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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (End)

Mr. Draco

First Post
Edena, if i remember correctly, i think you mentioned previously that you kept an archive of the IRs. If you could email your archive to me, it would be much appreciated. (it'll probably take several emails, but it should be worth it for the purposes of the atlas)

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William Ronald



You have well earned your rest, and I hope you enjoy it. I will try to keep this IR going for a while. You have always had my respect and I am honored to have played in this IR. You are a man of unique talents who has the devotion and friendship of many people on these boards. So, please rest. We will keep a light on for you.

The Forsaken One has a proposal for the City of Peace, which I have e-mailed him about. I would like to run it past a few people with his permission.

As for a name for the City of Peace, I thought of Tur Ellylion, the Tower of the Spirit. For an alternate name of the Domain of Hope, possibly Areulder or Areuledd, which means serenity. Both names are Welsh, with a spelling twist or two. (Linguistics is my hobby.)

Hazen, Lannon, Shyntara, and the officials of the Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation, the Kevellond League, the United Commonwealth of Toril, and their allies attend the funeral of Sanctus Punitor.

In his eulogy, Hazen praises Sanctus.

"Sanctus Punitor was an elf who saw past the boundaries of flesh and nation to see the soul of each individual. His endless courage was matched only by his boundless love. He placed the peace and joy of others above his own happiness, but now has a peace that is beyond mortal understanding. For now, I believe he has found the peace of the Eternal who has welcomed him home. May we leave today and try to take the traits that Sanctus Punitor most admired and incorporate them into ourselves. As well as preserve the peace of this place."

Later, Hazen, Shyntara, Lannon, and the UC of Toril and their allies sign treaties and pacts with the Taraakians. Peace treaties and trade pacts are offered to all the powers, great and small.

Before Kas vanishes, Hazen and Kas have the long anticipated chess match. It lasts for a week, ending in a stalemate. Both Hazen and Kas rise and shake each others hand as the crowd roars its approval. Kas is given several ornate chess sets, and some books.

In time, the Kevelllond League and the Baklunish Esmerin Confederation and their allies merge to become a democratic republic, the United Federation of Oerth. Each state may keep its customs and laws; Suhfang, as an example, has a parliament and an emperor. The greatest of magics works in this realm, which acts as a force for peace. The Kevellond League and its allies become centers of great magic (12th level), learning, diplomacy, trade, and technology.

The UC of Toril is restored, and works closely with its allies.

Both the UC of Toril and the United Federation of Oerth work closely with the Taraakians in restoring the damaged worlds. They aid in exploration. Some worlds contacted chose to join the Star Empire, or the United Federation of Oerth, of the UC of Toril. Others remain independent, but trade and diplomacy are established. All are treated with the dignity that is their right as an individual.

Hazen works closely with all the great nations to preserve the peace that many fought for. The United Worlds Organization is established and becomes a center for diplomacy, trade, and polite debate.

Hazen blesses the births of Iuz's and Tallindra's children, visiting Taraakus frequently. He serves as a messenger of peace between various peoples.

Hazen and a delegation of the Oerth Alliance, its Torillian allies, and others join the Taraakians in a visit to Earth, Gamma Terra, the site of the Gamma World game. The Taraakians and the other assembled delegates meet the advanced alien races that Arthur MacKeppoch mentioned in his sending and diplomatic relations are established. Work continues on restoring the damaged world of a great people.

When asked about the events that lead to the foundation of the Domain of Hope, Hazen comments.

"We have it in ourselves to be either destroyers or preservers of life. Much was lost, but we have been given a second chance. I intend to make the most of it. We will seek to be an example to others. I believe that among the greatest gifts of the Eternal are free will, love, and life. We and the powers we worship honor those principles."

"I believe we must be eternally vigilant, as Kessel Gnomeworks has said. For we have gained so much of what has been lost. Let us preserve it for ourselves and posterity. Let us be a light that others may see by."

Edena: Don't forget Kesh, who briefly ran the Yeomanry and Sterich in the aborted thread. Also, Frigid Spleen briefly played the Eladrin in that thread.

You can also go to Bugbear's GIRA site for details at http://bugbearslair.homestead.com/ on who played in the previous IRs. He has been preserving our threads at his site. In fact, all the IRs are archived at that site. I imagine Bugbear may not be entirely up to date, but this site will be a great resource for any one wanting to run an IR compaign.

Again, thanks for the hard work on our behalf. It was fun and expect me back for a fourth IR.

Also, the League of Warlords was on Oerth. I imagine people will be keeping an eye on it closely. Hazen will at the least.
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Kalanyr - from Warwick,Queensland, Australia. Power: Twilight Coalition ( Free Beings of Ishtarland/Elves of Dreipner/Good Unseelie & Allies, The Coalition of Light and Shadows and Allies) PC: Kalanyr the Redeemer of the Seldarine/Drow/Yuan-ti/Ishtarland/Dragon Pantheons


Kalanyr would preach, but you probably don't want someone who thinks Paladins are kinda stuffy preaching at a Paladins funeral. ;)

Black Omega

First Post
creamsteak said:
Hey Black Omega,

I know about everything you mentioned having to do with Rokugan. I decided (already) that if I am going to run a game involving it, I want to allow those different forces to be allowed to play.

I decided that someone is going to want to play a Blade Dancer, so why not make a school for it.
If that makes you happy, cool. But I'm still not sure what these schools you keep talking about are.:) It's also a bit unclear to me why character classes = factions. I mean, there was no one playing 'The Ranger School' in the IR. If you really want schools though, at least use dojo. It's more genre.:)

I will change the "Hida School" etc. to Hida Family, since it sounds better. I just used school because it fell in weith everything else. At first I almost just put "Hida" but then I felt it needed another word. Family works better, thanx.
I probably worded this wrong, sorry. None of those schools are schools. Asako. Kuni. Akodo. Moto. Etc etc. These are all families sworn to a particular clan. The Crab Clan, for example, are the Hida, the Hiruma, the Kaiu, the Kuni, and the Toritaka (formerly a minor clan known as the Falcon). The Yasuki were formerly sworn to the Crab but after their Daimyo died without a direct heir the next in line was found to be a Crane so officially that family has switched Clans.
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Mr. Draco

First Post
Edena, in attempting to read through the entirety of the first two IRs, I fully realize the enormity of your work as DM.

Once again, thank you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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