IRON DM 2014 Tournament


🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her) 🇵🇸
For what it's worth I stayed through to the end, but then I always used to lurk in these threads when I'd inevitably miss the signups. I like to think I'm not the only one who's silently spectated these events.

I'd have also totally been down for a third place match. Are you kidding? Another opportunity to gain experience writing an adventure for an audience, with a deadline, word limit, and specifications? And get critical feedback on it? As someone looking to make a hobby out of this (and maybe make some spending money out of it) I'd be a fool to pass that up. But then, I can also understand why someone who would get much less out the experience would pass on it.

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Congrats to the winnah and new champeen! The streets have definitely run red. It was a great tournament with great entries. I hope it inspires those who read them!


So I am working on writing up "Easy Come" to run at Origins this year... I have the PCs done and thought you guys might like to see their brief bios. Because of the nature of the adventure, I chose to actually roll the stats instead of using point-buy. Also, I'm including the images I chose to put on the character sheets (using Hero Lab)


Corlk: The Chef
CN Orc Barbarian 1/Rogue 1
Str 20; Dex 8; Con 17; Int 9; Wis 13; Cha 8

"That looks interesting... I wonder what it would taste like with some mushrooms and scallions?"
Corlk and his twin brother Torlg were, like many in the Caves of Carnage, taken in at a young age when the rest of their tribe was killed by adventurers. While Corlk had the strength of an orc hero, he has never quite developed the personality of the same. Rather, from a young age he was always interested more in eating. And cooking. And feeding his cooking to others. He's not necessarily a bad cook, but he might have made a mistake when he cooked one of Tromk the Devourer's favorite dire-cats last month; certainly Tromk seemed unnaturally gleeful when picking Corlk as one of the ones to be sent on an important mission to the Tower of Cruelty.


Torlg: The Pessimist
N Orc Barbarian 1/Fighter 1
Str 19; Dex 13; Con 16; Int 14; Wis 11; Cha 7

"Think it will rain? I think its going to rain. I hate rain."
Torlg, along with his twin brother Corlk was left an orphan when his tribe was wiped out by human adventurers. Subsequently the two were taken in by the denizens of the Caves of Chaos, who hoped the brothers would become mighty orc warriors. However, while Torlg certainly has superior mental and physical abilities, he lacks the personality to ever be a great leader. Gloomy, pessimestic and perpetually dour, Torlg has the tendency to see the downside in every situation. By sending Torlg along on the mission to the Tower of Cruelty, Tromk the Devourer made the Caves of Carnage a much more cheerful place.


Daun: The Meditative Soul
LN Taurian Cleric 1/Monk 1
Str 19; Dex 10, Con 14; Int 11; Wis 16; Cha 11

"Healthy mind and a healthy body. Would you like to join me in exercise and meditation?"
The citizens of the Caves of Carnage were elated when a young taurian was left on their door step. They were slightly less thrilled when young Daun looted the body of a monk devotee of Irori and found his calling. Pouring over the religious material the evangelistic but deceased monk had been carrying on him, the taurian almost immediatelly devoted himself to his new diety, who, to everyone's surprise reciprocated the attention, granting Daun spells. Instead of a blood-thirsty axe welding maniac, the citizens of the caves found that their taurian was a rather calm, collected soul who advocated, often, good diet, lots of exercise and plenty of meditation. When Tromk the Devourer was trying to think of who to send on his special mission to the Tower of Cruelty, Daun was one of the first that came to mind.


Krolmchok: The Egomaniac
LE Kobold Wizard 2
Str 9; Dex 11; Con 11; Int 17; Wis 15; Cha 14

"Soon, sooon! All will kneel before Krolmchok!"
Krolmchok was born with golden scales and many amongst his tribe, residents on the outskirts of the Caves of Carnage, have always assumed he would do great things. Though he never developed sorcerous powers, he still felt drawn to magic and his tribe arranged for him to study the wizardly arts. Krolmchok has long assumed that leadership was his by right, and while non-kobolds have always taken him less than seriously, he has never been shy about anouncing his coming ascendancy. Which might be why Tromk the Devourer decided that Krolmchok should assist with the expedition to the Tower of Cruelty.


