(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 5)

William Ronald

Hazen's Response

OOC: If Hazen did not know you had your dream power, then why would he have protected you in some of the earlier attacks. He knows of the power, or at least suspects.

Archcleric Hazen of Veluna, President of the Oerth Alliance and the Kevellond League, bows low before the leaders of the Taraakians.

"I stand ready to answer any and all of your questions honestly and to the best of my ability. I greet you in peace."

"I sought to unite many of the nations of Oerth into a force promoting peace, trade, and the rights of the individual. When the Wanderer made his announcement, we meet with the leaders of the Lortmils to determine the truth for ourselves. I sent an ambassador to Hope Island on Toril to learn whether the Wanderer's message was true."

"I welcomed the United Commonwealth of Toril as brothers and stood by them. They helped save my people. I made peace with the members of the Underdark Alliance after I attacked them. I believed they were planning an all out assault on the Kevellond League. There was some truth to this statement."

"I have sought to promote understanding and friendship between people of many races. I opposed the Shade, who called for an attack on my lands after enslaving the Domain of Greyhawk. I opposed Vecna."

"My people have tried to support all that is good and noble in our natures. We practice religious tolerance and are working on a democratic republic."

"I called on the Angels of the Seventh Heaven to save my world, and they came. Regardless of what happens, I will always be grateful for their aid."

"We have searched for ways to heal Oerth of the Red Goo. I was willing to suffer so that the Blood Waste could be healed. To my surprise, the Angels rewarded me for my willingness to sacrifice on behalf of others."

"I armed my allies with Oerthblood weapons. I offered them to all who would oppose the Red Armada. I called on President Forrester to help. Sadly, he and Anabstercorian acted in a way I did not forsee."

"I have said that I would forgive Forrester if he was repentant and worked towards healing the damage he caused. I believe in justice as well as forgiveness."

"I sought to learn the truth of the Dark Powers so I could find a way to defeat them. I learned that each of us are a part of the dark powers through our own baser natures. Yet we can triumph over them and deny them. Alzem risked his soul to try to save me."

"I have tried to be a force for peace, goodness, and tolerance. I have placed my life and the lives of my people on the line for our principles. I have reached out to old enemies and given them a chance to reform."

"I have sought to do my part to save other worlds from the attacks of the Red Waste. I ask you to judge my actions and to remember that I am still at my core a mortal man. The Angels have asked me to join them, and I am honored. Yet I am still capable of error and misjudgement. To my knowledge, there is only One who is incapable of error and misjudgement. Yet the Eternal allows us free will. For any decision that is coerced is not a choice. The choice to do good, to serve others, to love, and to forgive must be made freely in each heart. We are allowed to chose to between good and evil. Seeing the wonderful diversity of creation, I choose to serve it and the principles that uphold that creation."

"I believe there are many paths to enlightenment. On Earth, a world that I hope you will one day aid, I found people of many different forms and faiths. Their civilization was in ruins, yet still there were those who praise the Eternal, who are grateful for life and goodness. We can learn much from their example. I pray that Oerth, Toril, Krynn, Mystara, Athas and other worlds will be spared their tragedy."

"I could perhaps have tried harder to stop the Red Goo and defeat the forces of darkness. However, I believe my efforts were earnest. I will allow you to judge my actions."

"If my people are to be held in account for their actions and a punishment is declared, I humbly ask to take any punishment you issue upon myself. They are a good and compassionate people."

"I have learned that people can change for the better. Lord Kalanyr's emergence from the evils of his past has helped others to see that they can overcome their own darker urges. I have counselled people to see how he overame his past in order to face their own internal evils."

"For I have learned that the Dark Powers reside within us, urging us to hate and destroy others and ultimately ourselves. We are all akin in the great family of being, regardless of world, form, station, or the name we chose to call the Divine. I pray that the Eternal will bless us all and that we shall be guided by our better natures."

"I realize that you have reason to be angry with those of Oerth. However, do not judge a world by the worst of its people. I chose not to do that with the Wanderer's message. In doing so, I learned of the goodness of people like Ian Payne. If I had prejudged Toril, I would never have learned of this remarkable man."

