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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 5)


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Tales of Zouron: Muji Eviri's Escape

(( first of all I apologize if there is too much gramma etc errors so don't hack and slash me PLEASE! ))


Eviri sat in her office going over the invitation to yet another peace conference, ”Well this wouldn’t lead anywhere and since the commander already decided that we would take part I just need to give decline it” she thought to her self but her thoughts drifted ”though seeing Hazen at the peace conference would be very enjoyable.” She smiled to her self tapping the edge of the paper gently, after a few moments of consideration she turned to her computer opening the e-mail composer and started to write.

The Eternal Union thank you for your invitation Sanctus Punitor.
The Eternal Union can at this point not expend any of our diplomats to your conference of peace

Eviri glances at the screen “ohh well one good thing about not going is that I don’t have to wear a kimono and that white make-up ugh!” Muji Eviri had always been proud, and her idea of strength was not dressing up in clothes from an age where women were suppressed to act without strength to submit to males “males!” Eviri smirked to herself at the thought “selfish bastards that are about as subtle as an elephant in a glass house, though… there are a few exceptions.” Eviri grinned and decided to get a cup of tea before continuing.
Eviri was wearing a standard camouflaged uniform, with a red berretta placed on her head, slightly tilted, her hair was long, smooth and almost shining black, there was a knot tied on it behind her neck. Her hair fell loosely down her back, moving only slightly as she entered the hallway, heading down towards the cafeteria, by her side she carried her service pistol, though there was really no reason for it, but it was regulations, though it had proved very useful once.
Eviri shivered remember that day not too long ago, just a few months where the dreaded Anabstercorian had forced his way into the HQ’s nuclear storage area, the day in itself had been nothing special before that, she was doing a standard check on a nearby sector when out of nowhere the dreaded illithid had appeared “And he cut through us like a vorpal blade through butter, I was lucky I manage to get up from behind him getting a single shot off, but the bullet didn’t really have an effect other then he grabbed me with his force and tossed me through the air along with a few others like someone tosses a rag doll. He didn’t even care, no he was to busy with…” she stopped remembering the illithids thought penetrating her brain back then, not that she ever forget they were still there whenever she slept or closed her eyes, she tugged her right arm trying to fight off the memories, even their own wizards and psionics had not been able to remove it without delete her memory, no she had told herself, rather work through it and be strong. She hurried down the hall not wanting to think about those days anymore, rather think about something pleasant like…
Her thought train was interrupted as she spotted Hoshi “Fujishi Hoshi” she reminded herself, she was about to call out to ask what the kid was doing here but something hold her back, instead she step back just behind the corner and peeked around it, Hoshi the little boy was talking to another character that was standing in the shadows, suddenly the character seemingly faded away, Eviri felt it was her time to announce her presence and ask what Hoshi was doing in a restricted area. She called out “Zuroji san, what are you doing here! Answer me Hoshi!” she said with a commanding voice stepping towards the 12 year old boy, the boy responded by turning looking directly at her, his face was without expression, but it was the boys eyes that caught her attention they where not there instead a pale light that seemed to consume the surrounding light rather then shine out was there.
Eviri screamed out in fear trying to run away backwards, but she slipped on the smooth steel floor, she kicked out with her legs to move away, the boy though just stood there and watched her efforts never moving once, Eviri turned over to her hands and knees and got up and she started to run down the hall as fast as she could, a soldier, a sergeant came running having heard her scream he called out to her “Lieutenant Major Muji what is the matter?” Eviri looked at the sergeant but kept running, she then glanced over her soldier to see the small boy, whom she thought was Hoshi stepping around the corner, he reached out in the air towards her and a small ball of black energy started forming before her. Eviri let herself fall to the floor and slide past it, the sergeant stopped up surprised, while this happened the ball grew larger and larger filling the hall still stretching, Eviri got to her legs and thanks to her training was able to focus on just running, she ran past the surprised sergeant and few seconds later she glanced backward the boy stood there watching her still, but a more then 10 yard area where there had been walls, video cameras and the sergeant, now there was just a scorn hole of nothing. The fear ran through her very being, but instead of weakening her this time it made her run even faster, she sharply turned a corner grabbing a machine gun out of the hands of a guard, she continued forward, past the guard down the hall to her office, Eviri quickly sat down by her computer and with shaking fingers started to search the security cameras for what just have happened downloading the info to some Holocubes, in her panic she also downloaded everything else she could from security schematics to private information, without waiting for what to happen next, she grabbed the cubes the instant the info was downloaded, then ran out, though not looking back, she didn’t have to she could feel herself weakening from the mere look of this monster, this… oni. She headed out of the building over the grass towards the airfield, first now did she notice the intrusion alarm was sounding, and she remembered more this time though not because she wanted to but because it was forced she fell to her knees experience one more the horrors of meeting the chosen of the illithid up and personal in combat feeling his thoughts tearing her brains apart. Blood started running from her nose, and from her eyes like tears, clenching her teethes together she crawled forward holding onto her treasure of information, forward to the nearest airplane an experimental air craft, she knew would be ready for take off. Eviri reached the craft and got inside it, it was no problem her biogenetic signature enabled her to use any vehicle she knew off on the base.

