skimmed as fast as I could to catch up, but between actually working here at
work, and the insane rate you guys were going at, I had no chance. I had sent Edena a plan of battle this
morning to help with the time I would be gone, but our DM has not the spell of MS Word, so it was all for
naught. Thanks for a great romp, even you sick elf-hating b*st*rds! Too bad we can't try a game IRL.

Farewell Toril

Blood Jester

Laugh 'til you die.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:46 AM

I guess, if it's still up to me, the player, if not the character, I would most likely push for this cooperation
with anyone wholeheartedly, both I and my character value the lives of those he fought for...

I would like to know what my population does when it comes to my character. Do they lynch me like I fear
they do? Or do they embrace me? Is it something in between?


(Post edit cleared up what I was replying to...)

"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

[This message has been edited by Reprisal (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged

(Page 6)

posted 04-11-2001 03:48 AM

hmm we can always try to talk edena into running a PBEM like this ;-) with a number of max actions per
week then all have a chance hehe.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:49 AM

Blood Jester, you are now in charge of the Faerie Folk alliance.

The Realm of Faerie was not affected at all by the explosion.
It would make a great refuge for cold, starving people (although they might never want to leave again.)

((Blood Jester, I read your letter fully. All actions you stated were to be undertaken, were undertaken fully.
The elves did try to make up for mistakes. They did try to heal. They did try for reason and sanity.
They fought to the end, and they would have survived, but the devils unleashed the tarrasque among them,
then the Humanoids hit them with everything they had.
Certain bitter elves decided that, if their ancient homeland was to be destroyed, they sure as heck were
going to take as many of their foes with them as possible.))

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:49 AM

Well -- Edena puts the question in different terms.

Will the Technomancy work with the Faerie folk to rebuild? Or will they work with their allies, the Humanoids?
These roots aren't all that bad, after all. And with our technology we can build greenhouses, and
underground farms, and so on . . . Plus, there's always fish!

Or would you rather join forces with your old enemies -- the ones who tried to kill you, again, and again, and

Perhaps it is possible that all three might work together -- I do not know.

Let me know, Reprisal . . .


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:51 AM

The Technocracy will work with anyone willing... ((Favouring the Humanoids, who have not raised a hand in
our direction, though they rattled their sabres a few times... hehe, I think we needed that kick in the butt
anyway, Forrester.))

And I edited my previous post, basically, I ask if my character survives his mistakes, I'm thinking that he
did if Edena doesn't say that he is...

Still, he will try to do what is best for the remnants of his people,


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

[This message has been edited by Reprisal (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Bran Blackbyrd
posted 04-11-2001 03:53 AM

Well, I sincerely doubt many of our druids survived the ass kicking Toril just received. :\
I'll organize anyone left alive among the nature spirits and faerie folk, may Bacchus guide and protect us
all, into a coherant group and begin healing the planet. This will be the first step in a process that may not
end for millions of years, but we are part of nature, and nature moves on.
No matter what, nature always moves on...

Jason "Warlocke" Lewis
DM: You see there are orcs camped out in the chasm ahead of you.
Me: Do they have multiple Orc-Chasms?
Warlocke's Realm

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:53 AM

Excellent, Reprisal. We will work with you to rebuild our world.

It would be a shame if after all of this, ALL of this, started by the accursed elves, that we ended up building
to the typical Humanoids versus Everyone Else garbage that has gone on for millenia.

Now that the elves are gone -- and the damned Kender, too -- we can finally have peace.


PS I need to add that that last effort was just SO DAMN ELVEN! "We can't live here, so NONE OF YOU can live
here either! And that INCLUDES all of our ALLIES!"

Egotistical bastards!

Oh, wait . . . I mean,

DEAD egotistical bastards!

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:53 AM

Note: What Forrester began on Toril, was finished by the githyanki, the devils, and the scro in particular
across all of Toril and across all of Realmspace.
Realmspace is now empty of elves.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 03:57 AM

Bran's decision to add the Druidical Alliance to your aid significantly helps matters, in terms of your survival.
Most of Bran's Alliance survived.

There ARE still kender in the world, especially in the Technomancy.
Kender are not easy to eradicate.

The Dragon Overlords of Krynn have an offer to Toril:

We can clear the clouds. We can restore the climate.
We can eventually restore the Weave.
We will do all of this if:

You all agree to become our slaves. Unconditional surrender is expected, in letter and spirit.
You will survive.
You will live. Under Dragon Rule.

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 04:03 AM

What is this, a damned Robert Jordan series?!

Can't we ever rest in peace?!

Edena: I realize that large rocks landed on the Illithid heads. I would be surprised if at least some of their
artifacts weren't now unguarded. High-level gobln rogues (whatever ones we have left) are going to try to
make their way deep into the Underdark, to see what they can see.

Now, didn't the destruction of the Weave affect our portals? Can the Dragonslugs really just ride in here?

Lucky for us we're living underground . . . h'm.

Perhaps help from Oerth?

I'm tired. I just wiped out a race. Any ideas, Reprisal?

Forrester The Tired

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 04:05 AM

Reprisal has to be at his classes in about nine hours, he has to wake up in four hours as it takes him forty
minutes to get to the school. He is now going to sleep.

The Technocracy will do whatever is most logical. If the Dragon Lords are more than 2.5x the power level of
both the Technocracy, Humanoids and any of our allies, the Technocracy might capitulate.

(post edit)
Our first impulse is to resist, we just won a battle of epic proportions by the skin of our teeth, but are we in a
position to fight a new enemy? Only time, and Edena, will tell...
(/post edit)

Back in about eleven hours,


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

[This message has been edited by Reprisal (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 04:06 AM

Comment from Edena_of_Neith

You chose to fight.
The fighting escalated into all out war.
The war has wrecked the world of Toril.

- - -

Now, I have a new question for ALL of you.
A simple question (or two.)

How will you go about rebuilding Toril?
What kind of world will you rebuild from the ashes of war?

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Bran Blackbyrd
posted 04-11-2001 04:09 AM

Of course, as part of our effort to heal the planet we're more than happy to release that experimental
vegetation I mentioned earlier. This stuff grows so fast it makes kudzu look like an oak tree. With the
climate growing colder it may hamper things a bit, but soon the plants will provide much needed shelter,
fiber for clothes, and food. Besides, we didn't engineer a super plant that would wither up and die because
of a little frost!

Jason "Warlocke" Lewis
DM: You see there are orcs camped out in the chasm ahead of you.
Me: Do they have multiple Orc-Chasms?
Warlocke's Realm

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 04:09 AM

Dregoth increases the colonization of Toril by athasians, especially as vast areas are now without any force
controlling them...

Come children of Athas, worship me and I will grant you a new fertile world to possess and hold. Come...

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 04:10 AM

Damn, heh, I might end up staying up all night if it keeps getting interesting like this... Still, the world we
build depends on the cards we're dealt, if these Dragon Lords are overwhelmingly powerful, the Technocracy
might not be able to survive, and that's paramount to everything...


"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

IP: Logged
Blood Jester
posted 04-11-2001 04:10 AM

After seeing the destruction that the mortal races wreaked upon their own world, the races of Faerie seek
shelter in their own realms, sadly shutting themselves off from everyone else. They see no future for
themselves in a world of cold iron and steel, blackened skies, and absent the beauty of Elves. They weave
spells of dreamstuff that will rest lightly on the minds of all sentient creatures, sinking in whenever they
sleep. They can only hope that, over time, the other races start to believe the Faeries legend, and forget
about them. Only thus might they live in safety. They bring with them any magical beasts willing to come
under permanent truce, a few of each surviving natural beast, and what few Druids that survived the
cataclysm. The portal to their realm is sealed with tears.

Blood Jester

Laugh 'til you cry.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 04:11 AM

Well, we're definitely not capitulating. Just hiding in the Underdark, and rebuilding our factories. Should not
be too difficult a task -- our numbers are still considerable, and, as previously mentioned, we breed like
rabbits. We knew the Dragonlords would be threatening us, at some point -- and talked about creating
some technomagical Dragon-slayin' gear. But who knows whether we have easy access to it at this point.

I need sleep -- I'll be back in about 10 hours as well. The Humanoids will hide below the surface and
rebuild, though should things get bad, we will consider running to Oerth, or calling to Oerth (and Iuz, he
owes me one, and we do have better technology that he does -- on paper, at least) for help. And we still
have friends among the scro -- humanoid friends, come to think of it.

. . . but I hope we can take a little break!

Forrester The Tired
Elf? What's an Elf?

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 04:17 AM

Hold on! Edena -- are the portals all COMPLETELY open?! Still?

Also, Dregoth, you were here with a ton of Athasians already, when the Big One hit. I'm sure you've got
more, but don't knock yourself out. There aren't THAT many Athasians.

Oh, wait. You're another target for the Dragonlords. Never mind . . . welcome to Toril! Unless the Scro can
keep you out. And given their power, I would be surprised if they could not, Edena . . . ?

Meanwhile, the humanoids breed and build below the surface -- aiding their friends the Technomancy when
possible, of course.

Edena -- to answer your question, IF the portals are shut for a time (say a decade -- not unreasonable,
especially if the Scro are with us, as they seem to be), then we will build a COOPERATIVE world. Humanoids
and Humans (and okay, maybe one or two Kender) will work together to rebuild our world.

If all of the portals are open and tens of thousands of people can just come on through -- well, then your
question is kind of moot, isn't it? In which case the humanoids breed and build, breed and build . . .


[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 04:33 AM


Originally posted by Reprisal:

(( On a more delightful note, I sincerely believe that this is the most amazing experience in my Roleplaying
career. I applaud everyone involved, especially Edena, Forrester, and the absent Blood Jester for playing
like I've never seen before. ))

GOOD JOB EVERYONE, this should have been the D&D movie,


And I too, wish to thank Blood Jester, Reprisal, Phasmus, Riot Gear, and all of the somewhat "lesser"
players (especially Maddman75 and Zouron) who actually had lives, and so could not log in three times a
day for hours at a time . I got into this late, but apparently just in time -- and it's been incredibly fun.

Of course, I have to reserve the most thanks for Edena, who kept the story going and kept the story
probably EXACTLY as complex as it possibly could be without bogging things down. Incredible job, Edena!

Of course, this is all premature if Edena is going to get revenge on us by smacking us around with the
Dragon Lords. But I can't be here for 10 hours, so I hope Toril can stand without me during that time .

Elf-Slayer Extraordinaire

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 05:03 AM

(solemn look)

I see some people are still fighting for the World of Toril, and it's future.
This is fortunate and good.

But the departure of the Faerie is very unfortunate, and ungood.

The Faerie could have substituted for the Elves.
Without either the Elves or the Faerie to sustain it, the Weave will die.
When the Weave dies, life ends.