"I do have one request before the court. I ask if you have received my friend, Ambassador Gwilym Raonul? Is he well."

OOC: This is one of my quicker long posts, but I hope it is not awkward because of my haste. Hazen will have likely included his more eloquent posts from earlier. Essentially, he has made sure that the Taraakians know and feel everything he knows and feels. I believe in a policy of openess, in game and in real life. It avoids a great deal of trouble.

Hazen will explain everything that has happened in the IR to his knowledge. He will answer questions on everything to his alliances to his journeys on other worlds. He will discuss his own beliefs if asked about them.

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First Post

The taraakian looks at Phibrizzo, a cold, hard look.
Telepathically, he says:

- - -

I will repeat myself, one time.

Will you please explain yourself and your actions?

Placeholder, editing it soon

Edit (Sorry, was typing when you asked again)

<<You put me in a hard position, overworlder, for you know me as well as time itself and I don't know the slightest thing about you. Therefore this puts me at an underhanded position in explaining the way that I work...I certainly was not created with power to destroy the multiverse at my disposal, yet ambition grew when I was the weakest of all the powers...mocking me, agitating me-yet they heeded all signs of warning, for self-preservation I had to think of some way...and yet I wish not to place blame on others where it is rightly due, but know that I am not the only cause of this. Everyone played their own roles, and those roles determined the fate of the multiverse...and now that time has come. I did not do this simply for myself, for we will all be united over one banner soon, at a locale determined by the darkness within ourselves...and then we shall achieve an idealic world, within our cell...this is the way how the multiverse will be and was meant to be...returned back to chaos.>>
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First Post
The Black Brotherhood Replies

The leader of the Black Brotherhood speaks up:

I will explain myself.
I am leader of a powerful cabal on this world.

Our purposes are our own, and none of your business.
Our doings are our own, and none of your business.
Our wars are our doing, are none of your business.

Who do you think you are, coming in here like you are some kind of god, and demanding answers out of us?

Why don't you get yourself out of here, before we decide to kill you also?


First Post
Re: The Black Brotherhood Replies

Edena_of_Neith said:
The leader of the Black Brotherhood speaks up:

I will explain myself.
I am leader of a powerful cabal on this world.

Our purposes are our own, and none of your business.
Our doings are our own, and none of your business.
Our wars are our doing, are none of your business.

Who do you think you are, coming in here like you are some kind of god, and demanding answers out of us?

Why don't you get yourself out of here, before we decide to kill you also?

Actually, it is their business. Some of us here summoned them, so it is their affair.


First Post
The taraakian regards the leader of the Black Brotherhood with a glacial look, then his telepathic reply is heard by everyone:

So long as you kept your wars and your behavior to yourself, it was none of our business.
We have our own affairs to govern, and are not in the business of dictating how others will run their own planets.

However, when you took your war into Spheres that were under our protection by treaty, it became our business.
When you interfered with our allies and our friends, it became our business.

When you decided to summon the death machines to the Spheres, it became our business.

You have shown that you are incapable of the maturity and judgement, necessary for those who would control and employ the power that you possess.
You have misused that power, to the detriment of our friends, to the detriment of the Spheres, and to the benefit of our enemies.

Black Omega

First Post
Siobhan Silirevnur steps forward, silver flame glittering around her.

"Explain myself..." Siobhan sighs "We stand for peace and freedom. We stood against Vecna when he sought the end of everything. We've stood against Melkor when he sought the same. Now we stand against the Dread Alliance. We wish only for peace. For freedom for all. But there can be no peace with empires that seek destruction, slavery, and to drag billions to the dread domains. they must be opposed. I grieve for the deaths already caused...and for the deaths that must come. But they need to be stopped. No matter the cost. To myself or my people. That is why we have done what we have done."
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First Post
The Pronouncement of the Taraakians

The taraakian regards everyone, and again communicates:

- - -

We are placing your Spheres under our jurisdiction.
From hereforth, you are a part of our Star Empire.

