Iron Heroes: A Saga of Might

Dr Simon

Vela grabs the sailor from behind, cutting him off midstream.

"Mmf!" he says as she clamps a hand over his mouth, and he begins to struggle. Wade slips over the gunwhale of the ship, with Xoria following behind. Her climbing skills are less deft, and she rattles the anchor chain noisily on her way up.

Move Silently for Vela 11+9=20, beats Listen.

I'm going to assume an automatic grapple for the surprise attack, so Vela and the sailor are now grappling, with all that entails. To keep him silent, should he struggle, will need a pin check.

Move Silently 6+1 for Xoria.

On deck: Vela and Wade.
On deck next round: Xoria.
On deck third round: Olmar.

William and Clem still in boat.
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First Post
Having gotten the crewman in her grip, Vela attempts to solidify the hold, leveraging her arm across his back to get his arms out of the way, and trying to get him in a headlock with her arm over his mouth to silence his cries of alarm!

(going for the pin!)

Dr Simon

Vela solidifies her grip on the struggling crewman, muffling his cries for help. Wade pads over. Catching Vela's eye, he makes thrusting motions with his spear at the crewman with a questioning look on his face.

Xoria arrives on deck, as Olmar begins his ascent of the chain. As predicted, the big Northman is sadly lacking in stealth. You hear voices from the fo'c'sle.

Vela grapple check 20+4=24, beats crewman.

Olmar Move Silently 1+2=3

On deck Vela, Wade, Xoria.
On chain (arriving next round) Olmar
In boat Clem and William


Xoria looks carefully at the prone crewman and concentrates.

Phantasmal forces, 1 hex, image of illusion
Mastery level 1 illusion
Mana cost: 1
DC: 6
Roll 1d20+2 (Illusion Mastery 2)

If the spell works, the crew sees their compatriot walk past the entrance where they can see him. He looks down and gestures reassuringly that there is nothing to worry about.

Edit: Well, so much for that idea...
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Dr Simon

The door to the cabin under the foscle opens slightly.

"Somethin' funny goin' on out there," you hear a man say. As Olmar climbs aboard, the door bursts open to reveal two men armed with swords.

"They'd be more use ta us alive," whispers Wade to those next to him.

Vela must momentarily lose her concentration with this new chain of events, as the man in her grip wriggles her hand from his mouth.

"BOARDERS!" he shouts.

Grapple check sailor 7, Grapple check Vela 2+4=6. The man is still held by Vela but no longer "pinned".

As before, Initiative is much a case of who posts first. All PCs are now on deck (well, not William but he's been quiet for months).

Walking Dad

First Post
Defense 13 (FF13), HP 34/34, F +5,R+4,W+4; Ini +2 ; Fury Pool 0/12; DR 1d4

Olmar charges forward, swinging his pickaxe at the man.
"One less alive not hurt!"


Initiative: +2

Charging with power attack 1
1d20+6 - 1d6+6 - 20/x4


Reserve Points: 29 / 34

Pick (gripped with both hand and Power attack 1):
1d20+4 - 1d6+6 - 20/x4

In berserker rage:
1d20+5 - 1d6+8 - 20/x4

Dr Simon

Olmar rushes towards the two arrivals on deck, smashing his pickaxe through the chest of one of them who drops dead, a surprised look on his face. His compatriot drops into a fighting stance and slashes at the Northerner with his cutlass; Olmar's fighting instincts enable him to sidestep the attack at the last minute and narrowly save him from being skewered in return.

"ALL HANDS ON DECK, WE'RE BEING BOARDED!" shouts the sailor.

Olmar pickaxe attack 6+6=12, hit for 1d6+6=8 damage, enough to down the man (Sailor #2)

Sailor #3 attacks Olmar but misses.

Sailor #1 is still in a grapple with Vela

So far no-one else on deck.

Naturally, being a ship, there are all manner of ropes and barrels around for stunt shenanigans. I'll post a map as soon as I remember to get the file with the ship's map and the computer with Paintshop Pro together.


Xoria focuses her energies, and unleashes a blast of blue, actinic light against the screaming sailor.

Eldritch bolt, aiming for the sailor who just yelled:
Concentration check to cast 8+d20, against DC 15
To-hit: +4, standard ranged attack (not a touch attk)
Damage: 1d6+4
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Walking Dad

First Post
Defense 13 (FF13), HP 34/34, F +5,R+4,W+4; Ini +2 ; Fury Pool 1/12; DR 1d4

Grunting, Olmar swings his pickaxe at the next sailor.
"Other one still alive!"


Stoking Fury (gain

Pickaxe attack: 1d20+4 - 1d6+6 - 20/x4


Reserve Points: 29 / 34

Pick (gripped with both hand and Power attack 1):
1d20+4 - 1d6+6 - 20/x4

In berserker rage:
1d20+5 - 1d6+8 - 20/x4


First Post
Vela scowls and with a twist of her wrist, wrenches the sailor's arm behind him and pulls it in direction it was never meant to go.

"Be silent," she hisses at him. "Do not fight and you will be spared. We only wish to leave this city."

(Grapple check to apply standard unarmed damage, and I'd like it to be nonlethal...we'll want at least one person who knows how to work this ship alive. :))

Voidrunner's Codex

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