This has not happened yet, but it will happen if the Faerie truly do depart.
The dragons plead with the Faerie to stay.
Even the phaerimm plead with the Faerie to stay.

They ask for mercy. They ask for help. They point out that they were victims, both races, and not
purpentrators of the conflict.

Remnants of the dwarves and gnomes, and kender, congregate with what remains of the Technomancy.
If the NeoIllithid spokesman is willing, they also congregate with the Technomancy, or what remains of it.

All the Gates to other worlds are now down.
The Dragon Overlords of Krynn find themselves shut out.
The demons, devils, and remaining Outsiders continue to battle each other, but the vast majority return

No landing is possible on Toril from Wildspace. The atmosphere is filled with dust, and the skies over the
world are pitch black, except for the reddish glow of volcanoes.

Bran's Druids realize that without the Faerie, life will end. Perhaps they can talk the Faerie into staying.

There is a general consensus that the Humanoids (or the remnant of them, for most were killed in the war
and the cataclysm) should be wiped out.
It was their hatred and violence that annihilated the elves and brought on catastrophe.
This is the consensus among the surviving nations that were allied with the elves, in Kara-Tur, and even in
It is also the consensus among the dragons.
Whether the Technomancy or the Illithid and NeoIllithid, or the remnants thereof, agree with them, is up to

((Thank you for the compliments, those of you who have sent them. I appreciate them.))

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 05:09 AM

I must rule, sadly, that ... if ... this Thread dies here, due to lack of interest, or if the Faerie do not return to
Toril (that's up to Blood Jester) - either one, it's over.
Toril is finished.

If the Thread continues AND Blood Jester changes his mind, perhaps there is still a chance.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 05:31 AM


If Blood Jester does decide his Faerie Folk return, Blood Jester will be in a position to dictate terms to all of

And you will have to abide by those terms, like it or lump it.
In letter and spirit, you will be obliged to do as the Faerie tell you to.

For if you do not abide by Blood Jester's terms, the Faerie can always walk out again, and leave you to die.

The only exception to this are the illithid, who can use their psionic powers to leave Toril.
Which they will be forced to do, if the Faerie don't return.

IP: Logged
Blood Jester
posted 04-11-2001 05:32 AM

(The Dragons and the Phaerimm fall under the heading of 'Magical Beasts' invited to come with the Faerie
under permanent truce. But...)

The Faerie offer to retain a connection to Toril via Dreams. They truly fear to remain physically connected to
the realms and its inhabitants, but they have less than no desire to see anymore deaths among their allies
or the (few) innocent bystanders (the very idea repulses them at this point). If this will not suffice to sustain
the weave, some will sacrifice themselves and stay (as many as necessary), but most will still leave, species
survival is a strong instinct, and they still believe that the machines will make their sacrifice moot by
destroying them (quickly or slowly, it will happen.) The offer to the Dragons and Paehrimm and Druids

The Faerie await, finding peace in none of the possibilities before them.

Blood Jester

IP: Logged
Blood Jester
posted 04-11-2001 05:40 AM

Dictate terms?...

If the Faerie must stay in entirety, then their own survival necessitates the elimination of the cold iron and
steel machines and their pollutants. Therefore...Tech must be left in its grave.

After all, it is one thing to stay to save others, it is another thing to stay and suicide your entire race(s),
ending in the same mass die-off that leaving and surviving would cause.

{edit} And the faeries shall be the keepers of the Elven lore, knowledge, and High Magics.

Blood Jester

[This message has been edited by Blood Jester (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Blood Jester
posted 04-11-2001 05:45 AM

I leave for the day, will check back this afternoon, PLEASE don't nail me with another 200 post day!

Laugh 'til you die.

IP: Logged
Alzem Dalcama
posted 04-11-2001 07:47 AM

Blood Jester the angles want to offer you a proposal that you might find acceptable. During the day of
destruction when the elves tried to kill all in an act of desperation we were able to use our magic to prevent
the tidal waves and earthquakes from destroying Haven, our island of Hope. If you wish, you can bring your
forces here to live, here we can help you restore this planet back to the lush and fertile land that it once
was. Upon our island you will find many magical beasts, those who had nothing to do with this pointless
violence, but our suffered none the less. Here you will also see the remaining forces of the elves, those we
were able to save from the humanoids and their own folly. While their are not as many elves as before,
they sill number in the thousands, and strive to heal the wounds their world has suffered. Here on our island
there is no dust clouds and the sun shines warmly upon the ground birds sing, brooks gurgle, and life is
pretty good. But if you wish to come here then you will have to abide by the rules. You shall commit
no violence upon another. You shall help to restore the world to is former beauty. We shall also send
representives to the Druidic alliance led by the high Druid Bran asking if they would like to join us here to
assist us in reclaiming this world, or to come here as a refuge from their work across Toril. We will leave you
with this thought; while darkness and cold strike through to the heart of Toril, here in Haven we are a Light
in the darkness, Warmth to the frozen, and Hope to the lost. We can show the people the way, but in the
end it is up to you, the elves, and the humanoids to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

In case you are worried about our defenses here to assure your safety, we have pledged to fight to the
death to protect those we invite to stay on our island. Since that dreadful day the Toril itself shuddered our
numbers have doubled in size with the addition of thousands of Divas, Planetar, and Solars to protect this
island. We also have the support of over 1000 Marut's to help guard this island, so yes here you would be
safe, safer than anywhere else on this planet.

Alzem, Head Solar of St Cuthbert.

Cleric of St. Cuthbert "I?m about to drop the hammer, and dispense some indiscriminate justice!"

[This message has been edited by Alzem Dalcama (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
(Page 7)

posted 04-11-2001 08:56 AM

Hrm...Dragon Highlords? I say we accept. They can clear the skies and help us out. We can always rebel at a
later date.


If history is to change,let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If it is my destiny to die, then I
must simply laugh.-The Magus

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 08:56 AM

Well, seeing that Edena totally ignored my post about the tactics of Estlor and Eleminster, I'll just pick up
from here *boo, Ednea... Bad god!*

Estlor and Eleminster offer those of this world that wish to survive an alternative. Essentially, 'Mini is the only
one left with any sort of serious magical power. He is willing to use it to preserve the weave in the only way
he knows how at this point...

Go to an alternate dimension and import elves.

His travels have alerted him to the fact of a place called the "Known World" where the elves, though
unconcerned in the lives of humanity, have lost their homeland. They are a peace-loving race, willing to work
with others to build a new world, and they have powerful spells that can alter the climate and weather
patterns enough to bring rain and winds to clear the skies.

They are williling to accept the technology remaining from after the time of the war as long as it is used
responsibly and for the good of everyone.

They are even willing to enter negotiations with Forrester to see to it that the humanoids that remain alive
are capable of living as a civilized race.

These elves have only one term. They wish a homeland.

Blood Jester's Faeries will remain the keeper of the lore the Toril elves had. However, these new elves will
work to heal the world and the weave.

Edena permitting, do you accept Eleminster's offer?

The Lighthouse Webmaster
"More conversions, less talk."

IP: Logged
Riot Gear
posted 04-11-2001 09:07 AM



The Illithid were NOT destroyed by the cave in. In fact, by then the vast majority of us had left to
Demiplanes of our own construction.

We are angry, but we had the sense to stay our hand. We realized that for now, we should watch.

But first, we are going to be the living hell out of those bastard humanoids! Terrible wrath shall fall down
upon them.

You know face a race that cannot be destroyed or demoralized, a race without a homeland and our own
powerful Technopsimagitech. Of course, you don't know this - At first.

Vast legions of Illithid 'Plane Shift' in to existence above Humanoid territory and rain down Meteor Storms
upon your armies and cities, then vanish back in to their new home demi-plane of New Umbra. Every single
day, the surface areas of your countries, what there is, is shattered with a barrage of Meteor Storms,
Disintigrate, Earthquake, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Acid Arrows, and Power Word Blind spells. The storm is
terrible and horrendous, and is visible for miles.

And it happens EVERY DAY.

This is just us SKIRMISHING. When we move in for the kill, a whole lot of things are going to die.

By the way, a vast Exodus of Illithid from all planes are moving to New Umbra, a demiplane we constructed
using hundreds of Genesis manifestations. So we don't give a rats ass about Toril, it can burn to shreds for
all we care, and take the Underdark with it.

We have a homeland, and it isn't here.

Fortunately for you all, for now we are only focusing our wrath upon the humanoids, whose land is being
barraged, once a day, by a vast swarm of destructive spells from about 100 15+ level Illithid Wizards.
Smart people stay far, far away from Humanoid territory, and upwind.

On the plus side, all this magical power influxing from other planes is giving the Weave a boost, so it's
doing much better.

By the way, Forrester, did I mention it was ME who started the first offensive against you? Ha ha!

Grap a mop, there's going to be blood on the ceiling!!
-My character.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 09:10 AM

I'd like to mention now might be a good time to seriously consider Eleminster's proposal, as the illithids
may just become a serious threat when they're done chewing on the humanoids.

The Lighthouse Webmaster
"More conversions, less talk."

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 09:33 AM

Might I humbly suggest some Rules of Engagement (ROE) for the next "war" of this type that takes place on
the boards (even a rehash of this war)?

1. There is one arbiter, who "starts the war" going. Said arbiter a) creates a new email address expressly for
the purpose of recieving updates from the races and factions b) outlines the beginning conditions of the war
and any races involved c) provides regular updates on the board as to the state of war d) approves or
disapproves new races or factions enetering the war and may arbitrarily include races if they have a chance
of getting involved e) assigns Leaders and Advisors to races...those races with "more democratic"
governments (Confederacy, republic etc) will have no one leader but must reach consensus on all actions.

2. There will be no posting of race or faction battle stratgy, diplomacy or any other action to the board...all
posts go to the arbitrator's "War Email", who then sifts through and decides what happens. This info is
posted weekly (each race or faction has one week at a time to respond with strategy)
This gives the benefit of enemies not knowing what's going on until AFTER it has happened.

3. Factions can make Alliance through email, but all joint decisions must be approved by both parties.

Feel free to flame rip troll whatever. Just seemed to me it would make the "wars" go smoother and be more
fun. Keeps [people from just blurting out that they're Jedi or Superheroes or something and then mucking it
all up.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 09:48 AM

So, I leave the board 4 days, and during this time the people managed to destroy the world !
I blame this on those taliban druids who wanted to start the war for no good reason, while myself was
(initially) trying to help everyone use this new knowledge for the good of everyone.

