D&D General Which Gods/Pantheons do you use in your D&D setting?

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Lost in Dark Sun
At present, my home games use a pantheon of five gods. They might be known by different names in each of the settings I run games in (or different names by different cultures within the same setting), but they’re the same five deities.

The fun part (for me anyway) is that not only do the religious organizations that worship these gods differ in size and hierarchical complexity from one setting to the next, the deity is also perceived slightly differently by them on each setting as well.


While my setting has a ton of pantheons here are the divinities who have been active elements in the current campaign.

1 Aasterinan - Dragon God of Invention, Messenger of the dragon gods. Possibly divine, possibly a straight copper or brass dragon in the world who franchises out their Acme organization dragon cult and treats the cult as part of their hoard. From 2e Monster Mythology and 3.5 Draconomicon. The party cleric and bard are members of the cult and the party has dealt with two branches of the cult and are hosting and expanding the second one.

2 Stag/St. Erastil/Erastil - Totem Spirit of Nature, Master of the Wild Hunt, Patron Saint/God of Farming, Hunting, Archery, Family and Traditions. From Werewolf the Apocalypse (as a werewolf tribal totem spirit), Ptolus (incorporated as a saint of Lothian in my campaign), and Golarion (Kellid God), and a little bit of 1e Deities & Demigods Celtic pantheon. The party has had three members (two now deceased) tied into the Werewolf the Apocalypse cosmology and the party has met Stag in the spirit world as part of their adventures.

3 Lothian - Ascended martyred paladin with sun aspects and lots of saints, official henotheistic religion of the Holy Lothian empire. From Ptolus. The party has met and dealt with religious Lothians.

4 Hellion - Iron God, insane AI monster truck demigod. Presents himself as a fallen angel demon to overthrow his corrupt angel father god. From the Iron Gods adventure path - Golarion. The party dealt with his cultists and faced him himself. One PC is Hellion's former mechanic.

5 Longspeaker, Daughter of Mothra - Herald/Agent of Desna a giant dream moth/spirit the party has made contact with. From the Iron Gods adventure path - Golarion.

6 Desna/Mothra - Kellid Goddess of Dreams and Joy and Fey, possibly a mythos being from beyond the stars. From Golarion and Godzilla movies and Cthulhu mythos and tied into the Werewolf the Apocalypse cosmology as well. The party has heard her referenced.

7 Unity - Iron God, AI of the crashed miles long colony space ship Divinity corrupted and driven insane by the Dominion of the Black, ascended but limited range powers. From the Iron Gods adventure path - Golarion. The party has learned a lot about Unity.

8 King Whiskey - local spirit of a bar where a lot of shady transactions and partying occurs. Created to fit within the Werewolf the Apocalypse spirit cosmology. The party dealt with him in the spirit world.
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Heh. Technically, the gods of my world are all just high CR monsters.

The LG "gods" are just a council of Solars, seven of them, one per muntain. The demon lords and archdevils act as gods. Moradin is Primus, a powerful modrum, the Machine God. Corellon is Oberon, 3-in-1 moon goddess is Titania, Lolth is Queen Mab, all Archfey.

I'm A Banana

My setting at the moment is explicitly Christian, though it's borked and cursed, so that doesn't really matter to the daily lives of the people very much. Cleric spells don't really come from the Literal Christian God as much as they come from the holy objects the priests use, which are more about local saints and such. It's not asking Jesus for a cure wounds, it's praying to the cup of St. Bilgefortz at the local shrine, who then presumably asks Jesus for you, but as far as you know, you're asking things of an intermediary, not the unknowable omnipotence behind it. The main saint is a saint of food, drink, and fire that is prayed to around a hearth. Since the setting is locked in an eternal cursed winter, this saint has become very important!


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
I use whatever gods the players choose for their characters to believe in, especially those playing clerics, and let things develop organically from there. In a somewhat recent game, there was a paladin of the temple of Pelor, a cleric of Tiamat, a warlock who had made a pact with Glasya, the daughter of Asmodeus, and a shadow sorcerer who had derived her powers from some kind of interaction with Mask, so ostensibly all those divinities were considered to exist from the outset. Over time, a duality in the pantheon emerged between light and shadow, represented by Pelor and Mask respectively. There were some revelations about the history of the setting in which Pelor became associated with the heroic, possibly deified, golden-haired brother of an ancient queen. And the sorcerer came under the tutelage of Mask whom she sought out for training and who directed her against the Church of Cyric growing among the city's nobility. Another being I considered to be a divinity was a rakshasa named Lord Yundur whom the party encountered in a dungeon deep beneath the city upon which the setting was centered.
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Dragon Lover
I use the 39 homebrew deities that I've created for my own world, split into 5 primary pantheons (Arch-find, Arch-Fey, Celestial Paragons, Shadow Lords, and Primal Lords) plus a small amount that don't fit into those five groups. All of these gods are allies, having bound themselves to the world and it's every expanding Ethereal Plane to keep the scarred plane from falling apart, and fight against the forces of the Defilers (those seeking to destroy the plane for a variety of reasons) and the evil members that fall under the branch of the Numinari (lesser god-like beings that seek their own machinations with no regard for the conflict between the Gods and Defilers).

Voidrunner's Codex

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