A couple of hours later she was flying through the air of Oerth heading towards the peace conference, the plane itself did most of the flying and after seeing the records of the security camera, she had a plan. To preserve peace, she would have to betray her people, loss her honour, and surrender herself and her knowledge to Hazen, the choice was made and it was better then going back to that Oni whom have taken control of the base, her people, her home, and she had to save them…
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First Post
[My e-mail is sent. Here's one of the results of my actions in that e-mail.]

Somewhere, great magicks are being woven.

Somewhere, reality begins to bow to a new master.

Somewhere, a spell of the 11th tier is cast by dozens of mages in unison.

An enormous construct springs in to existence between Oerth and the sun. It's several times the breadth of Oerth itself, a titanic glowing figure megameters high.

It's an enormous glowing neon sign, reading, in blocky, printed text:


Somewhere, Anabstercorian giggles, collapsing in to guffaws.
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First Post
Anabstercorian said:
[My e-mail is sent. Here's one of the results of my actions in that e-mail.]

Somewhere, great magicks are being woven.

Somewhere, reality begins to bow to a new master.

Somewhere, a spell of the 11th tier is cast by dozens of mages in unison.

An enormous construct springs in to existence between Oerth and the sun. It's several times the breadth of Oerth itself, a titanic glowing figure megameters high.

It's an enormous glowing neon sign, reading, in blocky, printed text:


Somewhere, Anabstercorian giggles, collapsing in to guffaws.


BTW, you might want to put that in red .


First Post
Iuz watches the mandess from the city of Chorazin... "Melkor has takenb our people to the Dread Realms..."

Talindra nodded with grim look, "Will you not fight for them?"

"They are already dead..." Iuz replied.

"We must hasten the project... quickly... Chorazin is our last bastion of hope in these trying times... the world is mad... the Pantheon is shattered... alas perhaps the Pantheon never was whole..." Talindra replied softly.

Iuz nodded... "begin the final phase..."

OOC: Not sure what all has transpired too much to cover but for one EDENA does the loss of my Empire of Iuz affect Chorazin since it isn't even on the same plane... last I heard the answer was no so I will assume it is safe since it is the dimension I created... using all of my 11th magics from my corrupted allies (still unknown) to defend with max defense and using action from the Eternal Empire to finish the planet I have been building... if you don't have the email i can simply post it here... and yes I am still not attacking anyone...

The demons are planning a massive attack, who controls them though, the DM?

Also, how many deaths did the red puddings bring by the end of day 4 *evil grin*

(Nice sign btw Anabstercorian.)

Mr. Draco

First Post
EDENA: seeing how serpenteye hasn't emailed the Union's attack/defense for day 5, i'll email it, and include an up-to-date listing of our projects (including the microbes).

ANAB: I like the sign! Perhaps your mages could make a few for the Union after the war? We've already come up with some uses...

William Ronald


EDENA: PLEASE check the e-mail I just sent a little while ago marked URGENT. I think I have found a way to have my powers make a HUGE difference to the powers of Good And Neutrality.