From the shattered remnant of the world, I gather some shards and create a little crystal sphere.
I hide it carefully and weave all kind of protection around it.
Inside, I put sample of what I want to survive: plants, animals, etc.
I teleport then in those rare Gnome Druid who were helping me to design the pollutionless engine.
I teleport then in some humanoids who have a place in my world: gnomes, some humans, some dwarves,
some halflings. I would have put some elves also if they weren't all dead and if I had found some
reasonnable enough to understand peace and cooperation is possible, and that something new is not
necessarily something evil.
I even teleport in some Kobolds, Goblins, etc., carefully selected among the less agressive and

Casting a powerful spell, I erase from their memories all trace of this disastrous war, its cause and its
trauma. In fact, I make them all amnesiacs.

Then I gather them in one place, and appear to them, and speak to them.

I learn them how to make marvels. I told them that marvels were created before, but were destroyed
because of greed, obscurantism and bellicism. I told them they should all work together, and always be
careful and wise, always examinating the consequences of an act before making it.
Hence, I become a NG greater god of peace, knowledge, friendship and wisdom.

I told them the way of wizard, wise people mastering magic and technologic to help other.
I told them the way of druids, wise people whose duty is to make sure civilization and nature are in
harmony, pointing out when some creation is an ecological threats, and helping wizard find a way to remove
the threat.

I told them to avoid greed, violence, and anger.

I told them the way of paladin, wise people devoted to protect the weaks and fight the evil, but never to use
violence when it isn't needed (my paladin would be NG with a cleric BAB).
I told them many other way, but not the way of the Barbarian, nor of the Fighter.

And once I have finished creating my own sphere, filling it with richess and wonders, and educating its
inhabitants to true NG behavior and ideals, when I will not have anymore the need to search in the remnants
of the destroyed worlds for things I want to save...
...Then I close all connections, communications, gates and passages between my homemade plane and any
...Then I seal it, and use all sort of protections.
...Then I take a scrap of the Positive plane, one of the Negative plane, and coil these wrapping around my
crystal sphere as an unbreakeable barrier (and the source of clerical powers, because connection to the true
Positive and Negative planes will no longer be possible).

Once it is made, I'm happy, and I use my godly power to watch on my little plane and prevent the evil
seeds from even appearing.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 10:06 AM

Ok. Some statements here.

With regret, and with fairness to Forrester, there are no elves on the Island of Hope (well, if there were, they
all went to the final battle.)

Now, the illithid have established New Umbra. That's fine.
A vast number of illithid were still killed in the cataclysm, and their plans were still wrecked.

The illithid have begun attacking the Humanoids in a war of annihilation? They are in a poor position to
make war right now, but it is possible.
The humanoid tech machine was temporarily wrecked by the cataclysm, so at the moment the humanoids
are at a disadvantage against the illithid.
However, it is not one-sided totally.
The humanoids fight back with surviving technomancy. Illithids fall to machine gun fire, are blown up with
explosives, die under sniper fire, perish from a host of clever humanoid tactics.
But yes, the humanoids are being slaughtered.

You heard the Faerie pronouncement.
No items of iron.
No technology.
It would be wise to heed their commands. They have shown mercy in staying in the world.

If their commands are not met, the remaining dragons and even the phaerimm are ready to help make
sure those commands are obeyed.
In a move unparalled in Toril's history, the sharn also join with the Faerie.
Blood Jester now effectively speaks for the dragons, the phaerimm, and the sharn.

Now, of course, someone is importing elves from Mystara.
Eventually, that will change the rules, for the elves will be considered returned.
However, the elves of Mystara are a LOT more reluctant than was expected to go to Toril.
They see a world in nuclear winter, ravaged by war, with savage peoples running amok, and a vast
underground illithid empire (or what's left of it).
So, they take the time to prepare, these elves. Preparation time is several years.
They amass great strength and great numbers, organize, ready themselves for the challenge ahead.

Nobody except for them has made any effort to save Toril's climate.
The great cloud has covered the entire world, and massive cooling is occuring under that cloud.
Even now, the temperature at Toril's equator over land has fallen into the 40s.
The first ice is forming off the coasts of Calimshan.
Blizzards rage along all of the coastlines as the warm ocean air collides with the chilling air over the

The Faerie are in the best position to fight the cooling, and try to keep Toril warm.
They may be the only ones able to keep Faerun from freezing solid.

Better do what the Faerie tell you to ...

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 10:28 AM

Mind you, the elves from Mystara (still led by Doriath - got to love the warrior spirit) are not hostile to
anyone and will not actively promote war against any sides (as, well, they're new around here).

They just want to fix the environment and get themselves a home. And to that end, anyone who is willing to
be civil about it could negotiate an agreement with them (as they are rightfully seeking allies).

Eleminster, naturally, is protective of the fledgling race. And such, he will viciously attack anyone that makes
direct threats of combat to them. And considering the amount of crap that everyone else in the world has
suffered, I'd wager he's the last powerful wizard around.

The first item on the elven agenda is this:

Meet with representatives of the races to determine borders. This gives the people who claim regions a
chance to dictate what climate they wish to have in their area. The elves, with 'Mini's help, magically recreate
an island where Evermeet was and name it Alfheim where they use their spells to grow a massive forest
network. Consider it one of the small regions of some nature (though with the colder climate it is currently
mostly conifers).

Those who want to have some kind of order, feel free to solicit the aid of the elves, dictate borders, and
dictate climate and they will do their best to help.

The Lighthouse Webmaster
"More conversions, less talk."

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 10:31 AM

Wow, go to sleep and the world is blown up. Well, since i see that this is getting interesting, and i have a
game comming up tommorow, i'd like to end my part rather spectacularly.

Dear Forrester,

The destruction that the elves caused in the final battle was considerable, in fact, all of Toril hangs in the
balance. Seeing that my forces are largely intact, i would like to make a deal.

You must promise me that the psionic league will not be forgotten, after we are gone, you must raise a new
generation of psionists, i will leave you with our information on psionics and our technology, but i can't help
you interpret it, there is not enough time. I can't allow the humanoid league to fall, in any way.

As you are reading this, i along with the rest of my multi-million members of the psionic league are joining
minds to bring about the largest usage of psionic power ever, unfortunately, it will probably kill us all, this is
why you must continue the tradition of psionics when we are gone.

The burst of psionics will do several things, firstly, it will exterminate the illithid (fight fire with fire), secondly,
it will repair the damage done to the weave without ressurecting the elves, and so doing will also
repair minor damage to Toril itself.

Well, farewell Forrester, it has been an honor to fight with you.

Draco, learder of the psionic league

(edena, please let this work, it is my way of exiting and making an impact, we do have enough knowledge
from our research to repair the weave)

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 10:37 AM

We see here several flaws from the 2nd edition game, which may still exist in 3rd edition.
The war revealed these flaws.

The elves were given the power of Armaggedon in FOR 5 Elves of Evermeet. It was in that supplement that
the spell, Wrath of the Just, was revealed.
A spell of that magnitude should not have existed. It is effectively 12th level (maybe 11th, but I think 12th)
But it is listed as 9th level. If it is 9th level, then archmages/archmagistresses will rule the world.

Furthermore, the elves would have done, just what they did.
In fact, it says specifically in FOR 5 Elves of Evermeet that any attempt to conquer the whole island of
Evermeet is going to cost vast numbers of lives, cause vast destruction, and probably end in the total
destruction of the island of Evermeet.

The idea that elves are a part of the magic is given in Cormanthyr: Empire of Elves, where it states that
back in the time of Myth Drannor and during the Arcane Age, elves lived longer, stayed more vigorous (and
their stats were higher) because the Weave was stronger.
Thus, the elves were so tied to the Weave that if it fell, they fell. The logic follows then: if they fall, the
Weave falls.
Now, there are other magical races on Toril, especially the dragons.
But the vast majority of these were wiped out back in the Arcane Age, and more during the rise of Netheril.
Man could not have become dominant in a world dominated by dragons!
But once, dragons and giants did rule the world.

The idea that magic and life are entwined comes from a number of Realms sources, especially books written
on the Realms.
Some even go so far as to say magic is an expression of life, another facet of it.
I just distinctly got the impression that the Weave could not exist without life, and life could not exist without
the Weave.

Thus, TSR built a Self-Destruct mechanism into the World of Toril, and you set it off.

The humanoids have always desired to destroy the elves, and have been trying for over a hundred thousand
years (see Elaine Cunningham's book Evermeet)
Forrester was totally in his right on the matter.
But again, once overwhelmed, the elves would have struck back, as they did.
It would have produced the colossal disaster it did, for Elven High Magic is strong enough to do this (just
look at what it's done in the past. Read about the Sundering. Read about whole lands riven and recreated.)
If the elves are willing to die to possess a moonblade and the status it brings, they are willing to strike back
against those who destroy Evermeet.
And Evermeet is, literally, more precious to elves than any gold or jewels. It is the next best thing to
Arvandor itself, and for Queen Amlauril, it is better (she actually returned from death to remain it's
So, what do you think the elves would feel when they saw Evermeet overrun by humanoids, turned into a
giant bonfire by gloating orcs, goblins, and kobolds?

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 10:38 AM

The Scro begin solidifying their hold on realmspace. Back in Scro space there is change, They Scro are
becoming more peaceful(gasp). With influx of psions, the number and influence of psions there increases.
The new found technology and the influx of resources from realmspace causes a golden age in Scro space.
They also continue to research helmless spelljammers (spaceships).

The githyanki/githzeral looking to continue their never ending war with the Illithiad look for the Illithiad's
new homeworld. They continue both magical and psionic weapons research for the next showdown with the

The defiler planet increases in magical power. They have no threats and now are actively researching planer

The Thri-kreen look at the destruction of the elves and call it good. They maintain a hold of realmspace with
the Scro. Their racial memory causes them to hate elves for something horrible in their distant past. They
look at oerth space with hungry eyes.

[This message has been edited by Gruffmug (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 10:41 AM

From the hopefully dead draco to edena, lord GM.

What about my letter, did it work?

IP: Logged
Alzem Dalcama
posted 04-11-2001 10:44 AM

Mini we will offer our Island of Hope to the new elven race to serve as their homeland. Our \island was one
of the few places that survived the war mostly intact and has now fallen under the shadow of winter. Here
would be a good place to start the rebuilding process, one which with time could heal the planet. We offer
the full support of the Angelic Host to help the new elves to restore this world. If this is not accetable we will
still help in any way we can. But if you stay at our island you will have to abide by our principle rule here, You
will do not harm to another being while here. We will await your answer and hope that in the end we can
rebuild this war torn world.

Alzem, Chief Solar of St. Cuthbert

Cleric of St. Cuthbert "I?m about to drop the hammer, and dispense some indiscriminate justice!"

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 10:45 AM

please note that the githyanki/githzeral portion of the Scro alliance will be actively defending the humaniods
and killing as many Illithiads as possible.

"Who let the dogs out"
"We let the dogs out"

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 10:46 AM

Gruffmug, with any luck, the illithids will be gone, along with, unfortunately, the psionic league. (if edena
allows it)

(if confused, see my previous post (letter)

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 10:53 AM

Also, The Scro will send help to the humanoids of oerth as per the agreement with Iuz.


