Is it time to corral AI threads?

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When they clog up the front page, and the conversation is all the same, then typically they’re grouped into a single thread. That way other topics can get more eyeballs. This isn’t that complicated nor is it asking too much.
The only threads that get merged are threads that are literally about the exact same product announcement or blog post/video of interest.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
How would this affect threads that are not about AI, but touch on AI? Or AI comes up in the discussion but it not part of the OP?


Mod Squad
Staff member
So, I have a question is semi-related to the on going discussion of AI, can we get a relaxation on the no politics rule in the geek media, otherwise all of the AI threads basically become "eww evil unethical capitalism, I have a replacement but I can't tell you" and I'd honestly want to know what the replacement is.

In a word: No.

In more words: We tried that once. It failed miserably. Discussions degraded exactly like one would expect, which rather proved the value of the rule.

We know it can be frustrating to not be able to discuss some matters, but it is better for the site overall to avoid those topics.
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In a word: No.

In more words: We tried that once. It failed miserably. Discussions degraded exactly like one would expect, which rather proved the value of the rule.

We know it can be frustrating to not be able to discuss some matters, but it is better for the site overall to avoid those topics.
But we can still do so via pm right? I ask because i've offered to hear folks out via PM at least under the operating theory of outside of a very few things unless reported doing a discussion via PM is okay.


Mod Squad
Staff member
But we can still do so via pm right? I ask because i've offered to hear folks out via PM at least under the operating theory of outside of a very few things unless reported doing a discussion via PM is okay.

Ask the people who you intend to PM. If they come to me saying, "This guy is harassing me, I didn't ask for this," then there's a problem

Voidrunner's Codex

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