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Is'Merith - Campaign Thread


Nature check: 1D20+1 = [15]+1 = 16

Upon closer examination of the now deceased goblin, there is no doubt in Al's mind that the creature's "shovel hands" could do some serious damage. They are pointed and hooked on the tips with some sort of bone or other calcification. The sinewy arms and tight muscle-bound body of the creature is definitely designed for burrowing. There is something else however. It's behaviour, whilst passive was certainly a little.... Well, Al couldn't quite put his finger on it [sblock=OOC]Insight at disadvantage from anyone for more.[/sblock]

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Daedarai walks warily to the corpse for a closer look. His face betrays his conflicted thoughts and guilt as he steadily avoids looking or speaking to anyone. He silently bends down to retrieve his arrow and inspect the body.

[SBLOCK=Rolls] Insight w/ Disadvantage: 1D20-1 = [9]-1 = 8
1D20-1 = [3]-1 = 2

Investigation : 1D20+4 = [4]+4 = 8

I wanted to roll Investigation to see if I could find anything that way, but luck is not on my side here.
Have a meeting in a minute, but I wanted to get this up.[/SBLOCK]


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[sblock="Roll"]Insight to guess what the goblin was communicating: 2D20.LOW(1)+2 = [19, 14]+2 = 16
Shen whips around at the sound of Alejandro's shout, and the arrow hissing through the air, and the goblin's chatter. Just the echoes through the corridors afterward are deafening. The elf is frozen, eyes wide, teeth gritted. There are probably guild folks in Is'Merith saying 'did you hear that? New guys must've blown their cover.'

[sblock="OOC"]May add more depending on check result. Also want to give Mina and Isaac time to respond before mobilizing.

For the record, excellent choice, Matthan. I have a good feeling about the kind of bad feeling I have about this. \/m[/sblock]


With the others uncertain as to why the little thing just stood there, Shen cocked her head to the left in thought, then the right... It's like it was waiting to see what we would do.

A new thought enters her mind. Two distinct barks as soon as it was noticed, then two when it was killed, was there a pattern of some kind. It's a shame she doesn't speak goblin... There was one more thing... This creature, emotionless, near as Shen could tell, seemed faaar more intelligent than it let on. It would have known it was to be killed....
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First Post
Isaac hears the creature barking, when he notices someone taking action. From the shadows he hears the faint sound of a bowstring. Before he has time to react he turns back to see the goblin laying dead on the ground. "Well if you weren't ready before you ought to make sure you're ready now. That creature was likely some sort of sentry, meaning there's likely to be more on the way." Isaac turns back ahead and prepares himself for the worst, inching his way towards the dead beast so he might examine it.

The gnome bends down to retrieve Daederai's arrow for him - he seems very taut, and Alejandro gets the feeling he wouldn't think of the practicalities down here.

He regards the sand goblin. "I haven't seen a creature like this before", says Alejandro. "And when I'm not sure of something, I like to make sure it's dead."

And with that he lifts his silvered quarter staff and bashes in its head, once, twice.


First Post
Mina had given a squeak of surprise at the sight of the goblin- even though she was walking with her bow in hand and an arrow ready on the string, she was not as quick as Daedarai, and the creature was down before she even thought to draw.

As the others examined it, she took another step away and kept watch for more such creatures. Surely it was not alone, and its call had not been unheard. Besides, watching the tunnel meant that she didn't have to watch the aftermath of the sudden violence...

[sblock] Insight at disadvantage rolls 6 and 23, so likely no further information; rolls http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=103141

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First Post
"Fellas," Shen murmurs, just loud enough to be heard by her companions; "this ain't the best position? They know we killed their guy and where we're at. Better relocate. Fast."

Not waiting a moment, Shen slips back into the darkness, fastening her weapons to her back and drawing her bow.

[sblock="OOC"]Going to run ahead of the party (35 speed), hopefully inconspicuous enough that nothing comes after me, and use arrows to cover the party's retreat if anything attacks them. If I can attack these things from stealth, my class feature will really help. I'll signal the party where to come if there's a danger of them getting lost. If things get too sticky, for them or for me, planning to use trident and lasso to control the situation and then get into melee.[/sblock]


Whether or not other sand goblins were around to try and attack Shen, they would not have had the chance to see her in the first place... [sblock=OOC] Sand goblin perception http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=103205... I assume that Shen intended to make her own perception roles, so, on her behalf, http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=103206.[/sblock]
On the other hand, as she moves swiftly through the tunnels, Shen notices the second goblin, clear as day. She noticed as she looked above a shaft that revealed a trickle of moonlight, that there was a strange blockage... A big rock, about the size of a human skull, balancing on top of a wooden beam. Next to it, with moonlight streaming on its face, sitting on a ledge, was another goblin, it had its ear facing the bottom of the mines, twitching as it listened. Shen did as she had planned, firing at the unsuspecting creature from the shadows, taking her time to line up the shot so the arrow would pierce its voice-box.

The Sand goblin fell in silence, without a grunt, knocking the stone and the plank, the two objects and the goblin crashing as they hit the ground. Shen listens and turns her head. Off in the pitch dark down a side tunnel, she hears another 3 loud grunts and momentarily sees another pair of eyes, before the creature turns and scampers down another passage.

[sblock=OOC] Another Insight for Shen, this time NOT at disadvantage. Her initial success at insight before means she is beginning to understand these creatures... http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=103207... Yes... It's like they're... Organised. They're Organised! As a group. They're using their short grunt at different pitches to convey information, almost like the thieves guild members use their funny hand shakes and arm waving![/sblock] "They're... Learning about us", Shen whispers.

With that, the barking begins. Here and there at first. Then from every direction. But they do not seem to be attacking yet. Every now and then, a pair of eyes can be seen bolting around one corner and through to another. The barking is nearly deafening and knowledge of the goblinoids numbers can not really be ascertained.... What do you all do?
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