[This message has been edited by Gruffmug (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 11:05 AM

Very well, Draco.
The titanic blast of psionic energy hits Toril, thrown by the Psionic League, who sacrifice the greater number
of their people to do this.
We are talking about millions of people voluntarily sacrificing their lives here.

The psionic energy hits the Weave. It runs up and down every strand of the Weave like brilliant cascading
water, mending broken strands, straightening and strengthening those bent.
The Weave staggers, then straightens, then glows with the lifeforce given to it, suddenly healed.
Across Toril, magic suddenly works again, normally. Then more than normally. Then, extraordinarily.
The Chosen reappear from wherever they were sent to, fully restored.

The Faerie Folk are suddenly invigorated, suddenly about three times more powerful than they were.
The dragons crow (if a dragon could crow) as the power floods into them, while the phaerimm and sharn pull
the energy into themselves.

Angry winds roar into frantic life worldwide, roaring through the troposphere and stratosphere.
The great cloud is disturbed, piling up into fantastic shapes, shallow places developing in others.
The winds roar harder, and at the surface, blinding dust storms and smoke storms are occurring, then the
winds sweep all the dust and smoke high into the sky.
Now the cloud churns violently, as the winds push at it, pull at it.
Great gates of light appear, shining in Toril's upper atmosphere, and the cloud starts racing into them.
Racing in, and not coming back out.
The cloud writhes like a tormented thing, as vast parts of it race into the gates, while over the skies of Toril
it boils and froths.
Then rents appear in the cloud, and the sun is out in a flash, it's light dazzling and blinding after months of
darkness. Blue sky leaps into existence out of nowhere, white clouds writhing madly in the strange wind.
The wind increases in power, and begins to glow a faint blue green color, and all of Toril is bathed in this
blue green light.
Now, the World of Toril itself is responding to the blast of energy that came from millions of lives voluntarily
offered up, and the wind roars on, purging it's air of the cloud, allowing the sunlight to sweep over land after
land, the darkness and gloom swept away.
Seas glitter blue and white under the returned sun, then the ice is gone, returned to it's normal position.
The already frozen lands of Faerun are, quite suddenly, unfrozen, rivers bursting their banks and roaring
with delight down their channels as the meltwaters pour into them all at once.
The rest of the Great Glacier melts away totally. Across Anauroch, ancient desert made by magic, green
things sprout into the air with amazing speed, growing at impossible rates, shooting up into the air.
Soon, a young forest of mixed deciduous and coniferous trees stands where the desert was.
The High Moor heals. For the first time in thousands of years, green things are growing there again. Trees
are growing in a place that has not seen trees since the elves destroyed the place in the Crown Wars.
The Calim desert disappears, green subtropical vegetation sprouting out of the lifeless sands.
And across Toril, vast areas of land that were open are suddenly sprouting trees. Trees. Endless trees.
Trees to the horizon, trees everywhere.

In the Trackless Sea, there is a great wound in the earth, a red glowing place, where Evermeet was. The
ocean has been screaming and churning, steam flashing miles high, as the cool waters hit the molten rock
erupting from the planet's interior.
Suddenly, the heat cools, the glow lessens. The seas calm, the steam blows away.
As the great gloom is swept away, and the sea bathed in the strange light, the whole atmosphere gone
green, the glow fades, and the ocean rushes in.
Where Evermeet was, is now quiet ocean, peaceful and empty.

The blast of energy hits the illithid.
All the illithid on the world of Toril instantly die, their brains literally exploding.
Fires roar through all their caverns and tunnels, burning until the rock glows, superheating and melting even
the most hardened adamantine objects, cremating the bodies of the slain.
The blast does not harm any of the thralls of the illithid, but they find themselves suddenly freed and
transported to the surface, without any memory of what happened to them.
The blast closes the Gates to the illithid demi-plane of New Umbra, and seals it.
It puts the illithids out of contention for several decades, assuming they put their collective thoughts
together on how to reopen the portals to Toril.
The blast nullifies the illithid psionic capacity to worldwalk to Toril or Realmspace. Realmspace becomes
closed to the illithid, if they wish to travel to it in this manner, for several decades.
The illithid spelljammers in other parts of Realmspace aren't affected, but they are cut off from their
brethren in New Umbra, and all psionic telepathic contact is lost, and cannot be regained.
Across Toril, people hail it as the Intervention of the Gods. Others say it's the work of Ao himself. All call it a
miracle, and most fall to their knees in thankfulness.
The great blast of psionic energy remains forever, shining through the Weave, and echoing through the
physical world of Toril.

From this point on, Toril has a greenish hue when seen from space, and those on the surface looking up
see the sky is an emerald green.

The Psionic League, with it's millions of members, gave their lives for this, and it has come to pass.

(and it was reasonable, with the sacrifice of so many lives, and this being a last request.)

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged


First Post
(Post 4) Thread 2 of the Second IR

posted 04-11-2001 11:12 AM

And there is one more thing.

All of the humanoids of the world of Toril are now psionic, to a greater or lesser extent.
Nearly half are full psionicists. Others have only wild talents.

Also, the vast store of written knowledge on psionics is in their hands, for the Psionic League gave it to
them, as per Draco's request, before the final surge of energy.

- - -

The great blast of psionic energy does not bring back the elves.
The Weave is healed, thanks to the altruism of millions of beings who gave their lives to make it so.
But only if the Faerie remain in the world of Toril, will the Weave remain strong.

The elves of Mystara (and other worlds) cannot change this fact.
The elves of Toril were Toril's elves, not strangers from another world. They had a link to their world that
cannot be instantly established. (If you move to a new home, you aren't going to think of it with the feelings
you had for the old one. Now, use the reverse logic, and consider the home sentient - it isn't going to think
of the new owners the way it did the old.)
It will take centuries, maybe longer, for these new elves to become elves OF Toril, and not just elves living
on Toril.

Until that time, you need the Faerie to maintain the Weave.
The Faerie are demanding that all iron items and all technology be destroyed. Such items are harmful to

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 11:13 AM


Well, now that i am dead, i should let you all know that before i died i left behind another letter, a smaller
one, so whoever goes looking for me will find it, it reads:

Dear Forrester,

If you are reading this, know that our work was successful, indeed many will miss us, but for the safety of
toril, it was worth it.

Remember, never let the name of the psionic league die, spread work of our sacrifice to all corners of Toril.
Something like this does not need to happen again. Bring about peace between the nations of Toril, all the
peoples. Encourage development of technology, magic, and psionics, together, no by fighting each other. If
the dragonlords, or some other force ever threatens Toril in the future, let them meet a united planet, with
all magic, technology, and psionic power available stopping them.

The legacy of the old Psionic League will eventually fade into legend, but do not let that legend be

If possible, eventually reforge the psionic league, not as allies of anybody, but as protectors of life on Toril.

Draco, Leader of the Psionic League

[This message has been edited by Mr. Draco (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 11:19 AM

One last thing edena, dead man's request.

About what was the power level of the psionic league alone, before the sacrifice, (with the millions of
members still living)? You never did quite tell me...

P.S. Thank you for starting the most incredible role-playing experience of my life.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 11:21 AM

I just do my best. (sigh)

Power Level 25 to 30.
But when people willingly sacrifice their lives in an altruistic way, that enables them to do things so far
beyond what normal people can do that there is no comparison.

Think Power Level 2,500, for the purposes of what you did.

Thank you for the compliment, Draco. (really big smile!)

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 11:24 AM

Hey, Eric wants the group to have a spokesperson, a person who will tell him which threads (about the
industrial revolution) are closed and finished so he can archive them. I nominate Edena, our GM, and starter
of this whole thing.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 11:30 AM

((I e-mailed Eric. Gave him all the information I could.))

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
Mr. Draco
posted 04-11-2001 11:34 AM

Yeah, if you have any questions, see my thread. titled: "eric come here!"

You may have to email him, or you could probably just post on the other thread i started about archiving.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 11:40 AM

Certainly, Alzem, the elves and their patrons, Estlor (me) and 'Mini are more than willing to ally with you for
the purposes of seeing to the fact that

1. War doesn't destroy everything and
2. The newfound greenery and freshness is maintained.

As such, the elves demand only one thing - a safe place to plant the Trees of Life of the clans so they can
take root and grow, indoctrinating the elves into their new home world.

The Lighthouse Webmaster
"More conversions, less talk."
(Page 8)

posted 04-11-2001 11:42 AM


I have absolutely loved reading this thread, and can only assume that with the level of activity on the board
you might never do it again.

But if you do...

I'd like to say that it might be fun to set it up in a more organized way: set turns, time based actions, etc.Of
course, you'd have to have some assistance with such a thing.


Let me know if you want some help with another one of these.


IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 11:46 AM

damn server timeouts...

[This message has been edited by Estlor (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:04 PM

again, server issues

[This message has been edited by Estlor (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:10 PM

So long as Lord Forrester agrees the war is over, the devils return to the Nine Hells with thier weaponry.

The demons will likely return themselves before too long. Without devils to fight they will quickly get bored.

"If I ever get a tumor I'm gonna name it Marla."

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:30 PM

Gamespy must be having some problems this afternoon... I've never QUADRUPLE posted before.

[This message has been edited by Estlor (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 12:55 PM

WOW, This was increadable, but from the reaction here I think we broke the boards.

I still have problems with the bad If X requires Y then Y must require X logic. But the story was cool anyway.

Elves require magic, It keeps them alive, but magic doesn't require Elves.

Magic requires life, Life creates Magic, thus in turn it is impossible for Magic to support life. Life doesn't
require magic.

IP: Logged
Irena Moondancer
posted 04-11-2001 01:07 PM

Looks like the server burp killed this thread's title field...

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:08 PM

The weave has healed, it is time for our wizards to return, the elves we were able to safe to return. We still
ahve the technology magic and psionic you lost. We be willing to teach, but beware you will be taught on our
principles! magic with comes responsibility, smae goes for technology and other things. We be willing to
share for a price.

basically we return sicne our gate wasn't shut and rebuild our land through magic, harmonic technology and
hard work.

Any of the people in my ranks are free to leave and rebuild the world their own way.

our armies will still exist, but are assigned to rebuild the world.

IP: Logged
Riot Gear
posted 04-11-2001 01:08 PM

Well, let me tell you what the Illithid are up to now. After that thing you threw at us blocked us off, we
continued to expand in to the Ethereal creating demiplanes left and right to hold us. New Umbra is a nice
place, for an Illithid. Soft, cool light from the moon, not too bright. Cool, damp breezes moisten the skin.
Lukewarm swamps perfect for an Elder Brain all over. We are happy here.

