Cute but dangerous
Round 1, Match 4 Judgement
I reread the entries several times,trying to imagine myself using the adventures for any of my groups. Which is, asides from use of ingredients, the main point for me.
Rules - In time, word count within limits for both entries.
Use of ingredients
Jumping Beetles - Both entries make equal use of this as one of the main ingredients.
Echoing Sounds - For Leaping Shimmers, the echoing sounds of the beetles mimicking sounds is slightly more relevant to the adventure. While the ticking clock in The Torment of Thornhill Manor definitely adds to the creepiness of the situation, with the mimicking beetles, a GM can do a lot more. Advantage for Leaping Shimmers.
Nightmare Clock - As expected, a central part of both stories. And I like both ideas equally. But the use in Leaping Shimmers, again, has a bit more to offer for a GM. It could be used as a continuing point for the story, whereas in The Torment of Thornhill Manor, the clock comes over as just another element of strange. The relevance of time passing differently is minimal, unless you want to have the PCs emerge in a different time than they have started in. It's also a much used element in stories, whereas the beetles spouting from the clock in Leaping Shimmers are more of a surprise. Advantage for Leaping Shimmers.
Feat of Weakness - Leaping Shimmers has two people survive due to their weaknesses, while The Torment of Thornhill Manor takes the opposite approach with Lord Thornhill succumbing to his fear of insects. Both uses were relatively weak (no pun intended), but while the survivors could have survived in either case (pink socks, dogs going after someone else) the insect fear of Lord Thornhill is much more relavant to the story. Advantage for The Torment of Thornhill Manor.
Wild Dogs - In Leaping Shimmers, the dogs only show up as a distraction for the beetles, whereas in The Torment of Thornhill Manor, they are the very reason why the hag even goes after the inhabitants of the manor. Advantage for The Torment of Thornhill Manor.
Pink Socks - A clear relevance in Leaping Shimmers,and the GM could do fun things with it. In The Torment of Thornhill Manor, they play a rather obscure role. It's not quite clear why Lord Thornhill needs those socks other than he's cold. A GM could easily add a better reason, but it makes the use of this weaker. Advantage Leaping Shimmers.
Advantage for Leaping Shimmers with a clear, very easy to read structure. It is obvious that The Torment of Thornhill Manor has more potential without word count restrictions. At times, it was confusing to figure out what's what and why.
Use in game play
Leaping Shimmers is a good, mostly linear story, which could also be adapted as insert in several parts into an ongoing campaign. Not much the GM has to think of or to keep track for, so that's perfect. The Torment of Thornhill Manor is more difficult to coordinate, but is more open to interpretation and improvisation, which is better for lots of groups (and GMs). It also has all the important poi8nted about the people in the manor. However, the adventure should be finished as-is, so advantage Leaping Shimmers.
Would my players have fun with it?
Yes,a definite yes, to both adventures. I'm going to grab them for my Halloween specials.
All in all, Leaping Shimmers has more appeal to me. Congrats Deuce Traveler!
I reread the entries several times,trying to imagine myself using the adventures for any of my groups. Which is, asides from use of ingredients, the main point for me.
Rules - In time, word count within limits for both entries.
Use of ingredients
Jumping Beetles - Both entries make equal use of this as one of the main ingredients.
Echoing Sounds - For Leaping Shimmers, the echoing sounds of the beetles mimicking sounds is slightly more relevant to the adventure. While the ticking clock in The Torment of Thornhill Manor definitely adds to the creepiness of the situation, with the mimicking beetles, a GM can do a lot more. Advantage for Leaping Shimmers.
Nightmare Clock - As expected, a central part of both stories. And I like both ideas equally. But the use in Leaping Shimmers, again, has a bit more to offer for a GM. It could be used as a continuing point for the story, whereas in The Torment of Thornhill Manor, the clock comes over as just another element of strange. The relevance of time passing differently is minimal, unless you want to have the PCs emerge in a different time than they have started in. It's also a much used element in stories, whereas the beetles spouting from the clock in Leaping Shimmers are more of a surprise. Advantage for Leaping Shimmers.
Feat of Weakness - Leaping Shimmers has two people survive due to their weaknesses, while The Torment of Thornhill Manor takes the opposite approach with Lord Thornhill succumbing to his fear of insects. Both uses were relatively weak (no pun intended), but while the survivors could have survived in either case (pink socks, dogs going after someone else) the insect fear of Lord Thornhill is much more relavant to the story. Advantage for The Torment of Thornhill Manor.
Wild Dogs - In Leaping Shimmers, the dogs only show up as a distraction for the beetles, whereas in The Torment of Thornhill Manor, they are the very reason why the hag even goes after the inhabitants of the manor. Advantage for The Torment of Thornhill Manor.
Pink Socks - A clear relevance in Leaping Shimmers,and the GM could do fun things with it. In The Torment of Thornhill Manor, they play a rather obscure role. It's not quite clear why Lord Thornhill needs those socks other than he's cold. A GM could easily add a better reason, but it makes the use of this weaker. Advantage Leaping Shimmers.
Advantage for Leaping Shimmers with a clear, very easy to read structure. It is obvious that The Torment of Thornhill Manor has more potential without word count restrictions. At times, it was confusing to figure out what's what and why.
Use in game play
Leaping Shimmers is a good, mostly linear story, which could also be adapted as insert in several parts into an ongoing campaign. Not much the GM has to think of or to keep track for, so that's perfect. The Torment of Thornhill Manor is more difficult to coordinate, but is more open to interpretation and improvisation, which is better for lots of groups (and GMs). It also has all the important poi8nted about the people in the manor. However, the adventure should be finished as-is, so advantage Leaping Shimmers.
Would my players have fun with it?
Yes,a definite yes, to both adventures. I'm going to grab them for my Halloween specials.
All in all, Leaping Shimmers has more appeal to me. Congrats Deuce Traveler!