I've introduced my 5th ed group to AD&D 2E


My group has no desire to play 2e, maybe 4e if they had to choose. Although some of them would just like to see elf, dwarf, and halfling as classes again, but more for nostalgic sake than wanting to play one again with class level limits.

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I'd kill for a nice 2e game (with the option of ascending AC), but my players are pretty much set on 5e when it comes to D&D. I think they would actually prefer 4e, but wont accept to learn the system. Oh well.

We had a lot of fun playing Beyond the Wall, tho.


I'd love to run a game if 2e or BECMI, I love those editions. We're only just now getting back into the 5e campaign after a long hiatus, so probably not worth bringing it up. I did have a time travel idea where the PCs go back in time and I just switch rule sets while giving them new character sheets, that could still be an option. Might also be a good option for something like the mindspin spell from dragonlance.


B/X Known World
They have even learned to search for secret doors and be more cautious. That sense of fear and danger, that’s the best part! It’s an adventure not just obstacles to roll over. It’s been amazing seeing them go from just brazen kick in the door super heroes to using scouting and listening etc because they know assaulting a cult filled dungeon should actually be dangerous.
That's the best part of TSR-era D&D.
And I have found a renewed passion for DMing D&D. It has been missing a long time.
AD&D is always will be D&D to me. It just feels more like an actual adventure. IMO.
Same. Followed closely by B/X.
I will simply say, maybe branch out and try the older Ed’s. If you feel you want a tad more danger and a lower power level.

There a few good 0E, Basic, 1E, 2E clones out there. Try one of those. “For Gold and Glory” is one book and has everything you need in it and is my go to when playing 2E (along side the original books as well for more monsters etc). Or “OSRIC” for 1E. These clones format the old systems into a more modern RPG book. OSRIC was a big help to understand 1E for me.

Speaking of ”all in one book” the original “Rules Cyclopedia” which covers BECMI era is great all on its own.

Most of these clones (and Rules Cyc) can be printed off DrivethruRPG for cheap. The clones I mentioned PDFs are generally free.
To add to this, if you want something in print that's actively supported, one of the best options right now is Old-School Essentials.

Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy is a B/X clone, all in one book. Check out the Rules Tome. The SRD is here. And the publisher offers a free version of the rules here.

Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy is a B/X clone...with the addition of all the classes, races, monsters, spells, and magic items from AD&D. That's split between two books. The Player's Tome and the Referee's Tome.


The High Aldwin
My older group just started a B/X game last weekend. They loved the simply character sheet, lack of features, etc. and felt they had to use their imagination more. We're going to keep playing it for a while I would imagine.

In my new group on Monday nights, one of the players has prints of the 1E books and would like to try it, but as they are all still learning 5e, that won't happen for quite some time I imagine.


Oh well, you see, the way Thieves work, they have a percentage chance to Hide in Shadows and Move Silently, based on points you've placed in those abilities, Dexterity, and Racial modifiers.

So, for example, a 1st level Halfling Thief might have 50% Hide in Shadows. You try to hide, the 50% chance is rolled- as long as you meet the requirements for the ability (and your DM isn't a monster), voila, you're hidden. Eventually, in a few levels, you can rise to 95%.

Monsters don't have "perception" as we know it, so it generally just works.

Long time 1e/2e player. Just wait until she learns just how incredibly useless a thief is. If you backstabbed every round successfully, you'd still be a bad fighter.

But, it doesn't seem like you are playing 2e anyway. You are playing 2e as you think it should be played, not as it is actually written.


Reeks of Jedi
Long time 1e/2e player. Just wait until she learns just how incredibly useless a thief is. If you backstabbed every round successfully, you'd still be a bad fighter.

But, it doesn't seem like you are playing 2e anyway. You are playing 2e as you think it should be played, not as it is actually written.
Thief isn't meant to be a Fighter, why compare them? The Fighter compared to the Thief is awful at sneaking and finding and removing traps.

By the by, she's a Kender has a 19 Dex, she can hit with her hoopak sling better than almost everyone else combined.

And your last sentence is kind of elitist, FYI.

Voidrunner's Codex

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