(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 2)

Black Omega

First Post
Melkor said:

The Seelie does not respond, he looks at Siobhan, and suddenly she feels that his Will brakes into her, brutally penetrating and crrushing her defenses, power that she has never felt before, as stranger speaks only one word, irrestible Order that thunders in Siobhan`s Head:

And the little silver haired fae wobbles, falling back into a thick path of wildflower with a thump, snoring cutely. Treesrustle as aslight breeze wafts through the area.

And the Charmed Squire blinksblinks, more surprise for the poor fellow then a "Hey, there's no need for that,m we're all friends here."

( OOC: last time I checked my PC was at power level 100 because of merging with Red Goo, I don`t think Siobhan was at more than 10, this spell you can treat as 11th level, heightened and empowerd to maximum Power Word: Sleep, strenghtened even more by Melkor`s Divine Power)
One point of curiousity. Is there a Power Word Sleep someplace? I'm sure there can be with 11th level magic, I'm thinking more of more mundanre 9th level magic and lower. I'm always looking for new things to throw into my game.:)

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Black Omega

First Post
And in an only vaguely related post:
Siobhan blinksblinks as she recovers from the vision,looking over to Morre who is similarly boggled by thge sending.

"What the hell was that??" the little silverhaired fae blurts "I mean..what a contrast..they can't mean it's one or the other..."

Morre considers this "Perhaps. It seems like it. A dicotomy. Life, but a life where all is mingled in peace and cooperation. And Death, in an absolute and horribleway." he comments distantly.

Siobhan shivers "Ok...we havealot to think on. Wonder if we can do a divination to see if this is the only choice of futures...brr!"
And so, the simple divination: Are these the only two choices forour future?

Posted by Black Omega:

And the little silver haired fae wobbles, falling back into a thick path of wildflower with a thump, snoring cutely. Treesrustle as aslight breeze wafts through the area.

Melkor similes with triumph upon the charmed Seelie:

-Thanks for your help, please take my reward, quick and swift Death!

Than he speaks a quick word and young Seelie is vaporized in the Cloud Of The Shade. Laughing maniacally, he grabs unconcious Siobhan and conjures a Black Portal, in which they both disappear.

OOC: I don`t think that Power Word: Sleep, appeared in any official l supplement, but I envision it as 8th level spell.
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'o Skoteinos

First Post
Melkor, are you sure that's allowed, to take a PC, to use 11th level magic against a PC, and the no-save-no-SR-you-die thing?

BTW: Aren't Fearies immune to sleep?
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2 things Edena,

Thanks for the rerule, I apprechiate that VERY much and now I can get back to buiseness, thanks!

And awsome post, would be a fun way to view to future, either way :)

(BTW did my hivemind attempt as a 11th attack succeed? If not I'm CDGing Rajaat to hivemind him and his forces, william and SKot gave me their prisoners, until I can CDG them they are imprisoned)
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Posted by `o Skoteonikos:

Melkor, are you sure that's allowed, to take a PC, to use 11th level magic against a PC, and the no-save-no-SR-you-die thing?

Well, Black Omega`s post indicated that I was pretty succesful, and from Deities and Demigods it seems that Divine being can cancel immunities of a being with lesser Divine Rank, not to mention that I am desperately trying to save my skin, since I will probaply be unable to defend myself against incoming 11th level magic assault.

Black Omega

First Post
well, technically I'm waiting on something from Edena now.

My email is down, but Edena, check out that other Message board. I have something there I need to hear from you on. It's quite possible Melkor trying to portal out is not the end of this. I'm just waiting on Edena.:)


First Post
Power Word Sleep

According "Wizard's Spell Compendium"* volume 3 page 678, there is a Power Word Sleep. It originates from the Forgotten Realms Campaign setting and is developed for the Red Wizards of Tray, the spell appears as such.

Level: 2
Range: 60 yds.
Component: V
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 5rds./level
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

the flavour text I wouldn't type up, but it doesn't effect creatures that are unaffected by sleep spells and/or doesn't require sleep. it cannot effect a creature with more then 4+3HD and in total effects 2d4HD worth of creatures.

on that note the following power words spells exist:

Banishment (lvl 9), Blind (lvl 8), Kill (lvl 9), Liquefy (lvl 9), Silence (lvl 6), Sleep (lvl 2) and Stun (lvl 7).

*looks around* what!?

* 2nd edition AD&D supplyment compiling Wizard spells from all previous resources.

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