All magic above 9th rank will be taken from you.
All psionics above 9th rank will be removed from you.
All technology and technomancy which we deem a threat in your hands, will be removed from those hands.

You will not again be permitted to leave these Spheres without our permission, which will be granted on a case by case basis.

We will establish military bases on all worlds in these Spheres and in Wildspace.
We will monitor your activities, in minute detail, on a continual basis, from now on.

You will observe taraakian law.
This law will be explained to you in detail, and afterwards you will not forget the slightest part of it.
If you break our laws, you will be tried under our justice system, and if found guilty will be punished according to taraakian codes.

Before your 11th rank magic is removed from you, you will be required to come with us, and aid us in repairing the hundreds of Crystal Spheres ravaged or destroyed by your (the words that follow describe the Red Goo, but are otherwise untranslatable.)
You will work under our supervision, and you will work until the repair is completed.
You will work, and if you attempt to use your power to sabotage the repair, you will be killed.

Your nations and confederations you may maintain, but you will answer to us as a higher authority.
Your nations and confederations will be considered territories of our Empire.

In return for this ...

We will restore to life all who have been killed by your actions.
We will restore to normalcy the worlds you have destroyed or damaged with your actions.
We will ensure a just peace within these Spheres.
We will extend to you, as deserved and earned, our knowledge and lore.
We will extend to you prosperity and progress.

We will allow you to retain your own culture.
We will allow each of you to retain his or her own unique thinking and racial tendencies.
We will not alter your laws where they do not interfere with our laws.
We will protect these Spheres, protect you, from attacks from Without.

We will return to these Spheres all who have been sent to (untranslatable - he is referring to Ravenloft.)

You will have our goodwill and our generosity.
We will do what is required to aid you in growing into an advanced civilization, and we will grant you as much latitude as possible, within our laws, in making it a civilization of your own unique conception.

- - -

The taraakian pauses, then again communicates:

- - -

We appreciate that you are offended by this.
We appreciate that some of you, would prefer war with us, rather than accept these terms.
We appreciate, that some of you would rather die than accept these terms.

Those of you who feel this way, we request that you speak your minds now.

(You cannot deceive the taraakians. If your character feels this way, say so publicly, please.)

- - -

The taraakian smiles, a grim smile, then communicates:

- - -

Those of you who desire war with us, WILL have war with us.
There will be war between us and you.
We will pursue war, and we will achieve victory.

Upon achieving victory, we will dictate terms to those who choose war with us.
Said terms will not be generous and forgiving, as are the terms above.
Said terms will be the harsh terms of the conqueror - you will live, die, change in body and mind, as we deem appropriate.

- - -

The taraakian stops, and waits for replies.
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First Post
The reply of the Black Brotherhood

Most of what the leader of the Black Brotherhood has to say, in response to the taraakian statement, I cannot state on this Message Board (Eric Noah's Grandmother would faint.)

However, what I can repeat, translates roughly to:

We will fight you on the land.
We will fight you on the sea.
We will fight you in the sky.
We will fight you in the underdark.
We will all perish rather than accept your terms.

The Alliance stands against you forever, taraakian.

Who will stand with the Alliance, against the taraakians?
For together, we the people of Oerth can send them back to where they came from forever!
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Black Omega

First Post
Before your 11th rank magic is removed from you, you will be required to come with us, and aid us in repairing the hundreds of Crystal Spheres ravaged or destroyed by your (the words that follow describe the Red Goo, but are otherwise untranslatable.)

Siobhan looks sad, her flames fluttering..flicking then flaring more brightly around her. "The Seelie would be happy to work to repair the damage to the Spheres. This is a task we accept willingly. But I already told you, we stand for freedom. We will not accept becoming a part of your empire. We refused to give in to Melkor, Vecna, and the Dread Alliance. We will no more give up our freedom to you than we would to them. If this means we must fight with you...that is your choice. We will not attack you. We desire only peace with you. But we will fight to remain free. We ask you reconsider. And if you choose the course of violence, we at least ask you wait until the repair work is over. I was very serious. We will help in the repair work. Too many have suffered who were innocent of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Then the little fae stands and waits, moving closer to Kalanyr.
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