In the Command Bunker of the Kevellond League, Hazen, Fand Dyvyr, Moghyr the Old, Gwilym Raonul, Orrin Rilanth, Lord William Ronald of Keoland and other leaders are gathered. Shyntara (Darkness' old PC) is with them."

"So, do you think it will work?" Shyntara, an elven woman asks. The fire elemental part of her heritage is evident in her eyes and her hair. There is a wicked smile on her lips.

"I believe it will, Lady Shyntara. I have been a fool!! I should have thought of it earlier." Hazen says.

"Hazen, underneath that halo, you're still human. Give yourself a break, for Heavens' sake," Lord Ronald says as he looks over a chart.

"He is right. Now we just have to implement the plans. The UC is prepared to do their share," the druidess Fand Dyvyr says.

"We may make a difference, even if we fall. For this reason, I say we should go forward with the plan," Gwilym says.

"Well, if we fall, it has been a remarkable life. All things have a beginning and an end, save One," Moghyr the Old whispers reverently.

"Very well," Hazen says. "A motion to approve Operation Alpha-Omega is on the table. In favor?"

A round of ayes is shouted.

"Opposed?" No voice is heard.

"We will contact our "most unlikely converts" to assure they are not effected. May Rao and all the powers of god, especially the Eternal One whom the Angels honor, stand with us."

A call goes out through the multiverse from the Kevellond League, the Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation, and the UC of Toril ffor aid. It is heard in the Upper Planes, and in many distant worlds. An emotional message detailing the massive destruction is sent to the Taraakians. A sense of urgency permeates it. The images of folks of many races, fighting as one with the Angels, is part of the message.

The Ulek State sends an urgent message to dwarves and dwarven allies throughout the multiverse. Prince Corond appears to dwarven leaders with the Axe of the Dwarven Lords.

"Brethren, your help is needed on Oerth, Toril, Athas, Krynn, and Mystara. Things are bad, but we are holding out. If ye can help us, we would appreciate it and share our knowledge with ye. A lot of good dwarves and their friends are dying. Can ye help us?"

"I thank ye for your time. Half our people are gone. We ask that ye aid us."

At the UC of Toril Command Center, Acting President Lannon signs the plans for Operation Alpha Omega.

"I hope this works. A lot is riding on this," he says to a neoillithid officer.

<Do not fear. I calculate the odds of success are high. There is a risk. But if we do not risk all, nothing will be left.>

As the meeting in the Kevellond League's command bunker winds down, Gwilym Raonul turns to Lord Ronald.

"What did you think of Anabstercorians message?" he asks.

"Not bad," Lord Ronald said. "However, he left out the part about the Alliance of Dread Gets Humped by Goats."

For the first time in days, the sound of laughter is heard in the command bunker.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Edena, I have just sent an email dealing with the attacks/defenses, 11th level assaults, conventional assaults, and 11th level feats for the Union of Worlds (Union of Oerth, Humanoid Alliance, Corrupted Black Brotherhood Allies of the Union of Oerth, and Corrupted Shade Allies of the Humanoid Alliance). Also attached is a '.rtf' and a '.txt' file detailing the microbes and other plans of the Union. (the only difference between the two files is formatting, the '.rtf' file has much better formatting)

Did you receive it? (just want to be sure, as it is very important)


First Post
Some comments and IC reactions

The Nations of Krynn (almost totally defenseless)


*A third of Krynn is part of the UO, protected by 11th level magics. Was this part also affected?

Sollir’s Unseelie of Oerth - 0% intact


*The God Emperor sends a message to the remaining Lost Elves of the Adri (deserters from the UO):

"Your treachery has brought you to the edge of oblivion. Tomorrow you will all be gone, sweapt away by vengeful enemies. There is no hope for you, your immortal existances will be ended, unless you accept my offer. Join the Union of Oerth once again. Pledge new oaths to your rightful rulers and you will be spared. Your past treachery will be forgotten and you will live in the secutiry of our protection. This is your only option, your only future, choose wisely."

We will teleoprt all those who accept to a safe location in the pocketdimentions of the UO. They will be supervised carefully (so they don't betray us again) and converted to Cydians as soon as possible.

