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Jemals School

"Aussir confused." Aussir's head peaks over the table. "Aussir just ask question. Aussir not really know world. Aussir only few years old. Not see much of world. Aussir still baby dragon. So confused. Ohhhhhh shiny!" His face furrels like he's squinting behind his goggles then grabs a fork, dives over, across and under the table ending curled up at Amaya's feet.

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Amaya moves her feet around the kobold-dragon, so as to avoid kicking him. She smiles as she speaks to him. "Don't worry Aussir. I'm confused too."


"Aye, that'd be me. If ye'd like I kin set ye up with some time and space t'ride and practice. Heck if ye'd like I kin set ye up right now, lessen ye gots someplace else ta be?" The dwarf smiles up at Keizzan, hands on his hips. "Always happy t'help someone get more in touch with th'animals."

Terrance arrives at the mall and makes his way to the stone. He is accosted repeatedly by the sights and sounds of the place, and the sheltered young man is finding it a bit difficult to take in.
"Ah I've been expecting you. First time around, looking to find your way, I've just what you need! A Stick. A finding stick, to be precise! Come young one, I've much to show you!"
Terrance turns to see a red-skinned human standing at a stall with sticks of various shapes and sizes scattered about on tables and hanging from pegs. A wide smile splits the mans face as he motions Terrance towards him.

"If I see a bear in the forest, I presume it will be a bear - that is to say, UNINTELLIGENT, and incapable of overcoming it's base drives. You ascribe that same lack of sentience to the Drow, and you will be fatally dissapointed. And if you have a problem with me, then feel free to remove yourself from my presence, else shut your snobbish mouth before I...

"DO Nothing." Arin stands and the crowd gathering to watch the brewing fight turns to see her, eyes filmed white and hair now green as she floats over the table to land beside the two.
"You will do nothing. These new students are under our protection, and you will not harm them. You know the rules against inter-class fights, the boy would stand no chance against a second year student... As you would stand no chance against a third." Her eyes flash with the implied threat.

She then continues in the language of the drow
"Leave the boy and his racism be. He will either learn or he won't. It is not your place to impose your own morality upon him. Now why don't you return to your lunch so we can do likewise."[/sblock]

The drow looks from Arin to Jamien then returns to his table as She turns back and looks at the crowd, which begins to break up.

Also, any mage types in the cafeteria:
[sblock=spellcraft DC 19] Arin just used a Suggestion spell on the drow while speaking his langauge.[/sblock]


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Although she didn't recognize the spell, Amaya knew that one had been cast. She nods her head at Arin. "Nicely done," she says.

Spellcraft: 10

"What is Racism? Is it like sarcasm?"Aussir's head pokes up between Amaya and the table. After a slight pause he snatches one of her steamed vegtables and disappears under the table again."YUCK!"

Aussir scampers away from Amaya's kick and stops by Nettle. Sniffing at the bone the wolf has been gnawing on, he gets what is proble to close to the large canine.


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"Finding sticks you say?.... but I was told no more than 30 minutes ago that this stone here could get me ANY wheres I want to go by merely thinking.. yes?... so exactly what are your sticks going to do for me that the stone can't? Tell me more about them please... the MORE than skeptical apprentice cleric utters softly seemingly not effected by the mans VERY reddened skin... Terrance might be blue around the gills.. but his parents had taught him at a VERY young age that he would meet all kinds in this world.. and depending on how you treaty them is how useful they may become to you..

[sblock=Sense Motive Check]1d20+4=13[/sblock]


"Of course it will, but what do you do if you want to find something and you're not at the mall? Or what if, heaven forbid, you can't find your way here? No sir, someone of such obviously esteemed standing as yourself doesn't need such problems. Come now, they aren't that expensive and the savings in time and hassle are well worth it, don't you doubt!" The red-skinned merchant's huge smile never wavers.

[sblock=ooc] He appears genuine. :devil:[/sblock]


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Terrance looks one way.... then the other... he still wasn't sure but his juvenile instincts were telling him this guy could be his ticket to getting ahead of everyone else.... his eyes twinkle a bit as he eyes the sticks the man has to offer and then remembers money wasn't allowed to be brought here from home... Well how much are your sticks then my fine rouge colored friend?... I mean I only ask as I have no money I was allowed to bring from home... how would one be permitted to pay for one other than coin-age?" the young man in his vestments asks the red hued 'genuine' man...

Voidrunner's Codex

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