Takiko: The Pure-heart
LG Kobold Paladin 2
Str 11; Dex 18; Con 11; Int 11; Wis 16; Cha 16

"Now then, that wasn't very nice. Surely we can all behave better than that."
Once one gets past the novelty of a kobold choosing the path of the paladin, one might wonder how such a kobold would ever survive in the savage Whispering Woods. Truthfully, nobody in the Caves of Carnage ever know just what to make of Takiko, though everyone agrees that trying to kill him just never seems to work. And he just seems so likable all the time. Takiko does not see it as his mission to kill his evil kith and kin, he desires rather to protect and convert them. He is convinced they only live the way they do because they just don't know any better. And if humans, elves and dwarves would just stop barging in and killing everyone the whole world would be a better place. The confusion Takiko engenders might be why Tromk the Devourer tried so hard to convince Takiko that those making the dangerous trek to the Tower of Cruelty would really enjoy his company.


Shelgot: The Competitor
CE Orc Fighter 2
Str 17; Dex 15; Con 16; Int 11; Wis 9; Cha 11

"Are you saying you are better than me? Is that what you are trying to imply?"
Though the Caves of Carnage are more open than some places than others about allowing females to advance as fighters, some women warriors still feel compelled to constantly prove their worth. Of these, Shelgot is the most notorious. Hardly a day goes by without her challenging some warrior or other in the caves to combat because she feels they have slighted her in some way, such as by existing. Sometimes she doesn't even wait to issue the challenge before wailing away at her foe with her huge flail. Tromk the Devourer has long urged her to learn how to work with others better and perhaps that is why he chose to send her on this expedition to the Tower of Cruelty. If so, Shelgot is bound and determined to be the most helpful, the most daring, the most cunning and the most skillful of the whole team. And she'll violently beat anyone who says she's not.


Ninta Tromkneice: The Confident Condescender
LE Hobgoblin Fighter 2
Str 13; Dex 12; Con 13;Int 17; Wis 13; Cha 8

"I'm not sure you know what you are doing. Maybe you had better let me handle this situation."
Ninta was born highly intelligent and she knows it. She is much less sure of the intelligence of those around her, and is not above telling them so. The fact that she is the neice of Tromk the Devourer, overlord of the Caves of Carnage, has allowed her to get away with this for years. Ninta is sure that it is her uncle's supreme confidence in her abilities which has caused him to put her amongst those chosen to undertake a very important mission to the Tower of Cruelty.

Goblin girl.png

Rida of the Red Hood: The Covetous
CE Goblin Ranger 2
Str 16; Dex 20; Con 12; Int 18; Wis 3; Cha 15

"I have a cunning plan... Ooo look - shiny!"
Rida was born at a conjunction of a lunar eclipse, a meteor shower and an earthquake. Incredibly gifted for a goblin with brains, charisma, strength and quick hands, she was also born with almost no impulse control. She is easily distracted, especially by money, and is avaricious beyond all measure. Her tendency to simply take anything shiny and hide it under her bed is well known in the Caves of Carnage. Tromk the devourer likely would have let this tendency slide if she hadn't recently borrowed his favorite hunting knife. However, now that she has come fully to his attention, he realized that she would be perfect to send on his urgent mission to the Tower of Cruelty.
note: I straight up rolled in front of 2 witnesses the following stats for this character 18, 18, 17, 16, 12, 3. We were all rather impressed.

And now my favorite....
goblin lurker (2).jpg

Night Rat: The Dark Hero
LN Goblin Rogue 2
Str 12; Dex 22; Con 16; Int 15; Wis 13; Cha 11

"I am the Rat that squeaks in the Night!
Bugbears, horses, and dogs take flight!"

Night Rat has always been quicker than all the other goblins, and just a little tougher and smarter as well. While some goblin's would have used their inborn talents to lord it over everyone else, Night Rat was born with a decidedly ungoblin sense of justice. He has worked to stealthily bring his version of justice to the Caves of Carnage, righting wrongs, burning down the bunks of bullies and generally making a nuisance of himself. Its no wonder that Tromk the Devourer thought that Night Rat might be just the goblin to send on an "urgent" mission to the Tower of Cruelty.

Among his other gear Night Rat has 2 boomerangs, silk rope, grappling hook, tangle foot bag, and smokestick.
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First Post
Now that the competition is over, I have to wonder how many have read and enjoyed the submissions. I know that myself, and I suspect other participants, even the judges, have to wonder the same. So, any lurkers want to chime in and let us know what you liked the most, what you might want to see changed in future competitions, or anything else of the sort?

I read all the adventures, as they were submitted, the first round and the last were in my opinion the best ones, though I enjoyed all of them.


I ran Easy Come last night and it was quite a bit of fun - the oddball pregenerated PCs made it especially memorable. I introduced it as "Episode 1," and finished with "And thus we come to the end of "Episode 1 of the Chronicles of the Whispering Woods," and immediately one player commented he really wanted to play Episode 2. I'll be running it at Origins, so we'll see how that goes.

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