But we are also angry.

What you did, devastating us, was understandable. But doing it to the Neo Illithid, who were no threat to
you, will be punished. We hunt you down in the Outer Planes and drag you back to New Umbra in your
Petitioner form and proceed to torture you each for a hundred years.

Now that that's done, I'm just pleased my people have risen so high, to creatures of the Ether. We have a
homeworld now, and someday we will return to give thanks to Toril.

And maybe wreak some havoc. I suppose we'll wing it then.

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:11 PM

This is what I get for sleeping...

The Illithid Epilogue...

The MindFlayers are not happy...

The stratification of their race, and subsequent destruction of virtually all but the most vile and cunning of
the creatures has left the Illithid even more evil than before the conflict began. All Illithid showing pacifist
tendencies toward Thrall races are quickly executed...

Woe unto the Thralls from Toril taken to New Umbra.

They now have the knowledge necessary to destroy the sun of Toril... and as soon as they are capable of
returning, they will do so. Regardless of being able to claim the world for their own... they will destroy it.
This same knowledge is rapidly reapplied by the prime Illithid for use on other, less well defended, worlds.

In the mean-time, the Illithid on their newly established, fortified, home-plane of New Umbra continue to
plot... and develop the advanced psionics, technology and arcane power they obtained during their golden
age. They distribute their newfound wisdom to the MindFlayers of other primes, vastly increasing the power
of the Illithid throughout the Multiverse.

When the time is right, they will return... and Crush the insubordinate Thralls of Toril like the mindless
vermin that they are.
The sacrifice to preserve the life of Toril will have been in vain... Be it in ten, one hundred or one thousand
years, the Illithid will reclaim their empire... and consume all who dare to stand in their path.


Phasmus T. Tapefiend

Public Representative of the Illithid/NeoIllithid
Horde Master 1st Class

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:15 PM

(I snuck in under a clock of invisibility! Cool.)

(Leaving now. Just visiting.)

[This message has been edited by Bugaboo (edited 04-11-2001).]

IP: Logged
posted 04-11-2001 01:16 PM

Wow. Last time *I* foolishly go to sleep.

I thought will KILLED you already! Christ!
Didn't you learn your lesson?!
Draco -- my good friend Draco -- your sacrifice, your incredible sacrifice, will never be forgotten. Alms will be
paid you as though you were one of our prophets. Our people thank you for your gift of psionics, and we,
the Humanoids, will take the mantle of protecting Toril, so anything like this elf-caused travesty will never
happen again.
Edena -- I agree with Darwin about the Magic Needs Life, but Life doesn't necessarily Need Magic deal --
c'mon! Can my humanoids, all psionic now, maintain the Weave without the elves? It was psionics that
repaired the almost-destroyed Weave -- and we are growing stronger and more numerous. We should be
able to maintain it. We wish to become the caretakers of the Weave on Toril, much like the elves were,
perhaps, for the last few hundred millenia.

And we promise not to destroy the world if we feel pissy.

We have Draco's secrets, his teachings. We are willing to accept the mantle of the Protectors of Toril. We
have earned it with our blood, sweat, toil, and tears. It was the elves that started this war. It is the elves
that selfishly tried to destroy the world when they lost a fair battle. We do not need their help to "protect"
Toril -- a laughable idea! How well did the LAST group of elves "protect" Toril?!

This is not their home. This is also not the home of the Faerae. This is our home. Our Home. We do not
need them.


posted 04-11-2001 03:40 PM

That should be all of it.

(sigh of relief ... that was a major endeavor)

posted 04-11-2001 03:48 PM

WOW! Kudos, Elena. I hope the length doesn't mess up the boards, though.

To continue:

I want to add that we Humanoids wish peace. There are hardly any major factions LEFT on Toril, after all --
the Drow are gone, the Illithid are gone, and the cursed Elves are gone. There are a smattering of Kender,
of course. Perhaps dwarves?

But Toril mostly belongs to the newly psionic Humanoids, and their friends, the Technomancy.

We are willing to work with them, in peace, to rebuild our great factories. And Prophet Draco's teachings have
been left in our stead. We are prepared to maintain the newly healed Weave.

We do not need Elves for this endeavor. Or Fae. Those "imported" elves may feel free to leave at any time.
This is our home, not yours.


(Signing off for an hour or three. Nobody blow up the world -- or the threads -- while I'm gone. If for some
bizarre reason we *cannot* maintain the Weave alone, or with the help of our Scro friends, perhaps we'll
negotiate. I do think it plausible that between all of us being psionic, and having Draco's teachings, we
should be able to maintain said fully-healed Weave, though. For at least a century or two.)

[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

posted 04-11-2001 04:14 PM

I hope the Thread isn't so big it can't be accessed and read.
There really wasn't any other way to do this. If there had been, I would have done it.

(apologetic look to the moderators and to the readers)

posted 04-11-2001 04:15 PM

I am not sure (soemthing said click in my head when I tried to read the entire repost) but as I tried to post
before when the weave now is restored, my armeis will return grab a fair sized land mass and populate it, all
those of my men that wish to be free are free to do as they please (not the undead of course the wizards
and such). The elves we possibly rescued will be set free to start over again. My nation will be build around
science, technology, magic or psionic. and it will be with resposibility towards nature we do, we be willing to
trade our knowledge (I am sure some of the others lost a lot). We even be willing to let the fae folk
approve technology before it is put to use.

perhaps development goes slower, but it will be the ebst for all. Our magic will gladly help heal the earth our
the silly war.

(hmm think we also had a few Neo flayers rescued but don't remember)

posted 04-11-2001 04:27 PM

Well, if were continueing I'm back,

Most of my forces have are hidden away off world, But I have remained behind with a small guard.

I meat with Forrester, and invite the leaders of these new elves.

We do not believe that the Elves are needed for the universe. Neither are the fea. This if A is required for B
then B must be required for A nonsence is fualty logic, spread by elves and the magic loving Chosen. We
don't need their elves nor their magic.

But that said, We don't wish to drive them away. If either the elves or the fae wish to stay that is there right,
but they must understand that is our right to technology, they cannot deside what tech is good and what
tech is evil. Fire is technology, the sword is technology, their clothes are technology. I don't see the elves
give those up.

We urge Forrester to stay his hand, As long as these elves can live in peace we can live in peace with them.
Remember these are not the evil elves from before.

posted 04-11-2001 04:48 PM

I guess this is what I get for being a college student . Well folks im back temporarily. I will not listen to
the damn fairies! They want to strike us back into the age of castles and monarchies. We have developed a
republic and I will not sacrifice my peoples freedom to use technology so that MAGIC, the benefactor of the
tyrant, can once again be placed into the hands of the few. The technology of of the technomancy will
continue to be developed. All this nonsense about magic being the source of life isnt worthy of my attention!
If anything, as the elves demonstrated, magic is more attune to death!

Ours will be a free state, we welcome only those humanoids that will embrace our political eneavors. These
endeavors include the spread of the republic and freedom for all individuals. Symbolically expressed by our
technology: It is not the individual that wields the power any longer, that was the age of magic, now the
power belongs to the hands of many! No creature can claim the rights to my people! Any who do so will find
us righteous in our retaliation!

oot well gotta run folks, ill finish up if i have time... unless another thirty years passes

Riot Gear
posted 04-11-2001 04:59 PM

I scoot far, far away from that last guy.

Grap a mop, there's going to be blood on the ceiling!!
-My character.

posted 04-11-2001 05:20 PM

To Forrester,

How dare you disregard the actions of a single individual just because the colossal forces of nations and
entire races are beating back and forth across the face of a planet?

How dare you casually push aside any effect of my machine after all the hyper-technology that got dragged
into this conflict?

Do you really think that in so epic a conflict, individual achievements and actions matter so little? Allow me
to disillusion you.

Edena, in my best imitation of John Wilkes Boothe, I shoot Forrester in the back of the head and leap to the
stage, eventually escaping back to the thread that I've been hiding in while the war on Toril raged.

(No offense Forrester, but I didn't care for the way you poo-pooed my idea. Look on the bright side, you're
in good company.)

God of Hops, Patron Saint of drunks, brewmeisters, and frat parties. What else do you want out of life?

posted 04-11-2001 05:26 PM

Y'know...the dragon overlords have given us several ultimatums, and it seems like they're acting WAY more
patient than they should be. It'd have a hard time beating them. (400 foot long chromatic dragons who are
so insanely powerful in magery that they can reshape entire continents)


If history is to change,let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If it is my destiny to die, then I
must simply laugh.-The Magus

Blood Jester
posted 04-11-2001 05:57 PM

From the Fey:

It appears we are most unwelcome on Toril by the majority races, as such, and knowing the depths they
are capable of, we shall leave. We extend a final invitation to all Magical Creatures (Dragons, Phaerimm,
Sharn, Angels, Elven Survivors[ha,ha,I gots a secret ], New Elves, ALL...) come with us to our realm and
survive in a world of beauty and magic.

To the humanoids, enjoy the world you have created, it will now be as you wish.


OOC - To all Technos, you have now created the world you wished for. Ours. Magical creatures, gone. Magic
instead of technology, gone. Endless open spaces, gone. The freedom to adventure, gone.

Our current way of life is so much fun, we all spend a large portion of our time playing Corporations &
Civilians (tm), instead of being stuck in the dull, grim world of Elves, Faeries, and Magic. We have always
had more in common with orcs than elves, and now we have proved it with the destruction of Toril. And
Lannon, your freedoms are fools gold, I'll pass.

Thanks again for a fun RP by Forum.

Signing off.

Blood Jester

[This message has been edited by Blood Jester (edited 04-11-2001).]

posted 04-11-2001 06:06 PM

Ah Lannon, I am glad to see your return. I echo my fellow's actions. In response to Blood Jester, I think
that was the point. We may have destroyed a world you enjoyed, but we rebuilt a world that we enjoy.

And only the test of time will guage whether or not our "freedoms" are transparent and "fool's gold."


(( Damn fine game, ladies and gentlemen, damn fine. May it be remembered as a high water mark for PBP
gamage. ))

"Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity." - Albert Camus

posted 04-11-2001 06:16 PM

Postwar Update #1

The war went for 5 years, from the first gnomish/druid squabbles to the destruction of Evermeet.
The sacrifice of the Psionic League brought relief to the world about a month after that.
The people of Toril are calling it the Sacrifice Eldritch, this sequence of cataclysm and redemption.

The war they refer to as the Great War, the Twilight of the Elves, and the War of the Dimensions.

Blood Jester speaks for the Faerie Folk, and it's up to him what the Faerie do.
The phaerimm, sharn and dragons look to the Faerie. And they ask of the Faerie?:

Do we return with you to the Realm of Faerie, or do we conquer (crush, in the case of the phaerimm) these
people and enforce your laws?
Or do we strike a compromise with these people?

