Son of the Serpent
There will be a poll that goes up in 3 days time in which we will vote for the most popular cosmologies to include in d&d. You may nominate 3. If you do not list all 3 when you make your initial post dont post the additional one(s) in later posts, rather, edit them into your original. Mythological cosmologies that get 2 or more nominations will be included in the poll unless less than 12 are nominated total (i doubt that will be the case) at which point all will be included. You have 72 hours.
Another round of nominations for mythos post 1600 will happen later for one of 2 later polls. If you have a mythos you would like to vote for which originates more recently than 1600 save it for then. It will get its chance.
Addendum: also you may edit your post and choices up until the time limit is reached.
Another round of nominations for mythos post 1600 will happen later for one of 2 later polls. If you have a mythos you would like to vote for which originates more recently than 1600 save it for then. It will get its chance.
Addendum: also you may edit your post and choices up until the time limit is reached.
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