(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 3 (thread 1)


JohnBrown, my troops, along with their technological weaponry, will also assist you in this venture, assuming that this whole idea is feasible.

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With a flash Vaeregoths massive body planeshifts in only to see Kalanyr look at her, nod, and teleport out. She reaches into her endless energy reserves and uses her power to find out what has just happend. As she starts manifesting a seemingly endless numbers of quickend powers those in the conference room are caught up in the Psychic maelstrom of the mental power and energies surging through the room. They feel a force reaching into those who's minds are unprotected and draw she needs to know from it. Those defended she takes the barriers down where she can in a quick ans subtle fascion. As her psionic powers overwhelm the room she learns about the chaos spreading. The panic, anarcy and destruction are spreading like a wildfire across oerth. Armies are moved and there is.. Vecna, Kas, Acerak.... Ahlissa... Vaeregoth learns. She comprehends, thinks, refocusses and then applied the new information to her plans. Nothing would change, they expected trouble and they evaded their part in the mountains. Mayb she could help restore order in other nations... she might..... might be persuaded to do so.. endlessy amusing these.. how did Vecna name them well.. servitor races. And the scourge that's comming... guess it has arived and all seems in trance. Waiting for something.. waiting.... Vecna spoke words.. truth is what he spoke. And Vaeregoth understood....

Done with what she wanted to know Vaeregoth turned in the large chamber and faced the representatives of the factions and various nations in the room. I am Vaeregoth, you requested my presense? And her... "eyes" started to glow and she got covered in black and purple flames, everyone in miles wide heard the whispers and whisling in their minds as she played with the power that resided in her.

And with her mind she reached far and wide into every mind she could enter and who's defenses she could tear down with her massive powers. She would learn and comprehend, she was Vaeregoth. That what lies between the light and dark, that who's name is nothing more than a whisper. That that sought balance... and Victory for the hive.

The UA will remain where they are. If you want to attack us, try finding us first in... the maze we created the last 2 months..... enter the maze...... enter a madness so dark Melkor would be proud. (**sniff**)
Noone can find out cities alone.. and alive... you wish to speak and communicate with the UA, you shall adress me or Kalanyr or who resides at the conference as a contact.

Turrosh Mak

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Some Questions


First how big is the Shade/Vecna army facing our forces?

Can my people figure out why the Dreedwood monsters went berzerk and what might be done to control them?

If mine and Gnomeworks armys Do attack the shade, will it be assumed that Williams force will join in the attack?


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Mighty Kas....

Another message to Kas from the IBKC (no S for the moment :) )

Mighty Kas,

It seems that your allies the Shade have fully aligned themsleves with your ancient enemy. If you feel as I do, this bodes ill. Perhaps it is time to rethink your position on the Shade, and how they fit into your plans…. Perhaps we can discuss this further….

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JohnBrown, I have told Vecna I will enter in to an alliance with him - But this is infeasible, and a lie. My protections have held for the moment. If there is anything I can do to ensure your plan goes properly, tell me and it will be done.


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Even if I am succesful in trapping Vecna (and especially if I am not) a coalition (a very unusual one) is being formed to deal with the moldy lich once and for all. If you are willing to put aside ancient distrusts and hatreds, and act in good faith (at least for the time being :) ) your forces would be a welcome addition.

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I Swear

I Swear by the encephalic fluids of Ilsensine himself that for three months I will take no aggressive action of any kind against my allies in this plot. Should I break this oath I will lose two character levels from each of my classes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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