While the Faerie are making up their minds ...

The angels have built a new nation on the Isle of Hope (said isle formerly was known as Nimbral.)
A fair number of people have congregated here, independent of all others, and trying hard to rebuild.

Zouron has successfully conquered what used to be Halruaa.
Under the protection of his necromantic armies, the peoples of the Shining South are rallying and trying to
They are most certainly of a technological bent, these people, blaming magic for all the woes that have
beset them.

The NeoIllithid, unless Phasmus says otherwise, are joining the Technomancy (assuming the Technomancy
will tolerate their presence.)
The Technomancy has an immense rebuilding and reconstruction job ahead of it.
But people are determined, and the return of the sun, the warmth, and the sudden growth of forests has
invigorated them.

The old nations of Thesk, Thay, Thazalhar Mulhorand, Unther, Chessenta, Chondath, Turmish, Sembia, and
Impiltur basically dissolve.
They become provinces of the United Technomancy, and their people concentrate all their strength on
If what I'm reading in the above Posts is true, the people of the United Technomancy pay no heed
whatsoever to the Faerie (although they are willing to talk), and they blame magic heavily for the troubles
that have beset them.
The Technomancy effectively seizes control of the Inner Sea.
After that, the city states of the Moonsea capitulate, and join them. Zhentil Keep, Hillsfar, and Mulmaster.
They also become subservient provinces of the United Technomancy.
The NeoIllithid are able to give the Technomancy vast amounts of knowledge, and working with the
NeoIllithid, the Technomancy is able to rebuild far faster, and recover much better, than hoped for (although
the road is still long and hard.)

The humanoids flourish. There is simply no other word for it.
They have been given the gift of psionics and vast amounts of psionic knowledge.
The Underdark has been depopulated, leaving them with no opponents, so they can spread freely.
They have the chance to rebuild their factories and mines, to regain much of their technological know how.
An unprecedented alliance of the orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls, bugbears, ogres, and many others has
been forged out of the fires of war, and this alliance was welded tighter by the actions of the Psionic League.
It is thought the average intelligence of these races has risen, perhaps by more than 3 points.

Realmspace is dominated by the Scro Spelljammer Fleet, with their Githzerai allies.
Many places in Realmspace have been converted over to headquarters for the Gith, and others taken by the
Scro (unfortunately for the elves, guess who lost their homes?)
The Githyanki have found they like it here, on the Prime Material Plane. They do not, however, care for the
The Githyanki establish several major fortresses on Toril, and many more in Realmspace.

The coalition of nations that supported the elves has collapsed, and many of them simply do not exist
But those that remain, are pleading for peace, and the Chosen of Mystra are reiterating the fact that the
Technomancy MUST agree to the terms of the Faerie, or at the LEAST talk to them and hope to Mystra the
Faerie will compromise (such as, the Technomancy gets this land, and stays in it ... the Faerie get this land,
and the Technomancy stays out of it!)
Aglarond yet remains, and is a bulwark of strength, surprisingly strong despite the woes of Toril.
Shadowdale has become a great fortress realm, and effectively rules all of the old Cormanthyr and Cormyr.
Luruar has somehow survived, although greatly reduced, and is picking up the pieces. Control of the North is
effectively under this nation's control.
Amn was devastated by the tsunamis, but in the eastern part of the country people are rallying and
rebuilding, abeit in isolation.

Tethyr and Calimshan have both suffered so much damage they are out of affairs altogether, reduced to
simple survival and rebuilding.
The same applies to Samarach, Thindol, and Tashalar.

Dambrath has left the Technomancy, and returned to the worship of Loviatar. They have also driven the
halflings of Luiren out of their land.
Var the Golden and Ulgarth are still technically in the Technomancy, but it takes them some time simply to
reestablish communications with their northern neighbors, and they also are rebuilding.

Meanwhile, the Faerie are waxing in power, and they and their minions are in strategic locations in all parts
of Faerun.
If they wanted to, they could attack and destroy the Technomancy and the Humanoids both.
But the Faerie are simply asking that technology and cold iron be destroyed, or put aside.

The elves from Mystara have not made any significant inroads yet, and not one has yet to step onto the
continent of Faerun.
It is doubtful the Humanoids even know of them.
As for Evermeet, it is gone. Just gone. A vast stretch of placid ocean exists where Evermeet was.
Explorations to the bottom of the ocean find no trace of any foundations for an island.

The kender are now one of the main races of Toril.
Sorry folks, but someone insisted on bringing Krynn into this. (chuckle)
The kender have a knack for survival, and they survived the Technomancy, survived the cataclysm, and
survived the aftermath.
Now, they are all over the place.

The Weave of Toril has recovered.
In a surprising twist, the climate of Toril has suddenly become much warmer than it was prior to the
This is partly due to the total melting of the Great Glacier, but it seems the arctic has warmed considerably,
and there is no question the Trackless Sea has warmed, by more than 5 degrees! (that represents truly
massive warming.)
The warming is rather benign, though. Subtropical conditions prevail in many areas that were temperate,
and the rains from the sea come regularly, if more heavily.
Many areas that had bitterly cold climates are finding it far less cold, and many areas that were bone dry are
receiving rain for the first time, with the Desert of Raurin being a notable case in point.

The sky remains emerald green, and the yellow sun is surrounded by a bright corona of light green. (and
the sky will be like this from now on)
People looking down on Toril from above no longer see a blue/green/white world.
They see a green/white world, for the oceans reflect back the green of the atmosphere, and look green from

There is still no news from Kara-Tur. It must be presumed they are rebuilding.
Zakhara is demanding to know what in the name of the Thousand Gods happened? They also want the
Technomancy to live up to it's word and supply them with high technology and spelljammers.
There is no news from Maztica. There is some question as to whether there ever will be any news from

The evil Outsiders have returned home.
The Gates to other worlds are currently closed (they closed during the cataclysm and have not been
reopened.) Thus, the Dragon Overlords of Krynn are out of the picture.

A vast force of good aligned Outsiders remains on Toril.
Some of these are the angels, mentioned above.
The majority of these are Outsiders from Arvandor, who are trying to bring back the decimated animal
species of Toril, trying to keep hundreds of types of animals from becoming extinct.
Others are working in the oceans and seas, trying to repair the damage done there.
These Outsiders are loosely allied with the Faerie, and if the Faerie ask them to, they will attack who the
Faerie ask them to attack.

Blood Jester
posted 04-11-2001 06:17 PM

PS - Sincerely, thanks for the game!

Blood Jester

posted 04-11-2001 06:30 PM

So be it.
The last of the elves of Realmspace (the ones nobody knew about because they were Blood Jester's best
kept secret) leave it forever, going to the Realm of Faerie.
The Faerie depart.
The Outsiders from Arvandor do not depart, but they scorn everyone on Toril from now on, and state they
will leave once they have secured the safety of the animals.
The Outsiders directly with the Faerie (that is, the ones who came to fight alongside them) do depart,
Surprisingly, the Sharn refuse to leave. But they also refuse to have anything to do with the surface dwellers,
and scorn them. They return Below.
The phaerimm, no longer under control, disappear. Nobody knows where they went, or what they are doing.
Anybody who tries to find out, is found dead and his memory erased.
A few of the dragons do go with the Faerie, and sadly, these include some of the wisest, oldest, and most
good aligned of them.
Those that remain are scornful of the unwise and unreasonable races that remain.

This move leaves Faerun, basically, in the hands of the Technomancy, and the Underdark of Faerun, in the
hands of the Humanoids.
A few nations remain indepedent, and others are quite hostile to both humanoids and technomancy.

Now, only the angels of Hope Isle, remain to support the Weave.
This they do, in hope. They look into the future, and in so doing see something that persuades them to
remain, and support Toril.
These angels come and go, across all of Faerun, as they will, and nobody can stop them (well, they can, if
they wish a major battle and subsequent death.)
What they are doing is a mystery, but it is not harmful, and usually something beneficial results from it.

A remnant of the dwarven race and gnomish race remain, along with some halflings.
These demihuman races either ally with the Technomancy (for protection against the humanoids) or ally with
other surviving nations, relying on combined strength to carry on.

posted 04-11-2001 06:37 PM

And, seeing the sentiments above, and having written out the situation as it stands in the Postwar World of

I am retiring.


((Thanks to all for the creative Posts, the wild discourse, and the whole of the romp.
Thank you for the fun time.
I would like to think I might have such fun again in Dungeons and Dragons.
Thank you to the Moderators who tolerated this and allowed it to go on. Thank you indeed.
I once made a claim that I was a good Gamer. Hopefully, I have substantiated that claim.))

posted 04-11-2001 06:49 PM

I will strongly make sure that those under my banner, will develop technology magic and psionic, but it will
first be tested and then tested again to make sure it doesn't destroy the world but coorperate
harmonioously with nature.

I ask the faires to sent representive to help validate results to their saticfaction.

posted 04-11-2001 06:52 PM


Originally posted by Blood Jester:

OOC - To all Technos, you have now created the world you wished for. Ours. Magical
creatures, gone. Magic instead of technology, gone. Endless open spaces, gone. The freedom
to adventure, gone.

Our current way of life is so much fun, we all spend a large portion of our time playing
Corporations & Civilians (tm), instead of being stuck in the dull, grim world of Elves, Faeries,
and Magic. We have always had more in common with orcs than elves, and now we have
proved it with the destruction of Toril. And Lannon, your freedoms are fools gold, I'll pass.

Thanks again for a fun RP by Forum.

Signing off.

Blood Jester

[This message has been edited by Blood Jester (edited 04-11-2001).]

Ummm, I'm not sure where that flame come from but I'll try to respond. I fought for the Technocracy
becuase I don't see magic and technology as mutually exclusive.

This is why on countless occasions I pointed out that Controling Fire is a part of technolgy, and that doesn't
destroy magic. The forging of steel into swords is definattly technology and the elves are just as involved as
anyone else. What makes the steam engine any different.

No, I don't desire to play "Corperations & Civilain's" But I did find Greyhawk 2000 to be a delightful

I never wanted the destruction of all magic, Elves yeah I didn't can if they came or went, DND elves are
aggrogent and boring, Tolkien elves were cool, they were truely immortal and very powerfull, and now for the
cool part, They envyed man. Mortal man was mortal and thus would see god, in person a true relation ship
with god, the elves would never have. DnD elves don't have this they just think there better than everyone
else so yes, I hate DND elves.