(Played by William) Reprisal’s United Commonwealth of Toril - 0% intact


*The leader of the Humanoid Alliance of Toril (a Cydian under complete control of the God Emperor) sends a message to the people and government of the United Commonwealth:

"It saddens me to see my past friends and allies suffer such horrible defeats and massacres. It breaks my heart to see you helpless and exposed to imminent eradication. My soul cries when considering the losses you've suffered and the far greater tragedy that's about to befall you.
I, and my allies in the Union of Worlds, therefore extend an offer to you, people of the Commonwealth. Join the Union of Worlds as an equal member to the Humanoid Alliance, under the benevolent rule of our two Gods. Failing that, come north. We will protect you from destruction at the hands of your enemies. Come to the Humanoid Alliance, and live as citicens in your own communities, safe and prosperous under a government strong enough to protect you."

(Played by Mr. Draco and Serpenteye) The Corrupted Black Brotherhood Allies of the Union of Oerth - 100% intact

*A message is sent to the Underdark Alliance:

"You have attacked the Union of Worlds, attempting to corrupt our people, to encite them to rebell against their government. Why? Do you realise the consequences of this breach of all the treaties between us? We are outraged and request an explanation so that further hostilities can be avoided. We do not want to escalate this conflict between us.

A message is sent by magic from the Alliance of Dread to all other Powers in the IR:

We represent the Shade, the Unseelie, the Black Brotherhood, the Red Army, and the Eternal Order.
This message is to the Alliance of Oerth, the Union of the Worlds, and to the United Commonwealth of Toril and all it's allies.

We are issuing an ultimatum.

We demand immediate and unconditional surrender.

You will turn over all your magic to us.
You will discharge all your psionic power, and not recharge it.
You will deactivate all weapons, then turn them over to us.
Your leaders will come before us, kneel, and accept whatever fate we decide.
Your people will accept our rule unconditionally.
Whether your people live, die, or enter another state will be entirely our decision.

If this is not done, then we will destroy the United Commonwealth of Toril and it's 100 billion people immediately ((Coup de Grace Attack))
We will also immediately destroy the Kevellond League and all it's people ((Coup de Grace Attack))
We will, in addition, destroy the unprotected and unprotectable world of Krynn.

We appreciate that some of you still have fighting capability.
We appreciate that it will take some time for us to achieve victory over all of you.

However, we can quickly destroy the United Commonwealth of Toril and the Kevellond League, and the destruction of Krynn should not take longer than a day.

Is your pride so great you will sacrifice over 100 billion people for it?

Surrender now, and maybe you will live. Maybe not.
If you do not meet our demand, though, those people will most assuredly die.

We have watched you negotiate your infantile peace agreements, and have watched them collapse one by one.
We appreciate that the only real negotiation is to put the sword to the neck of the foe.
We appreciate that power - power to destroy, power to kill - is the real negotiator, not this peace and reason of the Angels.

Well then, this is our negotiation.
If you agree to our terms, absolutely and unconditionally, we will be satisfied.
If you do not agree to our terms, absolutely and unconditionally, you will all be killed.

*"You threaten us? If you were someone else I would ask if you were mad, but I already knew that, your past has made that abundantly obvious. Did you really fail to notice that your attacks failed to harm us and that our, and our allies, attacks against you have almost completely destroyed your capacity to cast 11th level magics? You are in no position to threaten anybody, the Kevellond and the Commonwealth and the other unfortunates will obviously be protected against the few coup-de -graces you can deliver before you're destroyed.
Do not doubt that you will be defeated. The forces arrayed against you are vastly more powerful than you and you can have no hope to defeat them. Your only option is to surrender. Submit yourself to the mercy of the Union of Worlds. Kneel to our Gods and swear your allegiance and you will be spared. Join the Union of Worlds and your power will not be vaporized and forgotten. This is your only option."

Those Unseelie and others who were captured by us were converted into Cydians.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Serpenteye: check your email, i sent you a copy of the email i sent edena, it has the new comprehensive list of all of our projects, along with our template for day-5.

Voidrunner's Codex

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