[IRON DM] Winter '04 Tournament (IRON DM ANNOUNCED!)


Noskov said:
I don't know if I'd want to show my face, but I would just out of sheer love of the game.

No one gives a damn. In fact, by the time the game day rolls around no one's going to remember. Don't sweat it. Go have fun. That's why we're here.

3e is just like 2e, only different. I'm sure people won't mind teaching rules, and there will probably be non-D&D games there too. You can get more info in the Ohio gameday thread, since I probably shouldn't hijack this one just because Nemm is hung over. :p
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Moderator Emeritus
Enkhidu, I like the insights, but there is one thing I disagree with (thoug Wulf and I hav gone back and forth about this a few times)

Enkhidu said:
I guess what I'm saying is that writing an Iron DM entry is no different than any other sort of writing: know your audience.

I think competitors should try to write the best adventure from the ingredients that they can and not pander to the judge. That's what I do when I am a player, not a judge and sometimes I win and sometimes I lose - but no matter what I have something I can be proud of.


nemmerle said:
Enkhidu, I like the insights, but there is one thing I disagree with (thoug Wulf and I hav gone back and forth about this a few times)...

...I think competitors should try to write the best adventure from the ingredients that they can and not pander to the judge. That's what I do when I am a player, not a judge and sometimes I win and sometimes I lose - but no matter what I have something I can be proud of.

Of course your first and foremost objective in a contest like this needs to be create something that you personally like - however, I think that presentation, while not quite as important as content, plays a big role in a judge's perception. All other things being equal, presentation will carry the day.

And Noskov, look here for more Gameday info.


Moderator Emeritus
Bastards at work took a picture of me when I wasn't looking and then forwarded it around the office.

But don't worry I'll take my ire out on Dave Turner and Paka. :D


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Enkhidu said:
Of course your first and foremost objective in a contest like this needs to be create something that you personally like - however, I think that presentation, while not quite as important as content, plays a big role in a judge's perception. All other things being equal, presentation will carry the day.

I like my story for what it was...even though it was incomplete. But as an entry, I knew it would fail not only because of length and organization, but because I didn't have it in a format that was condusive to making it an adventure. I was set up as a story and that doesn't work. I ran out of time and posted what I had.

Enkhidu said:
And Noskov, look here for more Gameday info.

Found it a couple of minutes ago. Just posted before coming here.

Dave Turner

First Post
nemmerle said:
Bastards at work took a picture of me when I wasn't looking and then forwarded it around the office.

But don't worry I'll take my ire out on Dave Turner and Paka. :D
For the record, nemmerle, you don't have to use my last name just because it's in my handle. "Dave" is fine.

Now stop working and judge, you lush! :D



I clearly had the edge in three of the six ingredients and yet the judgement went to Dave. And I don't mean that I thought I had the edge. I mean you said I had the edge.

I really don't get it.

Ah well.

Good luck, Dave.
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Wulf Ratbane

nemmerle said:
Enkhidu, I like the insights, but there is one thing I disagree with (thoug Wulf and I hav gone back and forth about this a few times)

Hey, not really. We're on the same side of this argument-- I think deliberately pandering to the judge sucks. Some Iron DM competitors do it better than others.

EDIT: This is especially a problem when the judging boils down to, "Who pandered to the judge better?"

I am sad to see that it has become the "standard."

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Voidrunner's Codex

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