But I don't hate magic. But when our GM (nice work btw just can't agree with you on this.) said that we
couldn't have tech and magic, I said tech, I'd do it again. Even if it had destroyed the world I'd do it again.

posted 04-11-2001 06:52 PM

darn finishing as the rebuilding gets interested ::sniff:: Edena we want another hehe

The roleplaying freak that never gets enough

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Topic: What would your PC do if the gnomes caused the Industrial Revolution, Part Two
posted 04-11-2001 07:17 PM

I want more...
I am want to continue.....
The fun isn't over
Heh, where are all you going
does my breath stink or something
don't go sniff
I promise I will be good

It was fun while it lasted
but nothing is fovever
except Cheese

posted 04-11-2001 07:22 PM

Excellent work Edena...
Yes, I am very pleased to have participated in these events, despite the temporary setback of the Illithid's
schemes for world domination...

As for the surviving NeoIllithid, they do their best to integrate themselves into the new society of Toril. Their
vast intelligence and psionic potential makes them well suited for political and scientific positions. Cut off
from their more evil kin, their goals gradually shift from the domination of the Thralls to the domination of

One of their greatest breakthroughs in techno-psi engineering is an inexpensive variant of psi-crystals
which, while non-sentient, have a massive memory capacity and an intelligence score of 50 for purposes of
making mathematical calculations. The applications for arrays of these items are vast. The group of
NeoIllithid who produce the crystals call themslves Illithid-BinaryCalculation-Matrices Inc. ... Or IBM for short.


Phasmus T. Tapefiend

"Don't put all your brains in one basket."

posted 04-11-2001 09:24 PM

You think that's bad...

The machine gun devils organize themselves into a service industry, of magic/psionic/technological

IBM can sell these crystals. Our company will enspell them with a base spell that allows other spells to be
added to it.

We call ourselves Microsoft.

All your base are belong to us!


"If I ever get a tumor I'm gonna name it Marla."

posted 04-11-2001 09:56 PM

A minor addendum to the story:

We, the Humanoids, were chased into the Underdark those hundreds of thousands of years ago by the

For millenia, we have fought to claim the surface. For millenia, we have been beaten back -- and then
beaten again, by the Illithid and the Drow. Elves from below, and elves from above.

Now, they are gone. We will not cede the surface again, Edena. Simply put, we DO not. The Underdark is
vast -- and we spread into it, of course. But we controlled some of the surface *before* the stupid elves
blew up the world. We will control the same afterwards -- the conquered elven lands, above and below, are
ours, and will remain ours! I'm sure the original Technomancy will not mind -- we will live next to them and
among them in peace. (Eating the occasional Kender, of course.)

Party at Evereska, anyone?

Everyone NATIVE TO TORIL invited!


[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

Bran Blackbyrd
posted 04-12-2001 02:51 AM

Acck, I should never have gone to sleep. Between that and the confusion that occurred when the board threw
up on us...

The Druids and I would have tried to convince the Faerie Folk to stay. If that didn't work, we'd have pointed
out to them that by leaving Toril, knowing full well that the planet will die without their prescence, they were
no better, and perhaps even worse, than the beings who perpetuated the war.
Oh well.
Thank you Edena, for a most memorable experience.

Jason "Warlocke" Lewis
DM: You see there are orcs camped out in the chasm ahead of you.
Me: Do they have multiple Orc-Chasms?
Warlocke's Realm

posted 04-12-2001 04:02 AM

A last update.


PostWar Toril and Realmspace, Final Update

The Technomancy is flourishing now, having spent years rebuilding.
A great part of Faerun is in the Technomancy, while many fringe countries exist.
The NeoIllithid and more civilized Humanoids are full fledged members of the Technomancy.

The Humanoids have come into their own, and they now have surface nations, some of them huge, like
Sembia once was.
Humanoids are flourishing, building their own technology, building their own civilization.
It is reasonable to assume the Humanoids that most wish civilization, most wish unity, are the ones
dominating the surface nations.
Those who favor anarchy and killing each other, the old bad ways, are reduced to the Underdark or the wilds.

The remaining nations of Toril grudgingly accept the Technomancy, with it's primarily human, humanoid, and
neoillithid population.
They have no choice.
The dwarves fully join the Technomancy, and attempt to rebuild some of their ruined underground
civilizations - with help from the Technomancy, they can do this.
The dwarves sign non-aggression pacts with the Humanoids. What choice do they have?
The gnomes follow suit, following the dwarven lead.
Both the dwarves and the gnomes acknowledge the Overlordship of the Technomancy.
The halflings scatter, some staying in the Technomancy, others going to the fringe nations, and yet others
finding quiet nooks currently unoccupied where they can start new countries.
Luiren in the south, however, fully embraces the new Halruaa (where Zouron is Lord) in alliance, and
halflings go there in droves to live and study magic.

The new Halruaa becomes a major center of magic, as great as the old one.
It is reasonable to assume the NeoIllithid are working with the forces of Zouron, and the Technomancy is
there, also.
Var the Golden and Ulgarth secede from the Technomancy, and form their own nations. But they
immediately ally with Halruaa, and offer to work with Halruaa to further the redevelopment of magic.

The Nations of Shadowdale, Aglarond, Luruar, and the Lord's Alliance (including Westgate) sign peace
treaties with the Technomancy, and continue their slow rebuilding.
Technology isn't welcome in these lands.
Magic is very welcome.

With the departure of the Faerie went many of the dragons, while the sharn returned to the Underdark, and
the phaerimm disappeared to secret places on Toril.
The Outsiders from Arvandor leave now also. Their job is finished: the forests of Faerun and other
continents once more teem with wildlife.
And, also, they simply cannot remain. The constraints on Outsiders that keeps Fiends from dominating the
Spheres, forces them to return home for the most part.

The angels, likewise, for the most part, return home.
A few remain, but they do not stay in one place, and they are altogether mysterious in their pursuits.
People praying for guidance and help often find these angels come to their aid.

A flourishing Nimbral, Hope's Island, now once more strong with magic, once more powerful, makes alliances
with the new Halruaa, with the Lord's Alliance, Luruar, Aglarond, and Shadowdale, but is decidedly cool
towards the Technomancy.

Bran's druids are openly welcome in the Lord's Alliance, Luruar, Shadowdale, Aglarond, and the like, and are
found here and there elsewhere.
It is assumed the Technomancy is able to at least open a dialouge with this druidical alliance.

The nations of the Moonsea attempt to secede from the Technomancy, forming their own power (and power
mad) states, but the Technomancy, I must assume, quickly puts a stop to that.

There is friendship and alliance between the Technomancy and the Humanoids, and free travel between the
two great Powers, the two dominant Powers of Faerun.

A few dragons are still seen, now and then. However, the dragons - if they are seen - are most often seen in
human guise, manipulating events and observing, as dragons ever do.

The elves coming from Mystara form their Alfheim ... on Maztica.
Maztica is sufficiently distant, sufficiently remote, and because it is considered wiped out, that the
Technomancy and Humanoids are paying it no attention.
Otherwise, the elves never get even a foothold on Toril. The humanoids wipe them out whenever they try.
The elves of Alfheim Maztica work in secret, having a centuries long goal of building a new and great elven

There were surviving nations on Maztica, after all.
These nations are not aware of the elves, though. The elves are extremely secretive.

Realmspace becomes filled with the ships of the Technomancy, ships of the Githzerai, and ships of the Scro.
The illithid of Realmspace retreat to their home bases, having nothing to do with the neoillithid, and
wondering what in the name of the Elder Brain happened.
The sudden peace in Realmspace enables the Technomancy and Humanoids, working together, to drive the
Neogi from Realmspace.

Zakhara recovers, and is an ally of the Technomancy.
Kara-Tur recovers, and returns to being more isolationist than ever before.
The peoples of the Hordelands, akin to the scythians and Mongols of Terra, continue their ancient way of
life, albeit with more powerful magic.

The sahuagin and other evil races of the sea withdraw to those seas, unwilling to participate in the great
rebuilding or associate with the humans, dwarves, gnomes, neoillithid, and humanoids.
Some of the good races of the sea, such as the merfolk, attempt to remain on friendly terms with some of
the surface nations.
In general, the peoples of the sea are split. Most are isolationist, some favor Aglarond, the Lord's Alliance,
Shadowdale, etc., a very few favor the Technomancy, and others just wish to continue raiding and pillaging
the surface.

The sky of Toril remains emerald green, and a bright, light green corona surrounds the soft yellow sun.
The climate of Toril shifts one full degree.
Tropical areas become 5 degrees warmer.
Subtropical areas become tropical.
Warm temperate areas become subtropical.
Cold temperate (snow forest) areas become warm temperate.
Frigid temperate climates become cold temperate.
The subarctic region, which was vast, halves in size, much of it becoming frigid temperate, or even cold
Subarctic conditions come to northernly places like the ruins of Icewind Dale, Sossal, and other lands at high
The Trackless Sea remains, permanently, 5 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it was. The southern edge of
the winter sea icepack is one thousand miles further north.
The Moonshaes are now warm temperate, and there is no sea ice.

There is no longer an Anauroch or a Great Glacier.
Temperate and subarctic forests now grow in those regions.
Gone is the High More, replaced by a cold temperate forest.
Gone is the Calim Desert, replaced by a tropical savanna.
Gone is the Raurin Desert, replaced by steppe.
The Hordelands are considerably wetter now, and the shortgrass turns into tallgrass, and tallgrass turns into
young woodlands in many areas.
Along the coastlines of the Great Icy Sea (which is about 20 degrees warmer in summer than it was, and it
does not freeze up fully in winter now), a vast coniferous forest begins growing.

There are two blights, though, on the world, and nothing anyone ever does can erase them.
Where Evereska was, is a moor, a poisoned land where nothing wholesome will or can grow. People going
there sicken, and those staying die.
No magic of any kind, no force, no anything, can ever change this.

Where Evermeet was, is calm placid ocean. There is no sign that Evermeet ever existed, not even at the sea
However, Technomancy or Humanoid ships that go into that area, never return. There is no attack, and the
last communications from such ships is that everything is normal, but then there is silence.
No debris or bodies are ever found. Nothing is ever found. Magic used to determine the fate of the ships
reveals nothing. Technology is similarly useless.
Spelljammers looking down from space, monitoring ships going into the area, find their sight blocked by
Not clouds that suddenly spring up, but by some curious coindence it is always cloudy when they try to look
down from space.
If Luruar, or Shadowdale, or any of the nations who have sent ships into that regions (and their ships have
returned) know the truth of the matter, they are not telling.

And there is one BIG change, which nobody expected.

Mages discover it, astonishment and fear and awe in their faces.

The Arcane Age has returned to Toril and Realmspace.
All spellcasting races can once more throw 10th and 11th level spells freely.

The sacrifice of the Psionic League had a truly tremendous effect, and the other things that happened,
magnified their effort.

And finally ...

Magic and technology do mix. I never said they did not.
Why do you think it's called the Technomancy?

As for whether the Weave will survive without either the elves or faerie, that is one of the great mysteries,
and the Chosen of Mystra have gone silent on the matter.
The Weave is not weakening (nor is it strengthening further)
Who knows what it will do? Only time will tell.



[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-12-2001).]

posted 04-12-2001 04:06 AM

I'm Songe of Zephyr, half-elven cleric of Lathander. I'm a divine disciple of Lathander too. I was far away
from my home, wandering through the infinate planes for years, searching for the lost nether scrolls. Now I
have them!! (3 of them)
But, when I go home, I see my world, Toril, nearly destroyed, and my elven brethren have been all
slaughtered, as my human family too. Argggghhh! Hummm... I always said that the Retreat and Evermeet
were two bad idea. But I'm a servitor of the God of Renewal, the Morning Lord, the Hope Incarnated! And
Toril is in complete renewal... Now it's time to work!
First, I seek a quiet place: that's easy : nearly 95% of every people are now dead after the silly war. I
choose a country of wood and lakes, with some mountains and a lot of river.
Second, I go to the technocracy lands : there I ask my (very) dear friend (cohort in D&D term) Salicia
(doppleganger bard/priest(ess) of Sharess) to invest half of my vast fortune in different business. I expect
10% income : that is 50 000 GP a year.
Third I start to cast true resurrection on my defunct family. I don't even need to worry about where the body
are. With the seconf half of my money, I could buy the component for 100 true resurrections. That's a good
start. For demographic issue, I resurrect 4 women for 1 men. Life will be fun in SongeWood.
The elves (Gold, Moon, Wild, Wood, Aquatic, and even some Winged elves of Sossal), half-elves and
humans I resurrect will be unoticed by the major power. We could have a peacefull life here, under my wise,
benefic leadership.
The problem of technology and the humanoid still hang in the air. My politic is : Do nothing. I could protect
SongeWood with my fellow spellcaster with antipathy spell. In the long term, the humanoid alliance will blow
up : these guys are inherently aggressive, and they are shorlived. As soon as their charismatic leader
Forrester will die of old age, the fight will begin between the various tribes. Moreover, due to my vast
experience in planewalking, I know where lead the technological way they follow. Soon their lives will be
boring as hell, they will be cut from nature, eat mad cow meat and have stupid jobs. They will live in a grey
world, with a lot of pollution, and finally they will slowly loose the sens of magic, and psionic too.
I think they could look like these awful reagombies I meet on this strange world (murphy's world).
For the elves, the half-elves and the humans under my guidance, I will choose another way. Every thing that
tech does, magic could do it better, but if applied to living things, I'm quiet sure science could be useful.
The people of SongeWood will be the master of Biotech! Particularly in these domains : Narcotics,
psychotrops and aphrodisiacs (the demographic issue you know...) ; Plants (for housing people, nothing
best than GM oaks) ; and of course, we will research and experiment many things about mold, ooze and
bacteria, so in case we are dicovered, we could defend our lives.
But I doubt that anybody could find us : illusion, enchantment and abjuration spells will allow us to go

posted 04-12-2001 04:26 AM

Hum... It seems I wasn't quick enough. Edena's post spring while I typed mine. Humm please consider that
SongeWood is somewhere in northern Maztica. With the Nether scrolls and the return of the arcane age, I
hope I will be able to create a Flying Island (10 x10 miles) for my people. With continual cloud, we will be
undetectable and unreachable.

posted 04-12-2001 04:42 AM

Hey, elf-boy -- it's FINIS, bucky!

Well, it looks like we won't be partying on Evereska. You just HAD to add that, didn't you, Edena? Take all of
the fun out of slaying all of the elves.

Except for the ones still slinking around where Evermeet used to be, of course. Bermuda Triangle/Atlantis
crap going on there. Sure, make them more powerful than the tremendous forces of Technomancy -- even
though they are beaten and defeated. They're elves, after all. .

Such is life.

Let's see how the elves like THAT!

(Just kidding, just kidding. I know what FINIS means . . . )

Big Floating Eye
posted 04-12-2001 04:53 AM

Hehe, why do you think we Beholder were so silent in this war ? We were organizing ourselves in our hives,
growwing in number, making short incursion sometimesto gather those new technomagical objects from their
dead owners.
Expect some surprises in the future (we're notably toying with the cyber-implant idea...), but don't think we
will act stupidly by making another war.

And Songe is all wrong in her predictions:


Moreover, due to my vast experience in planewalking, I know where lead the technological way
they follow. Soon their lives will be boring as hell, they will be cut from nature, eat mad cow
meat and have stupid jobs. They will live in a grey world, with a lot of pollution, and finally
they will slowly loose the sens of magic, and psionic too.

Wrong: she forget the Technomancy was developed from the technomagical research of the Gnome, who
use magic as the source of power, thus preventing pollution to appear. It is true some purely mechanical
engine were created during the war (to avoid the sneaky attempt of dispelling made by those blasted elves
and druids), but once peace is back, wo will want to work in a big, grey, stinky coal-burning power plant when
magic can give the energy you need without all these problems ?
Wrong also: she assume things will go on a techno-psionico-magical world as they go in a
techno-techno-techno wolrd.
((OOC if magic did exist on our mundane Earth as it exist in D&D, who will not want to follow magical studies
? You know, IRL, I would be very happy to learn and cast some spells like Fly, Teleport, Polymorph Self,
Darkvision, Tenser's Floating Disk... And I think I'm not the only one. If magic existed, they would be
college of magic, and I would be one of the student of one of these college.
Same thing for psionics. And I think I'm not the only one with this mindset. So the argument that the dawn
of technology is the dusk of magic is one of the most cheesy bulldrop ever.))

posted 04-12-2001 05:00 AM

There is an exception: the humanoids can enter Evereska all they want.
Nobody else can.
(After all, they conquered the place.)

There are no elves slinking around where Evermeet used to be. There is nothing there but water.

posted 04-12-2001 05:14 AM

Oh, there are elves all right. I'm sure Blood Jester must have figured out some way to teleport his best
people away just before the stupid Wraths killed everyone.

But that's okay. We'll find them sooner or later. Grrrr!

Oh -- about Evereska -- so this doesn't apply?:

"Where Evereska was, is a moor, a poisoned land where nothing wholesome will or can grow. People going
there sicken, and those staying die."

'cause we humanoids really don't want to go there if that happens to us. That's just not very fun.


posted 04-12-2001 05:22 AM

It doesn't apply to the humanoids, Forrester.
They can go and party over the ruins of Evereska as they please.

They are the only ones.

Even other ELVES (were there any elves) could not return to Evereska, and hope to survive.

The humanoids can go to Evereska and stay because they were the ones who conquered it.
The conquest produced dark magic that has blighted the soil, and which brings sickness and death to those
coming in to the area.
But not to the humanoids.
The dark magic welcomes the humanoids, for they produced the magic in question!
The dark magic welcomes the conquerors back.

[This message has been edited by Edena_of_Neith (edited 04-12-2001).]

posted 04-12-2001 05:48 AM

When we are ready...

Here are some of the techs/magic being develloped in SongeWood, and released into the world:
*We don't use metal : that's too heavy and energy consuming. Steelwood, silkglass, crystal-growing : these
are our base material.
*living house : We design our living house with GM plant. They provide food, heat, basic medics,
cosmetic(have a bath in a giant flower)... They have float organ filled with lighter than air non-explosiv gas.
The leaves are used as sail, for aerian navigation. Soon we could be able to build/cultivate flying city-forest.
And we could sell non-flying variant to the technomancy. (We sell only male plant, in order to keep this
*Flower-birds : these animals are our most beautiful experience. Imagine hybrid between humingbirds and
orchids or roses.
* vegetal Medikit. I'm getting tired to cast remove disease/cure light wound. So I personaly make this : For
each wound/disease/poison, we have a plant that cures it. We sell it to everyone (again, only male plant).
*Living vestment : a symbiotic plant that feed on sweat, squama... and change of shape and colors
according to your will. With it, you don't have to buy new vestment when your children grow higher, or when
winter come.

We provide this wonder to everyone. With the money, we could buy diamond to cast more true resurrection.
We don't resurrect elves of Evermeet (I never liked them, and they have lost their home), only those who
were living elsewhere (High Forest, Chondalwood, Luruar, Sossal...).

[This message has been edited by Aloïsius (edited 04-12-2001).]

Big Floating Eye
posted 04-12-2001 05:53 AM

It's hard to finish such a thing, heh ?
Everyone want to continue.
It was really more interesting that all these pantheon threads, even if somewhat related.

Well, it's time to make a pause.

But such things should be started again later.

Yum... The Living ENB Industrial Campaign...


posted 04-12-2001 06:04 AM


Originally posted by Big Floating Eye:

And Songe is all wrong in her predictions

In HIS prediction, please. Songe is a he.

posted 04-12-2001 06:52 AM

Right! Due to my intervention, Lathander is now an interloper power in the elven pantheon (like Tymora for
the halfling, and Gond for the gnome). Humm... Isn't there any other wiped race in Toril I can resurrect ?
I'm sure I could increase the base power of my Lord.
In the new Toril, Lathander can become a transracial God, and the greatest power of all, save Ao, of
course.In this rebuilding world, I'm sure the Church of Renewal can be number1.

As soon as my flying paradisiac flying forest are ready, I use some of them for touristic industry. Yep! It's
the "Club Mediterranée" in Toril. I offer free sojourn to the various leaders of the various nations of Toril.
(This will work as permanent embassy). Yes, even the humanoid leaders, if they don't suffer vertigo in
aerian forest!
I work with the neoillithid of IBM. With our mastery of Biotech and illusion magic and their calculators, we
could create a new industry of entertainment. Think to Virtual Reality, with psionic plants-computers, able to
inject adrenaline and other pherormones in your bloodstream!

The Church of Lathander will control this sector, with Sune, Liira, Milil, and Sharess clergy. It will be the age
of entertainment.

posted 04-12-2001 07:05 AM

hehe and good thing it is hard to finish for edena ::winks:: WE WANT it to continue hehe.

edena give it up and get ready for a new round ;-) let us go out and kill each other once more (or a few
times more hehe). or start a new one :)

as for beholders.... ehh grrow in large numbers thought you guys had trouble even standing the sight of
each others

posted 04-12-2001 09:18 AM


Originally posted by Forrester:
I'm sure the original Technomancy will not mind -- we will live next to them and among them
in peace. (Eating the occasional Kender, of course.)

Party at Evereska, anyone?

Everyone NATIVE TO TORIL invited!


[This message has been edited by Forrester (edited 04-11-2001).]

We certainly don't have a problem with it. A good ally is always welcome. Also, please eat as many Kender
as possible. They keep ketting caught in the gears. Cleaning out the gunk is messy and annoying.


posted 04-12-2001 10:14 AM

By request, I'm archiving this thread so it doesn't get lost in the mists of time.

Eric Noah

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